The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

66. What I am leaving in 2023 & doing in 2024

January 08, 2024
66. What I am leaving in 2023 & doing in 2024
The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
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The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
66. What I am leaving in 2023 & doing in 2024
Jan 08, 2024

As your go-to mentor for entrepreneurial badassery, I've discovered a transformative shift that's too powerful not to share—embracing simplicity in our buzzing busy lives. I. This session of 'Your Inner CEO' is all about that minimalist magic, where I peel back the layers of my own life to reveal the successes of a simplified approach. From the grounding practice of meditation to the subtle art of language, we uncover how the words we choose and the content we consume can sculpt our path to triumph or quietly lead us astray.

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This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

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Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

As your go-to mentor for entrepreneurial badassery, I've discovered a transformative shift that's too powerful not to share—embracing simplicity in our buzzing busy lives. I. This session of 'Your Inner CEO' is all about that minimalist magic, where I peel back the layers of my own life to reveal the successes of a simplified approach. From the grounding practice of meditation to the subtle art of language, we uncover how the words we choose and the content we consume can sculpt our path to triumph or quietly lead us astray.

Tune in!

‌Start your FREE 14-day trial with High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Here!

$11 Money Mindset Guide - start manifesting money today!

IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to your inner CEO. I'm your host, katie Smith. I'm a business mentor, wife, mom, manifesting generator Enneagram 3, scorpio, and I love helping women scale their business and make more money Around. Here, I believe, you can have it all the business, the income, the schedule, the family, the freedom. Take it from me, a daydreamer who didn't think it was possible to write her own rulebook on how to reach success, but here I am, creating massive impact while having fun, and my cash flow is increasing because of it. I'm here to show you it's possible for you. I believe when you mix energetics and strategy, you can have everything you desire, and quicker than you would expect. If this is your vibe, hold on, because we're about to become business besties. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of your inner CEO. Happy New Year. I hope you had such an amazing Christmas and bring in the new year, doing whatever you did and had a beautiful, wonderful time. I am miss like let me be on the couch in my sweatpants and fall asleep before the ball drops. That's just my vibe these days, and you know what. I'm so OK with it. Boy, how times have changed, although I've never been like a big night owl person, but at least I would stay up until the ball dropped or something and wasn't even doing that, but it's fine, so I hope you had the best time ever. First things first, I am loving how many of you have grabbed my eleven dollar moneymaker guide like it seriously makes me so happy and the messages I've had Like it's just incredible and I want more people to live a wildly abundant and fruitful life and that is your first step in getting there. So, so stoked. If you haven't gotten your hands on that yet, go to the show notes. You can purchase it right now. It's literally eleven dollars and it can do you some really good, especially if you want to make twenty twenty four a huge year, especially around your money mindset.

Speaker 1:

What I want to talk to you about today is I want to talk about things I'm no longer doing in life and in my business and I'm leaving in twenty twenty three and what I'm focusing on instead in twenty twenty four. And if I could put a word to what I'm doing, it is simple. Twenty twenty four is going to be a year of simplicity and simple. Now, not to get that mixed up with easy. I think a lot of people mix those two words up. I'm not saying easy, I'm saying simple, almost like minimalistic status. But it's not like minimalistic in terms of material stuff. It's like minimalistic and simple in regards to what I consume, how I think, how I operate as a human.

Speaker 1:

Every single day of my life Like I am really on this journey of mastery with emotions, with mindset, with so many things, and I've just really boiled it down to my word is simple. I like to pick words for every year and usually it's like fierce or grateful or something else, and it's like, yeah, those are great words. I'm not knocking on any of those words and now my word this year is going to be simple, so let's go down. I have a list here. I really want to knock all of them out and some of these things I have talked about before. I might go a little bit more in depth, you might have heard it before, but it's just all on my list of really what I want to focus on.

Speaker 1:

So, number one I have been very disciplined on consuming very minimal content creators out there on podcasts as well as on social media, and I'm going to dial it back even more for myself because I've actually found that I get the best guidance from when I meditate and I am in silence and I'm just literally focused on myself, because there's like a module I have actually in my lucky baby Academy where it's like you don't need the next strategy, you don't. You don't actually even need a strategy, all you need to do is silence yourself and meditate and, like, get downloads from your higher power, god, source, universe, whatever you believe in. I'm walking proof of that. I do have a mentor who has helped me leaps and bounds, but outside of that, I do not consume content and I'm actually pretty proud of that, because you're talking to the girl who would literally I had no silence, like it would be podcast after podcast and binge people's podcast shows. I would then start a new one and just go down these rabbit holes and then I was getting sucked in by their sales pages and then I was Spending money and it was just like it was so much. Now did I make money? Yes, so I'm not saying that's a bad thing to do, but I will say I wonder if I hit my goals faster, if I didn't do that, because the second I dialed that back In August, my income doubled. I just talked about that in the last episode. You can reference that, and so I'm going to dial it back even more where, if I am in need of help, like I am just going to meditate and trust that my intuition can guide me, because it's me gets me. I'm not trying to outwin anyone. I'm not trying to get anywhere faster than literally just improving myself better today than I was yesterday. So I am not consuming as much content and you can take that or you can leave that.

