Your Sister, Kimber

Ep.57 Practicing Confession in Friendship

Kimber Gilbert Season 2 Episode 57

Kimber and series guest co-host Meghan Fravel talk about how practicing confession in the context of friendship can lead to growth and trust in your relationships. 

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Hey friends. Welcome to the, your sister Kimber podcast. My name is Kimberly Gilbert, and I'm so glad you're here. All relationships are messy because we all bring sin to the table, even on our best days. So it matters whether a closest people have a sober or soft view of sin. Not so that they can throw it in your face, but so they can recognize their own sin and be grieved by it because they understand the cost that has to your friendship. One way we can invite this sober understanding of how sin impacts our friendships into our relationships. Is by practicing confession and repentance openly, honestly, and regularly with your closest circle. Today, our series guest co-host Megan Freeville and I are digging into what confession and repentance can look like in a friendship practically speaking. And why integrating these practices into your friendships just as you're working to grow in them by the holy spirit, in your walk with the Lord. Can bless and deepen your relationships. I wish we could talk about this over coffee on a sunny back porch today, but this is the next best thing. I'm so glad you're here, friend. Let's get started. Hey friends. I am here with our summer series special guest co-host, which is holy cow. That's a. Title. If I've ever heard one. Megan framer.




Me to work on shortening that up a little bit, but. It's good. Communicates everything we need.




Oh, yes. Yes. We'll work. We'll workshop that. But I'm so glad to hear Megan. I've been loving our conversation so far. Uh, we got to camp together recently. And it was so fun. Um, but I'm interested to know what summer adventure you most excited for coming up.


Oh, I am excited for dip netting. I think I'm like super excited. Um, So for those that don't know what dip netting is, it's




Way a salmon fish, um,




with a really big net. um,


perfect. Like it's like bigger than a hula hoop, but you stick it in the side of


yes, you stand in the water and just hold it. And this, wait for them to swim in.


It sounds so weird. When you're not familiar with it.


Um, last year was the first year we were allowed to dip net, so this is our second. And we just had so much fun. I know. I just love it. I'm just, Yeah. So I'm excited for fishing. We're almost there.


We loved it knitting too. And I feel like there's just something about being in a big group, out camping and then dev. Nanny is such like an adventure. Like sometimes it's great. And sometimes it's terrible. And I mean, anyone who fishes knows the gist of that, and, and so, yeah, there's just something really special about it. I agree.


Yes, and We go with, you know, well you come, but we a big group of us all go out. And so we're all together and just with like this common goal of just slaying fish all day and then we get to come back to the campfire and it's always just, you know, a good time of last year we did the tortilla challenge and it was awesome. So we'll see what kind of mischief we all get into.


I am sure it will be something if our friends listening don't know what the tortilla challenges, three like slap each other with tortillas. On the phase, when you have a mouthful of water and whoever spews the water out first loses.


yes. Were you a part of that last year? We did Like a whole, uh, what do you call it? oh my gosh. Bracket? Yes. Thank you. The word, a whole bracket. It was


I wasn't, I don't know where we were when that was all happening. Maybe we weren't there yet. Cause we came down a little bit later, but I've done it. I've done it with staff and


Yes, that's


oh my goodness. Turns out I have a high pain tolerance.


You got slapped hard.


But so did the girl I was going against. So we just were in like this standoff. It's like this cold war. Finally we gave up, I think.


That's awesome. Yeah, it's So fun. What about you?


Um, Yeah, I would probably say dip netting. Um, although I'm, we're going on a trip, that maybe by the time this airs, we will have already. Been on. I can't remember, but we're going to Valdez finally, which again, friends who are not in Alaska, it's like six hours away, but it's one of those places that we have. Been like, we need to go, we need to go. We need to go. And we just never have, and it's what I hear over and over is like, it's the most beautiful drive like that you'll ever take.


