Limitless Healing with Colette Brown

141. Unlocking Wellness: Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen of Vibe Science

May 13, 2024 Colette Brown Season 1 Episode 141

This podcast episode features a deep dive into wellness, healing, and transformation with guests Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen from the Vibe Science podcast. Ryan shares his story of growing up in South Carolina, heavily influenced by sports and fitness due to his family's active lifestyle. His journey through the advertising world to wellness illustrates a life dedicated to seeking alternative and holistic health solutions. Chris Hansen discusses his tumultuous path through addiction, recovery, and how it led him to a career focusing on wellness and sobriety. Both emphasize the importance of taking control of one's health, exploring alternative wellness, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit for true well-being. They share insights from their podcast interviews, specifically touching on the benefits of cannabis for health, the importance of sleep, fitness, and mental wellness. The discussion also explores personal growth through challenging experiences, the power of gratitude, and encouraging listeners to take actionable steps towards their own wellness.

Episode Highlights:

01:46 Ryan Alfred's Journey: From Sports to Marketing and Wellness
06:05 Chris Hansen's Path: Overcoming Addiction to Embrace Wellness
11:20 Discovering Impactful Wellness Practices: Insights from Vibe Science
15:51 Personal Wellness Journeys: Chris and Ryan Share Their Top Tips
21:53 The Power of Storytelling in Wellness: Favorite Episodes and Lessons
24:07 Final Messages: Love, Action, and Gratitude
27:28 Embracing Personal Wellness Journeys: Advice and Encouragement

Find out more about this week's guests at:

Instagram: @ryanalford
Instagram: @chrisbrobyhansen

Also on today's episode Colette invites in Tyler Pencek of the Real Life School Podcast sharing financial well being tips.

Podcast: Real Life School
Instagram: @tylerpencek


Connect with Colette:

Instagram: @wellnessbycolette


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In Health,

[00:00:00] I'm really excited about this podcast. We have two guests today. They host the podcast vibe science where they share those that are game changers in the wellness space. And they also take a look at making alternative wellness. That's the only alternative today. We're going to talk all things wellness.

[00:00:20] I'm excited to jump right in and welcome Ryan Alford and Chris Hansen. Welcome gentlemen. Thank you. Hey, Good to have you. And I'm really excited to talk to you. Introduce your podcast to my audience because you guys are doing the same thing. You're sharing stories of healing doctors who are helping people creating products that are making a difference in the world.

[00:00:45] so let's jump in. Let's start with you, Ryan. Why don't you just introduce yourself? Tell me where did you grow up in the world and maybe a favorite childhood memory that might have taken you on the trajectory of where you're at today? Yeah, thank you so much for having us and my pleasure to be here and to share,

[00:01:05] I don't take it for granted being asked to do these things. Thank you. If you can't tell from the accent, I'm a southern born and raised guy Grew up in South Carolina. That's where I'm at now I'm well traveled These days and have lived a number of places, but grew up in South Carolina in the upstate in Greenville.

[00:01:24] And you were sandwiched between Charlotte and Atlanta. So about an hour and a half to two hours between each. To give everyone a little geographic reference, I grew up and always was sports driven, played sports had to, middle class parents that both worked. but I will say this.

[00:01:42] I grew up with a legacy of exercise and fitness. My parents were both active. I played sports my whole life. I was not like the six pack kid or anything, but I was always tall. I'm six, five played basketball year round. but I watched my dad growing up. [00:02:00] Run five miles, three days a week, go to the gym twice.

[00:02:02] This is before there was a gym on every corner. this is, 40 years ago. And so I had a reference point and a influence. Early with health and fitness. And I have one sister who's older, Stephanie. And we both grew up and became non negotiable, workout kids, we always ran and went to the gym and it wasn't because I was always like, again, I wouldn't call myself like Mr.

