Limitless Healing with Colette Brown

139. Practicing Mindfulness for Well-being

May 03, 2024 Colette Brown Season 1 Episode 139

Colette shares in this episode the profound impact of tuning into one's body and practicing mindfulness. Colette shares personal experiences where tuning in helped navigate life's challenges and make pivotal decisions.

In this episode Colette shares an exercise in mindfulness.  

Episode Highlights: 

  1. Being Present: Cultivate mindfulness by fully engaging in current activities, devoid of distractions or judgments.
  2. Breathing Exercise: A fundamental practice of mindfulness is breathing. Colette  guides us through a simple breathing exercise to bring awareness and centeredness.
  3. Observation of Thoughts: Recognize the transient nature of thoughts without attachment or judgment, fostering present-moment awareness.
  4. Body Scanning: Utilize the body scanning technique to observe sensations and release tension from top to bottom.
  5. Incorporating Mindfulness into Daily Life: Mindfulness extends beyond meditation to everyday activities, enhancing experiences and enriching life.

Mindfulness is a transformative practice applicable to various aspects of life, including parenting and teaching.

Sit back, get comfortable ready to learn more about applying mindfulness to your daily routine and enjoy while Colette takes you through an exercise in mindfulness.


Connect with Colette:

Instagram: @wellnessbycolette


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In Health,