Perf Damage

Sundance Film Festival 2023 Wrap-Up | Perf Mini 2

January 30, 2023 Adam & Charlotte Season 2 Episode 2
Sundance Film Festival 2023 Wrap-Up | Perf Mini 2
Perf Damage
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Perf Damage
Sundance Film Festival 2023 Wrap-Up | Perf Mini 2
Jan 30, 2023 Season 2 Episode 2
Adam & Charlotte

To start off Season Two, this week Adam and Charlotte share their top picks from this years online edition of the Sundance Film Festival. They also tease what is coming for the new season.

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To start off Season Two, this week Adam and Charlotte share their top picks from this years online edition of the Sundance Film Festival. They also tease what is coming for the new season.

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Sundance Wrap Up


Adam: All right. Welcome back to our first episode of the New Season. 

Charlotte: Yeah, we told you we'd be back in January. 

Adam: We barely made it 

Charlotte: only because we are hard at work on a couple episodes and we don't wanna put 'em out until they're ready because. . This is a hobby. We're not getting paid

Adam: Yeah. 

Charlotte: But we're having a good time. We are. And we only wanna put out things that we would wanna listen to. 

Adam: This perf mini that we're doing right now will give us the opportunity to talk about something a little more contemporary. Mm-hmm. . . So you know, what is our, what is our topic today, 

Charlotte: Charlotte?

Charlotte: Our topic is the Sundance Film Festival from 2023. So this is the third year that Sundance has had an online pass that you could buy, and there are certain films that you could watch online. One of our Christmas presents to each other was to get the Sundance Film Festival passed.

Charlotte: So with the past we got 10 films.

Charlotte: We bought an extra one, and then one film we were actually able to see in the theater that was premiering at Sundance. So we saw it locally. So 12 films and all at Sundance this year. And we wanted to share 

Adam: just our thoughts, some of our favorites. Things to look out for. Things to look out 

Charlotte: for in 2023.

Charlotte: Films we're excited about. Maybe they'll even make our top 10 could happen. They better get 

Adam: distribution. A lot of 'em actually have. Yeah, they do. They do. Yeah. They've been picked up on. They 

Charlotte: do. Right. So wanna hear more about Sundance? Stay tuned.

Adam: All right. Let's start with, you wanna start with magazine? Sure. So brief synopsis magazine Dreams is about a bodybuilder. Who is a caretaker for his grandfather who is very, very lonely but aspires to be on the cover of fitness magazines. Hence the name Magazine, dreams Magazine Dreams. . So starting Jonathan Majors directed by Elijah Byum. Elijah Bynum's second feature, he did a movie called hot Summer Nights in 2017 with Timothy Chalamet and Michael Monroe was actually a pretty fun movie too.

Adam: Mm-hmm. This one is a heartbreaking portrait of Loneliness. And Jonathan Majors. excellent. In this 

Charlotte: film. Yeah. And you might know him 

Adam: from devotion. He was just in that world War I movie. Mm-hmm. , remember? Mm-hmm. about the the first black fighter pilot. Mm-hmm. . And he's also King the Conqueror in the Marvel movies.

Adam: So he was. Was in Loki and he's gonna be in the Ant Man movie coming up. Yeah. He's popping up all over the place right now. Mean he's, he's gonna be in Creed three coming up also. Mm-hmm. . Yeah, he's hot right now. 

Charlotte: Yeah. I have to say, I really hadn't been too impressed with his range as an actor before seeing this film.

Charlotte: Yeah. And he was excellent in this, and maybe he just, Been given the chance to, , show his range, but he did a really, really great job in this. You really felt 

Adam: for him? Yeah. I mean, he's such a sad, sad, lonely person who's just looking for some sort of connection in the world. 

Charlotte: He definitely has a hard time with social cues and reading people.

Adam: He's also just really focused too on what he's. Yeah. Singular minded. That's all he can talk about. All he knows. 