Speaker 1:

The one thing I have noticed is I think a lot of people become very influenced by who they follow, and if that person makes a change, then the person following them is thinking that they need to take, make a change, and I don't think that that's accurate at all, like at all it's. You gotta really start focusing and asking yourself how strong is your staying power? Are you just gonna follow someone to follow them? You know what I mean, so just be aware of that. The next thing is I am not going to care about who the freaking president is, I'm not gonna care what the economy state is, I'm not gonna care what the news says, I'm not gonna care what the most recent fun show is and the drama involved with it. Like I'm not saying I'm not gonna live, but I do not give a shit about anything that happens in the conventional world, because I'm not trying to live conventionally. I want to live an epic, unconventional life and in order to do that, I have to not get caught up in the minutia bullshit, which isn't even how the world works. I have learned the rules of the game and those are the universal laws, and again, I train this in my lucky wave Academy course.

Speaker 1:

Everything else, what we're taught in school by our parents, generations, of how we think money works, of how we think the world works, is false and like you could probably end this podcast right now and be like Not a fan. I don't. I don't agree with that. This is way too over my head. But it's actually true, because the universal laws are gonna get you where you want to go a lot faster than thinking debt is bad. Universal laws are gonna get you a lot faster than thinking that the economy is taking your fucked. You're gonna lose this, you're gonna lose that. Where's the money? It's drying out, my gosh. That is not a place to live. That's what the news wants you to think, that's what society wants you to think, and that's just not how it works. It's a waste of your time, it's a waste of your energy, and why stress about the economy when you can't even fucking control it, like truly. So that's why I'm so passionate about the work that I do, because I am trying to get more people awaken to the universal laws, to then become more abundant, to then be able to stop this train of like scarce, lack. The economy is crashing, everything is running out like. I am trying to stop that.

Speaker 1:

So I will not be caring or getting involved in any conversation like that, and I don't have any shame in it. I'm not even like embarrassed or afraid to tell people. I have had people think that I'm crazy and will and nuts. And then you know I just like you wanna look at my bank account or do you want to just judge me because I'm not gonna talk News with you or politics. So this is a bold thing for me to say, and I'm saying it. The next thing I'm not gonna do is I'm no longer going to just use language that I know like the back of my hand any longer. Now, don't get your hopes up. I'm still gonna cuss like a sailor. That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

What I'm talking about is language around. You know words like I can't or I need those words put out a very specific Frequency, like a very specific, specific vibration. There are books and arguments that words create vibration and frequency more than like anything else, and I'm starting to understand how true that is, because the subconscious and the words you say, the two are connected and it's silly to think that they're not. So we say the word budget. It doesn't have a very fun meaning attached to it because it feels restrictive. So that is an energy and you're just saying like, yeah, that's not in budget or we budget every week. There's a restriction energy around that. Same thing when you say you can't, you're telling your subconscious that it's not possible for you. So then your subconscious goes to work to show you how that's not possible for you. This is real stuff. Same thing with the word need.

Speaker 1:

When you use the word need, your subconscious goes into fight or flight mode where it's not even able to think clearly For you to manifest what you want because you're so focused on a need. A need is like I need oxygen, I need food or I'm going to die. So when you use the word need, like I need ten thousand dollars a month Because of x, y, z. Your brain is completely shutting off the manifestation side, where you can't even actually do the work that you need to do because it's in need. Need is a big word that you do not want to use when you're trying to level up in your business and, honestly, in life and whatever else you're trying to achieve. The last thing I'm no longer doing is I'm no longer giving meaning to any numbers.

Speaker 1:

This is not money. This is actually more like the algorithm, the hustle game. I've dropped the hustle culture for like a year now, but you can still get caught up in it because so many people are caught up in it. And don't get this mixed up either. Where it's like, let me just kick my feet up and manifest and it's all gonna happen, like, yeah, shit can happen like that truly, but it always requires work, and by the work. This is what I tell all of my clients.