[00:02:26] Dieting guy, like I'm probably still eating the burgers and the pizza, like any other kid. But I was always in the gym or running or doing something related to sports. And always had that legacy that kind of think took me to some of the places that I'm at now and had a real impact on me.

[00:02:43] So I went to Clemson as a marketing major, always been a marketing guy, went into the ad agency business, which I've been in now for 20 years. Worked on some of the largest and most well known campaigns in the world.

[00:02:55] Launched the first iPhone worked on. Can you hear me now with Verizon worked on Budweiser campaigns that you'd remember watching while I lived in Manhattan again, but always had a health drive in me. It's always the gym, always. testing new supplements. I'd probably stopped short of calling myself a biohacker, I was always trying to get the most, like a little bit of biohacking going on.

[00:03:18] Yeah. A little bit, but trying to get the most out of myself, high driving, working in stuff like that. And always felt like there was a place for me in like the supplement world or the, wellness space eventually. And I've moved back to Grand Willow to start my own agency and then have been blessed to do podcasting and Chris and I met a couple years ago and hit it off and have Grown and built a couple of entities that I know we'll talk about in the vibe science podcast.

[00:03:45] I do think that legacy that my parents and especially my dad the foundation of taking care of yourself again, when it wasn't as popular or as known as it is today really set the foundation for me and in wanting [00:04:00] to, I don't know, have an impact in that space and share my passion and my, I'm a curious guy, I'm in marketing, you're driven by curiosities and I've always been say radical for radical sake, but there's gotta be a different way.

[00:04:14] And so I think I'm always driven by that question. And when it comes to wellness, that's a great space to be curious because that's not mainstream information when you're going down the path of alternative. So that serves you well in this space for sure. Thank you. Yes, it has, and I'm excited what Chris and I are doing with Vibescience, we're trying to, shine light on the best of alternative wellness, and I think we firmly believe, and I think anyone that's paying attention or has gone through this themselves, that health and wellness is mind, body, and spirit.

[00:04:47] You can have a six pack and look wonderful. But you could be screwed if your mind's not right. So right. It's all encompassing. Exactly. Yeah. Excited to be telling that journey and to bringing insights and guests and speaking with wonderful people like you. Yeah. All right.

[00:05:05] Chris, what about you? Where did you grow up? And. Tell us a little bit about a favorite childhood memory that might've brought you to today. Absolutely. First off, thank you for having us, Colette. It's a pleasure and, just really happy to connect with other people that have the vision like us. So I grew up in Sarasota, Florida.

[00:05:23] It's interesting. Not a lot like Ryan, my family was not super active. They weren't obese or anything. We were active. I played tennis growing up and I was playing outside, but as far as my influence, my dad played squash once in a while, but the gym was never outside of sports.

[00:05:38] Something looked at as Hey, you should be doing this. And maybe it wasn't back then. It's common. I remember going to the YMCA when I was young a little bit but the opposite, I was always little, I was small. So when it got into sports, I was. Like I, I tried out, couldn't make the teams unless I was on the crew team as a coxswain yelling at people or playing tennis, but [00:06:00] even tennis, when I got to high school, like I was sized out.

[00:06:02] And so at that point, I became a little bit of a party guy in a way, which was really what led to my wellness journey, so, I had played sports, but then they dwindled and, and that's when honestly I had a bad run with Oxycontin with opioids. Wow. I was basically in and out of treatment over about five years, five different times, just battling that, and that journey.

[00:06:25] And, but that, what that instilled with me was a lot of information of healthcare, pharmaceuticals, I was exposed to that. And at first I was a big fan of it. I was in my first job led was because of my experience with drugs was with medical sales and laboratory testing. And I was even the guy that hired me, he's man, you're very well versed on pharmaceuticals.

[00:06:45] And I was like WebMD was great when I was, using drugs. So that in a way showed me that there was a problem, with the way the system operates. Cause even the way I was treated as a patient, and they want to put me on antidepressants. So I had, a first. person point of view with kind of the pharmaceutical world in my experience, and not just say that there is in times we need that.