That's on our list too, because we haven't gone yet. And so I try, we're gonna try to go in June. Um, that's what we've heard. It's like the best drive ever. If we end up getting a good summer, it'll be nice out. We can hopefully yeah.


know, I'm really excited for that. We're going with my parents, so that'll be really


fun. Oh, that's awesome. Valdez. Yes. That's on the bucket list for us here,


I love it. Well, friends listening. I hope you're loving your summer so far. We're we're hoping that by the time. Yes. By the time this airs that it has turned into a warm and wonderful summer, it's kind of rainy. Or not rainy, even just like cloudy and cold so far here in Alaska, but we are fingers crossed, praying hard for some sun to come.


Please Lord,


we are a little ways into a series here on the podcast called being the friend you need that we're talking about all summer. And if you're just jumping into this series, I would encourage you to go back and listen to the intro episode. It's called being the friend you need it's episode 52. Um, just for some context for these conversations, because. This series really is not about trying harder, um, or like remembering things better, just like being more thoughtful. because I feel like there can be such pressure when we're talking about friendships to like, oh, be a better friend, like be the friend you need. But really what we're focusing on in this series is just this idea that We're working out our salvation through holy spirit with Jesus. Right. And as we're doing that, whatever we're getting from him and however we're growing with him. That is what's going to flow out into our relationships and help us grow in being that friend that we know we need. And so what we're really focusing on here, I feel like is how do the ways that I'm growing with Jesus? How can those bleed out into my friendships and just being intentional about looking for those ways and when we find them leaning into those, because I think sometimes we can just let them pass us by just cause we're not looking for those opportunities. So what has. Been your favorite nugget or part of what we've talked about so far in these conversations, what has like been turning around in your head most, since we started talking.


Ooh, that's a good one. Wow, this has been such a great conversation. I think just I, I'd say that I'm pretty good at stepping out, and initiating things, but I think even more so of that, maybe even more of where my heart is on certain areas. Has really been like something I've been mulling around of just being more vulnerable in those of, of, of letting people in maybe my closest circle in a little bit more into maybe where some of the areas I'm struggling with the most that I haven't like maybe fully let everybody into yet. Um, and so I've been just kind of trying to be a little bit, more intentional about. Kind of with the conversation steer that way, or even steering a conversation that way of just being like, Hey, I just need to share this a little bit. And, um, so that bravery of, of that has been a good, um, been really good for


I love that idea of steering the conversation because it's easy to not steer. Uh, conversation. Right. And just let it like go wherever. and I think for me, what it is, is it's like paying attention to those moments when I have the opportunity to steer the conversation. Cause I think I can get just target locked on like. You know, What's the plan? Or like, whatever we're doing. And I, I forget those opportunities exist. Um, and so just like even paying attention to when those opportunities come up and then I love that piece too, of like having the bravery to then. Say the thing that steers the direction. And so good. Well today, we're, we're having kind of one of these harder conversations. Yeah. And. This is something that I've been excited to talk about, because I feel like it is something that was not a part of my friendship conversations until, uh, maybe the last like. Five years or so if that, and this is just this idea of like confession, repentance being grieved by sin that we see in our relationship. And just even growing in our relationship with God and how we view our sin as serious and as like weighty. And so this is something that I've been working through in just my relationship with the Lord and like how I both see my sin as. Sirius and wadey in light of, of course the like overwhelming grace of God, right? Like how those things. Relate to each other. And in the realm of friendship, I feel like it's easy to not focus on. How our sin affects our relationships just with people around us. Like, we don't want to talk about that. We don't want to think about that. You know? And I, and I do love like a growth mindset, you know, like how can we do better? How can we love well, like that kind of thing. But. I think that we can't, we're not going to take that journey seriously. Unless we are actually allowing ourselves to be grieved by our sin. And we recognize that sin does break relationships. And even if your friendship is like, okay, still, it doesn't mean that it's not effected by our sin. And so that to me is just such a sobering reminder that there has to be room for confession and repentance in. Our relationships with our, with our friends. And I don't think that's something we talk about a ton. Have you. Where are you at on this, this kind of subject? Where have you seen this? Come up?


