BSPE Legal Marketing Podcast

Husband Selling Assets Before Divorce - Richard Roman Shum

Richard Roman Shum Season 3 Episode 362

From Law Office of Richard Roman Shum, Esq - In this episode, we take a deep dive into the topic of asset dissipation during a divorce, focusing on the challenges explored in the article 'Husband Selling Assets Before Divorce.' Asset dissipation occurs when one spouse deliberately depletes marital property, often without the other spouse's knowledge, in an attempt to reduce the amount that can be shared during divorce proceedings. This behavior can significantly affect the division of assets, leaving the other party at a financial disadvantage. New York's equitable distribution laws are designed to address these issues, and understanding how these laws work is crucial for protecting your financial future.

The courts in New York take a strong stance against any actions that undermine the fairness of the asset division process. Spouses who attempt to sell, hide, or transfer marital property before a divorce risk facing legal consequences. Through the legal mechanisms of financial disclosures and forensic accounting, a property division attorney can help uncover any unauthorized transactions and ensure that all assets, whether business-related, personal, or financial, are brought back into the marital estate. This process is essential for achieving a fair distribution of property.

At The Law Office of Richard Roman Shum, Esq., PLLC, we are committed to safeguarding our clients from unfair asset division tactics. If a spouse is suspected of selling or transferring assets to reduce the marital pool, our team can take immediate legal action. We may seek injunctions, restraining orders, or other remedies to freeze accounts, stop further dissipation, and ensure that the full value of the marital estate is protected. Whether it involves high-value items, business assets, or personal property, we provide comprehensive legal support to ensure that your financial rights are upheld during the divorce process.

If you believe that your spouse may be dissipating marital assets in anticipation of a divorce, it is essential to act swiftly. Contact The Law Office of Richard Roman Shum, Esq., PLLC, today at (646) 259-3416 to learn more about how we can help you navigate New York's laws against asset dissipation. Our team is dedicated to working with you to identify, recover, and protect your rightful share of the marital property, ensuring a fair and equitable outcome in your divorce settlement.

Law Office of Richard Roman Shum, Esq

20 Clinton St Apt 5d, New York, NY 10002, United States

(646) 259-3416