[00:07:05] Of course there is, but, as a whole, I think, we look at some of these pain medications or even stuff like Adderall, where it's like, all right, maybe we have one a little overboard with this and we've lost our way. So that was my experience of kind of, I don't want to say chip on my shoulder, but like Ryan said, the curiosity of like, all right, I see this is what we're doing.

[00:07:23] And this just doesn't seem to work. And even after, I, sobered up and it was doing very well working with a lot of my physicians, specifically in Texas at the time, I'd walk into these doctor's clinics and I'm in the waiting room, with all the patients waiting to see the doctor and you could just feel it.

[00:07:39] Like people aren't happy. They're not healing. We're just keeping people sick in a way, at least that was my point of view. So, from that point on, I really got interested in wellness and my fitness became a big part of my journey, especially with my sobriety. That became, that's my non negotiable really was when I threw myself into working out and seeing the power of it outside of the [00:08:00] external.

[00:08:00] I'd like to ask you about the sobriety part of your journey and what do you think was the final straw for you? That helped you to get over that because I know with people that become sober, there's a defining moment. And what was that for you? That's a great question because there was times I thought I'd had them.

[00:08:19] And then, sometimes you haven't fully learned your lesson because I stayed away from the opioids, but I still was flirting with alcohol, especially when I started on external success, right? It's so normal in the business world, especially in sales and marketing to entertain. But the final straw for me was I was, it was during lockdowns.

[00:08:35] I was drinking more than I've ever drank in my life, more miserable than I've ever been, and completely isolated. And I just felt, I knew that my time was running out. I don't know how to explain that besides I just had an inner knowing you're gonna end up in prison or you're gonna die, alone. Wow.

[00:08:51] And and I did have, I've had some run ins with the law and that was always an eye opener. And, that mixed in with this time, it was just emotionally done. So I really just went cold turkey and I reached out to some friends that were sober and just some supports. And then.

[00:09:07] Honestly, long term sobriety. When I was two years sober, I went and did ayahuasca in Costa Rica. That for me was extremely powerful and healing. And that was something I debated a long time. Because I was never like a psychedelic kind of guy. It was always woo to me. But as that's been talked about and seeing friends of mine go through that process, I was open to it and that.

[00:09:27] I think for me was a big, it gave me the longevity that I never had in sobriety before. That helped me go on the inner healing, and really look at stuff that I don't even know it was maybe there. Yeah. Yeah. It makes you take a different perspective because your mind is completely out of it.

[00:09:43] Yes. I've never done ayahuasca, but I've met many people who have and the stories are so powerful. And I think to your point, you were never really drawn to it, but I think there becomes a point when you are drawn and they say it, it calls you. And that's the [00:10:00] moment that you move forward.

[00:10:01] And so I think In the similarity between our two worlds and what we're all doing together, that people are drawn to our podcasts because they're seeking something, they're seeking information. They want to know more. And. In all of your interviews and all the research that both of you have been doing, maybe Ryan, if you want to share like three things that you've found just powerful in your life that have really made a difference.

[00:10:33] We've been blessed. We've had we've done like 50 interviews and had some really amazing people. And I'll say this. It's interesting. Chris and I think are similar in a lot of ways, but have like different paths that get there.

[00:10:46] I think we're. Like both heart driven and have purpose and those things, but we came about them in different ways. But I think that's what's interesting, in this journey for us talking with people and I'll say this, like I've had myself healthy and unhealthy relationships with substances, like in my lifetime, partying in college, partying after college, like pushing the limits of things.

[00:11:12] And I think. Even myself, I put this taboo stigma on certain things because I only saw one side of them, which was the party side, right? Speaking about cannabis, speaking about mushrooms or psychedelics, speaking, about any substance that kind of has multiple paths that it can be used on.

