The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

68. 4 Hacks for Money Manifestation (and a bonus hack at the end!)

January 22, 2024 Katie Smith
68. 4 Hacks for Money Manifestation (and a bonus hack at the end!)
The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
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The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
68. 4 Hacks for Money Manifestation (and a bonus hack at the end!)
Jan 22, 2024
Katie Smith

In this episode, Katie goes deep into 4 hacks about how to manifest money EFFORTLESSLY.

We cover:

  1. The most important first step of manifesting money.
  2. Make money goals less daunting.
  3. How to get money to flow into your life.
  4. Why deciding you’ll be rich is different than knowing how it will happen.


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$11 Money Mindset Guide - start manifesting money today!

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This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

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Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this episode, Katie goes deep into 4 hacks about how to manifest money EFFORTLESSLY.

We cover:

  1. The most important first step of manifesting money.
  2. Make money goals less daunting.
  3. How to get money to flow into your life.
  4. Why deciding you’ll be rich is different than knowing how it will happen.


The Freedom Formula Digital Product + Affiliate Marketing

Join us! Free Community of Epic Souls Here

‌Start your FREE 14-day trial with High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Here!

$11 Money Mindset Guide - start manifesting money today!

IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the cashflow and manifestation project podcast. My name is Katie Smith and I am a manifestation in Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual will. Every week, I'll share up lifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the cashflow and manifestation project podcast. Oh, I just love that name. Sorry, I'm still. I'm still geeking out over it because it's so freaking exciting, because these are two of my favorite things to talk about. So welcome back. Welcome back. I'm so happy that you are here and I thought that we could talk about money. What else is new? Talk about money, cashflow and manifestation project.

Speaker 1:

So, first things first, thank you to all of the amazing warm feedback about the name change and last week's episode. So many of you loved it Like I can't tell you enough of how much that means to me. Every message I get text message, direct message, you name it it just lights me up because it lets me know that people are actually listening. On the other end because it's interesting with podcasts, it's really hard to tell if people are getting anything out of it unless they tell you or unless they leave a five-star review. So if you are getting anything out of this, would you please let me know by leaving me a five-star review. You don't even need to write anything. Just click the five stars and then that would just really let me know that you're getting a lot out of this. I definitely pour my heart and soul into this because I truly want more people to have cashflow and become a master manifestor so that they're living the life of their dreams and just completely transforming their life. So I would so appreciate it if you wouldn't mind doing that for me. But okay, I thought we could talk about four hacks for money manifestation, and so I'm going to be kind of riffing on each of these four hacks. But this is what I've been able to do to reach the level of success that I've done in my business reach six figures, my income has definitely started to double and it's catching even more momentum since I've implemented these hacks and the money practices in my money maker guide, which you can actually reference in the show notes. So the first hack that I really want to help you master and start practicing and using so that you can manifest more money the first one is not forcing the how.

Speaker 1:

So I think so many of us get super caught up in how we're going to make our 10k month and when we're focused on the how, what we're actually doing is we're kind of like pigeonholing the universe. We're kind of like keeping it in a box, and that's not how the universe works. The universe knows what you want and the universe is literally going to work to help get you what you want, because the universe source God wants you to have what you want. I've said this before like wouldn't that be the biggest sick joke if, like, we were having desires placed on our heart but could never achieve them or get them? That would be cruel, that would be hell. Actually, if you wanted my honest, blunt opinion, I think that would be hell. And we're not living in hell. We are creators on this earth and we are supported by the Cosmo, angels and the universe and source and God to get us what we want. And so by doing that, we can't kind of like take the bull by the horns with the universe and force the universe. The universe is just not going to give it to you. And if and you know exactly what I'm talking about, because maybe you've been trying to have 10k months for a while now, but you're forcing the how you're like okay, I'm going to have five people buy this offer, I'm going to have five people purchase this, join my mentorship group, and then I'm going to have 20 of my low ticket offers and boom, I'll hit my $10,000 a month number. I wish it happened like that, like if you've ever thought that I'm giving you a huge hug virtually here because I was you, but it just doesn't work that way.

