Your Sister, Kimber

Ep. 55 Prayer: a Deep Dive + Ruthie Smith

Kimber Gilbert Season 2 Episode 55

Kimber talks with Ruthie Smith about her journey with prayer and the Holy Spirit and how growing deeper in a prayer walk with the Lord can bless our friendships. Ruthie shares practical steps and resources to help you take your next step of growth in prayer, a journey that never ends.

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hey friends. Welcome to the, your sister Kimber podcast. My name is Kimberly Gilberto and I'm so glad you're here. I'm excited to share a devil, stomp and friend with you this week. Ruthie Smith is joining us to talk about prayer today and how growing in her prayer life has changed her life. Prayer is her favorite thing to talk about. And I'm really thankful for all the wisdom and encouragement she has to share with us today about how this aspect of our faith can immensely bless our friendships. I wish we could hear her story over coffee today in the corner of our favorite shop, but this is the next best thing. I'm so glad you're here, friend. Let's get started. Hi, Ruthie. Good morning. Hi,


Kimber. Thank you so much for having me on your show.


Yes, I'm so excited. Welcome. I, like I was telling you a little bit ago, I've been kind of wanting to talk to you for a while with this. we met, I think it was just last year at Dip Netting, is that right? Yes, yes. Yeah. And we had some good conversations there and I was like, oh, this is, this gal's a deep wealth. So I'm really excited to talk to you today about, um, specifically prayer and just how this can impact our friendships, is what we're gonna get into today. And so, yeah, I'm really excited for it. Would you just start by introducing yourself for our friends listening?


Yeah. My name is Ruthy Smith. I'm 38 years old. I live in Eagle River. Um, I have three daughters who love Jesus. Um, my, my oldest one, she's 18, she goes to actually the Alliance College in Oregon and she's training to be a missionary. Oh, wow. That's


awesome. Yes. Does she know like what she would like to do? Missions work in like what


Your demographic, you know, it changes all the time. Yeah, yeah. But right now she has adopted a family from Africa. She does International House of Prayer, and so she adopted this family and, you know, she helps out with childcare and, um, they, it's really cute. They like make each other meals, so she'll have like a traditional meal and, and then like last week she made them mac and cheese. I love it. Do they like it? Yeah, they, they did. And they're teaching her Swahili. So cool. Um, she's really, really, um, doing well, learning the Swahili language. So now she's like, well this makes sense. Maybe I'm gonna go to Africa. But yeah, you know, a month ago she was going to the Middle East, so wherever God calls her. I see. And yeah, she's growing in that. Yeah. And then I have a five and six year old, great kids. I've been a bedside nurse for over 10 years. I work in the hospital. My husband's a nurse too. And I'm also a Bible college student and, pursuing seminary. Yeah.


So that, yeah, I'm in seminary as well, so I know the challenge. Oh, girl. So good. Yeah. So good. Have you enjoyed your time?


Um, yes. I have learned so much and, initially I was just taking classes because, um, I was getting funding for it and I just wanted to learn more about the Old Testament. Um, and then. I'm almost done with my, my bible college training. Yeah. And I didn't wanna stop, so, oh, I'm gonna keep going. Yeah. Cool.


Can you, taking, taking those classes, what has been your favorite, like, area of study so far?


Uh, definitely the Old Testament. Um, I'm this fall, I'm finishing my modules in, the Torah and mm-hmm. The, latter, prophets and minor prophets and, um, man, the Old Testament is just so rich and beautiful and so, um, that's definitely been my favorite part, but surprisingly, I just took, a class on. Like ancient near Eastern culture. Yeah. And, that was really eye-opening too. Mm-hmm. So I like to dork out on all that history. Yeah. And, um,


I have loved the Old Testament, and I think for me, one of the main reasons is because, I'm just so like story driven as a person. Yes. I think that's why I became an English teacher for a while. Like, I'm a writer, you know, like I just, I, I think that story is just so compelling to me. And so I think because so much of the Old Testament is narrative, I always have been really drawn to it, to it.