Um, Yeah. I think I would be the same as you. That it wasn't, um, something that I talked about. It was always like the good things, like, oh, God's teaching me this, and it's all this, like, you know, great things, but not going into. The kind of the darker, you know, the darker side of my sin. Um, Yeah. But now that, that's, that's been something that, in our small group we're we talk, do like a confession and sometimes and talk about where we're at. And then with our, my close friends of this is where I'm struggling, Um, I try to be a little more of like, I know I'll be like, this isn't gonna sound like. Not like Jesus Right. now, and here's where you need to put me back on. Like, this is just the raw truth of where my heart is and I know this isn't where I wanna be. Um, and then allowing them to kind of speak into that and help direct me back, um, and starting that confession. But, growth requires a death and that death is our sin. And so we can't move forward. Even our, even in our conversations of this is where God is, teaching me something Right. now. Maybe it's. Patience. Okay. But there's still a growth, a, a death of my impatience that needs to happen. And so going to that of like, this is where I'm, you know, being impatient in my life and confessing that to God and maybe even to others, because honestly, maybe it comes out in your friendship. This is where I'm struggling in my sin and this is where I now need to go. But we can't grow unless something dies and that death


Hm. I love that perspective because you're right. That it's like, it's hard to confess those things and to talk about it. And I love that practice that you're developing in small group because man, if you don't have a place to practice that it's definitely never going to happen. I mean, confession is awkward. It's hard. Like it's hard. I think in our prayer life, like privately. And it's for sure hard when it's like in-person across from someone, I think, especially in, um, I wonder if this is easier ever for someone who has kind of a background of a more. Um, maybe like Catholic based or like more liturgical background that maybe practices confession more as part of their faith tradition. Um, or at least more formally as part of their faith tradition. But for me, man, it just, it feels so hard every time it comes up. In conversation with friends, one thing, um, with that small group that, um, kind of setting. That has been helpful. I think with this idea is, um, we were doing. Uh, it was like this girl's night that one of my friends did for us in our small group. And one of the questions was what is one thing that you are experiencing right now that we should know about?


Oh, that's a good question.


Is a really good question and I've hijacked it a lot


I was like, I'm gonna write that down.


You should write it down right now. What is the one thing that you're experiencing right now that we should know about? And a couple of things I love about that question that I think can provide opportunity for confession. One it's experiencing, not just something that's going on. Like, I feel like if you're experiencing it, that could be like A temptation or a sin struggle like that is a prime opportunity for something like that to come up. Um, or it could be something lighter. Like I'm experiencing a lot of joy in hiking, like, you know, whatever, but. Um, it gives the opportunity for you to go that route, if you need to confess something or not to, if you don't want to go there. Um, and then the idea of like, that we should know about kind of is the same thing where it's like, I'm accountable to these people. Like my sin doesn't only affect me. It affects my relationships, especially those closest relationships to me. And so it's just that idea of like, I'm accountable to some people in my life because I don't live in a vacuum or in a bubble. Um, and so I think that question has been helpful in our small group, at least, and if you know our friends listening, if you're looking for a way to like, Invite this confession kind of practice into, a small group setting or into a relationship. I think that can be a great question


Yeah, that's a really great question. Yeah. And even, um, you know, I work at our church and we just did integrity checks and it was some, you know, the questions were Yes. And I will, like, are you living with sexual integrity? Yes. Or I am. And it's not to be like this shame, not to bring shame, but how can we like. How can we come alongside you to help you if this is an area that you're struggling with, and not that you need to do integrity checks necessarily with. your friend, this big, like, formal thing, but like where Yeah. What are you experiencing Right. now? Like asking those kind of pointed questions. Um, yeah. It's hard. It's, it doesn't feel good. It's definitely one that for me that I'm like, Ooh, that's never easy.