Speaker 1:

Instead, you have to release control. This is literally the most important. First step of manifesting money is you have to release the how. You've got to surrender and lift it up. All you have got to do is know what you want to make. It's $10,000 a month, and I don't know how, but I know it'll happen. That's also a really good affirmation, by the way.

Speaker 1:

So what this does is it allows more money to come through to you in the most unexpected ways, rather than as forcing so hard on this one particular launch or this one particular product or this one particular program you name it. When we focus so hard on that, we literally cut it off because we're trying to control and force it. This is a co-creation partnership. We are co-creators with universe and God and source, so we have to just state what we want with a decision and then release it. How it's gonna go. Now, that doesn't mean kick your feet up and go to the beach and drink margaritas and pina coladas and not do a dang thing. You always got to take your inspired action, and to take your inspired action, you have to have a point of silence. Okay, let's head into the second hack. So I really want to help you make your money goals less daunting, and the way I like to do this is I like to have you play with your belief system, which I've kind of talked about before, but it's also playing with the idea of time.

Speaker 1:

So let's stop for a moment and really talk about time and what it is. First of all, time is truly all that we have. That is our most prized possession, because we can never get it back. You can't borrow time. There's none of that. And time is also a man-made construct, where that is what humans created to basically keep track of our reality. And looking at it like that, where it's like okay, what is time, because you know how time can kind of be a mind trip. Where it's like you're standing in line for the DMV and it feels like days and it's only been 20 minutes, and then also we're like gosh, where did those four hours go? Time is an illusion, it's just simply numbers on a clock for us to track our days. Like my mom was here for two weeks God bless her, mr, so much already and we dropped her off in the airport in the morning and then later on that night I was telling my husband. I was like, did that even seem like the same day that she was here today? Because, like, we did so much since then and I'm sure you're probably like, what did I do today? That's what I mean about time.

Speaker 1:

So now that we've established that time and money are not related they're not correlated by any means and this is where corporate and society gets us all fucked up about this because, like you got to pay your dues. You got to put in the time. You don't have enough experience, you're not enough All this other bullshit with time and money. But let's say your goal of this year is six figures Great, let's not kill ourselves by trying to make it sound like we're going to hit $9,000 to $10,000 every single month to hit our six figures, because I love you if you're thinking that way, but it just doesn't work that way. And again, that was me where I was like okay, I'm going to hit this and I'm going to hit this and I'm going to hit this, and that's because that's how corporate works and it's not like that. Instead, I want you to let your goal be six figures for the year and I want you to play around with your believability every single week and every single month.

Speaker 1:

So what do I mean by that? I mean I want you to rate your belief on what you think you can achieve this month. So let's forget about $10,000. Do you feel confident that you can make $5,000 over the course of 30 days? Do you feel confident? That's a little bit over $1,000 a week, but let's even forget that. Do you think you can make $5,000 in a day? That's what I mean about playing around with time. If $5,000 in a day is like tripping up your nervous system, then hey, let's take the breaks off. Let's try to do $5,000 over the course of four weeks. Or maybe you're like I can do $5,000 in a day, no problem, great. Can you do that in an hour? Probably not. So you want to play around with your believability as well as time, and that's how you can make your goals less daunting.

Speaker 1:

So rate yourself what do you think you can get behind? That will stretch you a little bit, but is over what you make on a monthly basis. So first things first. You need to see what you've been making on a monthly basis. Maybe it's around the $3,000 mark. Maybe it's around the $4,000 mark. Can you get behind $5,000 for this month? If that's tripping you up a little bit, lower, down to $4,500. Maybe you're like no problem, $5,000 in the bag. Then stretch it even higher. Can you get behind $6,500? If you feel incompetent, can you get behind $7,000?

Speaker 1:

I want you to stair step this thing like a mofo, because you got a lot of time before the end of the year and if you can start working with your belief system instead of against it, holy shit, you might make $500,000 this year. This is the magic. It's working with your belief system and not against it. And who cares if you only have a $5,000 month, if you end the year at $500,000, because you finally decided to work with your belief system, your limiting blocks, and you're identifying them and uncovering them? That's going to get you so much farther than forcing yourself for vanity metrics when who gives a fuck? I had a 10K day and I don't even know if anyone remembers other than me in that moment. Do you know what I mean? Like time's fleeting. So like who cares? Who freaking cares? This is going to help you so much in the long run.

