The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

84. Novice Manifesting

May 20, 2024 Katie Smith
84. Novice Manifesting
The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
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The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
84. Novice Manifesting
May 20, 2024
Katie Smith

In today’s episode, I riff on novice & experienced manifesting and how to dial in your manifesting to get what you want faster.

Register for my FREE Masterclass here. 

Follow me on IG @yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

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In today’s episode, I riff on novice & experienced manifesting and how to dial in your manifesting to get what you want faster.

Register for my FREE Masterclass here. 

Follow me on IG @yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast. My name is Katie Smith and I am a Manifestation and Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual woo. Every week, I'll share uplifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin. Hello, my cashflow queen, I have a question for you. Are you ready to be done with the money drama and get off the never ending emotional rollercoaster of money? You know the stress of not having money but then feeling a massive sense of relief once it hits your bank account. Yes, that rollercoaster. If you answered yes, then I would like to formally invite you to my free masterclass Cashflow Makeover and learn my proven wealth energetics blueprint to move you from financial stress to financial success. Discover your own financial consciousness, how to align your energy to attract money and create a steady cashflow effortlessly. In this free masterclass, I'll be sharing the tools that sparked my transformation from $20,000 in debt to over six figures in just eight short months. If you're ready to relax with money and call it in on demand, you're going to want to be inside this free masterclass. Sign up today and step into your wealth era.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Cashflow and Manifestation Project. Welcome back to another episode of the Cashflow and Manifestation Project. So happy you're here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So I've been getting quite a few messages around this from now that my social media is really only talking about manifesting money and wealth, energetics and the stuff that just lights me the hell up because it's literally changing people's lives. Like I could cry right now but I'm not going to Is several people were messaging me telling me that they're doing all the things and they've listened to my podcast. They have some of my programs, my freebies, and they're just like. It's just not really really working. And when I get a lot of messages, I have to talk about it first of all and I've talked about all my stories before.

Speaker 1:

But I want you to think about consumption and education and information versus implementation and really playing in the game, because manifesting is not something that you can do in a morning routine, in the middle of the day and then in the evening and think you're really in the game, because there's a lot of time in between morning and afternoon, as well as afternoon and night, and whatever consumes your brain and your thoughts during those times in between your practice, and that's if you're like an A plus student. By the way, I really don't know very many people who are doing something morning, noon and night. I seldomly come across somebody like that, unless you are super committed, and so let's say you're super committed. I still want you to recognize what is taking up the time between morning and noon, as well as afternoon and night. What is consuming your brain, like when you're on autopilot driving. What is that underlying story? Because if you really want shifts to happen in your reflective world, our world, our 3D, is reflective of our thoughts, and so I hate to be harsh here, but, like if nothing is working in your outer world, in your 3D world, then it's a clear sign you aren't making enough shifts, you're not dedicating enough time to pave new paths in your brain, to rewire your brain. So that's what it comes down to Now. That's not something to shame yourself over. Never, ever, ever shame yourself over this entire thing. I don't know if that's you or your style, but that was mine.

Speaker 1:

I used to double compound the negative feelings, so I'd feel down that I wasn't having my manifestations come to life, to fruition, and then I would shame myself that I was doing something wrong. Don't do that. Stop it right now. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, because you're just going to go down a very dark path that's not going to help and you're going to see it reflected into your 3D. Now don't get me wrong. You can't ever have a negative thought. That's not what I'm saying here, and what I have coming out for you soon is going to explain how, like you don't be afraid of manifesting bad things either. It's not. That's not like how it works. It's just don't beat yourself up when you're down. That's like don't kick yourself while you're down. That doesn't like help anyone. It's like think about it. If you saw a child, or you have a child, and like they were upset, you wouldn't like like shame them for being upset when they like stubbed their toe or something, or something broke like their prize thing. That would just be mean, you know. So don't treat yourself like that either, and so I want you to just think like play in the game, get in the game If you are committed to having your manifestations come to fruition.

Speaker 1:

What has stopped you from creating your own voice notes to send to yourself and listen to yourself as you're driving? What has stopped you from getting involved in like some of this cool sound bath music that's on Spotify? Like what is stopping you from finding outside other resources to fill your brain other than books and podcasts and like I love you for listening to me, but like we trick ourselves into thinking that I'm doing this because your vibration is probably raised by you listening to podcasts. That's normal. So your brain wants to tell you hey, katie, slap on a podcast episode of like your favorites. You know you get jazzed up Like, do that, you're doing the work. No, you're not. You are not. You are listening, which is raising your vibration, but it's doing nothing to your neural pathways, it's doing nothing to rewiring your brain. You're just filling yourself with information and education and go okay, that's really good, I'm going to make it. No, I'm going to try to do that later. And then you forget, like not throwing shade. But this is how it goes, because hello, that was me I. Here's an insight to my brain. That's kind of what this podcast is all about.