Charlotte: And he works at a grocery store. . 

Adam: He's got a crush on one of the other girls that works 


Charlotte: Not other girls, cuz he's not a girl. 

Adam: Well, on one of the girls that works there, , it's spoiler alert, he's 

Charlotte: a lady . And you just see how awkward he is with just any kind of human interaction. 

Adam: He just tries to reach out over and over again to different people, but messes it up somehow. And he's just 

Charlotte: really bad at life.

Adam: He's really 

Charlotte: bad at life. Yeah. But it's heartbreaking and because you really care for 

Adam: him by the end. He gets some bad breaks. But you know what, this is kind of fun. this is. part of what we are now going to identify as a micro genre.

Adam: Ooh, MicroGen. Yes. There is like a whole micro genre of body building films that play almost exclusively at at film festivals because they don't get distribution. The exception to that would be Bullhead. That was a pretty big film, 2011. So good. The movie Teddy Bear, we saw at AFI in 20. That never got distribution, or, if it did, it was in some very small outlet.

Adam: That movie last year we saw at Sundance Gentle about the female bodybuilder. Oh, that one was pretty good. Really, really good. Yeah. And now, Magazine Dreams and all of them have scenes from Pumping Iron. 1977 , the Schwartzenegger documentary that kind of kicked off the body building 

Charlotte: trend. You kind of have to, if you're gonna do a movie about body 

Adam: building.

Adam: Yeah. They all have Arnold on the walls. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Anyway highly recommend this film. Jonathan Majors is a real revelation in this. His body transformation is insane. Mm-hmm. hopefully coming. I have no doubt that will get picked up. All right. What do you wanna talk about next?

Adam: Wanna do shortcomings? Sure. All right. Shortcomings. Randall Park, the actor, 

Charlotte: the actor comedian, 

Adam: Directed his first feature, and it's called Shortcomings. He wrote it too, right? Yes.


Adam: The best thing about this is it's a very unconventional romantic 

Charlotte: comedy.

Charlotte: It is, it's romantic comedy. , 

Adam: but , it doesn't go the way you think it does. It plays with a lot of those conceptions of a romantic comedy. Mm-hmm. , in fact, they, they, they list them out and purposefully go against them. Mm-hmm. the whole scene when he's running to go and get the girl at the end , you know, that kind of stuff.

Adam: It all just isn't the way a normal. Romantic comedy would play out. No, 

Charlotte: And it really plays with Asian cultural idiosyncrasies a bit with what you can do in front of the, the old folks or what your parents expect of you and things like that. They play with that sort of thing and they even. Reference and sort of make fun of what? Crazy Rich Asians. Yeah. 

Adam: Yeah. There's a movie that isn't Crazy Rich Asians, but it's very much like Crazy Rich Asians and all of the people around the central character love the movie.

Adam: Yeah. They think it's wonderful. And he absolutely hates it. He's kind of an asshole that's just kind of his core character. , he's super flawed. But I mean, the dialogue is so sharp. Mm-hmm. so witty. And it's so funny, I love his best friend. Oh, she's great.

Adam: And yeah, they even play with the concept of the, the gay buddy \ and she ends up doing things that you don't think she's going, , to do. I don't wanna give anything away. Yeah. I'm being purposefully vague. 

Charlotte: Yeah. She is one of my favorite lines in the movie. . She said, just because I'm a hypocrite doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Adam: Right. ? Yeah. That was a great, that was a great line. 

Charlotte: The writing is really good. Great. First feature film. 

Adam: His voice comes through the central character's definitely some version of Randall Park. Yeah. Because he's so sarcastic and witty. Mm-hmm. It's not a character you see that often in.

Adam: not as the lead. Not as a lead character. Yeah. Right. 

Charlotte: If you get a chance to see it. Shortcomings. 

Adam: I have a feeling this will definitely be picked up as well. Yeah. 

