
Achieving Well-Being Amidst the Chaos of Parenting

June 12, 2024 Dr. Suleiman Ijani Episode 37
Achieving Well-Being Amidst the Chaos of Parenting
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Achieving Well-Being Amidst the Chaos of Parenting
Jun 12, 2024 Episode 37
Dr. Suleiman Ijani

Struggling to find time for self-care amidst the whirlwind of fatherhood? Join us as Coach Peter Armstrong, an avid cyclist and returning guest, shares his personal journey of balancing exercise, sleep, nutrition, and relationships despite the changing seasons. Learn how integrating these essential self-care habits into your busy schedule can not only elevate your well-being but also set a strong, positive example for your family. Peter's insights emphasize the profound impact these practices have on maintaining motivation and staying active, even when life gets hectic.

Ever wondered why quality sleep and regular exercise are so transformative? Discover how mindset, beliefs, and emotions play a crucial role in men's health and well-being. We dive into common emotional hurdles like self-judgment and defeat, offering strategies to break these negative cycles and start fresh. Morning workouts, accountability groups, and empathy towards oneself are just some of the actionable tips we provide to help you prioritize your health. Tune in to uncover these life-changing strategies and take the first step towards lasting happiness and improved relationships.

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Struggling to find time for self-care amidst the whirlwind of fatherhood? Join us as Coach Peter Armstrong, an avid cyclist and returning guest, shares his personal journey of balancing exercise, sleep, nutrition, and relationships despite the changing seasons. Learn how integrating these essential self-care habits into your busy schedule can not only elevate your well-being but also set a strong, positive example for your family. Peter's insights emphasize the profound impact these practices have on maintaining motivation and staying active, even when life gets hectic.

Ever wondered why quality sleep and regular exercise are so transformative? Discover how mindset, beliefs, and emotions play a crucial role in men's health and well-being. We dive into common emotional hurdles like self-judgment and defeat, offering strategies to break these negative cycles and start fresh. Morning workouts, accountability groups, and empathy towards oneself are just some of the actionable tips we provide to help you prioritize your health. Tune in to uncover these life-changing strategies and take the first step towards lasting happiness and improved relationships.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Dad Puzzles Everything Dad. If you're questioning yourself about dad functions, duties and life in general, you've come to the right place. Parenthood can be tough. Learning to juggle caring for your baby with your career and also keeping things fresh with your partner can be a struggle, but we're here to make things easier with helpful tips for making the most of your situation. Being a dad may seem like a puzzle, but it's one you can definitely solve. Now here's your host, dr Suleiman Ijani.

Speaker 2:

Welcome, welcome to Dad Puzzles podcast. So today we're having this great moment because Peter, my good friend, is the first return client, return guest, indeed excited and and uh, he has this, this natural, um, uh, natural, you know, thing with him, you know, like a natural calling, because he really is interested in, in helping dads and uh, but my interaction with him has shown that and he really wants to continue to make that impact to dads and I say, my friend, let's, let's do this, so, so, this. So today we won't make it very long, we'll just make sure that we have some really actionable talk so that we get you along with us to make the difference as dads. So, my friend, peter, welcome, my friend.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, brother. It's good to see you, man, good to be with you, thank you. Thank you, sir. Same here, my friend.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, brother. It's good to see you, man, good to be with you. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Same here, my friend, yes, sir. So you know, like you know, this is going to be different. You know, I'll try to make sure that I, going forward, there's no more. I'll make sure short and quick and clear, you know, because people nowadays their attention span is not that much and they don't have time, so we have to pay attention to that. I think these long hours of chat is good, but you know, realize people do not have time. So today let's focus a little bit about just the missing puzzles. You know, with our health. You know, Lately I've been watching you on, you know, on Instagram, on social media, as I see you're pretty busy with. You know, with the biking, and you know, on instagram, on social media, as I see you're you're pretty busy with. You know, with the biking, and you know, and exercise, talk a little bit about that.

Speaker 3:

you know, like yeah, I mean, uh, it's a season you know to to be I. I race bikes. I race mountain bikes and road bikes and I live in a four-season climate, so it's finally nice outside, so I get to go out and ride bikes with my friends and do group rides. And so often what happens this time of year are people are like, hey, I want to get back in shape. There's a thing, seasonal affective disorder, and a lot of people do succumb to that and that happens. But now it's nice out and people now in these types of climates. I live in Madison, wisconsin.

