On Your Lead

|After Action| Redefining Happiness: How Steve Found Contentment in Serving Others | Ep 88

November 01, 2023 Thad David
|After Action| Redefining Happiness: How Steve Found Contentment in Serving Others | Ep 88
On Your Lead
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On Your Lead
|After Action| Redefining Happiness: How Steve Found Contentment in Serving Others | Ep 88
Nov 01, 2023
Thad David

What if the key to happiness lies not in our personal accomplishments, but in serving others? In this debrief of our last interview with our guest, Steve from Hives for Heroes, knows this concept all too well. As a former marine, he had achieved traditional success— a loving family, financial stability, a fulfilling job — but he wasn’t truly content until he shifted his focus towards serving others. This profound change not only enriched his life but also brought about an unparalleled sense of joy.

Our conversation explores this transformative idea of success as we ask: Who are you serving? We ponder over the concept that real fulfillment originates from helping others, not merely from personal gains. We delve into the journey of this podcast, its evolution towards celebrating the achievements and stories of others, and the joy it has brought us. This episode is a clarion call to reevaluate your definitions of success and happiness. Are you truly helping others, or is your focus self-serving? Tune in for some powerful insights that could potentially alter your life.

Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

Thanks for listening!

Show Notes Transcript

What if the key to happiness lies not in our personal accomplishments, but in serving others? In this debrief of our last interview with our guest, Steve from Hives for Heroes, knows this concept all too well. As a former marine, he had achieved traditional success— a loving family, financial stability, a fulfilling job — but he wasn’t truly content until he shifted his focus towards serving others. This profound change not only enriched his life but also brought about an unparalleled sense of joy.

Our conversation explores this transformative idea of success as we ask: Who are you serving? We ponder over the concept that real fulfillment originates from helping others, not merely from personal gains. We delve into the journey of this podcast, its evolution towards celebrating the achievements and stories of others, and the joy it has brought us. This episode is a clarion call to reevaluate your definitions of success and happiness. Are you truly helping others, or is your focus self-serving? Tune in for some powerful insights that could potentially alter your life.

Contact Thad - VictoriousVeteranProject@Gmail.com

Thanks for listening!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to this week's after action, where we take a deep dive into the interview that we just had and we just had an interview with hives for heroes. Steve him and as and what an interview. He's an incredible person, incredible marine. I absolutely love the things that he has going on. One thing that he said that really stood out to me among the many. I definitely recommend Go check out his full episode there doing some incredible things over there. Where it can benefit you, can benefit other veterans, and it just benefits everyone on the planet in general.

Speaker 1:

And the one thing that he said, though, is in his life, that he was really successful. He had a lot of good stuff going for him after he got out of the marine corps, and he was quote unquote really successful. Yet all of the all the box checked family, kids, great job, very financially successful and yet you didn't find himself as happy. And it wasn't until he started focusing on a different type of success that things started to click for him. You know he was really focused at that time on Having the validated success where everybody looks at you working hard, moving all the numbers and just being quote unquote successful. But it wasn't until he switched his mind set and started serving others, that the definition and the outlook of success really changed, friend, and that's what I want unpack and just talk about now, because I think a lot of times, a lot of people that are unhappy in their life or they feel like they should be happy, like they should have everything going, and really big question is who are you looking to serve right now? Are you looking to serve yourself or Are you looking to serve other people? Are you looking out for who you can benefit, who you can be of service to, or are you looking at how they can help you and what other people around you can do? Because I create a different outlook, creates a different focus point, and this he pointed out in that episode. You know, if you're constantly showing up for other people, if you're constantly serving other people, you have to show up, you have to do the right thing and, on top of that, at the end of the day and this isn't the reason to do it when you're of service of others, when you're serving other people, you get far more joy and life by doing that.

Speaker 1:

And that great example which is on this podcast jumping in here, I never wanted to do originally. I never thought that I was going to do interviews. It wasn't something that I thought that I was going to do, and I think a big piece of it was just because I wanted to be able to share content, share knowledge, share things that I've learned along the way. And one thing that has been a huge shift and that level of thinking is just how much I enjoy interviewing other people that are doing great things. It brings me a ton of joy to be able to jump on and share their story, to be able to just put them up on a pedestal and Hear all the amazing things that they're doing with their life, and the same thing applies right now with the point that Steve brought up is that when you're serving other people, when you're focused on being of service to others, you're going to get that same joy and gratitude, but it also makes it easier for you to show up each day, and so that's definitely for me.

Speaker 1:

My big takeaway from this entire episode, from this entire walkthrough, is taking a moment to sit back and consider. What are you focused on in life? What, right now, are you focused on? Where is your mindset? Are you focused more on helping other people? Are you looking at who around you can you help, or are you looking at yourself what do you need? And oftentimes you find, once you make that switch and I've heard it time and time again from Steve to several other people that the moment they switched and started focusing their outlook on other people, how they can be of service to others, they all of a sudden got the joy and happiness that they were seeking all along.

Speaker 1:

And so I definitely challenge you, I encourage you to look at what is your current definition of success. Are you looking at it from the stance of how can I be happy, what can I get, what are the things that I need? Or are you looking at how can you help others and again, I'm not saying anybody's in a selfish space. I want to make sure that we're not being off putting, we're not putting anybody in a weird space with this Just simply looking at what are the things that are driving you each day.

Speaker 1:

Is it internal success, looking at what you can do for you, or is it what are you doing to help other people? How are you helping to serve other people? And if that becomes your focus, I can almost guarantee that you will find the joy and happiness that you are in fact seeking in your life, because once you start brightening other people's day, there's no greater joy. There's no greater joy in this world than helping somebody else achieve the things that they want. And so that's my challenge for you Step in, look at where your service is lying. Is it self-serving, are you looking out what you can get for yourself, or are you looking at how you can help other people? Because once you make that switch, I can promise you life is going to change Until next time.