Speaker 1:

This is probably the best hack, truly. It's playing around with time and it's playing around with your believability. So you might want to write that down. If you didn't rewind it, go back and listen again. Okay, let's move into the third hack.

Speaker 1:

So the third hack is around how to get money to flow into your life effortlessly. This is like my little secret. Okay, the way you do this is you're grateful for it before it happens. Yes, if you're thinking you're going woo, katie, what's going on? It's true, you're grateful before it happens. You're grateful for it before it happens. So what would that look like? That would look like you journaling out, maybe, your day and writing out all the money you made that day, and you do that every single day and before you know it, you're going to find that that money is actually in your possession, in your bank account, because your brain does not know the difference of truth or a lie and you're playing with a law of attraction. You're increasing your frequency and your vibration, which is what this world operates off of, by being grateful for something you technically don't have yet.

Speaker 1:

Now the trick here is actually being grateful. It's not writing it down, to write it down, because that Katie girl on that little podcast told me to do that. No, no, no. It is literally writing it down and feeling what you will feel. Will you feel relaxed, will you feel at ease, will you feel joyful? Will you feel excited AF? Will you feel confident? Will you feel rich? What will you feel? And then can you tap into one of your five senses to feel that. Now this is where people also get tripped up. I don't know how to visualize Katie, or I don't know how to tap into my senses.

Speaker 1:

Well, when I tell you to think about eating an orange right now. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you see it? Do you smell it? Do you taste it? Do you hear it, which you know what I mean? But what is it? What is the sense that comes up? Because if you taste it, then that'll give you an idea of what kind of manifestor you are. You got to taste it to enjoy the experience. If you see it and feel it and hold it, that would tell you you're really good at visualizing. If you smell it, or maybe hear it, you need to hear the apple being opened up. Do you know what I mean? That would be your personal, unique experience. Nothing's right or wrong.

Speaker 1:

I happen to be a very good visualizer. I've been that way my entire life. I could tell you crazy stories, but that's me, that's not everyone. My husband very different. He's like. You keep telling me to visualize this shit and I don't know what you're talking about. So you got to find what works for you, but you got to tie it all together it's not saying affirmations, to memorize them, to say it 10,000 times in a day, because that means something like no. And again, I keep telling you like, if you're like that you're like me. I pretty much tell you everything I've done wrong on this podcast, so welcome. This is why it's called the Project. That's what it is. That's what life is, and let me tell you, it's really fun to go through it because there's no mistakes and before you know it, you're like, wow, I'm making more money than I did in corporate. So this is cool.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, so that's this third hack. It's being grateful for the money before it has even hit your bank account, before you're even having direct message conversations about it, like I'm telling you, because it could show up, just like hack number one, in the most crazy, unexpected ways, but it won't know to come to you unless you're grateful for it. And that's the trick. And then tapping into one of those five senses where it's like oh my gosh, I'm seeing it. I see the numbers in my bank account, I see it popping up on my phone. Right now I just got another payment notification. I'm waking up to payment notifications. Let me make a fun little vision board where it's like everything that I want, this is what they mean by all of these little hacks and things you can do to manifest. So that is hack number three. Okay, the last hack, but I actually have a bonus one, so stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

But the last hack that I have written out is deciding that you will be rich rather than knowing how it will happen. So it's kind of tying in a little bit of hack number one, but it's deciding you will be a wealthy woman, a wealthy man, rather than figuring out how it's gonna happen. And bear with me on this little analogy here is would be like delivering a baby. So I've had two children. I don't know if you've had a child, or you probably know people who have children. Obviously, I would imagine they're pregnant and they have to deliver a baby, and everyone has an idea of how they would like their labor and delivery to be, but truly, at the end of the day, no one actually knows how it's gonna go down, and so if you're a mom, you can relate it to that where it's like, if you've had multiple children, I'm sure you've had multiple labor and delivery and multiple birthing stories.

