The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

67. What happens if we change? Do we get more?

January 15, 2024 Katie Smith
67. What happens if we change? Do we get more?
The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
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The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
67. What happens if we change? Do we get more?
Jan 15, 2024
Katie Smith

This isn’t what you think but it’s sooo good! I will be walking through my biggest project in 2024 and cannot wait to share it with you! Tune in now to see what I mean!

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$11 Money Mindset Guide - start manifesting money today!

IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

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This isn’t what you think but it’s sooo good! I will be walking through my biggest project in 2024 and cannot wait to share it with you! Tune in now to see what I mean!

Join us! Free Community of Epic Souls Here

‌Start your FREE 14-day trial with High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Here!

$11 Money Mindset Guide - start manifesting money today!

IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Flow and Manifestation Project podcast. My name is Kati Smith and I am a manifestation in Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual woo. Every week I'll share up lifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Flow and Manifestation Project podcast. Sounds so good. I'm literally so excited. Oh my gosh, this has just been a long time coming. Your inner CEO. It served me in so many ways, so many ways.

Speaker 1:

But as I've been on this journey of spirituality more of the woo type of conversation and manifestation and energetics I knew I had to make a change, because I truly believe that it is my purpose on this earth, my Dharma, to teach people about manifestation and how to create a life on purpose, a create a life by design and no longer just have life happen to you, and the craziest thing happened is literally in the middle of the night. We're in a new house and we love it. Everything is great, but still trying to get settled, I haven't been sleeping that great. We're still waiting for our bed frame to come. Our room just doesn't feel complete like it did in our last house, and that can affect one's sleep, and so it's affecting mine more than I'd like. It's really bothering me actually. And in the middle of the night I got this intuitive hit to title and name this podcast, the Manifestation Project, and I've been toying around with different names and I couldn't find anything that I love. I wanted the word manifestation to be involved, because that's what mainly I talk about. I also wanted money somehow to be involved in the title, but I decided to remove that because when you become a master manifestor, you can manifest anything that you want, and that's money included. And I'll never forget that night because it hit me just like the word project.

Speaker 1:

It was like the manifestation project and the reason why it's called that is because manifestation is all an experiment. We all manifest. We manifest all day long. You manifest right now. It's basically turning your thoughts into your reality. So look around you. This is what you manifested, and I don't say that to get you upset or anything. I actually say that to remind you of how powerful you are, and on this podcast, I'm going to walk you through different little experiments basically what's worked for me in the year and a half that I've been in business and what you can implement to try to get the results that you want.

Speaker 1:

And so it's a project, because that's what life is. It's a journey. We should always be learning and up leveling and trying to get to our next level and our next self. And really what manifestation is at the core, it's who you become. You get the things that you want by becoming something different. Change has to happen within for changes to happen outside of you. So I'm just so excited.

Speaker 1:

This is my first episode under this new name and I'm just literally fired up. I just love where everything is at. I feel so incredibly blessed and grateful for this journey. It hasn't been easy I would say no, but it's been the ride of a lifetime, and so I actually thought that we could talk on this episode.

Speaker 1:

A couple of things, obviously around manifestation and the number one thing you can use to multiply the good in your life, the results in your life, so that you can only get more so in 2024,. I am actually on this journey of an experiment, a project myself, and it's basically a project of my next level self. So my idea for 2024, this is another download is like who can I become? Who can I become this year? It's not what can I achieve, it's not what do I get to have. It's none of that. And I don't know if it's because, honestly, I don't know why I want that, but I think I've just done enough work, enough studying of spirituality and manifestation and the laws of the universe, like I shared in my last episode, where I just I know the rules of the game and I want to experiment with them, and that's essentially what this is at the core of this. And so I want you to stop and think about what's your next level self.

