Beyond the Stethoscope: Vital Conversations with SHP

End of Season Wrap: A Look Back on Season 4, Summer Plans, & Hints on Season 5

July 17, 2024 Strategic Healthcare Partners Season 4 Episode 17
End of Season Wrap: A Look Back on Season 4, Summer Plans, & Hints on Season 5
Beyond the Stethoscope: Vital Conversations with SHP
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Beyond the Stethoscope: Vital Conversations with SHP
End of Season Wrap: A Look Back on Season 4, Summer Plans, & Hints on Season 5
Jul 17, 2024 Season 4 Episode 17
Strategic Healthcare Partners

Season 4 was our longest & most exciting season yet! We started with legislative insights from Rep. Buddy Carter and Mayor Karen Williams on healthcare access and local governance. Dean Rottinghaus from QurHealth discussed AI advancements in diabetes management & wound care. We covered health insurance trends for small businesses with Matt Usher & drew leadership inspiration from Shery Roussarie & Kelly Macken-Marble with their book, "Two Rivers - The Power of Collaboration and Other Leadership Lessons." Our two-part interview with Tom Campanella provided insights into primary care & current healthcare trends. Tune in for a blend of serious discussions & humor as we wrap up Season 4 of our podcast & talk about future seasons of the show.

Take our Listener Survey to help us make this podcast better!

Season 4 episodes mentioned in this podcast:
4.5 A Pharmacist Goes to Washington: Advancing Healthcare Policy with Congressman Carter
4.6 Championing Community Health: Mayor Karen Williams' Pursuit of Enhanced Healthcare in Pooler, Georgia
4.8 Navigating the Future of Health: AI Breakthroughs and Rural Revitalization with Dean Rottinghaus
4.10 The CEO Chair: Practice Leadership Philosophy, Challenges & Market Insights
4.11 Book Review: Shery Roussarie and Kelly Macken-Marble on Fostering Collaboration and Navigating Biases in the Workplace
4.13 Decoding the Changing Healthcare Marketplace with Industry Leaders
4.15 Interview with Tom Campanella, J.D., M.A. of Baldwin Wallace University (Part 1): Primary Care & Rural Health Challenges
4.16 Unpacking CON Laws: Impact on Rural Healthcare, Cybersecurity Challenges, and Value-Based Care (Part 2) with Tom Campanella

Sherry & Kelly's book is "Two Rivers: The Power of Collaboration". You can buy a copy from anywhere you buy books, including Amazon, B&N,, and more.

Guest LinkedIn Profiles:
Thomas Campanella | LinkedIn
Kelly Macken-Marble | LinkedIn
Dean Rottinghaus, DC | LinkedIn
Shery Roussarie | LinkedIn
Matt Usher | LinkedIn

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Production © Strategic Healthcare Partners, LLC.
All rights reserved.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Season 4 was our longest & most exciting season yet! We started with legislative insights from Rep. Buddy Carter and Mayor Karen Williams on healthcare access and local governance. Dean Rottinghaus from QurHealth discussed AI advancements in diabetes management & wound care. We covered health insurance trends for small businesses with Matt Usher & drew leadership inspiration from Shery Roussarie & Kelly Macken-Marble with their book, "Two Rivers - The Power of Collaboration and Other Leadership Lessons." Our two-part interview with Tom Campanella provided insights into primary care & current healthcare trends. Tune in for a blend of serious discussions & humor as we wrap up Season 4 of our podcast & talk about future seasons of the show.

Take our Listener Survey to help us make this podcast better!

Season 4 episodes mentioned in this podcast:
4.5 A Pharmacist Goes to Washington: Advancing Healthcare Policy with Congressman Carter
4.6 Championing Community Health: Mayor Karen Williams' Pursuit of Enhanced Healthcare in Pooler, Georgia
4.8 Navigating the Future of Health: AI Breakthroughs and Rural Revitalization with Dean Rottinghaus
4.10 The CEO Chair: Practice Leadership Philosophy, Challenges & Market Insights
4.11 Book Review: Shery Roussarie and Kelly Macken-Marble on Fostering Collaboration and Navigating Biases in the Workplace
4.13 Decoding the Changing Healthcare Marketplace with Industry Leaders
4.15 Interview with Tom Campanella, J.D., M.A. of Baldwin Wallace University (Part 1): Primary Care & Rural Health Challenges
4.16 Unpacking CON Laws: Impact on Rural Healthcare, Cybersecurity Challenges, and Value-Based Care (Part 2) with Tom Campanella

Sherry & Kelly's book is "Two Rivers: The Power of Collaboration". You can buy a copy from anywhere you buy books, including Amazon, B&N,, and more.