Speaker 1:

I've had two very different ones, and so you don't focus on the how, you just decide it's gonna happen. Like you know, the baby's gotta exit the body and it will happen. Why can't you take the same conviction with your finances, with your business, with money flowing into you, with manifesting money, like I don't know how, I don't know when, but I know it will. That's a great affirmation. I say it all the time I don't know how, I don't know when, but I know it will. And you say it with conviction, with confidence, because it is gonna happen. It's just waiting for you to decide that it's gonna happen and not obsess about the minutia that is literally out of your control. Leave that up to the universe. Actually, another fun exercise that you can do is I will literally outsource to the universe what I need their help with. This is God, god, source, universe.

Speaker 1:

I'm struggling with getting this done. Can you please help me and I swear it works, because all of a sudden I'll get little intuitive hits, or I'll meet someone in Texas of all places that can help me with this, or that have a freaking truck dealership hookup, because my husband really wants this one specific truck. It's like rare to find. Like I'm like okay, whatever, well, we found someone who's the head of the head of the head of the dealership. I'm like, yeah, just let us know when you're ready. And I'm like, what? Like things like that it's wild, it's totally, totally wild. So that's hack number four.

Speaker 1:

And then I do have a bonus hack with how to manifest more money, and it's having multiple streams of income. How can you expect to make the money that you want with one stream of income? And I know you're, you have an entrepreneur soul, because you'll listen to a podcast like this. But if you can just think about it, if we don't want to know the how of how we're gonna make $10,000 months, $15,000, whatever it is, you got to take the pressure off of that one Income stream. You got a, you got to lean back and receive. And if you can't do that with this one income stream, maybe you need to do two at a time so that you're not so heavily focused on one over the other.

Speaker 1:

And if you're telling me, like, but I invested all this money into this, this business, like, first of all, I get it, but we have to not think in lack and scarce and we have to see the return you have had on that said business, whether that be education, like I've told you about my own coaching experiences Whether that be the money that did come in. Maybe it wasn't enough and maybe it wasn't the what we totally wanted, but we still have to look at it as a win somewhere. That's the law of attraction. Without doing that, you're just literally setting yourself up for more of what you don't want. So maybe it's having another stream of income and your girl over here just started a sixth stream of income and I, I freaking love it.

Speaker 1:

Multiple series of income is like my favorite thing ever. I've always dreamt of this and it's. It's just bit by bit, taking step by step, and guess what, when you start doing something differently, money finds you, opportunities find you. I'm walking proof of it. I just added a new digital course to my offer suite. That is a screaming deal. It's a little bit over $300 and it's got passive income components to it. It's like a digital course meets affiliate marketing all in one, and that just presented itself to me and I'm like, wow, this isn't an accident and it's been very fruitful in just the week that I've started this. So if you want more details about that, you can head over to the link in show notes.

Speaker 1:

Get my free guide to learn a little bit more about how to make passive income on social media, on Instagram, because now is the time. Digital marketing is going to be a Trillion dollar industry come 2027. So now is the time. You're not too late to the game, so jump on board. Look at other things that feel like a fit.

Speaker 1:

You know I'm not saying go buy every new course, because there's been several courses out there that I have not bought. That looks really good, but it didn't feel right. You have to go off of what feels right, but you can't go off of scarce and lack and I've got no money and anything like that, because that's gonna give you more of what you don't want. Instead, you got to take that in powered position as the wealthy woman that doesn't know how or when it's gonna happen for you, but you know it will. You know it will, so start operating like her.

Speaker 1:

Okay, those are my fun little hacks for manifesting money and they are effective. Okay, so be very aware as you're doing them and practicing all the things that I shared in this episode and, like always, I'm so thankful and grateful that you are here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you. If you got something out of this, give me five stars, let me know, share it on your Instagram, I'll share it with mine and I will catch you here next week. Bye, if you loved what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets you know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

Four Hacks for Money Manifestation
Effective Strategies for Achieving Financial Goals
Manifesting Money