Open Up

214: Transcending Your Limitations, Stepping into Your Power and Bringing Your Soul's Desires into Being

May 21, 2024 Kristina Licare
214: Transcending Your Limitations, Stepping into Your Power and Bringing Your Soul's Desires into Being
Open Up
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Open Up
214: Transcending Your Limitations, Stepping into Your Power and Bringing Your Soul's Desires into Being
May 21, 2024
Kristina Licare

Hello beautiful humans!

And welcome back to the Open Up podcast.

In this episode, we’re talking all about the difference between traditional, ego-based manifestation and what I like to call… conscious creation!

We’re diving into:

  • How to access your inner power by transcending limiting beliefs, emotions and conditioned mind patterns
  • What it actually means to be an energetic match to your soul’s desires 
  • What you need to start doing to become more of your highest self

Ready to transcend your limitations and step into your power so you can create the deeply fulfilling, wildly expansive life your soul is craving?

Click here to learn more about my signature program, Becoming a Conscious Creator.

Follow me on IG:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Hello beautiful humans!

And welcome back to the Open Up podcast.

In this episode, we’re talking all about the difference between traditional, ego-based manifestation and what I like to call… conscious creation!

We’re diving into:

  • How to access your inner power by transcending limiting beliefs, emotions and conditioned mind patterns
  • What it actually means to be an energetic match to your soul’s desires 
  • What you need to start doing to become more of your highest self

Ready to transcend your limitations and step into your power so you can create the deeply fulfilling, wildly expansive life your soul is craving?

Click here to learn more about my signature program, Becoming a Conscious Creator.

Follow me on IG:

Hello, beautiful humans, and welcome back to the Open Up Podcast. How are you? I hope that you're having the most peaceful, magical, and delicious day wherever you are right now. [00:01:00] And, you know, I love just tuning into that idea. Like, where are you right now in the world? Are you at home? Are you going for a walk?

Are you going on a road trip? Are you at an airport? Are you Like on a back porch, watching a sunset somewhere. Like it lights me up just thinking about being in connection with you and just. joining you on your own path, wherever you may be. So today I've got a really special episode for you coming up that I repurposed from an Instagram live that I did last week.

And this is all about what it actually means to be an energetic match to your soul's desires and what that looks like. On a daily basis, because like a lot of things in the personal development space, the leadership space, the manifestation space, being an energetic match is something that kind of feels like this floaty airy fairy concept, uh, to me, um, outside of my own understanding [00:02:00] and for a lot of my clients.

So I'm hoping that this transmission will support you in Understanding it from a really simplistic point of view so you can start making the positive changes that you desire to your level of consciousness in the present moment. And speaking of making positive changes to your level of consciousness, I want to let you know that right now.

Becoming a Conscious Creator is on sale for 65 freaking percent off, which means that when you join right now, you are getting Becoming a Conscious Creator for $2, 222 off of the regular price. And just saying that out loud sounds insane. Like that's just, and it is insane. And so I'm really excited to offer this to you.

And I'm so happy for everyone who's been joining already inside. Like it makes me just light up like a freaking Christmas tree seeing the notifications coming in. And I want you to know that when they do come in, I'm feeling so deeply this joy. [00:03:00] Like I, I read the name and I feel it. And I'm like, yes, Meredith, Melissa, Amy, John, George, like whoever just sending you so much love and gratitude.

And just, Giddiness and excitement, because I know that it's going to change your life the way that it has changed my life, the way that it's changed thousands of my clients over the years, and the way that, you know, I really intend to create this impact through this work. If you don't know about what Becoming a Conscious Creator is, if this is your first time tuning in, Becoming a Conscious Creator is my signature program where I walk you through Truly step by step, how to transcend your limitations, step into your power, and deliberately shape and create the life your soul is craving.

So if you know in your bones that you've barely scratched the surface of what's truly possible for you in this lifetime, and you're ready to turn up the heat, to collapse time from where you are right now to where you know you were always [00:04:00] meant to be. In life and in love and work with money everywhere in between.

The 65 percent off link is in the show notes and I can't wait to see you inside. And last but certainly not least, I am offering 200 off to any and all of my programs, including Becoming a Conscious Creator for those who are really loving and adoring this podcast and who want to spread the word by rating and reviewing the show.

And if you do want to do that, all you need to do to get the 200 off coupon, again, for whatever program feels aligned with you. Just got to send a screenshot to me and my team at Christina LaCarrie on Instagram and we'll send you the coupon. All right, loves. That's it from me. Let's get into the episode. 