Guest LinkedIn Profiles:
Thomas Campanella | LinkedIn
Kelly Macken-Marble | LinkedIn
Dean Rottinghaus, DC | LinkedIn
Shery Roussarie | LinkedIn
Matt Usher | LinkedIn

Visit our website
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Production © Strategic Healthcare Partners, LLC.
All rights reserved.

Aaron Higgins:

Well, hey there, Jason. How are you doing today?

Jason Crosby:

Good morning Aaron.

Aaron Higgins:

I'm well. How are you? I'm doing okay. You know these allergies. Living in the South man, my allergist once told me. He said well, you have two options. You can start taking allergy shots or you can move, because you, my friend, are allergic to Georgia. And ain't that the truth.

Jason Crosby:

That is so true. You know. We got a battle.

Aaron Higgins:

Allergies, mosquitoes and hurricanes bring it on yeah, yeah, you know, I thought, living in southern california, uh, the earthquake capital of the world was uh, uh, but no it, it's been a good summer so far and uh, I, I am blown away that we are already here at the end of season four, so we started, started this almost two years ago, right for our listeners, and we just had an idea let's try something new, let's have a little fun with something, let's hopefully bring some education out there.

Jason Crosby:

Let's meet some folks and, just looking back, wow, you know, it's been so neat to just meet the people we've met, introduced various vendors to one another and hopefully brought some education out there, not just for ourselves but for the listeners. It's been a great two years and four seasons.

Aaron Higgins:

Yeah, the conversations with people that I never would have had a conversation with has been just a wonderful, amazing opportunity. And this is just a recap, mostly on Season 4, but I kind of want to talk about where we've been and maybe where we're going to go with this in the future. But let's for our listeners, who are just tuning in or maybe they don't remember all the way back to the beginning of Season 4, let's kind of take a walk down memory lane.

Jason Crosby:

Yeah, I tell you we took a different spin a little bit starting off this season and that was purposeful, right. We kind of did the let's go the legislative route. We were. We were very excited and honored to have a couple of folks that represented different angles of it. We had representative buddy carter here from Georgia of course, pharmacist by trade, small business owner, et cetera, and that was a great conversation just around health care access, health care in the country, but also his perspective on legislative action that has recently occurred. That was just very informative, I thought, and in particular for those in the Georgia area that he represents, such as ourselves. But I love the way we kicked that off and then followed by your cohort there and your town mayor, karen Williams, which I believe wasn't that. That was our first on site slash in person.

Aaron Higgins:

It was, and it was a little bit of an experiment, I think. Well, you know, as this podcast evolves, so will our style, particularly when we go on-site. But it was great to have a conversation with her about something I've never had a conversation with her about before. You know, we're always talking local policy and very nerdy in the weeds, sort of municipal stuff. We've never talked about health care from a municipal perspective, so that was a wonderful conversation to have too. Again, someone I've known for almost a decade now being able to have new conversations that I wouldn't have had without this podcast.

Jason Crosby:

You're right, and her perspective being she's from there, she's a consumer, you know, mother, grandparent, et cetera. Now as mayor, she brought a very unique perspective. I felt that you just don't randomly ask somebody, be it and just very pleasant to talk to. I thought she was an excellent interview. So that was exciting. I thought those first two and, of course, for those that don't know, representative Carter, also from that area, and so there's sort of this connection there to help get us started.

Aaron Higgins:

Yeah, we have the honor of actually interviewing two mayors of Pooler the current mayor and the former mayor in the form of Representative Carter. That's where he got his start in politics.