Charlotte: With the star attached to it. It's what, 90 minutes? Yeah. You got 90 minutes. Give it a go. 

Adam: Yeah. Shortcomings. Look for it.

Adam: All right, next up uh, let's do Infinity Pool. Okay. This is the one that wasn't part of the past, but it had a limited engagement two days after it premiered at Sundance. So we'll just talk about it in the Sundance frame. 

Charlotte: Yeah, we saw it as part of Sundance because it was in the middle of our watching, so, you know, we'll count it.

Adam: So this is Brandon Cronenberg's new film. That is David Cronenberg's son. This is what his third film he wrote and directed his third feature. Yeah. After antiviral 2012 and Possessor 2022. The fact that we got this one so quickly after possessor is exciting. So what do we say about this great sci-fi concept.

Adam: Really. . Well, this 

Charlotte: film reminded me of Triangle of Sadness a lot. Yeah. 

Adam: I would say it's definitely conceptual sibling two, both triangle sadness and the menu. Mm-hmm. that which were also very, yeah, it's 

Charlotte: related. It pokes fun at the 

Adam: The Uber, Uber elite. Yeah. That, you know, they live by their own set of rules 

Adam: so the core concept that that in this fictional third world country that they're staying in, if you commit a crime, it is punishable by death, but there's a caveat.

Adam: If you're rich enough to pay for it, they will provide a, a double exact double, a duplicate human being. They will create a double of you. and that person is executed while you watch in your place. 

Charlotte: And they don't explain how the doubling is made, which I liked because we don't really need to get. . 

Adam: Yeah. I thought that was really cool. It is a sci-fi concept that just serves to tell a greater story mm-hmm.

Adam: to explore a concept or idea. Brandon Kronenberg seems to be in that Panos cosmos area right now where he'll take a really good concept and just not explore it fully. He'll get kind of sidetracked on trippy visuals. Mm-hmm. . and so the, the storytelling actually takes a backseat where his dad never did that.

Adam: His dad, he would do trippy visuals and things like that, but it was always the story 

Charlotte: first. His father is David Kronenberg, who did the fly, 

Adam: the brood existence. He's the king of body. Horse, yes. Crash shive. So yeah, really kind of intriguing concept. They play with it a little different than both the menu and triangle sadness also has a bit 

Charlotte: of white lotus ness into it.

Charlotte: Mm-hmm. second season of that just because of the resort aspect and some of the, the characters and 

Adam: the way they treat the staff. So, yeah. Yeah, definitely worth your time. Go and see it. I think it's that sort of thing. Theaters right now. . It's a challenging film. It's not a 

Charlotte: film for everyone.

Charlotte: Certainly not . So, see the trailer. If you like the trailer, you know, go see it. Not that I need to tell you to do that. , 

Adam: we wouldn't be mentioning if we weren't recommending it. So, yeah, 

Charlotte: yeah, pretty good. I didn't love it. I liked it. 

Adam: All right, so let's do cat person next. Cat 

Charlotte: person. Yeah.

Charlotte: Which you keep calling Cat people, 

Adam: not cat people. I really wanted to call it Cat People, but I actually wrote it on a piece of paper so that I didn't mispronounce the name cat person. This was one that was a real surprise for me directed by Susanna Fogel, who directed the Spy, who Dumped Me. She wrote book.

Adam: And she directed episodes of Utopia and the Flight Attendant. 

Charlotte: And it stars Amelia Jones who was in Coda, which was at Sundance in 2021. Went on to win 

Adam: Oscars. I remember you had the pass and I was working that time and I came home and you had just finished Coda and you were like, this movie is amazing. You have to watch it. Yeah. , you were like, this might win the Academy Award.

Adam: And then it did. 

Charlotte: Yeah. That first year, 2021, the Sundance online thing, you ended up having to work , so you didn't get to see 

Adam: a lot of the films. Yeah, I think I only saw like eight films.

