Cancer Lads

"This is me!" interview with Philly from Testicular Cancer UK


Philly from Testicular Cancer UK contacted me for an interview to share my story on their website and YouTube channel. As always, I am more than happy to share my story to raise awareness as much as I possibly can. 

Philly is an incredible asset to men with Testicular Cancer. He has time for everyone and is super knowledgable about treatment and side effects. I will never forget him calling me after treatment and giving me the uncensored, reality of life during/after TC. He is as real as it gets and we often get left in the dark with what to expect and what problems may occur. We need more men like Philly going out of their way to support others just because he doesn't want anyone else to be left how he was after treatment. He was  left to go back to reality, with questions unanswered and feeling like crap without any support or advice. Thank you Philly for everything you do for men with TC!