Raising Private Money with Jay Conner

[Guest] Jay on Kris Haskins Show - Raising Private Money

September 15, 2022 Jay Conner Season 4 Episode 499

Is Private Money Realistic When You Are Brand New In Real Estate Investing?

Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority,  joins Kris Haskins' podcast where it’s Kris’ mission to raise financial literacy through real estate investing!

In this video, learn from Jay the most significant differences between Hard Money and Private Money.

Discover the secrets of how to get Private Money chasing you and the three reasons why private lenders would want to do business with you!

Hear from Jay how he overcome his greatest challenge when the bank closed his line of credit in 2009 which lead him to discover Private Money to fund his deals.

“It Is Impossible For You To Fail Until You Choose To Quit” - Jay Conner

0:01 - Raising Private Money
0:35 - Jay Conner with Kris Haskins
2:25 - Who is Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority?
6:46 - Private Money vs. Hard Money
20:49 - Private Money Is A Collateral Money
22:09 - Where To Find Private Money?
22:53 - How To Get Private Money Chasing You.
25:13 - Jay’s Greatest Lessons Learned
28:25 - No Payments Loan???
30:43 - Creative Financing Using Private Money
35:27 - Three Reasons Why Private Lenders Would Want To Do Business With You
41:00 - 4 Important Things Jay Conner Tells His Private Lenders
44:12 - You Get To Set The Rules When Using Private Money
45:08 - Private Money Is Not Just For Properties That Need Rehab
54:55 - Is Private Money Realistic When You Are Brand New In Real Estate Investing?
1:01:26 - Get Yourself A Coach! Do Not Do The Real Estate Business Alone!

Youtube Video link: https://youtu.be/bQt1SbuT2nE

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Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now?

It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at https://www.JayConner.com/Book