Yeah. cause it's like, I think it's just a little bit counter intuitive to the like cultural way that I think we're taught to approach friendship, I think is very. Um, Like lacks accountability, because I think it's very, self-centered, you know, it's like when we're talking about our Christian friendships, especially our closest ones in, even just the context of the church, it's like the body of Christ is all connected. So like, you know, if you. Chop off your toe, like your whole body feels that. Right. And even though it's like, far away from it, You feel that all over. And so I feel like we maybe understand that in the context of the church, Like maybe intellectually, but I don't think we always allow that to then. Pervade like our friendships, which artists, a microcosm of that, right? Like your small group or, you know, your closest Christian friends who you're. You know, sharing like Bible study with, or that you pray with. Like those also have to be the people that we are accountable with. I think not maybe everyone that you do those other practices with, but at least someone because otherwise we're acting like. that part of our spirituality isn't connected to the rest of the body. And it is like, I just don't think there's any way around it. Do you see it that way too, as interconnected? Um, how do you think that. Impacts the idea of needing to practice confession in our friendships.


Well, I think it's almost just how we're talking about the other episodes of we can't help but share out of the overflow of what we consume, and that's kind of with our sin. I mean, you might not think it's affecting anybody but it, it is, like you said, like you can't cut off your toe and your whole body not, not feel it. Now, of course we can have A whole big conversation of Simpsons are more, Outwardly effective and maybe some of your inner things. Sure. But eventually That's all gonna seep out. And yeah. So I think that there's really no way around it. And it's, I know for me, sharing that is hard. Like, it, it makes me feel very vulnerable. And where I start, where the enemy starts to speak into my mind is if you share where your heart is, where you're struggling, people are gonna leave and walk away and, you know, and so, yeah. And so for me it's really. I know that's the enemy one to keep me in darkness. and you might have a totally different lie that the enemy's thrown at you with why you maybe don't want to share that, but like, that's not from God. Cuz God wants us to go into the light and that is confession and that is speaking out that hard thing. And yeah, truth is they might walk away. They might be like, whoa, too. much. but what if they don't? And what if they come close and then they get to share where they're at, and then you get to point each other back to Christ and work, work through it, you know, together. And so, Yeah. It is, I feel like it's, it's a part of friendship. Our culture is very much like, you're amazing. You're doing great. keep going. You know, instead of, Yeah. Sometimes you're not in this, you know, and And so it's hard.


And I feel like it's a good thing to remember then is the boundary context of where this happens because. Like you said there, the cultural way to navigate friendship is just, is either by just straight encouraging. Like you're amazing. Just like affirmation, affirmation, affirmation, which is great. We should affirm each other. That's so important. But the cultural way is to say oh, when you're not crushing it, when I'm not going to affirm you. Then I leave. Like I drop you if you're not serving me essentially, or like meeting my needs. And there's a definite happy medium there. Like there's, there's a sweet spot, right? Like on either end of the extreme, we don't need to just like, Affirm each other constantly, especially when there's something that like, you've talked about it before, like a way that a friend sees that we could really use some room for growth and they try to be loving and how they bring that to us. But then also that side of like, where does that fear of rejection come from? Well, it probably comes from the fact that sometimes that's what people do. Like sometimes people just drop you, you know? And if they find out something or if you share something that doesn't feel like it meets their narrative. And so. Um, within. Like Christian relationships though, we have a middle ground where it's like, we can infer, affirm and encourage. Right. But we can also, rebuke and, encourage confession and like walk with people through that. Because I think it's a matter of source it's like, because community is coming as a source from the Lord, not from just are my needs being met. That's why we can sit in sometimes that not happy medium, but that uncomfortable middle with our people. And so the reality is that we don't sit in that. Safe space. everyone. Right. Like, you know, if we try to bring confession into our small group or something and you know, someone doesn't receive it well like that, that is a risk that we take. And so how do you feel like we navigate knowing what the boundaries are for when we share this kind of thing or when we invite confession? Um, how can we go about just like, okay. If I, if I know that this is something that is important to my deepest, closest friendships. how do I know which ones that applies to where I should share this? What the context is?