Speaker 2:

Nice right.

Speaker 3:

Excuse me. Oh, it's nice out. I can go walk, I can go run, I can go bike. There you go. And so I think what's front and center on a lot of people's minds is I want to get back in shape.

Speaker 2:

Amazing, amazing.

Speaker 3:

I want to exercise.

Speaker 2:

Yes, sir.

Speaker 3:

I want to lose weight. All those goals, mm-hmm. And so, yeah, I mean, I know you and I have been chatting about this and this is why we're going to kind of talk today about it, right, why? We're going to kind of talk today about it, but that you know, a lot of men, a lot of dads, have put self-care let's just call it self-care to the side, you know, for various reasons. And self-care, you know it's a broad concept but at the end of the day it's, it's proper sleep, quality sleep right it's exercise and movement, it's nutrition and eating, it's connection, right relationships.

Speaker 3:

You know that could be not only with your children and your wife or partner, but also friendships right you know, connection is a big piece of self-care.

Speaker 3:

and and then, you know, maybe the last one I'm just kind of winging it here a little bit for self-care, but what's, you know, the last one is to me is personal growth, you know, and what are you, what are you doing to grow? You know, do you have a therapist, do you have a coach? Do you have a men's group that you belong to? Like, where are you growing in our lives? That is one thing in life that we all need to continue to do and that is to grow. And what I mean by grow, I mean, like, heal past wounds, understand new tools, challenge yourself, read, you know, learn. And so that's probably missing. I'm probably missing something, but those are the five that have come to mind when I talk about self-care. And I know today we're going to kind of talk primarily about, you know, I think we kind of talked about exercise and maybe sleep, Right, so I'd love to talk more about that today. That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is amazing, you know. Know, because prior to be being here in in arizona, um, I was living in in chicago and then, you know, indiana. So I remember I was in the group for for running. We'll run throughout the year. You know, when it's snowing we're out there running and stuff, no problem. But when the weather was perfect, guess what, there was a biking. I tried joining. You know you have different groups with different speeds. I had, you know, I was not. I wish I joined most of the time. You know we were doing it early on Saturday and Sundays. You know, like with this is a lifetime gym, we had a membership.

Speaker 3:

It was good.

Speaker 2:

I think it was a great experience. But running has been my thing. When I was there I was running every day because you have to practice and I did not have trouble sleeping, so the exercise was fixing my sleep. So I guess you know they help each other these things. What do you think I mean? Because I think a lot of times when we tell people sleep, sleep, think I mean, for, you know, because I think a lot of times when we we tell people sleep, sleep we, we, yes, it's a good reminder, but we don't, we, we forget to emphasize other things that helps them sleep because a lot of times when you see a physician will tell you, for instance, like okay, so we, you should try to do things that help you sleep.

Speaker 2:

For instance, you know, you know, put the phone away. Or you know all these shiny objects or TV or whatever, put them away at least an hour before sleep, try to take a warm bath, all those things that kind of help you to sleep, great. But what is the major thing? That, for instance, from my experience when I was exercising, I had no trouble sleeping. I can sleep on the couch. That's how tired I was. So you know, this is after exercising, of course after running, but before that, like you know the whole anxiety and you know the caffeine going to the bathroom. Actually, that also fixes. You don't have any trouble with number twos.

Speaker 3:

That's how you know. We're getting older and, dads, we talk about that kind of stuff absolutely, brother, you know.

Speaker 2:

So, my friend, uh, so, so let's talk a little bit about that. So what is the the whole puzzle thing, what's the missing puzzle in your, in your, in your, from your vantage point? You know, yeah, the coaching. What do you think is the problem, my brother?

