Are you under earning?
Building Up Women In Property
Building Up Women In Property
Are you under earning?
Jan 26, 2023 Episode 27
Rebecca Bangura

Are you under earning in your career? 

This is a very important conversation and may be the first time you have even taken a moment to consider whether your current pay is competitive in the industry. Or you may have been feeling like you’ve been under earning for a while and don’t know where to start.

Firstly, under earning has nothing to do with how much money you earn in isolation. You could be earning $60,000 or $160,000 a year and you could still be under earning. 

In this episode, we’ll run through the key elements to consider when looking at your numbers to determine if you’re earning everything you’re worth, the thoughts and feelings that can get us stuck in the mindset of not wanting to ask for more, and how to move passed the taboos around money-talk and self sabotage to start earning what you’re capable of. 

Now, we can’t deny that there has been a huge pay gap in the construction and property industry with women earning $6.94 for every $10 that a man makes but we can work towards industry-level change by examining how we are showing up as individuals in our own careers.

If you had the opportunity, would you be earning more money? Are you under earning in comparison to your peers in your role or are you capable of so much more and haven’t been given the opportunity to leverage your skills into a new pay bracket? 

You need to become your own best advocate. Don’t shy away from owning your achievements or deflecting your contributions because you don’t want to seem egotistical. I see women every day who downplay their role and significance and, because of this, they will be paid less. You must direct your career and direct your earnings by taking responsibility for your amazing work every day. 

Take a moment and really think about how much you want to earn. Let it take over your mind and fill you with excitement. 

After listening to today’s episode, join me next week to find out how to work through those blocks and barriers surrounding your earning potential and I’ll show you how you can achieve what you are truly capable of and deserve. 

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