Quiet Wealth

Episode 5: Food Scientist to Full-time Real Estate Investor with Christine Hsu

Camilla Season 1 Episode 5

In this episode of the Quiet Wealth podcast we welcome Christine Hsu. She is a previous R&D Product Research Scientist in the Food and Beverage Industry turned Real Estate Investor zeroing in on multifamily properties. Get Ready to build wealth, let's dive in.

Christine resides in Westchester, NY with her husband and 2 young boys. She started her career as an R&D Food Scientist. Thirteen years later into her corporate career, she realized the freedom real estate brought to her and her family and pursued that direction full-time in 2020. She currently owns 4 rental properties through the BRRRR strategy in Philadelphia, PA, and 2 rentals in Westchester, NY.

In this Episode:

[00:00 - 00:56] • We welcome Christine Hsu to the Quiet Wealth Podcast  

 [01:18 - 06:12] 
 • Christine's definition of wealth
 • Discovering how you can fulfill your purpose
[06:50 - 13:12] • Christine's mindsets about money that she had to overcome to be able to get to where she is now
• How curiosity and education will help you remove bad connotation on money

[13:38 - 15:31]
• Her two boys and concepts of money she has started to educate them on
[15:38 - 20:42]
 • When did she really learn about investing? And where did she actually start investing her money? And where currently they are in their journey of real estate investing?
[21:44 - 24:51]
• Christine on why she and her husband want to do both active and passive investing? Which one is she enjoying the most?
[27:38 - 29:27] 
• Actionable steps today to someone that they could implement right away to start their own journey on real estate investing.
[30:13 - 34:12] 
• What is her perspective on how can you build a business without hustling

[34:22 - 34:12]
• Christine's advice to a woman or a mother that found themselves wanting to start investing in real estate
Connect with Christine Hsu


Build Wealth |  Create Impact | Leave A Legacy


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