Oh man. But it's just so good if, if y'all aren't reading the Old Testament, you are missing out. Yeah, it is. I think some people


can be like intimidated by it for sure. Um, cuz there is some like gnarly stuff in there. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, for sure. but what do you, what do you love about it most? Like if someone was saying like, oh, I don't know, I just feel like intimidated to read the Old Testament or whatever. What would you say is like, the reason they should, besides that it's like obviously part of the word of


God and stuff of Sure, yeah, of course. Um, so I think for me at some point, you know, in my walk with the Lord, I realized, I was actually reading the book of Isaiah the Holy Spirit came over me and I realized, the Old Testament is not separated from the New Testament. It is all one big story. Yeah. And once you can realize that, you can see Jesus in every single verse and every single story in every single part of the Old Testament and how everything ties together. Mm-hmm. And so I think for me, just reading those stories, those Old Testament, events and things that happened, and even the prophets, like everything is pointing to the person of Christ and it is the most through that lens. Oh my goodness. And I'm just so in love with it.


I love that. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. It's, yeah, because of the division. Like old and new. I think it is easy to think of it as like we almost we're so used to like the sequel format, but really it's not like, no man, Jesus is like the climax of the story. It'd be like if you just like ended the story. Like halfway through and


then picked a makeup up. Yeah. Oh, it's so, it's so beautiful and it just, every time I read the Old Testament, I fall more and more and more in love with Jesus because I see why we needed him so much and how everything that came before him was for him. And, oh, it's so good. I could talk about the Old Testament, the rest of our time together, but


I love it. Well that will be for another day. Um okay. Because I feel like I totally could too. So another time. we'll have to get


into that dip netting this year. It's on. Yeah. There we go.


There we go. Well, today I do wanna get into talking about prayer cuz we have been in a series on the podcast about, uh, just how like, I talk a lot about friendship here on the podcast and in this series we're talking about how growing closer to Jesus and our relationship with him can actually, like, also it like spill out into the rest of the relationships in our lives and absolutely less our friendships Absolutely. As well. Oh yeah. Well, and so this summer I've been having most of my conversations with Megan Frak, who's been my series guest, co-host, big fam for these talks. I know she's wonderful. Um, but I did wanna have a few guests on throughout the series because I, I love having guests on and of course like getting that extra perspective is such, just richens the conversation I think. And so, um, Megan and I have been talking about prayer and intercessory prayer over the past two weeks, and so you're kind of our third conversation about this. And so, I'm so interested to hear, um, just how prayer has grown in your life, blessed your relationship with the Lord and relationship with people. And I know this is something that you're so passionate about and so I'm excited for our talk. Yeah. Um, you said to me the other day that when I asked you, you're like, well, that's my favorite thing to talk about. So, sounds great. Um, and so I would just love if we could start by just kind of you sharing a little bit about how prayer has become just your favorite thing to talk about. Like what has been kind of your journey with this? Yeah.


So, I've always had a big, big faith, and that's nothing. Of my doing that is just the work of the Holy Spirit in my life. Yeah, ever since I was a little kid, I just remember just, you know, being outside and playing or, you know, riding on the bus or whatever and just talking to God. Um, he was always just my friend that was there. And, know I have always had this big belief that whatever I'm praying about is heard in heaven by my father. And he's just weighing everything perfectly. And I don't fully comprehend the mystery, but somehow God partners with us through our prayer and he just really delights in us coming to him. And in First Thessalonians five it says, rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances. And it says, this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. And sometimes, the Lord will just put someone on my heart. And I'll just start praying fervently for them. Mm-hmm. And I have this, this belief that like, I might be the only one praying for this person. Mm-hmm. Whether it's a coworker or a friend or someone who doesn't know the Lord. And, I've had a, a great enough relationship with God and, and I'm so honored that he trusts me to pray for people that he puts on my heart. but I just believe that, prayers of deliverance and healing prayers are how God partners with us. Mm-hmm. And how are people ever gonna get heal, healed, or delivered from addictions or whatever, without the laying on of hands and praying. Mm-hmm. we've been given that authority in Jesus' name to do that. Yeah. And advance. God's kingdom healed is sick. And, I'm just really passionate about, praying in heavenly places, defeating the works of Satan and the powers of darkness. And, um, if you ever see me wearing my red shoes, it's because I've been on a mission praying out the Yes,