Hello, hello, hello, beautiful humans. Oh, come on in. I am so excited to chat with you today all about what it [00:05:00] actually means to become an energetic match to the deeply fulfilling wildly expansive life that your soul is craving and why I am really feeling lit up to talk to you about this today is because This is probably the most common question that I get asked in my DMs, in my programs, in my private mentorship, in my comments, through my podcast, to my emails.

Like, people want to know, like, what does that actually mean? Because there are so many conversations happening in the personal development space, in the leadership space, in the manifestation world around this topic. But so many people have different perspectives on it. And I want to share mine because Understanding this and knowing how to actually implement, embody it and apply it to my life has transformed my life in every area.

So incredibly naturally and massively that I want to bring crystal clarity around [00:06:00] this conversation and topic for you now and here. So welcome, welcome, welcome. And before I get into the codes that I want to bring forward to you today, I want to set the context a little bit. Okay. Okay. So first of all, everything that your soul desires, the deeply fulfilling wildly expansive relationship, the healthy, intimate, high level love, the massive growth in your heart centered work, creative pursuits or business, the continually flowing and growing experience with abundance and financial resources, the opportunities floating to you.

Everything, all of this already exists. And this is not just a cute spiritual concept that I say like, Oh my gosh, everything you desire already is, just imagine it, just play pretend. This is me sharing with you that if you can [00:07:00] understand this, it will really start to open up and make more sense. The reason that you desire the things that you desire is not because they're not here yet.

But because you're a vibrational being who can feel that these things are already a reality in your field. You have a relationship to the things that you're here to create an experience in this lifetime. That's why you wake up feeling connected to them. That's why you desire to work towards them and on them.

That's why you talk about them. That's why you think about them. That's why you take action to bringing them into your reality because you have this relationship with them. So I want you to understand that there's nothing outside of yourself that you need to do in order to take this vibrational reality to bring it into your reality 

 So you can smell it. You can feel it. You can taste it. That's why there's a desire for [00:08:00] it. But when we forget this and we fall asleep to our ego, We start relating to our desires from a place of need and separation and wanting and desperation, and it keeps all of these things from being.

So I want to talk to you about bringing this awareness into a more tangible frequency so you can start embodying the alignment with what it is that you're here to create in this lifetime. So the first thing I want you to understand in regards to what it actually means to become a match now that we've set the Context around that is that being an energetic match from my perspective is not about feeling good I know I know there are a lot of manifestation teachers and practices that talk about feeling good and feeling happy and You know being positive because life is responding to your vibration Now here's where I want to put the little asterisk in because I know I have a [00:09:00] post that says life is responding to your frequency and it is but what most people don't understand is that it's not your frequency like I feel good today and good things are going to respond to me and it's not like I feel sad today so I can't create and receive you And I got caught in this loop for a very long time because I didn't understand what it actually meant to be on the frequency of my desires.

So I imagined that I could only create things if I was in this really high, elevated, sparkly, shiny state. And then what happened is I couldn't maintain that energy. And so I tell myself, well, I can't sell today. Well, I can't create today. Well, I can't do this today because I'm not in the right state to receive.

The state to receive is not positivity and happiness and feeling good. It is consciousness, the frequency of [00:10:00] openness and availability and power. And this has nothing to do with your emotions. I know I said it. I went there. I have made 25, 000 having a terrible day cleaning the toilet. I have received some amazing opportunities when I was in the midst of grieving somebody I love that just passed away.

I never made it mean that I couldn't receive because I wasn't feeling happy. Because again, the frequency that my desires are on is not happiness. It's a particular energy of consciousness. So you say, okay, so it's not happiness. It's not positivity. I don't need to feel good. Hallelujah. Thank God. Like we want to feel good because usually the only reason we feel bad is because we're making ourselves feel bad by believing our stories in our mind.

Right. But so what does it actually mean? Like what's the frequency that our desires are on the frequency of your highest self? [00:11:00] Now again, I'm dropping all these pieces and then I'm kind of detangling them and deconditioning the way that your mind naturally thinks of them because then your mind says, oh so I just need to feel powerful every single moment of the day and be in total boss babe superwoman or superman energy and it's like no that's not what power is.

We've been conditioned to believe that your highest self is this perfect being that lives up here always and never falls asleep to their mind or has emotions or gets triggered or is bothered by things or has doubts or has fears or has insecurities. It's just not true. And your highest self isn't something that you access one day down the line later.