[00:11:34] And I think I've been, curiously in my, later years and studying. These things and supplements and where, how everything's progressed and how some of these stigmas have started to fall back. But I think I've even had, I think I'm the cynic of the group a little bit, okay, a little cynical about all this stuff.

[00:11:56] And, we had Dr. Ridgeman Kaplan, on [00:12:00] our show who wrotethe doctor's handbook for cannabis, and it was like, I didn't know this. The body was literally wired to accept cannabis. We have these endocannabinoid, Chris might be able to help my spelling.

[00:12:14] Endocannabinoid receptor system. Yes, I know what it is now. I've read all about it. You got it, baby. I'm still saying it. It's ah! But having him on to talk about these receptors that we have built into our body, for accepting the effects, the different effects that the plant has on ourselves.

[00:12:31] And not all just about getting high, but pain, mental health, relaxation, all of these things. And hearing a doctor, who is as credible as anyone, I've probably ever professionally spoken to speak about this in the terms and ways that he is, all with still Recognizing the legalities and the cloud and the stigmas that exist around cannabis.

[00:12:55] It was just fascinating and enlightening. And again, with vibe science, what we're trying to do is we don't have all the answers, but what we are doing is empowering people to ask questions and to learn from themselves from really. Like credible people and Dr. Kaplan was amazing. We had Todd Anderson on who owns, 

[00:13:18] a couple of sleep companies. hearing him talk about the power and importance of sleep,

[00:13:22] and impact it has on mental health, physical health, Holistic health, the impacts of sleep and the volume of sleeps, the type of sleeps. 

[00:13:32] And I could go on and on, but those are probably two of the bigger ones. And Chris could probably touch on, a few of the others, but just again, eye opening and really hitting on my curiosity and cynicalness and then going, this is the real deal. 

[00:13:50] People will change the world and we're trying to empower people to do that. And I think these guests are really bringing it. Yeah, I think that's great. And I also want to just [00:14:00] interject for people that listen and they think it's all or nothing. But what I like to also impart is that you're going to hear something all the time and you can take away little bits and pieces.

[00:14:13] If you hear this sleep doctor go in and say X, Y, Z, you have to do this and that light exposure and like temperature and you can just do one. Maybe it's when you wake up in the morning, you go outside and look at the light so you can reset the circadian rhythm. And then the next time you hear another podcast or read another book, you might pull something else away.

[00:14:31] So it's beautiful to meet yourself where you're at because we've all been there. And I didn't come to where I'm at today. And I don't think either of you either by just jumping all in and doing a cold plunge and, being very restricted and eating and mewing and whatever else you want to add into your world.

[00:14:49] But yeah, that's, those are great. And one of my favorites was Dr flynn. And then Chris, I would like to ask you what are three things for you in your life that You found to be most impactful. Wow. That's tough. And I want to say, I love what you just said, because I think this can be extremely overwhelming to a lot of people.

[00:15:11] Even myself, you hear all these different things and all this stuff. You need to do this. You need to do that. Like you said, because I had the realization yesterday, I was talking to a buddy at the gym and I'm like, I guess I've become a fitness guy. Like I'm eating a meal plan every day. I'm that guy.

[00:15:26] And I'm like, when did this happen? Like a year ago, I was, not going to lie. I've got a little bit of sweet tooth. I've eaten Twix at one in the morning and gummy bears. So number one thing, cut those out. Keeping it real. Yeah. And I think that's I always appreciate when, we all put people on a pedestal at times and there's something when you realize we're all human, we all have our stuff, right?

[00:15:45] Everyone's doing the best we can, but for me, my top three, and I mentioned earlier fitness, the gym, I have to do that. Almost every day, even the days I should be resting, I'll go sit in a sauna and get a sweat. I think sweating honestly, too, is a [00:16:00] huge, I literally had one of those human design readings done and gene mapping charts.