I heard about these shoes. Can you tell


us about them? yeah, I, uh, again, just I feel so passionately about just praying the enemy away. Yeah. And so, um, so someone started joking, you know, that, uh, I was stomping on the devil, you know, when I was praying. And so, uh, Brit bought me these bright red. Uh, vans. Yeah. And so, uh, when I'm going to war, I put on my, my red shoes and I, uh, just like envision myself just stomping all over the devil. So yeah,


those are my, I feel like symbols like that are so helpful to me. Um, yeah. Cause it, yeah. I don't know what it is, like, know, cuz you could pray those prayers without him, but it's just something about a symbol that I think is the tactileness of it helps bring. The just the, I mean, prayer, that's one of the things that is a challenge to me about it, is like, it's not tactile really. I mean, it's like, it's all in my mind, my heart, whatever. Like maybe, you know, you can say it out loud, but I think that the symbol of like something like that helps make it more, seem more tactile in my mind. I don't know if that matters


to you or not. No, it definitely does. And that's, yeah, that's why I wear'em cuz I'm like, it's not that it gives me power in any sort of way, right. But it, remi helps remind me that like, yes girl, you've been given authority. I have that already. Amen. And you have that power, to do the things. And so, it's just fun. But yeah, the red


shoes. I love it. Yeah. So symbol like, man, that could be, that could be a helpful place. I feel like one thing that I would love to talk about today is just like ways that, you know, you talk about how this has been something that's been present in your life for a long time. but have, do you feel like you've grown in it as well, like over the years, I would assume. Would you agree with that or, oh yeah. Has it just kinda always been present? Yeah. Um, no. So as you've like grown over the years, I would love to hear kind of like what are these steps that like, have moved you forward in this walk? Like of course the Holy Spirits work in your heart, but like, you know, for those of us who listening who want to grow in our prayer lives, I think it can be, it can feel overwhelming or like, where do I start kind of thing. And I mean, I guess of course you just start with praying, but, um, what are some things that you feel like have moved you towards a deeper prayer walk with the Lord over the years?


Oh, sure. Yeah. first of all, we never stop growing in prayer. Um, yeah. Yeah. I think, you know, you start praying and you don't know if, like, you're not confident, you don't really know what, what you're doing. But then God answers that prayer and you're like, whoa, that worked. And then you start and it's, it gives you so much confidence and you're like, wow. Yes. The Lord heard me and he answered my prayer. And the more you pray, and the more he answers prayers, you're just like, wow, this is, this is so great. And you just keep praying and then that confidence just builds up. Um, yeah. But last year, I got filled and baptized by the Holy Spirit. Mm-hmm. And it changed my life forever. I will never be the same person. Um, after I got. Baptized by the Holy Ghost. The first thing I noticed was how much clearer I could hear God's voice when I was praying. And so, um, I, I could hear God, not, I, I could hear God when I was praying. and then I realized like how much passionately I could pray when the Holy Spirit took over for me when praying. Mm-hmm.


Um, yeah. Can you talk a little bit more about like, what that experience was like for you? Because I feel like for some of our friends listening, they might be more familiar with that and some might not be as much. And so I'd love to hear about your experience with that. Yeah.


So, first of all, if you don't know what I'm talking about and you want to go find out for yourself, just read the book of Acts. Mm-hmm. Those people received the Holy Spirit and power came over them, and then they prayed the most, bold prayers. Yeah. And. God responded. It's so good. In fact, this is my psa. Just go, go out and read the book of Acts right now. Yeah, you'll never be the same. Just go do it. Um,


but recently when I recently, sorry, I'm gonna sidetrack you for a second because Yeah, no problem. When I recently read the book of Acts, maybe like a couple months ago, it was probably after as a church, we did, um, kind of a prayer study. Some, some of the church did, in groups and stuff. And I think it was after that that I read the book of Acts. And that was one of the things that I noticed so prominently was like, I had recently read the gospels too. And so then it was like, just like even Peter is so different, like yeah, he's a different person. And I'm like, what's the change? And I feel like the change is like he. You know, Caesar is in Jesus, and then like the Holy Spirit because yeah, it's just like a 180. It's, he's entirely different. And so bold and just filled with, uh, that confidence that you're talking about in God, not in himself, but so good the Lord. And I was just like, wow. Like there's nothing that I think a person can do that can change you like that, you know? Yeah. Under the end. Oh, receiving the Holy Spirit. So I love that recommendation to start an ax. I love that.