Speaker 1:

The work is the one on one work. The work is inner work, where you are actually digging deep to understand why you think the way you think, why your beliefs are the way that they are, why you react to things the way you do. All of that is inner work. It's inner work that you need to uncover where the root is, and you need to rework that narrative to have it be a more positive experience for you so you no longer think that way. So you raise your vibration and then boom, you're matched for more things that you want.

Speaker 1:

Because there are multiple timelines happening right now. There's a version of you who has $50,000 a month, $100,000 a month. There's also a version of you that is homeless. It's just, you are living the version of you right now, listening to this. If you want to hit the next level and you want to make $20,000 a month, you got to start operating.

Speaker 1:

How that version of you would operate? Would she sweat the small stuff? Would she not have an assistant? Would she be doing all these things till 12 am in the middle of the night? No, she would be delegating. She would be understanding that the day-to-day numbers minutia doesn't mean shit. She would understand that her attitude and mindset and overall feeling is number one, rather than strategy conversations. Rather than I got to do more to make more, rather than let me analyze every single number in my bank account to see what happened. Don't get that twisted. You should know what's going on in your bank account, but not obsessing that like, oh my gosh, this $22 and oh my gosh, it was $50 and it wasn't $45. Wait a second, not that 20,000 version of you doesn't think that way.

Speaker 1:

She's got her hands on stuff, but she's overall living her life because she doesn't need anything. She is cool, she doesn't need to do more. Anything more that she gets is bonus energy. It's like cool, I don't fucking need it, but that was a nice surprise. Thanks, money for coming my way. It's a bonus energy. You don't need anything, you don't need to do more, you don't need to get caught up in how many views your stuff has. I mean exposure and all that. That is helpful, but it's a different, completely different approach.

Speaker 1:

So now I thought we could transition into some of the things that I'm really going to focus on in 2024. I've kind of said some of them because that's just how it goes I get on my tangents and I just roll. First things first. I'm going to just double down, dialing in being even more disciplined and diligent on the universal laws. I know the universal laws, but this is true mastery just because you know something doesn't mean you're walking embodiment of it. I'm just trying to get better and better at embodying what I know and what I know works. I'm trying to get better at embodying the feeling, like when I have a 6k day or a 10k day, I'm like okay, thinking about that feeling, what was happening leading up to it, how can I double down on that? So, where I can have these more often, so I'm going to really focus on mastering the universal laws. So first things first. You should learn the universal laws.

Speaker 1:

I teach this heavily in my Lucky Babe Academy course. You can check that out Link in the show notes. My Money Maker guide is also a great place to start if you're really trying to dial in more money, more income for 2024. But that's what I'm going to be doing, number one. Number two is I've actually kind of already done this at the tail end of 2023 because of moving, but I'm going to carry it on to 2024 and that's focusing on one business at a time.

Speaker 1:

I restructured pretty much my entire income my business in July where I canceled group sessions, a mastermind, a membership. I restructured and reorganized my one-on-one clients and I only have literally three one-on-one clients that I'm working with moving forward. I'm going to continue to only help them until our time ends whenever that is, and I'm strictly doing digital marketing and specifically the high ticket affiliate marketing program that I am an affiliate for. And the reason why is simplicity and I jumped around a lot and when I was selling up my own digital courses, I created new courses all the time and it is fun. I'm a manifesting generator. I love that shit.

Speaker 1:

But it's a zap in your energy and I just I don't want to do that again. I don't really have the bandwidth right now and you know, never say never. Maybe in June, july, I might change my mind, who knows, I might like do a hardcore launch on Lucky Baby Academy, like I did that in July and then I was done Like I might do that again, who knows. But for the foreseeable future, I'm just all in on high ticket affiliate marketing, digital marketing. It's so transactional and like hands off that I can breathe and like live freely as I'm trying to find my footing in a brand new state. So find also what works for you, like starting over and pivoting all the time is not going to do you any good. You're starting over again and again and again. It's like trying to drive from California to New York and you start over every single time, you'll never get there. So I just say that to help you as well as you're trying to make money in 2024. Really exercise that same power, kind of like what I said at the beginning.

Speaker 1:

So the last two things I want to touch on is I'm going to really start treating social media, specifically Instagram, with much more respect than I ever have, and the reason why is because that tool is a free tool for you to reach millions upon millions of people. Like you got to just respect it. I don't know what I'm saying. This is even making sense. Like I guess I'm not realizing it, because I've started two brand new Instagram accounts last year and it's blowing my mind what I've learned with social media, but not only that like really having a true strategy behind what you're doing and then it working. And then, when it works, you're like, oh my gosh, thank you social media. I've been able to get in front of millions of people because of learning some high income skills and I don't have to pay for ads this is organic traffic that are coming into my sales funnel that sells them for me. Like absolutely insane. So I think you got to start reframing your mind around social media.

