Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
Building Up Women In Property
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Building Up Women In Property
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
Aug 06, 2022 Episode 3
Rebecca Bangura

Imposter syndrome is spoken about all of the time and the term is thrown around often, especially when talking about women and their careers. 

But what is imposter syndrome and how can we use it to our advantage? 

In this episode, I’m exploring how women can recognise and deal with imposter syndrome to uplevel and even grow their careers.

When we experience imposter syndrome, we often feel like a fake or a fraud. All of our success and achievements are seen as an illusion and we’re inwardly terrified of being discovered as incompetent and undeserving. 

You’re absolutely not alone in feeling this way. It’s a very common phenomenon with up to 82% of people identifying as having imposter syndrome which leads them to avoid taking risks, hide away and play small. 

It’s my aim in this conversation to normalise this feeling so it doesn’t hold you back and create a lack of confidence and low self-esteem. I’ll run you through my strategy of 6 ways you can use imposter syndrome to uplevel and grow your career because it will always be present, we just need to learn how we can utilise it for success. 

Grab a pen and paper and tune in to write down these 6 methods to reframe imposter syndrome to work for you (and not against you) so you can walk into any room with confidence and self-belief. 