Adam: You saw so many. I saw 

Charlotte: 31 films in four or five days. Yeah. I was so jealous. I was getting up. 7:00 AM staying up until midnight watching this stuff. Yeah, I was going crazy. 

Adam: But they were doing a different system than they they have right now. 

Charlotte: Yeah. You had to start it within, a certain time, within a window, and then you had to finish it after you had started it within a window.

Adam: Yeah. So if the movie premiered at seven, you would have to start by 9:00 AM Otherwise it would go away. 

Charlotte: Yeah. There was a. Tricky scheduling. Yeah. Involved. And I have to stay and watch this tonight, or I can't watch it. This year was a little different. They just unlocked them. And you had between the 24th and the 29th of January to watch 

Adam: all the ones film that you'd Yeah.

Adam: You had tickets for, which was nice. It was really 

Charlotte: nice. Yeah. Flexible but cat person, 

Adam: back to a cat person. 

Charlotte: The synopsis on this one, college student, Margot meets 33 year old Robert at the movie theater where she works after a casual flirtation at the concession stand. They carry on conversations through text as their perceptions of each other, collide of spiral out of. This one was a really different take on 

Adam: contemporary dating, I think this is a really balanced look at sexual power dynamics in contemporary dating.

Adam: Absolutely. 


Adam: Which is , a really refreshing. take cuz you usually get it from one side or the other. Right. 

Charlotte: And the story is being told from Margot's point of view. So as things are happening on her date, maybe she decides she doesn't wanna do something or maybe she does.

Charlotte: Her mind appears as her talking to herself and she's kind of, oh, do I wanna do this? Do I not wanna do this? 

Adam: They'd set up her mind that way throughout the film, ] when she's scared, she imagines these craziest scenarios play out and you see them, but they're not reality.

Charlotte: Yeah. She's in a car with a guy driving and then she just imagines that he looks at her and locks, you know, goes to kill lot and yeah. But then it cuts back and he's just driving the car. So you keep going into her mind and seeing all these things play. But the good thing is you're not quite sure if what she's being scared of is real, , or justified.

Adam: She has a, a close friend who's a super feminist who drives her fear mm-hmm.

Adam: \ I really enjoyed Cat person though. That was a real surprise.

Charlotte: Yeah. I think the film really encourages discussion too. Mm-hmm. . 

Adam: Yeah. I think we watched the q and a afterwards and Susanna Fogel said that we've gotten to a certain point now of discussion. It's now time to kind of expand that discussion to other points of view and to talk more about sexual dynamics.

Adam: Mm-hmm. . 

Adam: This is kind of a fun thriller that kind of builds mm-hmm. Tension throughout. So highly recommend Cat. 

Charlotte: Studio Canal I think already picked it up. Right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure.

Charlotte: So this one will definitely 

Adam: get released. Already has distribution, so look for it. Yep. Cat person. All right. Let's talk about our favorite movie that we watched. Yes. Our 

Charlotte: favorite Scrapper 

Adam: Scrapper. directed by Charlotte Reagan. See 

Charlotte: directed by a Charlotte. So, it's quality sign right there,

Adam: Yeah, , I looked her up because I loved the movie so much and saw that she started directing when she was 15. Oh, wow. Yeah. And she directed music videos for local rappers that were in the area. She grew up in the projects. Mm-hmm. . And now she's directed over 200 music videos in shorts.

Adam: Oh wow. Isn't that crazy? 

Charlotte: Well, it comes through because this is really competently directed and 

Adam: her, this is her feature debut. Yeah. Her confidence is all over 

Charlotte: the film. Well, she's got what, a 12 year old kid and, and most of the movie are kids.

Charlotte: Mm-hmm. . And I think it takes a real talent to be able to connect with kids and direct them. , to get a good performance out of him. Steven Spielberg's, somebody who knew good, really 

Adam: good at that. Very, yeah. But this, this little girl is insanely good. She's so strong and 

Charlotte: confident. Yeah. I can read the synopsis on this one.

