The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

75. The subconscious mind's role in manifestation (it's not what you think)

March 11, 2024 Katie Smith
75. The subconscious mind's role in manifestation (it's not what you think)
The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
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The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
75. The subconscious mind's role in manifestation (it's not what you think)
Mar 11, 2024
Katie Smith

Unlock the door to a life of wealth and wellbeing, as we navigate the intricate relationship between nervous system regulation and the pursuit of financial abundance and personal achievement. Witness firsthand the profound influence that our subconscious mind, responsible for a staggering 95% of our brain activity, has on our reality. Dr. Bradley Nelson's 'The Emotion Code' comes to life in our discussion, revealing how releasing trapped emotions can realign our internal states with our deepest goals. Experience the revelation that regulating our nervous system could be the missing piece of the puzzle, leading to the serene manifestation of our desires and a transformative shift in our financial and personal lives.

Diving deeper, we explore the art of turning everyday self-care into a wellspring of success, as simple practices like deep breathing and personalized routines become powerful tools for prosperity. Hear touching stories of my own children embracing these life-altering habits, adding an adorable twist to the universal power of self-regulation. Feel the ripple effect of adopting such routines, from my own journey of increased income to the creation of an all-day energetic shield. We discuss not just the what, but the how, of finding the right self-care strategies that resonate with your unique being. And let's not forget the warmth of community, as our Facebook group stands testament to the collective growth and shared joy on this path to crafting a life brimming with financial freedom and the presence of mind.

Manifest Money Every Day Guide - kick your money blocks for good with my money guide.

FREE Resource - How to Never Worry About Money AGAIN!

#1 software I recommend for digital marketers

IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Unlock the door to a life of wealth and wellbeing, as we navigate the intricate relationship between nervous system regulation and the pursuit of financial abundance and personal achievement. Witness firsthand the profound influence that our subconscious mind, responsible for a staggering 95% of our brain activity, has on our reality. Dr. Bradley Nelson's 'The Emotion Code' comes to life in our discussion, revealing how releasing trapped emotions can realign our internal states with our deepest goals. Experience the revelation that regulating our nervous system could be the missing piece of the puzzle, leading to the serene manifestation of our desires and a transformative shift in our financial and personal lives.

Diving deeper, we explore the art of turning everyday self-care into a wellspring of success, as simple practices like deep breathing and personalized routines become powerful tools for prosperity. Hear touching stories of my own children embracing these life-altering habits, adding an adorable twist to the universal power of self-regulation. Feel the ripple effect of adopting such routines, from my own journey of increased income to the creation of an all-day energetic shield. We discuss not just the what, but the how, of finding the right self-care strategies that resonate with your unique being. And let's not forget the warmth of community, as our Facebook group stands testament to the collective growth and shared joy on this path to crafting a life brimming with financial freedom and the presence of mind.

Manifest Money Every Day Guide - kick your money blocks for good with my money guide.

FREE Resource - How to Never Worry About Money AGAIN!

#1 software I recommend for digital marketers

IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cash Flow and Manifestation Project podcast. My name is Kiti Smith and I am a manifestation in Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual will. Every week, I'll share up lifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin.

Speaker 1:

Hey friend, if you're anything like me, you might have hit the point where you feel tired of your money situation. It feels like your money is stuck in a rut, but you're ready to attract more cash flow effortlessly, without requiring any more work, your time or having to post three times a day. I get it because I've been there, and that is why I have created my Manifest Money Every Day Guide. I used to have all sorts of doubts and limiting beliefs around money. You know those sneaky little money blocks that hold us back from living our best lives financially. Yes, those. But with my Money Guide in your hands, it's like having a personal money coach right at your fingertips. Now let me set this straight this is not your typical stuffy financial advice within this Money Guide, because all of that stuff is kind of a waste of time. It's more like chatting with a friend who totally gets where you're coming from, and let me tell you it's jam packed with practical tips and exercises that help you identify those sneaky money blocks and get rid of them for good. But here's the best part this is all around rewiring your brain to attract money with ease. It's like flipping a switch in your brain and suddenly you start seeing opportunities everywhere. It's like the universe starts sending you cash flow your way without you doing anything more than releasing your own personal money blocks. Yes, it's that simple. Imagine waking up every morning with a sense of excitement, confidence, assurance, knowing that money is flowing into your life effortlessly because you said so. That's the kind of vibe my Money Guide brings a feeling of abundance and possibility. So if you're ready to say goodbye to those annoying money blocks and hello to a life of financial abundance, do yourself a favor and grab a copy of my Manifest Money Everyday Guide today. Trust me, your bank account will thank you later. You can find the link in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

Now let's head into the episode. Hello, hello, welcome back. I am so grateful you're here with me today and I've got a lot of fun stuff that I want to talk to you about, and mainly it is around the biggest, I would say, revelation hack that I've learned for myself to be able to quantum leap and that term, it can mean a lot of things. A lot of people think quantum leaping is around money only, and that's not necessarily the case, but money will be a byproduct of quantum leaping, just to clear that up. So quantum leaping, you can think of it as like all of a sudden, you're operating and thinking like a different person, and so what changes on the inside will make the outer world around you, your reality, changes well. So what I want to talk about is nervous system regulation. Yes, nervous system regulation, regulating your nervous system.