Jason Crosby:

The different angles right off the bat of one kind of a national legislative approach and then Mayor Williams really bringing it into a here's how I can help maybe bring access, just straightforward peer access to healthcare in my very growth-oriented community. I thought was just a great peel-the-onion sort of approach to our first two recordings this season.

Aaron Higgins:

Yeah, no doubt, and I know we've had, you know, pivoting away from the legislative government side of the House. We've had some other great conversations too, like with Dean Rottinghaus.

Jason Crosby:

Yeah, dean, you know we've had for those that maybe hadn't listened to previous episodes, we've had Dean on before from his diabetes management clinic experience, but this season I know this is really up your alley, aaron in terms of sort of the AI perspective with his new venture, cure Health, cure with a Q, but I believe you know kind of talking about wound care care management function from an AI perspective and that was our first venture into an AI conversation into that depth and so, yeah, I thought that was. I know you were excited about that one.

Aaron Higgins:

Well, ai is the future and you keep hearing that, and it's more than just, you know, just chatbots that spit out convincing text. There's a lot more to what's happening in the world of AI than just chat, gpt or the others, and so being able to talk to somebody who's on the front lines of that development super informative gets me very excited. I know we're going to be having a lot more conversations as our podcast grows and advances about AI, so I encourage our listeners. If you're not interested, this is the time to get interested folks. Ai is not just here. It's going to radically change the way we do medicine.

Jason Crosby:

It really is. So, yeah, folks, take a look, see C Cure Health, q-u-r Health, new Venture, I believe, out of the Ohio area, but Dean and his team trying to do some good things in the disruption. Yeah right, you and I have talked about that and I think AI is kind of folds in that, not just the retailers but the AI space good conversation because it was very down to earth.

Aaron Higgins:

It was very practical to what we're dealing with as a small business in terms of the insurance changes and that sort of thing. But Matt brought a whole different perspective from. You know, he gets in the weeds. We only see it from our small business side, but he sees it from all sorts of business angles and that was a wonderful conversation. And the funny thing is, jason, we had that conversation with Matt and then over the next month I saw Matt in person three different times in totally unrelated places.

Jason Crosby:

So I think he started to stalk me.

Aaron Higgins:

Matt don't come at me bro.

Jason Crosby:

A podcast groupie might be our first.

Aaron Higgins:

Matt Usher, a podcast groupie. I'll mention that next time I bump into him.

Jason Crosby:

Career aspirations. Yeah, we had met, I believe last November or December, kind of a looking forward, how to plan for your health plan assessment as a small business owner, but also, to your point, the other perspective, just as an employee or consumer. And so this season it was. What I like is bringing him sort of a halftime report, if you will, of not just, hey, consumer, this is what you should be looking at, or small business employer, but hey, here's the recent trends I'm seeing in these last six months since we last spoke, and you're right, the more I see good old ICRA right, for those that don't know, you can go look it up ICHRA is sort of his thing. There's a lot more headway being made in that sort of model, even amongst our client base.

Jason Crosby:

So Matt does a great job. I think of just sort of a from a strategy perspective if you're a small business or healthcare CEO, but also for you and I we're employees and consumers. So, yeah, matt, I hope we have him on every season. That's the plan. So I look forward to season five with Matt.

Aaron Higgins:

Well, and then, of course, there was our kind of mini series that we did with Sherry and Kelly. I wasn't able to participate in all of those interviews and conversations but, boy, I had a chance to listen later on. And what, what awesome women, super inspiring.

Jason Crosby:

Yeah, those two. I tell you we that listen, I'm on the chairing and Kelly fan club committee, I think.

Ami Patel:

I'm chairing it.

Jason Crosby:

Excellent ladies. Again for background, we met those two back in the 2018-2019 timeframe. They sought us out for our clinically-ingredient network consulting that we helped them launch in the South Bend area. So our first podcast, you're right, kind of a multi-series two-parter with those ladies from a been there, done that CEO healthcare experience I want to say combined 50 plus years between the two of them, but they just they only don't know the industry. They bring that. Here's how to lead perspective. And then to your point, the second part.