Oh, it's so good. And just to be clear, like everyone gets the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when they accept Jesus into their life. Right. But there is a continuous filling mm-hmm. Um, and baptism of the Holy Spirit that comes on you, and it's kind of like a battery recharge for your soul. Mm. And it's, it's so good. But, um, you know, Jesus says to the disciples, it would be better that I go, because when I leave, I'm gonna send the helper. And the disciples, they had to have been like, no way. You are here right, right here, right now. We can see you, we can experience you. Like, why would Jesus say it would be better that I go? And it's, that's because when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, man, your life will never be the same. And, um, for me, I got filled and immediately experienced that power and it changed my prayer life. Mm-hmm. There was something that just happened where I would be praying and I would just feel this breakthrough in heaven. so I knew people would be healed. I knew that they were gonna be delivered from the things that were afflicting them. And, yeah, receive the Holy Spirit, it'll, it'll change your life. I


love that. Wow. So how do you keep, like, leaning into that and like the daily, um, you know, as you like, continue on your daily prayer life and stuff, what does that look like for


you? you know, this might be controversial for some people, but, for me it's, it's praying in tongues. Um, I have a, a prayer language, and that is just the Holy Spirit taking over and praying the perfect will of God. Um, yeah. Often I don't know what he's praying and, um, but I know that, that what he is praying is heard by the father in heaven and he's testifying, you know, to me at the same time about God's goodness. And, and I just try to be quiet and listen to that. Hmm. Um, but also, you know, it's just given me that assurance that God hears me and he's, he's ready and willing to partner with me, in helping people to know him and, you know, delivering them from their sickness or whatever. Like, I'm just like, God use me. Yeah. Oh, I love


that. I feel like the older I get, the more I feel that desire and need for the Holy Spirit to take over my prayers because I don't know what to pray. And he does. I don't know if it's just like, like my life gets more complicated and the problems seem more unmanageable or like, you know what I mean? Like, we need that, Yeah. We don't know. It's like the disciples say like, we don't know how to pray. or I don't remember who said, I feel like that's, that's somewhere in scripture, right? Yeah. It's know how to pray. Like we ought, maybe it's Paul. Yeah.


It's in Romans eight. I know it's someone. Yeah. There we go. Yeah. The spirit helps us in our weakness. We don't know what Yeah. What to pray for, but the spirit himself intercedes for us in groaning. Mm-hmm. Um, right. So, and that's exactly what happens.


Mm. That's such a, mm-hmm. Man, that's so like, sweet to the soul, I feel


like too. Yes. So comforting. It's comforting you say. Yeah.


Mm-hmm. I love that. What would you say is like something that you've learned about prayer in the last year that you didn't know before? Like, it sounds like the last year has been kind of a wild ride with you in that. Um, but what is like one thing that has really stood out to you that, has been a shift, something you didn't know before?


you know, since I got film with the Holy Spirit, I guess I used to just pray and just kind of just take off and, uh, you know, whether I going off a prayer list or had something on my heart or someone on my heart. but in the last year, I've really just been trying to just minister to the presence of the Lord. Just sit in his presence and ask him. Like, Lord, what are you doing? Mm-hmm. How can I be a part of it? Or, Lord, what do you want me to pray about today? Mm-hmm. Again, it's that mystery, like God is all powerful. He can, he has a, the cattle on a thousand hills like he doesn't want or need for anything, but somehow he delights. In us calling out to him on behalf of his people. Yeah. And so it's that partnering with God, it's not my agenda, it's God, what can I pray about? How can I move your heart and bless you today.


Yeah. I had never heard of that idea of like ministering to the Lord until, um, we did that prayer study as a church and I literally thought it was like a typo. This is so silly of me. I just didn't know. But like I was, because I had, I read in the Old Testament, like, you know, like the priest minister before the Lord and stuff. Yeah. Um, is how I think I had usually read that. And so I was like, is he talking about that? But this idea of like ministering to the Lord. Can you talk a little bit about that and just like how prayer does that and how you see that kind of happening? For sure. Yeah.


You know, God is worthy to be praised. he not only has made all creation, but he sustains it and all glory and honor and power is his. And so when you just sit in his presence and, um, you quiet yourself down and you just meditate on his goodness and his holiness, and you thank him for not just what he's given you in your life, but just who he is. you're just ministering to his presence. You're there. Mm-hmm. And you are basically just giving all glory to him, um Right. Just, just by sitting with him and being alone with him. And, giving him praise and worship mm-hmm. All of all of it is his anyways. Um, right. All our time, all our resources, everything belongs to him. And so, yeah. It's, it's an interesting concept and it's, again, it's another one of those mysteries. It's