Yeah. Well, I think the first thing to do is to talk to God about it and pray about who it is that you need to maybe, open up and share with, because maybe it doesn't need to be, Three or closest friends, maybe this is only something that you feel like one person needs. So praying about it, and I, I really do feel like God's gonna put that person on your heart of like, this is who I need to open up to, um, about it. And then, and then maybe calling him or meeting up with them and saying, Hey, I got, I gotta share something with you That's just really heavy on my heart. Do you think we could get together and, and to talk about it? And, um, And I think that That's gonna be the way to start it, is prayer and, and asking God and confessing to God first too. Um, and this might be on the flip side, where maybe you're seeing something in somebody that you feel like maybe you need to speak into. Again, I'd say pray about it and then like, Hey, you know, there's something I wanna talk to you about and get that. conversation going. the thing is that we're, we're all sinners. Not one of us is. Is sitting in the, the seat of victory in this yet. Um, and so that reminder of we are all on a level playing field here and we all need God's grace and I wanna be able to extend grace just as much as I want people to give it to me. And there's a, there was a quote that I love that. it's like this Puritan pastor, he, I wrote it down cuz I loved it. And it said, till sin be bitter, Christ will not be sweet. And so there is this like level of this sin. It has gotta me, it has gotta break me in a way of, a grief in a morning, of breaking God's heart of what it, maybe it's affected in my life and others' lives. And then when that happens, when there's that breaking, like that's a good thing is, but, and not in a shame based of like, I'm worthless, but now Christ, that grace can just get poured into me. And then that chasm, that of space that we have with God is now just been bridged because his death on the cross took that away in that moment. And so, but it has to, it has to break us, I think, first.


Yeah, because, I mean, that's the idea that. friends listening may or may not have heard of, but this idea of like cheap grace, you know, that if like, if we haven't been, I think the other phrase that gets thrown out is like he who has been forgiven much, like loves much, you know? And it's this idea of like, if we haven't been forgiven of much, because we think that. we're pretty great. Like we got it all together. then her view of God's grace is just so, I think. And so it's, yeah, it's not out of shame, but it's out of just like, it expands your view of how kind and good God is. And I think the same can apply in our friendships because if, if we think like, oh, I'm a pretty good friend. Like, I mean, we might be a pretty good friend. That's true. And it's not like we need to be down on ourselves. Like, oh, I'm terrible. I'm the worst, you know, that's, not what I'm saying here, but. rather just a sober view of my sin does impact my friendships. it breaks relationships around me. Like when I am selfishly motivated in my friendships that. Cracks our relationship. When I say unkind things, even if like, oh, I meant it jokingly or what, like that breaks my relationships. And if I act like it, doesn't. Then it's just going to keep fracturing. Right. Whereas if I have a sober view of how my sin impacts my relationships, Then I have an opportunity to confess that, which deepens your friendships. And repent as in trying to do better by the power of the holy spirit walk closer and closer to Christ. And so I feel like it's, it's just that, like you're saying that awareness of the chasm, because the chasm exists either way. It's just whether or not. We acknowledge


Yeah. Yeah. Yep, yep. And it's not even just our outward maybe sin that we have a, we are gonna sin against each other too, like, being able to go to your friend and confess, I probably hurt you, or I need to apologize for this, or vice versa, is so important because we are, we're gonna hurt each other's feelings. We're gonna say the wrong thing, we're gonna do the wrong thing. That's just life with a bunch of sinners. we're gonna, we're gonna, like, it's gonna happen. And then I know I always reference Jenny Allen, but sorry, but she says, um, you know, she's awesome. Sorry. Um, but she says, you know, I, I will disappoint you. You will disappoint me, but God will never disappoint us. And that's such a good reminder of, again, like that triangle of there's gonna be times where I'm gonna disappoint you. That's just inevitable. You're gonna disappoint me. But when we have God as a center of our friendship, that's where we get to confess and repent and really deepens our friendship when we can go to one another and our brokenness and be like, I messed up and I was wrong. Um, and will you forgive me? And that's pretty much all you gotta say, you know, is just to do that.


