The Seeker's Shelter
A podcast by a college kid for a college kid or anyone in between who wants or rather needs a place where they can sit down and decompress from life. Hosted by college kid Owen Vinson the Seeker’s Shelter is for those who are looking for a community built upon honesty, openness and connectivity as well as just a good ol time. The podcast will tackle hard questions that many college aged kids ask about college, identity, and the largely talked about ‘real world’ that will confront us all eventually. This is a conversation not a sermon or dissertation and because of that mistakes, goof-ups, and laughs are bound to happen… oh well that’s just life. Thank you for supporting me and my vision through listening and participating in this community! I’m glad your here:))
The Seeker's Shelter
Episode 9: Learning The Hard Truth That We Will Never Measure Up To Our Expectations
Hello again my fellow Seekers! It is a joy that I bring with me on the show today a dear friend of mine and graduate of Berry College, Mr. Mitchell Riggs. Mitchell and I engage in conversation over the harsh reality that our expectations of the world and from the world never truly seem to aline with what truly happens within the world. Mitchell enlightens us on what a worldview with Jesus Christ at the center looks like and how, through faith, he has risen from the weight of unmet and shattered expectations. We also talk about his personal struggles physically as he was born with a physical hinderance. At times we both get distracted by other thoughts and jokes, but that's natural as I try to keep the recording as raw and honest because I feel someone can either learn or laugh at something throughout the show. Enjoy!