3 Beliefs Stopping You From Hitting 6-Figures In Your Biz
The Wealthy Coach
The Wealthy Coach
3 Beliefs Stopping You From Hitting 6-Figures In Your Biz
Sep 25, 2023 Episode 190
Kendra Perry | Health Business Mentor

Success isn't found in shortcuts, but in embracing the journey, giving time its due, and valuing authenticity over extravagance. Join host Kendra Perry as she dives into the three common beliefs that often hold coaches back from reaching the 6-figure milestone. She shares her personal entrepreneurial journey and illuminates how enduring the process leads to the promise of a brighter future. From the illusion of ease to the race against time to stripping down to the basics, Kendra discusses thoroughly which mindsets individuals need to hold onto and let go of as they walk the path of entrepreneurship. Tune in now to break free from self-limiting beliefs and set your course toward that coveted 6-figure goal!


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