Jason Crosby:

I'm pretty proud SHP, several of us read their book. They launched a book last year I've got it sitting next to me Two Rivers about leadership, and so we had a great opportunity to have what we had Julia Anami, shp, sh peers as our first sort of guest interviewers. Yeah, and I I don't know which I enjoyed more. I think I enjoyed the book when I went the full hour the book interview versus just seat from the ceo part that we did. But they were just yeah. Again, I'm on the fan club, don't mind saying that, but their perspective just as far as how to lead folks was just so refreshing. So, yeah, two great ladies, proud to have them on the recordings.

Aaron Higgins:

Yeah, and then, of course, our most recent guest I would say Not to build him up too much, but Tom Capanella sat down with us not once but twice. We got him for two whole episodes and, totally unexpected, the conversation went so well we're like, hey, can you come back? And we found time just a couple days later, so we were able to pick up the conversation right where we left off. It was a great conversation.

Jason Crosby:

I'll tell you what. Tom's been there, done that again. Another guy with some great perspectives, uh, somehow another ohio sort of connection. Right, that's her. And don't worry, we won't bring up the shot by jordan. We won't bring up the fumble. Tom asked us not to. But yeah, if for those that don't know, please look at tom. Tom on his LinkedIn. He's got a great newsletter that comes out, does a lot of guest speaking, podcasts, education, in particular around primary care. He's with Baldwin Wallace, her husband, and gave a good sort of academic approach to the conversations. I thought, aaron, and again, as we mentioned with Matt, we're really looking to have a longer-term relationship with Tom just to bring new perspectives, and so hopefully he and Matt both will be sort of in that regular Rolodex, if you will. But yeah, I don't know how we got the guy for two-parters. Glad we did.

Aaron Higgins:

Yeah, well, and also, too, Ami and Julia, when they're available. Now their availability is a little bit more difficult because of the nature of their jobs, but they have also expressed interest in participating with the roster of SHP, our podcast. So expect the stable as it will, of podcast hosts and participants to only continue to become a deeper, more robust list of folks. So I think that's kind of a good pivot, Jason, to what are our plans. I don't plan on going to Cabo over the summer, but I certainly plan on taking some time off from the podcast.

Jason Crosby:

Let us retool a little bit bit, but let's talk about that yeah, so, again for the listeners, we try to do an off season, um, and so that's where we are. We're going to use the next 90 days or so not just to take off and hopefully have some time away, but to improve, and so please keep on the lookout. We're going to have replays every week, same schedule, wednesday mornings. We're going to do our replays over the last four seasons and maybe have some teasers out there. So another reason to pay attention is we may do some new stuff during the offseason, but again, we won't announce it. We're going to hopefully you'll know, because you'll know kind of approach.

Jason Crosby:

But also, aaron Aaron, on that point, like you mentioned, we're not going to go away. We, you know, we want to put a survey out there, four or five questions. We use the off season not to go away but to improve, and the only way to improve is get your feedback, listener. So please look on our LinkedIn page, look for it in your inbox for that survey. I would guess what maybe in the last part of July-ish something like that and so we look forward to that feedback.

Aaron Higgins:

Yeah, we'll also be putting links to the survey, to all of these past episodes from the season. All of this will go into the show notes. I want to stress that we do use the show notes. If you don't check out the show notes, I think you're missing a big chunk of access to our guests, as well as links to other resources, news headlines, that sort of thing. So, the show notes it's really important. We will link. As soon as the survey is available, we'll edit our show notes to include a link there, but you can always go to our website, shplccom slash podcasts. We'll have a link there.

Aaron Higgins:

We want to hear your feedback. We want to know what are we doing Right, maybe. What are we doing wrong? Uh, we, we want a show that, uh, you all benefit from, uh, and that we enjoy doing too, uh, cause what we enjoy doing is is making a show that you guys enjoy, uh. So it is really important that you participate in our survey.

Aaron Higgins:

It's really really small. We're keeping it short. We want you to not feel like it's a burden for you to do it. You should be able to do it in a minute or less and I think everybody listening can probably afford one minute to pop online. So just wanted to emphasize that. But I also want to point out too, again, like Jason said, we're going to be pulling from our archives. We now have somewhere around 75 episodes in the can and I don't expect all of our listeners to go back to episode one and listen to those. So we're going to surface up some of our favorites, maybe some of our hidden gems, and we'll bring those up over the summertime, sprinkling a few surprises along the way as we can. Let's take a quick break. We'll be back in just a moment.