[00:16:04] I don't know if you've heard of that. And the girl told me like, you need to sweat every day. That's who you are. That's how you clear your energy. And I found that to be true. So it makes us happy. Working out makes us happy. That's scientific. it's the easiest hack there is. Yeah. Honestly, anytime you're having an off day, get your heart rate up and break a sweat.

[00:16:21] And I promise you, you will feel even a little bit better after that. Yeah. So that's been a huge thing for me. I would say sauna, really. It's honestly a running joke around everyone that knows me. They're like, do you live in that? Because two times a day, once a day for sure, maybe twice, but not for me.

[00:16:40] And that's It's been a double win because that's become my time where I can sit, meditate, whatever you want to call it, just be with me, detach from my phone. So I think that kind of goes hand in hand, that alone time, that meditation, give yourself that grace. Like we're all so attached to our phones and every, all these distractions where we've almost lost our imagination.

[00:17:02] I've realized, I remember when I was young, just laying in bed, daydreaming a lot of those things. Manifest it into my real life. I've accomplished a lot of what I used to daydream about, I've realized, but now we're so connected all the time. So I'd say the fitness, the sauna, and take, just take some reflection time, take a little daily inventory at the end or beginning of your day, just make time for you.

[00:17:25] Yeah. That's powerful. And what I've seen, and I'm sure you guys have too, even within myself, is that when I needed to stop, I didn't. And I kept pushing and my body's okay, you're not going to listen. So we're going to do something for you to disable you so that you will stop and you will listen to us and you will give us a chance to recover.

[00:17:48] And so if we're not going to listen and take the time and slow down, then our bodies will create a situation in which we need to do that's another takeaway. So please listen to your bodies. If we can [00:18:00] impart anything and try to find something that resonates with you and understanding the why.

[00:18:07] And I love the name, the vibe science, because if you understand the science behind why is sleep important. And by the way, Chris, do you have a cold plunge outside of your sauna? I'm just curious. Yes, you do. I joined this specific gym because they have a sauna cold plunge right next. Okay. I, how did I know that?

[00:18:25] I don't know.

[00:18:26] We're both there. Yeah. My cold plunge was this morning and I my body craves it. It's hard, but my body craves it. And also exercise and that mental state of just relaxing and being able to listen in. And if you want to sit down and read a book. If you want to listen to a podcast, just do it.

[00:18:44] Just take that time for yourself and life will still be there. And we'll be able to show up better for those that we love in ourselves as well. So what, do you have a favorite? Episode, Chris, that you've loved, that's really stood out to you. That's a tough one. Cause there's a lot of them.

[00:19:01] There's a lot of them. And I do want to encourage people to episode with Dr. Flynn is phenomenal. I think definitely check that out if I have to pick and I'm a little biased because we've built a strong relationship. Taylor Kavanaugh is an ex Navy SEAL. That's a big fitness guy in California.

[00:19:17] Incredible story. Just been all over the world. Served as a Navy SEAL. Then he actually got kicked out of the SEALs. And then he went through a big mental health crisis. And then ended up joining the French Foreign Legionnaire. Which they'll take anybody if you pass the test. But I'm a big story guy.

[00:19:31] I love a comeback. And he just has a real heart. real intense, gnarly story. But also I think for me, it's people, it's a Navy SEAL, right? Like we can all acknowledge they're bad asses. Oh yeah. When they have to go through. When, and especially as a fitness guy where I know a lot of the battle is mental, I have an incredible amount of respect for those guys because I know how strong their minds are.

[00:19:53] But to hear guys like that also being vulnerable and talking about the mental health stuff and. Depression or [00:20:00] thoughts of suicide, whatever it is, things that we know are big issues, especially with men to have these guys that are the apex of. Badassery talk about it. I think it's giving a lot of other guys a pass to be real with themselves.