Speaker 3:

I think the missing piece, the missing puzzle piece as it relates to you know, let's just call it well-being dad's well-being and health is their mindset, their beliefs and emotions. So the mindset, beliefs and emotions around self-care and what I mean by that is they don't either. They're either ignorant and understanding how important self-care is. Let's just talk today about sleep and exercise. They don't understand. They genuinely do not. Not like a judgment like you're stupid. They generally do not understand the importance of quality sleep and regular exercise, and I think that is number one the problem. They're not fully aware of their importance and benefits. They know they're important, but they haven't looked down at the minutia of it. Right, if they understood a little bit more on how this would actually impact their lives, I think that'd be helpful, and so for that, there's so many podcasts out there nowadays that you can find out. But there's so many podcasts out there nowadays that you can find out. You want to learn about sleep and exercise and why it's so important and how it will impact your life. I'm going to name drop a couple podcasts here, and I say podcasts because you can get books too. Obviously, they take a little longer, and for men who are strapped to time. I think a podcast is a great alternative. I would encourage you to watch Rich Roll. He has a great podcast on all things well-being. Peter Attia has a podcast, and I'm going to say one more for the sake of simplicity, and that's Andrew Huberman. I would say the three of those are all interconnected in many ways. I would say the three of those. And exercise as a human being. Forget dad, forget everything else. You're human first. These things were designed for us. The second piece about the mindset is more about the beliefs and emotions. The missing piece for most people who don't prioritize sleep let's just talk about dads, sleep and well-being, excuse me, sleep and exercise is that they don't know, subconsciously, how they feel about working out or getting quality sleep. So, for example, I have a couple of clients who wanted to start working out and make it a daily routine. They had gained weight and they wanted to lose weight and they knew that one of the ways to lose weight was to implement, integrate, a daily, or at least several times a week, exercise routine. And they weren't doing it right away. They said they were going to do it. Oh, okay, okay. What's the action items for this week? Three times, three times. I'll go to the gym three times and they would do maybe one, and so that's when I started getting. Then I get into, help me understand why. And so what I want to get at today is why do you not work out, why do you not exercise? Why do you not prioritize it? Why do you not prioritize sleep?

Speaker 3:

And oftentimes, suli, what I have experienced is the man. In many ways they feel defeated. They already feel defeated because they've gained 20 pounds, 30 pounds, and the amount of effort they're going to have to exude to lose that weight seems daunting. And so in many ways they're just like whoa. And sometimes they feel so daunting and I'm not talking about largely overweight people, I'm talking 20, 30 pounds overweight they feel daunting.

Speaker 3:

And so what I helped them understand is like, hey, what does it feel like to feel defeated? And often you know I bust out a feelings wheel they feel sad, they feel bad, and so I'm like and then they judge themselves because they're overweight. Then they judge themselves because they're not going to the gym and I'm like is that helping you? You? Is that helping you get to the gym? I'm like, no, I'm like if you're, if your child, if your child was overweight and struggling just like you. They feel defeated. They feel like they just can't lose the weight and they have anxiety around it. They're not feeling good about themselves. They're feeling overwhelmed and defeated. How would you treat that person? How would you treat your child Boom?

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes men break down because they realize they've been really hard on themselves. Because when we're hard on ourselves, a lot of men the next step is what's the action, what's the behavior when we're in that state of sadness or bad. Unfortunately, a lot of men we self-medicate. You could eat it sounds crazy, but you might eat something Macaroni and cheese or some ice cream and for a second it helps you. It helps you get away from that emotional state that you're in the negative. It's not really negative, it's just right. And then what happens? Right, then the result is over time they've gained weight. And now they've gained weight right. And now then they judge themselves again. The cycle repeats.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to pause right there just to give an example of a lot of men don't realize the missing pieces. They have these subconscious beliefs on how they they don't fully realize. They kind of know, but they don't know, realize they kind of know, but they don't know that they're actually struggling emotionally, hence why they don't go to the gym. And if they knew a little more about that. I have seen men then take action, change their habits and start a regular fitness routine. I'm going to pause there. What are your thoughts or questions?

Speaker 2:

Oh no, this is amazing, my brother. I was looking at the time a little bit, but no, it's truly, truly amazing because it opened my eyes myself right now speaking. You know you sharing, because when we have that look, let's say, for instance, you know you. You know you sharing because when we have that, that look, let's say, for instance, you know, not not just us looking at the problem, but, for instance, you gave the example of us looking at our child.

Speaker 2:

How, how do we help our child? Like we, we, we don't expect them to have the feeling that we have and we see that, oh wait, second, why am I putting those limits on myself? So it's something that we do not need to have. And by having that thinking, definitely we can now approach this weight loss or any other limiting problems in front of us with I can do attitude, because you have that different perspective now, like, oh, oh yeah, this is something that I could definitely take care of, you know, and I'm not going to think about like, oh yeah, I'm overwhelmed, I need help. These are people they start picking up uh, thank god they were eating ice cream. Some people they'll pick up. Uh, you know, like smoking, cigarette or anything, sure yeah or alcohol.