Speaker 1:

So let me just talk a little bit about the science, and this is going to be very high level, but conscious mind makes up five percent of your brain. So the conscious mind I've talked about this before, but here's a little fun recap the conscious mind is your desires, your goals, your aspirations, the things that you are like dreaming about. But that only makes up five percent of the brain, while the subconscious, which is essentially your body. Everything is stored in your body the emotions and everything is stored in your body. And if you have not checked out the book the Emotion Code by Dr Bradley Nelson, I think is his name, it's linked in the show notes. I've linked it before in another episode that I broke this stuff down more scientifically. You have got to get your hands on that. It's amazing. I have emotion coded myself. I've released things just from what he teaches you in the book. He's changing people's lives through that book. My husband's reading it. It's amazing. So that's linked in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

But the subconscious mind is made up of the other 95 percent of our brain. So you're looking at five percent and 95 percent and the 95% is your subconscious mind, which is like having your heart beat, having internal organs that you don't even know are operating. I mean, you know they're operating but you don't have to think about them because that's being run by your subconscious. Like have so much gratitude and compassion for your conscious mind, even though it has a lot of old programming, but thanks to neuroplasticity, you are able to rewire your brain to think however you want, which is the beautiful gift that we're given as human beings. Which and also like cracks me up when people are like oh, people can't change, I'm like that you sound like the most ignorant person I have ever heard in my life, because you obviously don't know that people can change and it's literally. Look up the term neuroplasticity, it's incredible. So also, the body is part of the 95% of the brain, because the subconscious works the body right, so the body remembers. That's where it trapped.

Speaker 1:

Emotions can live Again, going back to the emotion code, and our nervous system is in the body. So that's a little bit of the science stuff. So regulating your nervous system is going to help you quantum leap to your goals. It's going to help you reach your desires a lot faster, because you might have experienced in the past, or maybe present day, where you're saying affirmations, you're listening to things to help get your vibration high, but you're not seeing the results of it as of yet. That's a good indicator that your nervous system does not feel comfortable with it yet. This is why I am obsessed with subliminal messaging, as well as EFT tapping. If you have not been doing EFT tapping, my friend, what are you doing? You have got to start doing that. It is a game changer. It will change and relax your nervous system with repetition.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, you can't just do it a week straight and think something's going to change. You really have got to put in the time to do these things for at least 30 days for change to occur. But what is 30 days? In the grand scheme of things, I would say not much. But for me, my nervous system was never accepting my big, audacious goals. It was like, yeah, katie, have fun with that, but I am not comfortable over here and I would know that, because I wouldn't actually be able to sit with the feeling of myself having a $5,000 day or several thousand-dollar days in a row, back to back to back to back, where it's like, oh my gosh. Before that happened, where I called that in, and now it's a regular occurrence for me. Thank you, thank you more, please. I couldn't even imagine it. So if I couldn't even imagine it, my nervous system was like, yeah, frickin' right, girl, I keep dreaming that shit ain't going to happen.

Speaker 1:

This is again why you can tell yourself affirmations until you're blue in the face, but if you're not regulating your nervous system while you're saying affirmations or having a daily practice, again, this is what my money guide is all about to help you do. It's not going to stick, and that's where people get into trouble. And maybe not, though. On the flip side, there are other people who need to do very little in terms of rewiring their brain. Maybe they just need one shift, one aha moment, and they're making 10K weeks and that's their journey. That does not mean they're taking anything from you. Remember, it's you and your journey. It's the mastery. It's okay. This is what I think life is all about.

Speaker 1:

The purpose of life is figuring out your programming, what you're here to do, what lights you the hell up and what you actually want to talk about. Like, if you don't want to talk about affiliate marketing or digital marketing, don't talk about it. If you don't want to talk about making money online, don't frickin' talk about it. If you want to talk about dressing dogs up in costumes, talk about that, because energy is everything and people pick up on it. People are gravitated towards you from your energy. So if you have this repelling energy but you're creating content and it's not landing, well, that'll tell you why. So it's really important to be just like holding ourselves accountable on our energy and also allowing yourself to be okay, pivoting and not doing what you thought you would do to make money. That is okay to do.

Speaker 1:

So my favorite things to regulate my nervous system is, like I said, tapping. Subliminal messaging is some of my favorites and, honestly, something I do multiple times a day, every single day, is deep breathing. I'm talking in the abdomen. I know I talked about this like recently on an episode, but this is what I do. I breathe in for four seconds, I hold it at the top for seven seconds and then I exhale for eight seconds. So four, seven, eight. Inhale for four, hold for seven, exhale for eight.

