Translator Training to Find More Direct Clients Than you can Poke a Stick

John di Rico Tells Us the Big Why of His Move from WordFast to WordBee and Why We Should All Listen to Abe Lincoln

Jason Willis-Lee

On the podcast this week I caught up with the one and only John di Rico. He lives and works in Nice, France as a certified translator in France. John interprets in the FR/EN language pair in court and for the French police and justice system.

John recently moved sideways from his role as sales manager WordFast (CAT tool of choice for Mac users) to WordBee that makes an all in one cloud-based TMS and CAT tool combined.

Some highlights from this very wide-ranging conversation: 

  • John advocates moving jobs as a positive career change after 10 years or so.  He says in your comfort zone you consume value. Outside your comfort zone you create value. 
  • Temperature is a LLM parameter used to gauge predictability of the next word (LLM is nothing but a clever magic trick that works on a word by word basis). 
  • Translators using and leveraging AI for productivity will replace those not doing this

Abe Lincoln quote
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Book reference:
Lean Marketing by Allan 

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How to Find More Direct Clients

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