Charlotte: , Georgie is a dreamy 12 year old girl who lives happily alone in her London flat but when her estranged father turns up out of nowhere, Georgie is forced to confront reality.

Charlotte: The little girl's mother died before we start the film. She had cancer, and this little girl is living by herself in an apartment pretending like she's living with an. So everybody 

Adam: in the projects that she lives in thinks that , her uncle's there living with her.

Adam: Some people know. Yeah. Well or suspect anyway. Yeah. And then she has the local grocery store kid record his voice saying different things so when the social services people call, she plays back little snippets from the recordings.

Adam: Like, thank 

Charlotte: you . . 

Adam: We're having spaghetti . This film is poignant. It's funny. It's incredibly well acted with real characters. Mm-hmm. wholly realized characters. 

Charlotte: Yeah. It's a father-daughter. of the two of them trying to connect.

Adam: Yeah. She has never met her father? 

Charlotte: So he comes back and tries to assume the role of adult and. Doesn't wanna be adult.

Adam: doesn't really need an adult. She takes care of herself really well. 

Adam: What else do you wanna say? It was really good. It was good.

Adam: Yeah. I, this is a . movie. I have a feeling will not get major 

Charlotte: distribution. Yeah you're probably right about that, which is unfortunate because it's really good, but I think it would be a hard film to market to mass audiences, although it is perfect. 

Adam: everybody. Yeah. It hits all of the boxes.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think this is one we wanna put on your radar, cuz you'll probably have to seek this film out to see it. 

Charlotte: Because it's from a kid's point of view, most of the story, there's fun little things in the film too. Like talking spiders, . Yeah. , there's cute little things like that, but also it's this tough 

Charlotte: little punk girl from the projects 

Adam: Yeah. That steals bikes and sells them to make money to pay the rent. . Yeah. She's great. She's absolutely great. Yeah.

Adam: , put that on your radar. Look for it. Our favorite film from Sundance. Favorite movie that we saw, 2023. We'll mention some of the other ones. You saw a documentary called Kim's Video about. , the largest video collection in the us that was in New York. Mm-hmm. . And then 

Adam: it ended up going to Italy. Mm-hmm. . And it was supposed to be housed in, like enjoyed by everybody. But they siphoned off all the money that they got for this project and that, and then through all the videos in like a storage area. Mm-hmm. , so this guy tracks it all down. Yeah. It was interesting.

Charlotte: We also saw another documentary on Little Richard called Little Richard. I Am Everything, 

Adam: it'll be available on HBO eventually 

Charlotte: here. It was about more than just little. . , I didn't feel like he was the main focus all the time and there's a lot of stories that were mentioned but not explored that I would've liked to have seen or explored.

Adam: Yeah. Some of the, the people that he found and mm-hmm. and worked toward and helped early on their careers. Yeah. Other than the Beatles, which they mentioned big time. Yeah. In there. , you know, it's worth seeing, especially if you're a fan of his music. Mm-hmm. , which, you know, had lots of good music there.

Adam: Yeah. We learned a couple things. We did. We, we did Tutty Fruity. Tutty Fruity. Well, I'll never hear that the same way again. You won't. All right. We also saw a movie called Onyx, the Fortuitous and the Taliman of Souls which is 

Charlotte: as ridiculous as it sounds. 

Adam: Yeah. It's based on a series of YouTube shorts that got popular.

Adam: This character Onyx. . He's like this fast talking kind of shy character. And this is his feature debut. He was probably the worst part of the movie personally. Yeah. 

Charlotte: It's a character who ends every sentence like 

Adam: this, I don't know, 

Charlotte: which. after what? 90 minutes 

Adam: gets a little, gets a little old.