When you're healed enough, when you're high vibe enough, when you've gotten rid of a certain way of being or a pattern, or you've tapped into this energy, long [00:12:00] enough, your highest self, and really receive this when I say this, this is me really freaking healing if you get it, is who you already are in between your thoughts.

in between your emotional reactions in between your unconscious patterns. You already are your highest self in your natural state of being, but you have got unconscious thoughts, patterns, emotions, ways of being beliefs and behaviors that are covering your true self up. So we don't realize that we already are this version of ourselves and have this power. And so we go seeking and searching and we start seeing all these people on the internet. We're like, wow, they're really powerful. Look at them creating all this stuff. And, oh man, he or she is just like, ah, they're rocking it.

They're crushing it. They're killing it. Like, ah, I just have all this stuff and I don't [00:13:00] feel like I'm my highest self all the time. So we go through all these processes of like, I've just got to get to this version of myself. We've got to, try to like get over there and become this powerful person. But it's just not true. Your power is not in becoming a powerful person, but in transcending all of the things that are keeping you from accessing the power that already exists within you.

There was a time in my life where I was really trying to, and I use this phrase a lot, and so it, I try not to be confusing because you'll be like, well, why'd you say that? But then that's the title of your tag over there. You said get into your power, step into your power.

Human words. I do my best. There was a time where I was really trying to get into my power as a mental concept. Like I was like, okay, I just need to really be in this particular state and I need to hype myself up and I need to be positive and I need to be like this and that and all these [00:14:00] things. And it wasn't sustainable for me.

And I would feel bad because I'd be like, I don't know, I just can't operate from that frequency. And again, had that idea that meant I couldn't create what I wanted to create. Your power is consciousness. Clarity is connection to true self in the present moment. Your power is being free of all of this mind stuff.

Your power is being able to sit and witness and watch and feel the things going on inside of you without projecting them outwards, reacting to them and creating your reality. So you say, okay, well, how do I access this version of myself that already exists then? I'm going to tell you what, and if, if you feel called to do any of these things, it's beautiful.

I'm not knocking them. I'm just sharing my truth and my way because it has changed everything for me. In my experience, [00:15:00] you don't get there by reprogramming your mind. You don't get there by visualizing certain outcomes or claiming that this particular thing is going to happen. You don't get there by trying to manifest specific things at all.

You get there by focusing on being the person that you desire to be in every single moment. And you might say, well, how is me being who I want to be going to create positive changes in my life? Here's how it works. And I'll tell you a little bit more in a minute about my signature program, becoming a conscious creator, which is on super sale right now.

I'm very excited. We'll go into that a little bit more in a bit, but here's how it works. Your thoughts are not creating your reality. You desiring something does not bring it into being. Being the match to that experience does. So you might think, well, okay, I should try to picture myself [00:16:00] having money. I should try to visualize the kind of person I want to attract in a relationship.

I should claim and know that this launch, this job, this outcome, it's going to be this way. Like, isn't that how I become the person who's a match to it? And there are people who teach those ways, and that's good and fine and cool, but the process of learning how to create your reality consciously is not about practicing manifestation.

It's about learning an entirely new way of thinking, being, perceiving, and existing in the world where you stop unconsciously creating from the pain of your past and the conditioning of your mind. where you're actually able to see and relate to the present moment clearly instead of through the lens of all of this stuff, which means instead of reacting to the moment from your past, you respond from the present moment.

So if you show up in the present moment as who you desire to be, which is consciousness and [00:17:00] clarity and non reactivity, and non resistance and you flow this level of self awareness and energetic alignment into your relationship, into your business, into your creative pursuits, into money, into whatever you're doing, you're naturally operating on a higher frequency and the energy that you flow into all these areas grows them naturally.

So there's no, let me try to make this happen. There's let me focus on being who I desire to be in every single moment, which means that when thoughts come up that are directly incongruent with who I desire to be, not going there. It's okay that they come up. I'm recognizing them, I'm seeing them, and [00:18:00] I'm choosing to unsubscribe.

When I'm drowning in my emotions and my sensations, and I can't feel the present moment anymore, and all of a sudden my stuff is taking me over. I'm like, whoa! Let me come back to my clarity and move on purpose. This is what creates the true changes. So I want to give you a little bit of an example that can kind of help you to see the difference between manifestation and conscious creation.

And it's kind of comical because you'll, you'll see how different they are. So I'm in a relationship right now. And let's just say, I wanted to create positive changes in that relationship. And I said, I wanted more ease and flow and harmony in my intimate experience or not my intimate experience, but my intimate relationship.