Ami Patel:

IPAs Independent Physician Associations unite independent providers, creating a collective voice in an evolving healthcare landscape. By joining forces, they negotiate better rates and fair contracts. Shp manages comprehensive IPA services, from contracting to practice enhancement and education for our members. Visit shplccom for details.

Aaron Higgins:

So let's talk about Season 5 a little bit here. Jason, I know that we've kicked around some stuff, but I want to make sure folks know we're not going away.

Jason Crosby:

We are working on some really exciting things yeah, so again kind of to a time perspective of an off season. Off season is to to improve right, and so we're going to try and maintain the same schedule. So we're looking possibly that early to mid-October to launch season five and we're again brainstorming new approach, new formats, new themes. I think you know what we try to do in the off season is a slight, you know, wrinkle for the upcoming season, something that's a little different, whether it's different types of content, interviews, what have you, and so again, with the survey, we want your feedback on that. But we do have some things that we're playing around with that I think folks will like in season five and I'm just going to leave it as that as our typical hanger or teaser, right, but I do envision that hopefully again new interview type of content, like we've've typically done, but also maybe some wrinkles in the format as well, sure, well, I know we're coming right up on time.

Aaron Higgins:

I know you need to go, jason, to uh other meetings. We we both have uh busy day jobs, but uh, listeners, I want to thank you. Uh, this has been a fantastic season. We're really looking forward to what we have cooking in the kitchen right now for Season 5. But we don't want your feet to dry up, so there will be repeats during the summer break. Here Again, some surprises if we're able to pull them off will be thrown in as well. And it's really important you do our survey, but also go to your podcast listening app. If you listen on apple podcasts or spotify and and like and rate the podcast it's. It's really important for getting the word out there about us, but also share it. If you like what we say and do here, uh, share it with your friends and colleagues. Uh, if you don't like what we say here, share it with your worst enemies. In either case, share it. We certainly would love to be heard by more folks and bring the content that folks want to hear open ear for that sort of thing.

Jason Crosby:

And yeah, I'm going to reiterate what Aaron just said Thank you for all for your input. It's great to talk to folks who listen to it and just get their input. And yeah, we're also just over eight weeks away from college football season, so you're going to hear a lot of that, I'm sure. In season five go dogs. But thank you to everybody for for your participation. We look forward to season five. Yeah, can't wait your participation.

Aaron Higgins:

We look forward to season five. Yeah, can't wait. This has been an episode of Beyond the Stethoscope Vital Conversations with SHP. If you enjoyed this podcast, please be sure to rate and share it with your friends. It sure helps the show.

Jason Crosby:

Production and editing by Nala Weed. Social media by Jeremy Miller.

Aaron Higgins:

And our co-hosts are me, aaron C Higgins and Jason Crosby. Our show producers are Mike Scribner and John Crew.

Jason Crosby:

Thank you for listening and we'll see you next time.

Aaron Higgins:

Okay, jason, there's a question that I have for you that our listeners are wanting to know about. I have for you that our listeners are wanting to know about and, dear listeners, if you've been staying on past any of the credits and listening to the years, please let us know. Just shoot us email, include it in your survey notes. But, jason, I think everybody wants to know, do you like the Oreo cream cookie or the Oreo cream cream? The?

Jason Crosby:

cream in the Oreo or the Oreo cookie itself. Oh man, that's tough. I feel like I enjoy the cookie. I got to dip it in the milk. You know it's just the cream's great. But it ends with that With the cookie. I can still bite it and dip it in the milk. You know, it's just the cream's great, but it ends with that With the cookie.

Aaron Higgins:

I can still bite it and dip it in the milk, so I'm going to go with cookie, okay, well, there you have it, folks. The question you all wanted to know does Jason Crosby prefer the Oreo cream or the Oreo cookie?

Jason Crosby:


Aaron Higgins:


Jason Crosby:

Riveting content.

Recapping Season 4 and Future Plans
Podcast Guests and Future Plans
Oreo Cream vs Cookie Preferences