Yeah, because it's, again, that like restoration because at least I know for me, sometimes I'm unaware of it. Um, And that's an opportunity to like, receive. You know, rebuke from a friend and I in a good way, which is, which is really hard. But sometimes I am aware of it and I'm like, Ooh, I said that and I hope she didn't take that wrong or whatever. You know, I say to myself, and a lot of times I will just not say anything and I'll stew on that. And, you know, worry, wonder if it hurt her feelings, whatever. but man confession doesn't bring a wider gap to our friendships. I don't think, I think it, builds that bridge. Like you're saying it brings restoration because it just, it like when you received that from a friend, at least in my experience, it doesn't make me like, think they're terrible. I already was aware of it. it it was hurtful, right? Like. I think we're seeing sometimes if we confess something that then suddenly someone's aware of it, but, and I guess with personal sin, they might not have been aware of it, but if it's like relational, They're probably very well aware of it. And so it's just going to bring restoration. I don't think it's going to harm the relationship. Like we




think it might.


Yes. No, I think that it's such a tangible picture of what Christ has done for us. When we get to practice that within community of restoration, of repentance and confession, it really is that way that we get to see what Christ did for us to be able to give that to somebody else and vice versa. That I get to experience grace the way God's given me grace over and over and over again to be able to do that for a friend to receive that. Grace when I've messed up. And to give it when they need it too. Yeah. there's just, that does bring about such a friendship, intimacy. Um, I know that some of my closest friends are the ones that we've had, we've had issue, we've had things we've had to work through, but it's brought us closer to God. It's brought us closer to each other because we've worked through






Yeah. The other thing that I feel like confession can do, is it like, just makes me more aware of my tendencies to sin in my friendships. Like. I think of this one situation where I said something to a friend that was, um, just out of some bitterness that really didn't have much to do with her. And I kind of realized that after the fact. And so I ended up texting her like, Hey, I think I said that out of a lot of bitterness, that was not directed at you. I'm sorry I responded that way or something like that. And now, like, I think I'm aware of that. Tendency and so I can guard against it. And so I think that's the other thing about confession is the speaking out of sin is so powerful. even if we know it in our head, there's something about speaking it out that not only brings freedom, I think to us, but can also bring awareness of a tendency in our lives. To sin in a certain way, and which can then invite us to




against that.


And maybe sometimes like, you know, like you said, like you said something out of. That wasn't directed at her, but it was coming outta that deeper route of, I had some bitterness turning and again, like it's gonna come out somehow and our friends, our family are going to get some of that. And even though it wasn't like a personal thing towards her, again, it's going like, Ooh, Yeah. I actually, there's, I've got something happening that had nothing to do with you and I took it out on you and I'm so sorry, but I've got some bitterness like. Of a different, you know, and so that can be even a good, when those things happen of like, what's actually happening here, here in my heart, that, you know, it's like that whole like anger. Anger is a secondary emotion. So what is that, what's happening underneath here? That's really the, the sin, like, yes. Angry, you know? Anyway, so,


Yeah, I totally get that.


at that.


It makes me think of how like marriage always gets talked about as like a crucible, right? Like, you know, within marriage, you. Realize. Some sin in your life. Like, you know, it, it's a process that can guide us to holiness if we allow it to. And I think that's true for all close relationships in our lives, you know, and like, Our friendships. Aren't going to accomplish that in the same way that a marriage relationship does. But especially when we're talking about like our closest people, it's an opportunity to be made more holy through the like, Rubbing up of your sin against each other, you know, because when that happens, then. You have the opportunity to see it more clearly? I think. And so I think it really can like eliminate some areas like you're saying of, oh, I was not aware of this issue, but because I was being honest in my friendship, you know, and I, I was reflecting on it or whatever. I have been made aware. Of this, this way that the Lord wants to grow me.


Yeah, absolutely.


Um, well, let's kind of wrap up with your challenge, Megan. Um, this series friends listening, we have then ending with a challenge just to help take the stuff we're talking about and turn it into practical action. In our lives with the people in your life, because one thing to talk to like, or not talk to, but hear me and Megan talk about this. And, we hope that you're nodding along as you're listening in your car while you're doing dishes or whatever. but I feel like the process is incomplete unless you take those conversations to your close friends, to your circles, to your hikes or coffee dates or wherever and make these real in your life. And so Megan's challenges have been just so way to help us do that. So what do you think in, in regard to like confession, repentance? Just being grieved by sin that we see happening in our friendships.


