Who do you want to be?
Building Up Women In Property
Building Up Women In Property
Who do you want to be?
Oct 19, 2023 Episode 64
Rebecca Bangura

Self-identity is often wrapped up in what we do, rather than who we are at the core. We tend to define ourselves by that specific role in our relationships or our job title at work. However, knowing who you are separate to these things is crucial to self-discovery and living a life that is truly aligned. Today, I’m building upon last week's conversation on reinvention by asking the question that we don’t often ask ourselves: Who do you want to be?

I believe that identifying the person you are now, as well as the person you want to be, is the key to making confident decisions for your life. Once you know how you want to show up in the different aspects of your life, be it career, personal relationships or spirituality, you have the power to live and act in a way that truly reflects your desires.

In this episode, I encourage you to take some time to recognise where you are right now, at this moment. What defines you? What matters to you? What motivates you? Identifying your core values will be your guiding light, shaping your behaviours, interactions and ultimately your choices. I share my own core values and how they inform the way I approach all the different areas in my own life, including who I choose to work and connect with. 

Living intentionally as the person you aspire to be involves aligning your actions with your values. This may mean shedding old identities or beliefs that no longer serve you. I encourage you to visualise your life as this authentic self in all your interactions, whether at work, home or in personal relationships. Embracing self-reflection and vision setting will allow you to redefine yourself beyond your achievements or job title.

Remember, we are all works in progress, and you don’t need to be perfect. It's all about the journey of becoming the best version of yourself, and to begin showing up in a way that truly aligns with your most authentic self. 


Previous episode mentioned: Is it time for a reinvention?

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