[00:20:12] I think it's empowering other men to, to say, okay, it's okay. I can talk about this stuff. I can, everyone's got problems, right? We can, I need to help each other. And Taylor, like with him, I think Chris nailed it. his willingness to be vulnerable 

[00:20:24] I was so like entranced cause I was like, he just told it in a way like you felt like you were there and it was just really so compelling. So that's why, he was so impressive to me was the way with which he made the story so digestible. And so he was amazing. Yeah. Those guests that stick out.

[00:20:43] Yeah. And. And to your earlier point of the why behind what you're doing, it's sharing those stories of inspiration because we all resonate with different people and people don't hear my message the same way that they would yours and vice versa. And that's great. And that's normal. And that's why we all need to be showing up to do what we do best in life and sharing our gifts.

[00:21:07] Chris, let me ask you first, if this was the last message that you had to broadcast out to the world, what would it be? Gosh, that's a really hard question.

[00:21:19] Well, I can't believe I'm even saying this, like we need to love each other. three years ago. I would never say it because I thought it would sound cheesy, but the world, I truly think everyone is just lacking love and understanding and wants to be heard. So I would say go out in your day and just try to bring some positivity to someone else And it'll come back to you if you bring elsewhere, but I just think it's like a chain reaction I think especially you know There's all this drama going on the world and these wars and stuff like it's enough is enough let's get As I get back to peace and love again, I can't believe it's coming out of my mouth because it's so not me, but it is you.

[00:21:55] And that is your truth speaking through you and the questions like [00:22:00] these allow you to express. And I, that resonates and that's the message that we all need to hear. And that is a truth that is very deep. Thank you for sharing that. And Ryan, what about you? If this was the last message that you had to broadcast out to the world, what would it be?

[00:22:17] Like you have one life, you got one shot. I think we sit around and we worry about a lot of things that we shouldn't worry about that stop us from living our best life. And, judgment of others, the fear of failure, and I even do it, even though I say this out loud and feel like I'm living and breathing the other end of it, but like you have to.

[00:22:43] Embrace the opportunities that you have and you got to go make your own opportunities and I'm an action guy and so like I just want to be remembered for always pushing the limits and always Not being afraid to change and go and to take advantage of everything And then have gratitude along the way.

[00:23:04] And so I think I've always had that first part. I think the gratitude for me and recognizing that I have had, who has something better than others, who has more opportunities than others, but having the gratitude and the grace to understand that, You can't do it alone.

[00:23:23] And, I have a healthy family and I have healthy kids and I have the ability to do these things. And I woke uphaving gratitude but then going and getting it done and knowing you don't get a redo. 

[00:23:35] Boarding to challenge. I love that. And gratitude is so important. And I also encourage people to do a gratitude journal where every day you just leave three things that you are grateful for, because there are those days that are really difficult because No one is without drama and chaos in their life,

[00:23:55] and that's part of what I always like to say to you, like diamonds are not [00:24:00] made in smooth sailing. It's the, through the hard times. And a tool for people just do a gratitude journal. So you can reflect on those days that it's hard to think about what you are grateful for. And then it becomes a muscle that you can find gratefulness in everything, even picking up your cell phone.

[00:24:18] I have service and communication and whatever it is. You can be grateful for it. So gentlemen, is there anything else that you would like to impart with us today? The one thing I would say that I think we touched on this, but everyone's journey is personal. What we're trying to do on this show, what we're doing, with vibe science is again, giving and empowering people to take their own health and wellness into their own hands.

[00:24:45] We've grown up where we've I feel like handed that off to someone else. When you grow up, I think as children, we put it in our parents hands, right? Our parents are taking care of us. Our parents are looking out for us. Then when we get as adults, the doctor's looking out for us. And then we hire someone or, maybe 20 years ago was the first trainers, in the gyms.

[00:25:07] Okay. They're doing it. We've always been trying to Either directly or indirectly, we've been conditioned. to not have control of our own wellness, right? And I just want to encourage people, and we want to be a beaming light for the empowerment for you to find out what parts of these things and these things that we're talking about, like you said, pieces of this and parts of that, determining what it is.