Speaker 2:

You know alcohol pornography stuff and uh-huh working like uh, let's you know, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, you have, it's all self-medicate.

Speaker 3:

What, basically, what I was trying to say is self-medicating. It could be work, it could be ice cream, it could be big time right, but the it can be, you know, relationship with the wrong people exactly boom, yes.

Speaker 2:

And then boom, yes, Then you regret. Actually, nowadays you can get gifts of life, HIV and everything else, but anyway. So I'm telling you, my brother, so this is amazing what you shared, but I wanted us to see if we can be different, because I always, you know, like you mentioned the different podcasts. Actually, I never knew that, Mr. You know I was just reading about this book. You know the same gentleman. I did not know that he has the podcast. So I'll definitely look that up and we'll be lucky one day if we can have him on and you know me and you, oh, wow, you know like we chat with him.

Speaker 2:

I think it will be an amazing thing. You know, we can get to talk about this book and many other projects. I think the German is amazing. But one thing, though what can we do differently? Because us just watching or talking about this issue will be like any other podcast sharing about this. I want us to take actions. So I know me and you, we can start this accountability. I am down any time we establish like a group or something.

Speaker 3:

What do you think about this, my friend? Yeah, I mean I, I I mean I'll speak from my own lived experience. You know, I'm in. I'm in probably the best shape of my life as at 43. But I'm gonna be frank, I can't do it without support and accountability. I am thankful and lucky to have a group of men who ride bikes, that I ride bikes with and that pushed me to be my better self. I also have other friends that want to stay in shape, go for hikes together, or I have a buddy of mine that I work out with, and so I have built in the world that I'm in structure.

Speaker 3:

How can you structure your life to have the proper support and accountability so that you can actually achieve your goals, your aspirations and who you desire to be? And I know you and I have talked about how can we create an accountability group, a community, uh for men, that's uh around exercise and really, at the end of the day, prioritizing well-being? And you and I've had this idea like about do we? Do we create a group of men in a, in a whatsapp uh chat? Do we create a, a weekly virtual workout? Right, and you can just get a guy once a week and they start seeing the value of that. So, yeah, I mean I would love to create something just to let's get some momentum, let's get some dads working out once a week.

Speaker 3:

You know, in the morning too there's a lot of data and science and my own lived experience, working on the morning is far better than trying to do in the evening, because by the time the evening rolls around, you got 482 excuses Wake up, get it in. And then also not only do you get it in the morning, this is the part I love you got it in in your day. I mean, james Clear will talk about this too in Atomic Habits Get to work out in the morning because it's over, there's no more mind games. I don't know about you, but I know I struggle with. Oh, I'll work out later and then I'm trying to find all these ways. Oh, this is more important, or that is right.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, with traffic, you think a bunch of things.

Speaker 3:

I know there's a lot of things during the day. This is why it's best to get it in the morning. But what I want to emphasize here, if you get it in the morning, you know what's cool about it. You're getting the value, the benefits of working out all day, right, your mind feels so much better. And guess what? All day, your mind feels so much better. And guess what? If you can feel better during the day, your relationships will improve, your performance at work will improve and you will just feel better. So that's why I love the morning. In addition I'm sorry, one more Morning. Yes, if you know you got to work out in the morning. Guess what you need to consider the night before no, no, sleep Boom.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yes, sir, all right, yes, sir, no, no, this is amazing. I am definitely down and this will definitely, by exercising it will help us sleep. It will help us to have good relations. If you do have a partner you know your wife and everything trust me, she will be happy. I don't have to go to that point at this point, but I want us to start this thing today, so I will, I will, I'll share the phone number my, you know, like a what's up, you know, so that once you join the phone number, like a WhatsApp, so that once you join that phone number, you will find me and my friend will be the leads over there and you can also join in. You'll be just another lead as well.