Adam: Although it's fun. I mean it is fun. Has though, has uh, Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs show up in it? He does. So it's really fun that way. It also has a lot of physical effects in it, which are cool. Mm-hmm. . Big monsters and things like that. So, you know, it was a fun film. Onyx was the hardest part to get through in the film.

Adam: Yeah. 

Charlotte: If you're a fan of what we do in shadows and that sort of humor, it's very, yeah. Very on 

Adam: par with that. Yeah. 

Adam: Onyx, the fortuitous and the taliman of Souls. 

Charlotte: Yeah. Another one we saw was bad behavior. that had Jennifer Connolly in it.

Charlotte: And that one was directed 

Adam: by 

Charlotte: Alice Inert, who is an actress. 

Adam: Yep. She was in that TV show you were watching. She 

Charlotte: was in Danger Liaisons. Yeah. Was anybody else watching that? I didn't get to see the finale and Stars took it off their platform. . What? What the heck? Hey, there's some of us out there.

Adam: It's part of that Wonder Brothers thing. They took it off. Yeah. 

Charlotte: Yeah, I was watching a show. Christmas came, I was distracted. I didn't see the finale. I went to watch it. They took it within a week. The whole series 

Adam: off. Yeah. Was it the only episode you missed was the last one? Yeah. Oh, man. That 

Charlotte: sucks. Yeah, it does suck.

Charlotte: Yeah. . Anyways, she was in that, she was one of the stars of that, she's in this film too. Bad behavior. She's not the, the main character. 

Adam: It's kind of a two-hander though. Mm-hmm. , it's direction. Jennifer Connolly and her, and they're, they play mother and daughter. Yeah. 

Charlotte: It's a little mother daughter drama.

Charlotte: Not as good as everything everywhere. All 


Adam: once. No, not at all. They advertise it as a comedy. It is not a comedy. There's very little funny about that film. 

Charlotte: Yeah, I agree. . 

Adam: But, you know, good, good acting confidently made incompetent. Competently made . It's like a backhanded compliment. We watched a movie today called Heroic.

Adam: Yes. Which was really good actually. Was about a guy being hazed in the Mexican army. Military. Yeah. In the military. Really well acted. Harrowing experience. This guy. Yeah. Kind of a 

Charlotte: small story, but 

Adam: Yep. Very small story, but really well done.

Charlotte: We also saw theater camp, which is a comedy about a, just like it sounds a theater camp. Mm-hmm. . 

Adam: So Will Ferrell 

Charlotte: produced it. Lots of singing kids, and this already sold lots 

Adam: of drama. So this will get distribution. So. . 

Charlotte: It's a comedy. Yeah, 

Adam: it's definitely a comedy. Yeah. It's definitely kind of got that Will Ferrell.

Adam: Wink, wink. You know, we're making jokes type of thing. Yeah. These are jokes. These are jokes. Folks laugh at these jokes, folks. These are jokes. 

Charlotte: But if you're a fan of, the glees and the pitch. Perfect. It's along those lines. Yeah. A bunch of 

Adam: wacky characters. Yeah, it was cute. Yep. Cute. And then, what was the last one?

Adam: Sorcery. 

Charlotte: Sorcery. Yeah. Which was the final one We. Yeah, 

Adam: it was a kind of a full core, super tiny, full core story that moved this place island 

Charlotte: off of molasses. Yeah. Kind of a revenge 

Adam: story, but there's no real payoff. Hey, don't, , that's not a spoiler. It's just, it's, there's no real payoff in that film at all, ever.

Adam: Yeah, it 

Charlotte: looked really pretty. Yeah, it was very nicely shot. Acting was good. Acting 

Adam: was really good. So those are the other films we saw. Mm-hmm. overall, I thought this was a really good Sundance. 

Charlotte: Yeah. Last year we didn't see a whole lot of stuff that we were really impressed with. Yeah. I think my favorite thing from last year was a short 

Adam: and dual.