So, um, it's gonna be kind of going back to the first episode and then bringing into this, but the first one is to Process with God first of. Maybe if there's something like when you're listening to this podcast that's kind of stirred in your heart of like, A sin or something that you're struggling with that you feel like it needs to be brought out. Like bring that to God first. Practice that, and then be praying about who you can take that to and take It to somebody. So the challenge this week is, after you've, you've prayed in process with God, bring somebody into this and it could be like, Hey friend, I really need to talk to you about something. Shoot a text. Can we. Meet up this week. It could be a phone call if it's you know, someone that maybe doesn't live in your town, but bring somebody into that and ask them to like, pray with you and to repent of that and how they can point you closer to Christ through that. And, you know, that's a really big challenge. it's it's a heavy one.


it's a hard thing,


it's a very hard thing, but, um, I promise you that. The hardest part is gonna be just taking that breath and that first word. Just, just keep plowing through it and do it, um, and know that what's gonna come out of that is so sweet and so precious. It's gonna bring you closer to Christ. It's gonna bring you closer to your friend. and yeah, beautiful things are gonna grow out of just that, that death that you're putting away.


Hm, because the truth is that like the enemy doesn't want us to. Confess in our friendships because he knows that it brings us deeper. He knows that through Jesus, we have freedom when we confess and receive his grace.


And I know when you're praying, when you're doing this, like the enemy, the last thing he wants you to do is speak into this and speak it out to somebody. And so just know that that's what's gonna happen and know what the lies of the enemy are like. God doesn't want you to keep it in the dark. He doesn't want you to feel shame. He doesn't want you to feel fear. Um, so when those lies come know that that is a lie that's not from Christ. Christ wants you to bring it out into the light and know that there's grace waiting for you. There's peace and so when that's happening, like just rebuke the enemy in that moment like that is not from God.


Um, I love that. And I love that you started this challenge too, with the reminder to take it to God first and pray about who is this person that I can bring this to, because I think so often that voice, like you were saying of like, oh, is this person I'm going to receive this well is really loud. but I think that it can, like if we take it to the Lord first, that is an opportunity for him to say like kind of point us to who this could be in our lives. If we're not sure in some people listening, they probably know. Know who their people are. And. who they're, they would go to with this kind of thing. And it's more of a, okay, do I have the courage to actually say it? Um, and some people you may be like, I don't know who this would be for me. And so if that's you, I think that starting with prayer is such a good reminder


Yes. Yes. Yeah. He'll bring something to someone to mind for you.


Yeah. I love that. Well, Megan, thanks so much for talking with me today, especially about a tough subject, but one that I think is it's so good. Because again, if we're, if we're not thinking about it, we're definitely not probably practicing it. So I love that we got some chance to think and talk about it today so that we can start putting this into action.


Yeah. This was so good. Thank you.


Awesome. Well, we'll talk to you later. Friends, go be the friend you need. Bye. Friends. I'm so glad you could join me and Megan on the show this week. It's never fun to confess in, let alone to friends, but I really believe this is a practice that will deepen your relationships. Like no other. We think confessing sin will break relationships. But the truth is that our sin is already breaking the relationship. And when we acknowledge it, we've made the first move toward repenting and pursuing growth and restoration. It's hurting us either way, but when we get it exposed to the light of the Lord's healing, we will share a new kind of depth in that relationship because of that honesty. If you're loving this series so far, would you tell a friend about the podcast this week? Just shoot her a DM with a post from social or texts her an episode link and. I ask if she listen so that you guys can talk about it the next time you hang out. This is a great way to jumpstart these conversations. We're praying the series sparks in your friendships this summer, as you're out doing all that summer fun. I pray, many fruitful, heart hearts, accompany your hikes and lake days and campfires. And speaking of, I know how busy summer can get some, make sure that you subscribe to the podcast wherever you listen, so that you don't miss an episode. You can also sign up to be part of my newsletter crew so that you get a weekly preview directly to your email inbox of what will be on the podcast that week. Just visit your sister and subscribe there. Friends. Thank you so much for spending part of your day with us until next time. It's your sister Kimber.

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