like, right. Yeah. Because like you're saying, he, it's not like he needs that. Right. He sustains everything in himself, but he like desires us to for sure. Like, interact with him and that's, yeah. Such a mystery, but also like, it, it's such a reminder to me of this is one of the reasons I think that I'm excited about this series is because. The idea that, our relationships on earth give us just like a tiny glimpse at what our relationship with the Lord could look like. You know, in those moments, like in your friendships that just feel like holy and special. You know? I feel like that can be such a glimpse of like the close, the even way more so close relationship that we have the opportunity to have with the Lord. Absolutely. Absolutely. Mm-hmm. And so I'm like, okay, how can, because obviously they're different in ways, but like how does the way that we interact with our friends, how can we like paint that onto our relationship with the Lord in certain ways to. Give us a better understanding of like what this relationship he wants it to look like because it is such a relationship. And I think that's something that man religion has missed for, for a long time that I wanna, I wanna dive into more because there is, he desires a relationship and like he doesn't need it, but he wants it. Like, that's just something I think that is hard for us to understand cuz we're so needs driven as needs, you know? For sure. Yeah. Well, what is one thing that you feel like you used to struggle with in prayer that you've now gained some traction in, you know, like some growth here. Um, what is something that maybe over, the last few years or so you would say that you have? Okay, I've like seen a step forward here. Um, what comes to mind there?


Um, I used to be really afraid of praying in front of people. Um, Yeah, I think everybody struggles with that. But um, when I was in my mid twenties, I was in a lady's small group and the last thing that we would do at the end of the group time was pray for the person on our left or on our right or yeah. Whatever the leader wanted us to do. And I used to just sweat over it. Oh yeah. He's so nervous. And, the more I participated, you know, the more I just grew in that confidence. Mm. Right. I was also part of a home church at the time and we would go out evangelizing and praying for people on the streets. Mm-hmm. And oh my goodness, that made me so uncomfortable. But yeah, that's where I really started to not only get comfortable with praying for people, but like praying in that power cuz I would see people change. Um, yeah. Yeah. And so I think if you're struggling with prayer, joining a small group or a serve team is the perfect place to start out. Um, getting exposure to other people, praying, um, being kind of put on the spot. Maybe, you know, some, a lot of, um, of the serve teams will be like, Kimber, you pray or pray, you pray, whatever. Yeah. Yeah. And, you'll find that, you know, just the more you do it, the more you get comfortable with it. Mm-hmm. Um, right now I'm in a small group, on Monday nights with some elderly ladies. I think I'm the youngest person there by like 30 years. And, um, I'm learning so much. Yeah, I bet from them. I love that. Yeah. They, I mean, I've been praying my whole life, but I'm, I'm still just like, whoa, that was beautiful. You know what they just said. And they just break right on through heaven when they're praying. And there's just something beautiful about continuing, to have this conversation with God no matter where you are, what stage of life you're in. Um, you can always learn from the next generation or, yeah. Um, people that are just passionate about praying.


Yeah. That's one thing that I've really enjoyed so far talking with Megan and you about in this is, is just like learning from you guys even. And I totally agree with the comment of like, you know, get into a small group or something because mm-hmm. Um, then you can, like, you build relationships with those people and you can practice these things in an environment that, you know, feels safer. And for sure it isn't a ton of people right there, you know, if that, if like praying in front of people is something that's a challenge for someone that, like starting with a small group or even just a couple people Yeah. I think can be, can be such a great way to like, get your feet wet if you will. Yeah. Or you could just do like you did and get. Like, just go to the all the uncomfortable things, like all, you know, street evangelism and, and just like cannon ball into the cold water, if you will. Yeah. In that, but yeah, that'll do it. Right. I love that. Hey friend, forgive me for taking a quick moment in this conversation to ask a favor of you. I hope my conversation with Ruthie is blessing you today. And if so, would you take a moment to rate and review the show on apple podcasts? Reviews are so helpful in bringing new friends to the show. And I love reading what is blessing you from the podcast? You can find the link to leave a review in the description of this episode. So thank you so much for taking a second to do that. Okay. Now back to the show. So, when the, one of the things with this series that we've really been focusing on is, like I said, just how these different, like spiritual disciplines or just aspects, aspects of our faith walk that grow our relationship with Jesus can then flow out to grow our relationships too. And so I would love to hear just like, how do you see a growing prayer life with the Lord? How do you think that impacts our friendships? Because I think so often we think of it as well, that's a personal thing. My prayer life is, but mm-hmm. I think it does impact. So how do you see that happening?