Adam: Was really good too. Yeah. I think that was our favorite one last year. That's, that's available. Yeah. It's on Hulu now. Yeah. Yeah. Dual. Yeah. Would highly recommend that one. That one was fun. Yeah. Comedy 

Charlotte: sci-fi. Comedy sci-fi. . Yeah. So hopefully Sundance does this again next year. 

Adam: They keep threatening not to.

Charlotte: Yeah, they weren't gonna do it this year. Yeah. But hopefully it was. big enough. There was only one film that we really wanted to see that we couldn't get tickets to, and that was fair play. But that was sold, that was the biggest 

Adam: seller, biggest Sundance sale out of Sundance this year. 20 million to 

Charlotte: Netflix.

Charlotte: Yeah. So that is definitely gonna get 

Adam: released. So, yeah. We'll, we'll all have a chance to see it shortly. Yeah. But that's a thriller 

Charlotte: too. A thriller. And it sounded so good, , but we kind of screwed up and picked our tickets a little too. 

Adam: Oops. Yeah, we kind of lackadaisical on the the dates, so, yeah.

Adam: Yeah. Whoops. . So it's okay. We got a lot of 

Charlotte: good films though. We did. Yeah, we did. I'm very happy with it, and I love all these online film festivals that are happening. That is the best thing that happened from the pandemic, is that a lot of these went online. Yeah. . Look, I love seeing films with an audience, with people, but I just can't get to Sundance.

Charlotte: Yeah. Well, I 

Adam: mean, park City's expensive. It's, yeah. It's hard to get into these things. Yeah. Even with passes and so, so 

Charlotte: being able to participate, even if you're not there, but you love cinema, is great. 

Adam: Yeah. I think it's a, an experience that they should continue for, for the people that can't make it out there.

Adam: Yeah. and again, like not everything is available. But you get the opportunity to see these things early. You can talk 'em up to your friends. Mm-hmm.

Adam: you know, I think it would probably drive business. 

Charlotte: Yeah. So friends scrapper. Yeah. Number one pick scrapper our top, top pick. So shortcomings was probably second. . 

Adam: Yeah, shortcomings and magazine Dreams were both really very, very, very solid. Yeah. That's a good top three. Yeah. Those would, that would be, I really like Cat Person too.

Adam: Yeah. I was surprised by it. All right. Top 

Charlotte: four, . Those were top 

Adam: four. Yeah. The ones that we focused on. Those were the ones we liked. Yeah, we liked him. Could you tell ? 

Charlotte: All right. Well 

Adam: anyway, we just kind of wanted to pop in. We wanna talk about Sundance. Yeah. 

Charlotte: Thanks for tuning back in. , we said we'd be back.

Charlotte: We're back. Yeah. We got some good stuff coming 

Adam: up. First. Full episode is next week. So, so stay tuned for that. Yep. 

Charlotte: We're gonna. Do our 2022 wrap up, which we were originally gonna post this week, but then we thought, Hey, let's do a little Sundance thing just to talk about something that just happened.

Charlotte: Yeah. And it's more timely. Yeah, because Sundance was, the online portion was January 24th through 29th. Yep. So when we post this, that was, what, three days ago? Yep. Two days ago. Yeah. 

Adam: So anyway, thanks for joining us this week. 

Charlotte: Yeah. If you wanna get ahold of us, same email as last year. , what is it? Oh, perf . I'm just kidding.

Charlotte: Perf damage podcast You can send us a note on Twitter. We are at perf damage. 

Adam: And let us know if you saw Sundance movies. Yeah. Which ones were your 

Charlotte: favorites. Yeah. If, if we missed something that we need to be on the lookout for. Cause we like watching movies. Yeah. And there were 

Adam: a lot of them available that we didn't get to see.

Adam: So 

Charlotte: Yeah. There, there weren't a line. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well thanks. 

Adam: Yes. Thanks for joining us here on On Damage.