Speaker 1:

And this isn't comparison. Am I doing it good enough? Oh my gosh. No, it's like understand the tool that's available to you and respect it and use it and don't get caught up in comparing yourself to others while on it, like this tool is my number one income producing tool, I'm going to do my stuff and I'm going to engage with the people and clients and networks that I need to engage with. And then I am logging off of this sucker and leaving it Like treat it with the utmost respect, like it's a CEO or something, because truly it's got power for you. It can work wonders for you. But people tend to complain about it or people tend to use it for not income producing activities, like they then consume, which is easy to do. So treat it with respect. Have discipline around it. Create a little boundary, if you will. You're only allowed X amount of minutes per day, you know, outside of creating the content, but X amount of minutes to consume. And then you're done, because that's what I've done and it's helped a ton and I'm going to continue to do that.

Speaker 1:

And then the last thing is Abraham Hicks says you know you want to be flying high on your high flying disc and your living life just like happy, abundant, joyful piece, all of that. Now, I do agree with that. But I'm not saying for you to go pretend to be happy and all these things and like life is so good and fake until you make it. I am actually not saying that, but I am saying, like, what can you do to be grateful for what you have all the fucking time? Like, what can you do? What can you do to be grateful for the air that you're breathing? What can you be grateful for? For your heart that's beating. Your heart beats until you die. It does not get a break. Like, can we just look at? Like, do we have it so bad? Think about your organ of your heart. It never has enough to pay, it never takes a break and we just take these things for granted. Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 1:

Like I said this on plenty of these episodes where you have something you once desired, you once long for, so how can you be grateful for it? And trust me, we are all human, we all have an ego and we want to bitch and moan and complain sometimes, and your girl has done that plenty in this transition of moving halfway across the country. But you know what I always end a negative thought. I stop it quick cuz I choose to not continue down that train of just thinking that fucking life sucks and like I'm being punished for some bullshit which is fucking made up by the way, it's all bullshit and instead I go this is working out for me. There's a reason this is happening. I won't know it now, but I will. I'll tell you.

Speaker 1:

I've been able to find reasons in almost everything, like my husband told his car two weeks before we moved to texas, literally, and he was without a car and was like, why did that happen? Well, what was so interesting was we almost got double the kelly blue book price point for his car. And if we had sold it, cuz his car was paid off and we were like loosely talking about, yeah, maybe we could sell it, maybe we try it in for something else, maybe get a truck or whatever, and then he end up totaling his car, which he's fine, everything's okay, and then we end up getting like way more money for it than we ever would have if we sold it privately, traded in, like it was just wild. And that's also why I'm really gonna manifesting and understand what money, how money works. So again, grab my love eleven dollar money, make a guide. Like I can't.

Speaker 1:

You know, I walk into money all the time. It's kind of crazy. It's just things like that where it's like, okay, I'm just gonna focus on gratitude and everything's working out for me and I don't need to freak out, because freaking out is not gonna do anything for me anyways. It's only gonna feed my little ego. It's gonna make me feel like a little bit better in the moment and then, like what? I either? Continue on that train. It's like when you like fall off the bandwagon, when you're like been eating bad, you know you're like bucket, who cares? It's all the dumpster fire. Now who care? Like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We stop the negative thoughts, we continue trying to raise our frequency, find gratitude, love, joy, abundance, and it will then compound and before you know it, you're at that twenty thousand dollar version of you. So this is kind of all over the place.

Speaker 1:

I hope you stayed with me.

Speaker 1:

I hope you got something out of it and if you did, I'd love to know what love, love, love to know. And if you would be so kind, leave me a review. It just is quick click of the five stars. If you're getting anything out of this, it would really help me out. I pour my heart and soul into this. I love showing up for you and I would love to know if it helps you. So, alright, I'll catch you here next week and I hope you have a beautiful week. Bye, thank you so much for listening. It's my mission and goal to help as many women as possible, so if you love this episode, I would so appreciate you taking a screenshot and sharing it with your business bestie or on your social media or, even better, taking some time to drop me a review on whatever platform you're listening to. We mean the world to me for me to hear how this episode served you and, as always, you can always reach me on instagram at with katie smith for any additional support. See you back here next week.

Simplicity's Power in Life and Business
Shifting Mindsets and Business Strategies
Gratitude and Discipline on Social Media
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