Oh man, there is nothing better in the world than having a prayer partner. Mm-hmm. And there's nothing that knits your hearts together, like finding unity in praying for each other or praying for a cause. my bestie and I met for a season at five 30 at the church every Monday to pray. Wow. And we prayed for each other, we prayed for our families, we prayed for the church. Mm-hmm. Um, for our ministries. And, you know, it was a sacrifice to get up that early and meet, you know, that early in the morning. but it started out our, our week and it was something that we both felt like that was important to do. And wouldn't you know that our friendship grew so much in that season? Yeah. When we were crying out to the Lord on behalf of each other and our community. not to mention like when you see breakthrough in the things that you're praying about. Mm, yes. It is so fun to celebrate together. Mm-hmm. Like, we would literally call each other, you know, super late and be like, ah, oh my gosh, it's so fun. Love that. Yeah. Yeah. And then, you know, the most beautiful thing about this is that we spent hours in dedicated prayer time together and the Lord used all of it and we became like this prayer unit. And when we were together, like things were happening, we would pray for people and they would get healed. And we would pray for people and they would get filled with the Holy Spirit. And God was just moving. When her and I prayed for other people together, it was so amazing. Like, we are praying for this. So this young soldier mm-hmm. And we had anointed him with oil and he had been on a jump. He had jumped outta an airplane and he'd hurt his back really bad. Mm-hmm. And, we both had our hands on him and we were praying and his back started heating up. Mm-hmm. And, and we looked at each other and we were both just like, keep praying. And so we were just praying and praying and praying and he kind of left, you know, and he texted me the next day. He's like, I just woke up without back pain for the first time in months. Oh. He's like, and you know, it caused him to rejoice. And then of course we're calling each other like Right. Yeah. So man, God will work through your friendships, man. If you wanna make somebody your bestie, just invite them, to pray with you, and You know, whether it's you're praying for your marriage or you know, Ukraine or mm-hmm. Like, pick up a voice of the Martyrs magazine, pray for the persecuted in China. Like, it doesn't matter. Right. But when you are praying with each other, the lo the Lord is so honored by that. And you will see breakthrough in the things that you're praying for and I promise you, and that person will grow together too. It's beautiful thing.


That's something that I feel like, you know, you hear talked about okay. So not in the tra in the tradition. I grew up, you never really heard this idea, but I know that it is a common term in some traditions with the idea of like agreement in prayer. Can you talk a little bit about that?


Yeah. you know, I think some people take this first outta context a lot. Mm-hmm. But I, I also think. this verse applies to, and it's the, the verse that says, when two are more gathered in my name, um, I will be with them. And historically like that is a, targeted to like church discipline. Mm-hmm. But again, I've seen this time and time again when you and another person, you both love the Lord and you are just praying, God is like, I'm gonna move. You're agreeing in prayer. Mm-hmm. That, you know, the things that are bound in heaven are, are bound on earth, and whatever is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven. Like God has given us authority and somehow there is just, again, it's a mystery. There is a power in praying and agreeing. As a unit that, things would be done and God's will would be done. Mm-hmm. And, I don't know. Yeah. You know, in Chrisses it says, the verse about, uh, th the three chords, you know? Right. That, who can undo, uh, you know, what does it say something about the,


it's like a cord of three strands is not easily broken or something. Yeah,


that's exactly. Mm-hmm. And so when, when you're a strand, your buddy's a strand and then God is that other strand. Like you can't break those things off those. That is a powerful, powerful thing. When you pray with a friend or, you know, another sister in Christ, there's just things that happen and God will use every moment of


it. Hmm. I love that. And even from just like a super practical standpoint of that like, man, when you're praying with someone else, it's like, You're not just your faith out there. Like, you can lean on each other, like build each other's faith up in that moment and encourage each other with things that like the other one wouldn't have thought of. And like, I just feel like there's such, it's just the, the same principles that apply to like why we work together in just the world. Like we help each other, like our, our brains work together and our hearts strengthen each other. And of course that applies to, to our prayer moments as well. Absolutely. Yeah. I love that. So if you're, like, if someone's listening in, they're like, okay, prayer partner. Um, what should I, like, how do I go about getting, getting a prayer partner? Like what does that look like? Did you just say to your friend like, Hey, let's pray at 5:30 AM like, you know, what has that experience for you in kind of getting to that moment with someone, um, or building that kind of a relationship looked like?


well, initially we just wanted to see some breakthrough in our ministries. Hmm. And, we were like, you know, this is important enough, we need to prioritize this time. and so that's kind of how that started. But, man, if you, if, if you're listening and you know, you are struggling with some things or you need to see some breakthrough, in your prayer life or in your family, or whatever's going on, get yourself somebody that you know loves the Lord Hmm. And is faithful, to, you know, setting a a part a time. And, you know, you d it doesn't have to be in person. Maybe this is somebody who lives across the country and you could do it over the phone, but make sure you have a regular time that you're meeting right. And don't miss it. Why do you think that's


so important? Because I agree.