Speaker 2:

All of us together, we push each other On that particular day. We can choose whether it's a Wednesday, thursday, any day. We just started with accountability, know, with accountability. So actually, you know, I'm down to like start tomorrow morning, you know, but this is, you know, me and you for now. But you know, like, whenever I produce this folks, I want them to really join us. It's a movement and I want us to really virtually get to meet each other through this WhatsApp and it's going to be a continuous relationship for the rest of our life. Why not? Because we need to be healthy, brother, because there's so many folks we have known I'm sure you have known folks that have capished with a heart attack and all these things at a young age, just like me and you, brother. So we need to start now. This is not a luxury, it's a necessity, and we can just do it as a friendship to help each other so we can be better for us and our kids and our wives, don't think about kids as well.

Speaker 2:

They will be happy, we'll be happy, they will be happy I don't have to explain and our kids will be happy. Everybody will be happy, correct and safe and feel safe. You feel safe, my brother, when you exercise. You don't have energy for any, any judgment.

Speaker 3:

No judgment.

Speaker 2:

No time to find nothing. No, nothing, no, because.

Speaker 3:

No, but you know what, though Honestly. So you know why I say judgment? Because a lot of men and if you're a man listening to this, you're not alone, uh, I get men that who, who, um, who, have shame they feel unworthy.

Speaker 2:

They feel that if they go to the gym. They're going to get judged, so guess what? Look at this this yeah, look at this. They say, oh, wait a second. No, I should not join these people. I I look really bad yes you don't look bad, you're actually perfect.

Speaker 3:

Please join I know, but guess what?

Speaker 3:

because that is their truth. If they feel shame, if they don't feel like, if they feel like they're going to be judged, guess what their mind's going to tell them to do. If they're going to be judged at the gym, the mind's going to tell them something Don't go to the gym, because the mind's trying to protect you from emotional pain. And this is what I'm talking about the missing pieces your beliefs and your mind. If your belief is, if I go to the gym I'm going to get judged for having a bigger belly, I'm going to go to the gym and get judged. Guess what the mind's going to say don't go to the gym. The mind's just trying to protect us.

Speaker 3:

And that's the missing piece. And so I want to just emphasize that, like you need to understand, the mind's going to protect you. Even it doesn't know. It doesn't know that your belief that that you're going to get judged it just knows that you think you're going to feel pain from being judged. Even though that's not like right, it's actually sabotaging you. The mind is not as intelligent as our inner knowing. Unfortunately it's. It's rooted in keeping us safe brother, this is amazing.

Speaker 2:

I am. I'm very fortunate that we get to do this today. This is gonna be, I feel like it's gonna be something different and very useful for us going forward and I hope maybe down the road we can hold meetings as a follow-up to see how we're doing and all these things, and I hope folks can really join in, not worrying about being judged, and we can really help each other. And and you know enough, said my friend, I will be sharing the contacts, my friend. And you know enough, said my friend, I'll be sharing the contacts, my spare. You know your content in my contact people can, can, can link with us and then through that we can have that. They can find us in the whole group there so we can continue to push each other on a weekly basis. You know, you know once or twice or whatever. You know it can get the beauty of small steps, bro. It makes a difference. You know we don't even or whatever. You know it can get the beauty of small steps, bro. It makes a difference. You know we don't even and we end up increasing the stuff by ourselves without even knowing. It's like I remember when I was training for marathon.

Speaker 2:

I started with, let's say, 12 minutes a mile, you know like 12 minute mile. And then, boom, I see myself. 10. Bro, I was up to almost 5.5, but this is for showtime. And then 7. You know, Bro, I was flying. I was like, whoa, is that me?

Speaker 3:

Who is this guy? But here, hold on, look at, I'm not going away, but I'm going to put up one of my. Is this backwards for you or no?

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, this is perfect. You don't need to see the whole staircase. Just take first step. That's it, brother. Just the first step.

Speaker 3:

Boom, my brother, um, that's it and I want to say this man, you know, yes, sir, two things before. We kind of I think two things are really important to to convey today, and one one is, you know, we kind of talked about the mindset thing. You know, I want to read something from Brene Brown, and then I want to speak specific to the men that we, you and I think we can help the dads that that are specific. Who are we speaking to? We're not speaking to everybody. We're talking to the guys who, who probably have some fear, some shame, some resistance to getting in shape.