Speaker 1:

Now, when you first start trying to do this, you're probably going to feel like you need to yawn or like you need more oxygen and air, and that's showing you that your nervous system walks around and flight or fight all the time and that's okay. Honestly, that would be a good thing. I would. I would be shocked, unless you're like a yogi, where you're like I'm good with breath work. I'd be shocked if you didn't have that reaction and I would take that as a good thing. You're gonna have to practice this, you're gonna have to strengthen this muscle, but oh my god, when you do, it feels so good.

Speaker 1:

Like I I I do deep breaths all the freaking time and like even my kids know, it's so sweet. My oldest he's three and I'm he'll say taking deep breaths, mommy, and I'm like yes, that's right. And then he'll do it. He knows how to take deep breaths and decker my youngest he won't. He doesn't talk really, but if I'm doing my deep breaths, he'll also do this. So freaking cute, I can't even handle it. Okay, anyways, look at me like getting off on a tangent.

Speaker 1:

But the deep breaths are also a game changer. These are all things that are slowing your body down to feel safe. When we don't breathe deeply, we don't feel safe. We feel like we're in survival mode, which is what we all walk around with. Like Literally 99% of the time, you're not even freaking breathing. I know it sounds crazy, but you're probably taking shallow breaths all day long, running around your day to day activities like this place to this place, this job, this job, this client doing all these things when you're probably not even taking a deep breath and getting oxygen to your body and to your cells, which is gonna chill your nervous system out okay.

Speaker 1:

So my biggest tips again are supplemental messaging. I am recording something like that, so keep an eye out. I have not done that yet, but it is coming and it is deep breaths, the four, seven, eight and then eft tapping, which is literally my addiction. I do it in the car, I do it in the morning, I do it at night, I do it all the time. And the last thing I'm gonna say is, this year specifically, I got very intentional.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I like I mentioned my facebook group in the past On past episodes, but, like, if you're not in that group, I honestly don't know why it's freeing. You could get a lot of great tips. Meet epic people, and I go in there a lot just to support people in their year of trying to up level in terms of income, life, you name it and the reason why I started that group is because this year I wanted to try things out that are brand new to me, such as meditating and moving my body first thing in the morning, as well as a night time routine and a gratitude practice like a real intentional one, and I am so happy and proud to say that I have not missed a single day this entire year, and it is February twenty seventh at the point of me recording this, and it's just really freaking cool, because I'm not looking at it for a result. I'm looking at it as like why don't I try this? Let's see how I feel, what happens when I when I do this, and the reason why I get up at five, five thirty every morning is because I'm now addicted to how I feel when I do it. So this is also how you reverse engineer getting to your goals, and my income is only increase because of it, because I'm feeling better. I found ways For me that I made it up myself like I'm happy to give you my morning routine.

Speaker 1:

I actually think it's in my facebook group. I think I put that under the guides. But you gotta find what works for you, right. We can't keep looking outside of us to copy someone. We need to experiment and see what feels good, and if it feels good, you're one. You're gonna want to keep doing it and doing it. And for me, ten to fifteen minutes of silence, meditation, waking up on my own rather than to my kids screaming and crying it starts my day with this like shield around me and then I also move my body for like twenty, twenty five minutes. It's like I have this shield around me energetically where I can break it, nothing can penetrate through. I am living high vibe and it continues on throughout my day and I feel so Like accomplish already.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like when you like make your bed in the morning, like nothing else goes right at least I did that. It's the same kind of thing and it was really hard in the beginning, but now, like I do it on the weekends, I absolutely love it, and my husband is done it too, because he's like wow, like you're like loving this, so he's got his own thing. It's just really freaking cool. And then our nighttime routine. We started, like you know, last year. We're starting to end the year with like late nights watching stuff. We're just like so we reeled it back and we both have our own nighttime routine and it's really fun to like made a date out of it.

Speaker 1:

So again, like I'm sharing this with you To like give you ideas and have fun. Like, like I said last week, it's rooted in pleasure. Have fun with it. Experiment, see what feels good, leave what doesn't tap back into your human design. I've done that as well, where I'm just like okay, let me get back to like who I am.

Speaker 1:

Who is katie? Like how does she operate? Where is their resistance and how can I just have more fun in life? Because that's honestly what it's about like, do you want to make a lot of money? Stress the hell out? Or do you want to make a lot of money and be living your life and be so present and feel free right now, because it's possible and guess what? It's available to you literally right now? You just got to do it and you got to commit to doing it. Okay, wow, I kind of like went all over the place.

Speaker 1:

I think it all landed. I love talking about the stuff. I love that you're here. It just freaking lights me up. Thank you so much for your time today and I will catch you here next week. I hope you have a beautiful, beautiful day. Bye. If you love what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets me know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

Unlocking Wealth
Deep Breathing and Self-Care Practices
Manifesting Your Dream Life