Yeah, because it establishes a routine, right? You're like, for us it was like Mondays at five 30, we're praying, we're not scheduling anything else. During this time, our husbands and families will be asleep. we won't get interrupted during this time. and, and there's something again, when you sacrifice to make time for something as special as prayer. Yeah. Again, God is honored by that.


And so I think it's like, I mean, going back to the Old Testament, image of prayer is like a fragrant offering. and like the offerings, the Old Testament, like it's a sacrifice. Yeah. Otherwise it's not Well of, you know, if it doesn't cost you anything, it's not a sacrifice. So. Correct. I think that correlation, it makes a lot of sense to me in the context of scripture that, you know, the setting aside of a time sacrificing that time and making it set apart, I think is just, it's like trusting the Lord with what you're doing. Yeah. Rather than for sure. Trying to fit it in to random times or something like that.


Absolutely. You're so right about that. And, you know, it doesn't have to be super early in the morning. Sure. It could be at nap time or, you know, before bed or whatever. Whatever works for you because. Any, I feel like any time that you have downtime and you're not watching Netflix or doing whatever you wanna do, like you are sacrificing, you know, your time to do something important, like meeting with God. Mm-hmm. And, you'll be blessed and God will be honored. So, so do it. I love that. And, um, I love that. The other thing that, that prayer with your friends does is, You know, in, in James five 16, it says, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Mm-hmm. I want my prayers to be powerful and effective. Yeah. If I'm speaking prayers, like I want them to be heard and I want them to be powerful. And when you find a girlfriend that you can pray with and you trust each other and you have a safe space to, confess sin to one another, you will receive healing and God will bless you through that. And then, and then you go into prayer time and your prayers are gonna be powerful and effective. It's like a win win. but the more you establish that relationship and pray together, that confessing of sin becomes normal and mm-hmm. Um, right. It becomes something that, you know, can be uncomfortable at first, but then becomes routine and then you have accountability. Yeah. And it's, it's still good. Hmm. So I just wanna, um, I just wanted to throw that out there too. Yeah.


It's such a good challenge for us. Yeah. I love that. and actually ask someone to engage in that kind of a relationship with you and set that time, man, I think that kind of intention can, I can feel hard at first, but I love your encouragement that like, it is worth it. Yes. It's worth it to, to maybe make that awkward move. So I love that.


Yes, for sure.


Well, as we wrap up today, I like to end my conversations just with some encouragement for our friends listening, about whatever we're talking about. And man, today I feel like the person who is on my heart with this is just like a friend who's listening and she's like, man, I want to grow in my prayer life, but I just feel stuck. Like, I don't know, maybe like how to move forward here. Or maybe she's been, praying some prayers that feel like they haven't had much traction in them or Sure they're stuck in some way. Like what would you say to her today is like the encouragement or direction to move forward in?


I would like to say first of all, that everyone struggles with prayer at some point. Whether it's getting going or just not. You know, experiencing that breakthrough or just feeling like you pray the same prayers all the time. Mm-hmm. Um, there are literally like 5 million different books and e-courses on prayer because it can be a mystery. Mm-hmm. I would say go find some books. yeah. You know, first of all, the Bible is sufficient for everything in life. Yeah. And, um, in Matthew, Jesus teaches us to pray the Lord's Prayer. you're feeling like you just don't know, like the order or like how you should pray, Jesus models that for us in the Lord's Prayer. Yeah. And so just meditate on those lines one at a time, you know? Mm. Our father who are in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. And just even if you spend, you know, five minutes on each line of that prayer, and you can personalize it. And, um, that's a, that's a, first of all, a great place to start love. But also look at the Psalms. Those are also beautiful, beautiful prayers. and again, tons of good books. I just read Praying The Bible by Donald Whitney, and it's just all about, um, the power of praying scripture. Mm.


I love that.