And I said, I'm going to manifest it. I'm going to think thoughts about, my partner and I are creating ease. My relationship is filled with depth. My connection, you know, [00:19:00] we, we have the most juicy conversations. Everything flows. We respect each other. We love each other, all things. And I'm visualizing these outcomes and I'm journaling about these things and I'm imagining that it's already here and I'm pretending it's already happened.

And I'm feeling the feelings of what it would be like if my relationship was this. And none of that changes my relationship. Yeah.

Why? Because you don't manifest changes in your relationship. You create them. Your relationship, and right now we're just talking about romantic intimate relationships, but fill this in with any relationship. Your business, your bank account, your content, your career, your family, your friends, whatever. It's all responding to who you are being.

So if I want to create more love, depth, intimacy, and harmony in my partnership, I'm not going to change my thoughts about relationships. I'm not going to try to manifest these changes. What am I going to do? I'm going to [00:20:00] look at who I am being in my relationship that is co creating these experiences and reverse engineer What I need to transcend, how I need to step into my essence and who I need to be to consciously create the changes that I'm looking to create, which means I've got to take full blown responsibility for the moments when I'm incongruent with that desire.

Take away the word manifestation. It's got this airy, fairy floaty like, I don't even know what that means. What are you talking about? Creation. If you want to create intimacy in your relationship, you've got to ask yourself, who am I being? That's not allowing the intimacy. If you want to create more abundance in your experience, you've got to ask yourself, how am I not allowing abundance into my experience now?

If you want the [00:21:00] work of your soul to be deeply impactful and wildly successful, you get the picture, right? You've got to look within. What thoughts am I thinking? What emotions am I hanging out in? What actions am I consistently taking or not taking that are making me a match to what I'm experiencing so I can stop creating from the conditioning of my mind and start transcending these things in the moment that they're happening so I can learn how to create on purpose from the place of truth.

of the highest, most powerful and fully conscious version of me. Because when you learn how to become this version of you that you already are beyond all of this stuff, there's no trying because there's no separation between you and your desires. And you realize on a deep soul level that the reason you desire all of the things that you desire is because [00:22:00] secretly, you know.

And what you're really after is the version of you who is a match to receive them. You don't just want the money. You're really after that, oh man, that version of myself that doesn't freeze when I check my bank account. That doesn't get caught in the how will it come and when and if it will and only a limited amount.

You don't really want the business growth or the career growth. You want the feeling of knowing that you have the full confidence to be who you are, do what you love and make an impact on this planet your own way of doing it and that you can consciously lead yourself to what you desire to create. You want to stop drowning in your emotions.

You want to stop drowning in your fears. You want to stop pretending everyone else knows how to do it except you. You want to stop getting stuck where you get stuck and making all these things mean something about you. You are after that version of you. You don't really want the soulmate love. [00:23:00] You want to feel solid in yourself, independent of what's happening with other people.

You want to feel whole within your own being. You want to feel clean and clear and being able to communicate and express your feelings when you get triggered and to hold yourself to a frequency of accountability of who you really are. And you want your relationship to match that. And you want your business or your career to match that and you want money to meet match mirror and respond to that So, let's just take all of the physical stuff off of the pedestal I Don't even focus on it.

I Know it's very taboo. It's like what you don't try to manifest things. No Because I know what I really want Is this version of me I want to stop letting my mind seduce me into unconsciousness where I'm terrified. I want to stop feeling like I'm not good enough, and I can't do it, and I can't have it, and I can't create it, and I'm not there [00:24:00] yet, and what's wrong with me, and why?

And I want to stop being so tied up in my own mental, emotional knots all the time, and I want to stop attaching my happiness, and my safety, and my peace, and my sense of self in how many people show up on a live, or how many people buy, or how much money I make in a 30 day window. That's what I really want.

And when I focus on unbecoming what life has conditioned me to be so I can be that Don't have to try to grow my business. It just grows. I don't have to try to make money. It just comes in I don't have to try to expand my relationship. It just responds to who I am This is why I don't want to tell you about becoming a conscious creator right now. I created this program. Because I felt in my bones that there were other people like me who were feeling like either what they were living and what they desired to create wasn't fully manifesting and they didn't know why.

They were just like waving the white flag as I've been there myself, where you're like, I don't know what, like why? I'm [00:25:00] doing all the things. Or you feel like you've been doing all the mindset work, the inner work, the manifestation work. And let's be honest, like year after year, you're just the same person speaking, laughing.