Speaker 1:

So you know how we always thought about things like I wish I could be 70 who did that. Or my gosh, she's like wearing the cutest boots. I saw that, but I didn't buy them, because who am I to wear boots like that? Who am I to wear the red lipstick right? Who am I to be the laughing funny one and cracking jokes like that's not me. Every time I try to crack a joke, I tripped over my words and it wasn't even funny and I embarrass myself. You know what I'm talking about. Well, there's a version of you who does all that, who wears the red lipstick, wears the boots, wears the outfit, makes jokes, stumbles over the words and still owns it.

Speaker 1:

That's actually the next level you, and so what I've been doing in my free community by the way, I don't know if you've heard about that I have a free community for the year of 2024 and it's called the 2024 next level you experiment. So it is a fun, supportive, inspirational group. I'm going in there daily. I'm going live once a week, if not more, and I'm sharing with you my personal experiment. You will also get that on this podcast. But if you want even more of like a Community, feel outside of a podcast, because the podcast is pretty intimate, right, but if you want more of a community, get in there. Link is in the show notes. It's completely free. There's no Catch hidden, anything. I just want to take you guys along on this journey with me. I'm actually really excited about it. So, anyways, going back to what I was saying about the next level, you.

Speaker 1:

So what I've been doing in that group is I've been telling people like Come up with your goals. We all set goals every year, right, like lose the 10 pounds, get beach bod ready, you know, hit those 10 K months, get X amount in my savings, pay off debt, like we all have goals. So we I don't know if you've written them down or not I always recommend writing everything down. I have so many clients who fight me on this, like do I really have to write down? Yes, you've got to write it down. It allows your subconscious to kind of come through when you write something down pen to paper and paper is patient, it's just, it's fascinating stuff. So, without getting to scientific, you definitely want to write something down so that you can allow your subconscious, which is 95% of your brain, your mind, to come through and help you be more aware of who you are truly at your core, your beliefs, your hidden beliefs and and all the subconscious things going on underneath the surface. So write them down.

Speaker 1:

And then I like to tell people like think about the version of you who has those things, because If you were that person right now, you would have those things and I say that with the most love. But the reason why you don't have the goals or the reason why you still haven't hit Five K months, 10 K months, 15 K months, whatever is cuz you're not the person who holds that, they are not the kind of person who's at that frequency, who's in alignment with that Doesn't mean it can't happen. Happen. You are literally possible and capable of fucking everything, literally. And I'm here and that free community group is to remind you that my goal is to awaken so many people, like beyond this podcast, because I just I think we could take over the world and create world peace. Like, call me crazy, I've gone off the deep end, but I truly believe them think that.

Speaker 1:

So you gotta think about the next version of you, because if you were to just start becoming her, you have everything be attracted to you With ease, with flow. It wouldn't be grinding and hustling and, like you know, pedals in the metal, let's go. It would be like how does she wake up in the morning? Does she have a morning routine? Is she woken up by an alarm clock that she hit snooze on five times? Is she waking up by the kids screaming, arguing? Does she snap at her kids? Is she have zero patients? Or does she wake up before everyone puts herself first, gets her mind, her energy, right before she even tackles the day? Maybe you do have a morning routine. Do you have an evening routine? Double up, why wouldn't you, on your evening routine, think about all the magic that happened that day?

Speaker 1:

Or make it up, because some of the stuff I'm talking about in that community I keep telling you about the Facebook group, the free Facebook group is your mind does not know the difference between a lie and the truth. It only knows what you tell it. Let me repeat that. Your brain does not your subconscious, so don't get this mix up with your conscious. Your subconscious, the 95% of your mind, does not know a lie over the truth. So you can tell the lie and it will start to believe it. This is the magic. Okay, so If you don't have a nightly routine, start incorporating one and go over the best things that could have happened that day. Make it up. I'm telling you, if you are disciplined enough to do this, your life will change before you know it. The RAS in your brain, the Reticular Activating System that I've talked about before on this podcast will start showing you proof and finding those things, because that's all you're filling your subconscious with, because you're doing that right before bed Really, really powerful stuff. And if you want more powerful stuff on going to bed and like money manifestation reference episode, I think it was like 65, I go into all that in really deep detail.