But, something that is just timeless too is, uh, like the Puritan prayer books. Mm-hmm. Uh, like Valley of Vision and, piercing Heaven. That's another good one. Um, prayers that avail as much. These are all just like prayer books that, yeah. Are super old, but, really give you a good, like foundation Yeah. For all kinds of different prayers. But, um, if you are, you know, maybe you're a little further along in your prayer life mm-hmm. And you're just feeling like, I wanna pray more in power, or, You know, I want to, I wanna see people healed, or I want to see people delivered, or I just pray the same thing every day. And, man, go out and evangelize, pray for people. Mm-hmm. You know, go to the park, see if you see somebody that needs prayer, just say, Hey, can I pray for you and start doing it? Start seeing God work. again, I, I will always put in a plug to join a small group or a serve team, because Yeah. You will again, have many opportunities to pray for people to receive healing or to be, you know, just blessed, see breakthrough in their family. But I think the most important thing I can tell everybody is, you know, Jesus says, my sheep know my voice and they hear me and they follow me. And if you don't pray, then you won't know his voice. And it's not just praying, it's also listening. Mm-hmm. And so just start somewhere whether You're just in your bedroom and you're praying, or you're praying with your husband or with your kids. I mean, just start somewhere so that you can start to recognize the leading of the Holy Spirit and, God's voice when he speaks to you in prayer. And be sure to listen. not enough just to say your prayers, like give God some room. You know? a prayer is a, conversation, and a conversation is a two-way street. So you, you have to make room and time and space to listen. Um, yeah. To God talk to you when you're praying. So, um,


what does listening look like for you, would you say? Yeah, because I think that's something that, you know, maybe seems a little bit ambiguous to some people.


Sure. you know, there's a time and a place for the listening prayer. sometimes when you're out evangelizing, you're just like, Lord, heal this person, and that's all you have time for. Mm-hmm. Um, when you're listening, it's, it's in a quiet place. you know, I, I wouldn't recommend doing it with, while you're cooking lunch or anything, like


when your kids, it's hard to listen when you're doing other things. I mean, yes. It seems intuitive to me in regular human conversations.


Yeah. And, you know, God's voice comes in that still small whisper. It's, um, I've heard it, described as like the tickle of a feather on your soul. Um, so you have to really set apart. Um, some quiet time and space to actually listen and, the Holy Spirit will speak to you. It is God's will to speak to you and for him to know you and for you to be, for you to know God and his character and who he is. He's a good father and he wants to be known, and so he will not withhold. Um, one of my favorite verses in the Bible is, ask and it will be given to you, knock, and the door will be open. Um, search and you will find me. I don't think I said it in the right order, but, um, that's okay. You got


it in the pieces. Yeah.


That is God's will. He, he wants you to come to him and it's his will, for him to be known as well. So, mm. Um, just start, just start praying and pray with your sisters. And pray for, pray with your kids. Mm-hmm. and you will be blessed. I, I promise that is, that is a promise.


Mm-hmm. I love that man. So good. Ruthie, I am really thankful for you sharing with us today. It was just so, encouraging and challenging for me. And I, again, like we said, I'm really blessed to learn from you and others in this cuz it's definitely something that I feel like the Lord is growing me right now in me right now. And so thanks so much for talking to us today. Thank you. I love it. What are you gonna go out and do today on this lovely summer day? You got anything fun planned?


Well, you know, I'd love to go paddle boarding. Mm-hmm. But it. Yeah, if this rain looks a little dolly Yeah, it would be on.


Hopefully by the time this airs next week, it will be beautiful and sunny and we will just hope that you got a chance to go do that. Oh Lord.


Let it be so. Right. Amen. Amen.


Thank you, Kimber. Thanks so much Ruthie. You


have a great day. You too.


Friends. I'm so glad you could join me and read the, on the show this week. If you are feeling encouraged to take a step of faith toward a deeper prayer life after our conversation know that I'm praying for you in that. Maybe you start with reading acts like Ruthie said, or carving out some focused, consistent time for prayer in your day. Or maybe it's asking a friend to be your prayer partner. Whatever your next step is. I know the Lord is going to meet you there. And friends, if you are loving the series so far, will you share it with a friend this week? It's my biggest prayer out of this series that you would take these conversations to your own friend circles. Don't let the talk stop here. And a great way to do that is to share the podcast and then talk about it after you've both listened. Maybe you ask the friend, you'd like to be a prayer partner with, to listen to it as an avenue to talk about join each other in prayer once a week. And remember the best way to stay connected with this community is by joining my newsletter crew. All you have to do is visit your sister to subscribe. Then you'll get my weekly newsletter directly to your email inbox each Tuesday with a preview of what will be featured on the podcast that week. I also like to include a practical tip to try for that week and some other resources to help you grow friendships, the honor, God, and draw you closer to Jesus. Friends. Thank you so much for being part of this community until next time. It's your sister Kimber.

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