Cause I'm speaking to myself in all these moments, creating the same life on loop. You're like, okay, I'm creating the same relationships. I'm in the same place in my business. I've got the same amount of money in debt, same amount of money in my checking. And I haven't really broken through to my potential and what's possible for me or.

Maybe you're like, I have created elevated and upgraded experiences in my life, but here, there, and randomly, like it's not consistent. It's not your expected reality. You don't know how to consciously and deliberately shape it and create it. Or maybe you're just like, I'm actually rocking and rolling on my path.

Like I'm doing good. I love what I've created thus far, but I know that there's so much more possible for me. And I'm ready to collapse time from where I am to where I know I was meant to be. But what I've [00:26:00] been doing right now that got me to where I am has, is not moved the needle and created massive quantum leaps.

And you don't know why. I know I, I know why, because what you desire to create and who you are consistently being are on two different frequencies. You have got to learn how to transcend your limitations. In the moment that they happen, not just in your mind or in your journal or in a cute little book where you just write all these new beliefs, but to recognize them when they come up, be able to dismantle them, to step into your power and consciously align with the version of you that you desire to be and flow it into these areas to grow them naturally.

This is what I teach you how to do inside of becoming a conscious creator. And. It's incredibly powerful because again, it's not a manifestation program. No mantras, no visualizations. It's just a whole new way [00:27:00] of understanding how to experience this life from a place of awareness and consciousness. And then we bring that into, let's apply this to your thoughts.

Let's apply this to your emotions, supplies to your intimate relationships, your intuition, manifestation, money, your work, your business legacy, like all of it from this place of consciousness. This is the only work that I practice deeply and truly like everything inside of this program. I think there are 15 hours of transmissions.

It's everything I know. It's everything I teach. There are no more secrets of like, Ooh, this is just one part of it. It's all of it. And this is not listen to what I think you should do, but here's how you can unbecome what life has conditioned you to be, to step into and embody who you really are. So you can lead yourself to create consciously.

I am empowering you to live from a [00:28:00] place of your own power and remember that you already have all of the answers. It's my favorite thing that people have said about this program, that it doesn't feel like you're just like, okay, I'm just joining another program. I'm gonna listen to what this person on the internet said that I need to do.

But you're remembering, oh, actually, I do understand why I've been creating the same experiences. Ooh, actually I am aware of those thoughts. Ooh, actually, I do know. I keep getting stuck here. And here are the tools to help you consciously transcend it in the moment. Open up your power to who you really are and start flowing this into your life.

This work transformed my life and it continues to transform it. It's not just like, Oh, it did this one time down the line it took me from being anxious and depressed and checking myself, almost checking myself in, like in the parking lot.

To a mental hospital to a deep unshakable peace [00:29:00] from Just honestly crippling doubts and insecurities to this powerful solid self belief from toxic unhealthy can't even call them relationships situationships with emotionally unavailable men to The most delicious intimate juicy healthy relationship of my freaking life where we're about to get engaged From paycheck to paycheck and overdrawn accounts to knowing how to intentionally generate the frequency of wealth from working 12 hour days at monotonous temp jobs for less than stellar bosses to running a business that I love and freaking adore that has served thousands of people in my online programs has reached over 70, 000 people across my social media and has generated seven figures in under three years since starting it.

From the work that I teach you inside Again, it's not about trying to manifest specific things. It was the deep [00:30:00] realization that as I become more conscious as I become more aware of who I am being in the present moment Then how I respond to the present moment instead of react to it from the past shifts and Then how the present moment meets me shifts And the greatest joy of all of this, it's not about the physical things.

It's about the version of yourself you get to tap into. I know that what you want more than anything in the whole world, whether you realize it or not, is peace. You want to feel how you want to feel and be who you want to be independent of what is happening. And when you learn how to master this level of power, and apply it to all these areas and you see oh my gosh the changes that happen naturally as a result of the changes that go on within your own consciousness.

It is truly the most beautiful thing in the world [00:31:00] and I believe in my bones that sharing this work is why I came to this planet and you might be like whatever just another thing somebody says in the internet. Some people came here to have a human experience. I did not. I came here to elevate the frequency of the planet.

Because I believe that the human race has so much freaking potential. That the earthly experience that we all create collectively gets to be so much more peaceful and harmonious and beautiful. And how would your life change? And how would your family's life change and your neighbor's life change and your client's life change and your mentor's life change and the person who checks you in the, at the gym's life change and the people at the gas station's life change.