Speaker 3:

Those are the guys we're talking to, right? Those are the guys that are maybe 20 pounds overweight, three to 30 pounds overweight, whatever, something like that. And we just, we just want, hey, man, we want to help you, we want to help ourselves. You and I both need hey, man, we want to help you, we want to help ourselves. You and I both need it. I need it. Right, those are the guys, those are the dads we're talking about. But I want to say something very important. Today I'm going to read from this book called by Brene Brown, the Gifts of Imperfection, and it's like and this is written by a woman, but it applies to all humans, including dads. If we want to live and love with our whole hearts, okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And if we want to engage with the world from a place of worthiness, we have to talk about the things that get in the way. No-transcript. And all of this is 100% related and applicable to being a father and being a better version of yourself, including prioritizing sleep and exercise.

Speaker 2:

My friend, my friend, thank you so much. We truly have shared something that is unique and is important for our health and is something that is good, that we need, not only us, but our families need us to have it so we can be there for them. So we'll be sharing this contact, you know, like my phone number and yours, so they can join us by adding us. They can find us on the WhatsApp group and we can go from there. My brother, this is amazing. Thank you so much for doing this today. I really hope that folks will pay attention to it so we can start that movement. This is very necessary and I also hope this movement and other movements that we start down the road we can all join together. Keep the impact, brother, because there's so many movements out there and I want this to be a successful movement, so this is the birthing of it.

Speaker 3:

So thanks so much my brother for doing it. Thank you, man. Thank you for having me on as a first-time second visitor.

Speaker 2:

My friend, my friend, my brother, thanks so much. You're welcome. I really appreciate your support and your friendship. So thank you again and I hope we can continue and we can have mr, you know, like dr aria, join us and every other people down man you know, I've bro, I've seen this gentleman. I think he's uh, he's amazing how he writes books, but that's another story both.

Speaker 3:

Both of them are good. Peter Attia and James Clear are the goats in their respective areas For all the listeners. Give them a chance to say with Brene Brown, the three books we kind of talked about today. Absolutely yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

My brother thanks so much. I have an appointment with a gentleman that is going to be really, really helpful to dads. I don't know what would you ask. You know this is also part of the recording. That's perfect. We can you know, like you always link it. What would you ask a former US comptroller?

Speaker 3:

A former US. I'm sorry, what was that? Comptroller, you know, like a former US comptroller.

Speaker 2:

A former US. I'm sorry. What was that Comptroller, you know? Like a finance head for the government in the past, for Reagan time, Bush and Clinton. Oh my gosh, that's my next guest.

Speaker 3:

You're saying what would I ask him?

Speaker 2:

Yes, about fatherhood and everything else. It's amazing, I really. In the future, I hope to be more proactive to ask for us to contribute to the questions, because I don't want people to say, oh, I wish he had asked him this, you know? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, I would say what comes to mind for the sake of time is yes, sir, please, because at the end of the day, he's managing money, right, right?

Speaker 2:

He's a graduated dad. By the way, he's a granddad of three.

Speaker 3:

Wow, I would ask him something like um how come men value uh money in many ways over fatherhood? And okay, how come, and how can we help them realize fatherhood is really what truly matters to them? I guess the question is right. How do we shift some of the priority to fatherhood over money?

Speaker 2:

My brother. That's it. I will share that question and you will see in our episode I will mention you and I will be asking him and then that's it. I will share that question and you will see in our episode I will mention you and I will be asking him, and then it's amazing. But in the future I will make sure that I create like a notice so that people can know in advance. This is going to be the next topic, but I tried that before. Sometimes if you have the cancellation or something like that, then it's all good, yeah, we'll do better. All right, brother. Then it's all good, yeah, we'll do better. All right, brother, thanks, wonderful call. And then folks. Thank you so much, my friend, and thank you guys for tuning in. Uh, don't forget to subscribe and also follow my friend, pete armstrong on linkedin. He's pretty active and his amazing coach and I look forward to you joining me and him towards this, uh, unique project that we have going forward. Thank you again.

Speaker 1:

Cheers, peace, thank you thanks for listening to Dad Puzzles. We hope you learned something from today's podcast. Please leave us a review and give us a thumbs up, and don't forget to subscribe to our mailing list and YouTube channel Plus follow and like our Instagram and Facebook pages or any social media of your choice. You can also visit dadpuzzlescom for more resources that will help ease you into your parenthood journey. Thanks again for listening to Dad Puzzles.

Dad Puzzles
Prioritizing Well-Being for Men's Health
Benefits of Morning Exercise and Accountability