[00:25:31] But whatever you do, take control of it yourself it doesn't mean you're alone. You're far from alone in getting there. But you do have to take ownership of your own personal health and wellness. Yeah, that's such a great takeaway. Absolutely. Chris, anything to add? Piggyback on that.

[00:25:49] Don't get overwhelmed and just start just whatever you hear something draws to you. That's your Higher consciousness in my mind pulling you to something positive. Like I've been on this Pilates kick lately. It's called [00:26:00] Legree. It's a little bit more high intensity.

[00:26:01] I had a girlfriend of mine, invite me. And I was so nervous. Like I'm talking about didn't sleep good the night before. And it's a fricking workout class. But my point being is like, it's okay to feel those feelings, just commit and just go still do it.

[00:26:15] And I'll tell you, and that's become one of my favorite things to do. I go every morning, literally. It's weird because I was never a morning workout guy either, but that won't go into that one class that one day. I was now become a huge part of my life. Six, seven hours a week, I'm in this class with these people and it's become a huge not just even physically, which has been great, but mentally, I have this new little sensitive community I've built there.

[00:26:38] So when you get an invite or maybe you have an itch, go try it out. Like we need, and I was told this when I first got sober, say yes to everything. When people invite you to do stuff, get out of your comfort, go do it, go out, do, you need to explore, you need to find yourself again. 

[00:26:52] just go try new things, find what works for you. And even we said earlier, there is no perfect diet, perfect sleep. Everyone's different. Listen to your body, what you said, which I think both of you have said this and Ryan, like you said, take your health in your own hands. Pay attention to your body, listen to your body.

[00:27:07] How does it feel? The biggest advice I could ever give, sweat, workout, take a walk. Starts there, get your body and everything else follows. Yeah, and I'll, last thing I'll say about that is, I do something seven days a week, but sometimes it's a ten minute, sprints in the front, like the street in front of my house.

[00:27:26] I'll, and if I'm traveling or my schedule is off. I can't get to the gym, 10 minutes, like you, like 20 minutes, like I will just get a sweat broken. And sometimes I was doing lunges and squats in my, pushups, like pushups. But you know what, the days that I don't, and it's very few and far between that the difference in how I feel come like this time of the day, we're recording this at two o'clock, and like it's night and day and that's like my own like commitment to myself is I know I'm busy running multiple companies, have four children, [00:28:00] like I got a lot going on, but I will always commit to that 20 to 40 minutes, no matter how busy I am.

[00:28:06] Yeah. And again, you start there and then you add on and you layer on, I think some people try to go too all in on everything. Yes. And it's not sustainable, like I'm going to cut out, and I've done the keto thing. And I still believe in tenants of that, by the way, that will make in ketones and all that stuff.

[00:28:26] But okay, I'm going to cut out everything And I'm going to stick with that, no, it's not sustainable.but there are reasonable things that you can build in and then layer on. And so I think that's key.

[00:28:36] I love that. You too. It's been an absolute pleasure to be with both of you in this space. And please again, go check out their podcast, vibe science. And I will have that in the show notes and where else can people find you? Yeah. We're at vibe science dot media. 

[00:28:54] That's our website. You can get on our newsletter and of course, all of the episodes of the podcast. And my biggest channels LinkedIn for business and Instagram, it's probably my most active. I'm just Ryan Alford at Ryan Alford. Chris Broby Hanson. vibe. science for like reels and whatnot. We drop every Wednesday. So we usually put a reel up Tuesday, Wednesday morning of this, whoever we had the week prior. So check that out. Happy to connect with anyone. Yeah. Join our newsletter. Okay. Yeah. Newsletter. That's good. Get more information. Get drips of wellness.

[00:29:27] I think that's. That's really good. Thank you gentlemen, both for coming on. Everyone else, if this meant anything to you, if you grabbed a nugget somewhere, please share it with a friend and pass the information along and until next time be well.