Limitless Healing with Colette Brown

154. Cliff Meidl and Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy: From a Near Death Experience to the Olympics

August 05, 2024 Colette Brown Season 1 Episode 154

As we are enjoying the 2024 Olympics, I wanted to take the opportunity to re-air this very special episode of two true heroes. This remarkable story tells the power of positive mindset, determination and mentorship.

Cliff was operating a jackhammer when he made contact with three live electrical cables. The electric shock caused him to go into cardiac arrest and serious electrical burns and exit wounds over fifteen percent of his body with major damage to both knees. Nearly a third of each knee compartment was disintegrated.

First responders saved Cliff’s life. Due to the severe damage to both legs, doctors were recommending amputation. 

Cliff’s family found UCLA Medical Center Plastic Surgeon Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy, who devised an innovative procedure and was able to help save Cliff’s legs.

Several years later through many surgical procedures, an extensive rehabilitation process, and a tremendous amount of courage Cliff was able to gain enough mobility to walk again. 

Nearly a decade later Cliff realized his dream when he marched into the Opening Ceremonies of the Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta as a member of the USA Olympic Kayaking Team.

Cliff competed again in his second Olympics and received one of the highest honors as an Olympian. He was selected by his peers to carry the United States flag during the Opening Ceremony.

Episode Highlights:

04:49 - Meet Cliff Meidl, Motivational and Safety Speaker
06:45 - The accident that changed Cliff's life 
16:07 - Cliff's mom finds Dr. Malcolm Lesavoy
26:49 - The will, determination and hope to get through adversity
35:07 - Cliff's introduction into the Olympic kayaking sport
43:10 - "We can all get through adversities if we believe in it." - Cliff Meidl

To learn more about Cliff Meidl and Dr. Lesavoy:

Website:  Cliff Meidl
Instagram: twosparksofinspiration
Instagram: cliffmeidl
Instagram: lesavoyplasticsurgery


Connect with Colette:

Instagram: @wellnessbycolette


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In Health,