Speaker 1:

So does she have a nighttime routine? Does she work out? Does she move her body? Does she only put foods into her body that make her feel good? Does she eat sugar or does she limit sugar? Like, what does she do? How does she spend her days? Like, what is she thinking about? Does she get caught up in the minutia and gossip of shit that doesn't even matter, or does she fill her brain with education on what lights her up? Does she go after her goals or does she just write them down? Do you know what I mean? Like, if we're not creating and learning, and like trying to reach our dream life, we're just simply disintegrating, and I know you don't want to do that.

Speaker 1:

I take it, if you're listening to a podcast like this, you want to learn, grow, evolve and have it all, and this is how you do this. And so who can you become to then be able to have your goals just all of a sudden show up and you're like huh, I really didn't do anything. I didn't have to post X amount of times a day, I didn't have to write a bazillion emails, I didn't have to launch any business. All I had to do was become a different person. Raise my vibration, which is the primary law. Law of attraction is secondary to the law of vibration. If you can do that, your goals are going to appear. What will feel like out of nowhere, and all you did was change a few things in your daily habit and you made it habitual. This is what I'm talking about. So this is what I'm focused on in all of 2024.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to take you along the journey in my Facebook group. Love for you to be there. I'd love for you to share it with people. I'm trying to get like hundreds of thousands of people in there so that they can just start to play around with this stuff. It's called an experiment for a reason. It's literally for free. It's literally no rules. It's just have fun, try things out. I'm not telling you what to do. I'm there to support you and give you ideas. I have guides to guide you. I have resources, I am there, I am literally there and I just I'm really fired up about it.

Speaker 1:

And this is a good segue because I just gave the group my free future gratitude journal, and so I want to explain what that is, because it's really powerful stuff. I just gave everyone I mean it's for free. You could literally get it right now through my stand store in the link in bio but I gave it to everybody in the group because gratitude is the multiplier. It will multiply Any results that you have. Anything you're grateful for, it will give you more of that. That's the law of attraction, right? Whatever you think about will come to reality, whether you like it or not, and so why not be more grateful for what you have, not be caught up in what you don't have, because that's easy, that's what, wherever it is. But can you choose your heart? Can you choose the heart of being disciplined enough to find gratitude in every single thing that you do and let that multiply and let the law of attraction come into play and just bring you more of the things that you like? Or do you want to choose your heart of not seeing things fast enough?

Speaker 1:

Gratitude, you want to future journal it. So by that I mean things that haven't happened yet. This is the gold, this is the moneymaker that no one talks about, and this is how I am living the life that I'm living right now. Am I at my goals? No, I want to hit $50,000 a month, but I have been able to make six figures and do pretty incredible things by this simple practice. So if you want your hands on that, head over to the show notes. If you want to get your hands on that from the free Facebook group head over there, I would love to have you.

Speaker 1:

But this is the secret sauce and it's gratitude. It's something that is so simple and, remember, as simple as my word and it's just coming down to choosing your heart. Like, do you want to see results ASAP? I mean, yeah, hello, everyone does, but it doesn't really happen like that. And if you do this for 30 days and you don't see your results yet, that just means you're not that good at it yet. And so how much longer can you stay? I bet you're going to find you're living a lot more peaceful and happy life, that you're going to want to continue this type of work.

Speaker 1:

But this is the magic, and I want so many people to try it. I want so many people to try it oh my gosh. Okay. So if you want to join the group, check the link in the show notes. We'd love to have you, if you have questions about this, slide into my DMs. You want my gratitude journal and kind of have me explain a little bit more of what that is. That's also in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

It's some good, good stuff. I'm fired up. I cannot wait to talk more about all these things and I'm going to probably be creating a series on this stuff. So, like, stay tuned for, like, different themed weeks and, yeah, all that stuff. I so appreciate you being here. If you got anything out of this, let me know. Click the five stars. Would love, love, love to see that this is helping you and I'll catch you here next week. Bye, if you loved what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets me know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

Manifestation and Next Level Self
Gratitude and Positive Thinking Transform Life
Excitement and Future Plans