How would this whole fricking planet change if we all knew, knew, didn't just have this loose airy fairy idea from personal development topics, but consciously knew how to recognize, witness and [00:32:00] dismantle the unconscious pain and past that keeps recycling itself. So we can be at peace. So we can be empowered.

So we can be free. And what happens when you show up to this present moment, awake, happy, empowered, and free. is that you massively expand your life. And what happens when you do that? Oh my gosh. Don't you just want to tell everybody that you love and have ever known because you want them to be able to be happy and free and create a beautiful life.

It's not just for the outcomes. It's for the version of yourself that's so tired of struggling and attaching your safety and your peace and your happiness and your worth to things outside of you, putting them on the pedestal. And then just feeling like your life isn't a full blown match to the bigness of who you are.

That's what this is about for me. I'll be honest with you. I never felt better when I made more money. [00:33:00] I never felt better about myself when I had the relationship I wanted. I never felt finally good enough when I got to a certain amount of followers or success or any of the things. Like, it's not gonna do that.

But it was so freaking cool and beautiful and expansive and rewarding to feel like my physical experience is reflecting my full potential. Can you feel the difference in that? The reason that you don't feel great in these certain areas or moments or cycles and seasons is not because you don't have the thing.

It's again because you're like, I know so much more is possible for me And I know that i'm not living up to my full potential And this thing in my physical reality is just reflecting that back to me and it's frustrating I had a cycle of relationships again situationships. Sorry, let's scratch that from the record because they weren't relationships Where I kept Attracting, but [00:34:00] really co creating the same cyclical unwanted experience of men who were, first of all, blonde haired, blue eyed surfers, all of them who were still in love with their ex girlfriend who looked like me, who I reminded them of, who I was helping them heal from.

And I was like, man, this isn't it. Like, this isn't it. I want that over there. It's not that I want this relationship so badly. It's that I know that whoever I'm being right now that's creating this experience is not the fullness of who I came to this planet to be. And all of these men are just reflecting this back to me.

So let's take the physical world off the pedestal. Let's stop trying and grabbing and grasping and seeking and searching and trying to change the reflection. Let's focus on cleaning the projection. [00:35:00] Let's focus on becoming more conscious. Let's focus on becoming awake within the dream. Shaking ourselves awake from all of these thoughts and stories and beliefs and coming back to the neutrality of this moment.

Feeling and processing and honoring the stuck, the stagnant and the sticky, coming back to the clarity and moving as who we really are and deeply desire to be and learning how to embody and implement this into every area of our life so it expands naturally. So again, this is what we're doing inside of becoming a conscious creator.

And right now it is on super sale. So it's usually $3, 333, but right now it's $1, 111. And what I want to tell you is that you have a special link when you click on the sales page that will give you a timer for your sale. Sale price But once I land my new master class, this is completely going to shift So it [00:36:00] is going to go back up and I don't know when that's going to be So if you're feeling the vibes and you want to join You can dm me for the link.

It's also in the link in my bio But just know as soon as you do You have just that certain amount of days to get that special price and it's going to go back up to the regular price So And then eventually over these next however many days or however long it takes me to receive the master class The price is going to go up entirely altogether and the sale price for that will not be available So if you're someone like me who's not, you know You're just like I just join when I join if I feel the resonance the price is the price whatever This program's not going anywhere But if you are like I feel the vibes.

I want to learn more and I want to join for 60 percent off You can again dm me for the link. You can uh, look at the link in my bio This program truly has changed my life and has changed the lives of thousands of my clients over the years and it is truly my soul's offering to the planet. So if you are [00:37:00] in a space and a place where you desire so much more for yourself and you're ready to fully rise into the version of yourself, you deeply desire to be, who is an energetic match to the experiences you desire to create.

This is the program where we do that. All right, loves. I love you so much. I hope that you have a great day. Received whatever you needed to receive from this transmission I hope that you're able to start your monday off with a bang with this empowered energy And that you walk away from the deep soul remembrance that what you truly desire you already have and you focus on Amplifying the truth of who you really are in every area of your life If you want to go deeper if you want me by your side and in your pocket with these codes You Becoming a Conscious Creator is the program that's going to support you so fully.

I love you so much. I hope you have the most beautiful day and week, and I will talk to you soon. [00:38:00] 

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Manifestation Is Not What You Think..
How To ACTUALLY Transcend Your Life and Desires and That Is Not Through Manifesting
Manifestation vs. Conscience Creating