Speaker 1:

And so you have to get in the game. You can't just consume, consume, consume all this information, do all these things and think you're doing it and, like I love you if you're putting the effort in, don't stop. But I want you to get in the game. I want you to start not listening to other people. Start listening to yourself. Start telling yourself some memories of the future that you want to happen, but play it out as if it happened already. You should see my voice notes in my iPhone, like I'm running low on phone storage because I've got so many.

Speaker 1:

I can tell you what's going to happen in summer. I can tell you what's going to happen at Christmas time. I I can tell you what's going to happen in summer. I can tell you what's going to happen at Christmas time. I can tell you what's going to happen in three years from now. I can tell you where I'm going to vacation, what it's going to look like and smell like and what I'm going to hear the birds chirping, the waves crashing, like my sandals clip-clopping after I step off the sand and onto the pavement. Like I can tell you it all. I can tell you it all. I can tell you the sound of the wagon that I'm dragging with the boys in it and all their sand toys. Like I can see the boat. I smell the sea salt air. It's all in my hair. I'm having to put my hair up because of the sea salt air and it made it all frizzy, but people are cheersing. I feel the condensation of my glass in my hand. That's what I'm talking about. Visceral it hand. That's what I'm talking about. Visceral, it's real. It's like I already experienced it.

Speaker 1:

I have multiple voice notes in my phone talking about future things that have not happened yet. But I act as if it's a memory and I talk to myself and I say hey, katie, do you remember when that's getting in the game? But a lot of people won't take the time to do it. They think it's silly, they're like, oh, yeah, right. Well, let me tell you It'll change your life. You will all of a sudden raise every cell in your body. Your frequency and vibration will raise because your brain is going to something that's making it feel very happy, very excited. Your emotions are behind it, your heart is bursting wide open. That's magnetism, okay, and so it's the depth in which you manifest is what makes things happen, that's what makes you an expert and like, I'm sorry, but if you're not doing some of this work, you're more of a novice and that's okay. We all start somewhere.

Speaker 1:

But I don't want you to get tripped up and thinking that you have this deep practice of manifestation that you do when it's really it's's an all day thing, 24 seven. It doesn't take any vacation, no holidays, but it's always listening, and so if you can go deeper, commit more, everything will start to unfold for you. You know, and this takes a lot of self-awareness when it comes to getting and playing in manifestation deeper so that you can manifest things faster, cause this is really the fast track to stuff is like doing this, and I wish I could tell you when it's going to happen for you, but it depends on your discipline and how committed you are to obviously getting to where you want to go. But it's also like being so aware of like who are you when a trigger happens, like you have a choice. Always you can think the same way as you usually do and go down the path of whatever scarce, lack, shortage, which is so easy.

Speaker 1:

I mean I just talked about this on the previous episode that like I was thrown for quite a few loops and thank goodness I detached from the outcome because everything played out in my favor. But like you have a choice to do that, freak out, or you have a choice to completely trust and don't let things trigger you anymore and just understand that that was old. Like for me it's like oh, that's old Katie, look at that. That's not who I am today. I don't get triggered by that Like I don't need to hear and I'm sorry for me to move on from something. Like I don't. I can validate myself, I can give myself a validation, I can understand my trigger. I'm not going to shame myself for it and instead I'm just going to think about like hmm, okay, well, I need some love right now. Look at that. Okay, we'll just know that this has nothing to do with you.

Speaker 1:

This is a past trigger. It's coming up right now. That's okay that it's coming up. Let it move through you, move your energy, shake it out, scream, do something, jump up and down, change your physiology and then move. Let it move through you and carry on. That's what you got to do, because it's really comes down to who's your identity. That's the biggest money block. It's not even a money block, it's an identity block. It's who are you, how are you showing up and what are your thoughts underneath the surface? All the time you know like fake it till you make it. That's not going to work. It's like no, how authentic can I be and be okay with who I am and be okay with my goals and what I want, and know that it's not selfish and know that it's not greedy and that I'm allowed to want what I want and I'm going to fucking get it and I'm not going to stop until I do get it. What? And I'm not going to stop until I do get it what I say.

Speaker 1:

Not too long ago, where so many of you loved it, make your manifestations your bitch, make your financial situation your bitch. Like you got this. Just fire yourself up all the time. Root for yourself. If no one's rooting for you, root for yourself. And if you have kids, don't tell me no one's rooting for you. They freaking are. They adore you, they want a relationship with you, they love you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this was fun, a little deep, a little good, lots of goodness. Let me know if you're new to the voice memo thing. Slide into my DMs at yourcashobeff. Tell me all the things and I'm just so glad that you're here. Thank you so much. Send this to someone who needs it and I'll catch you here next week. Bye, if you loved what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below it. Lets me know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

Unlocking Your Inner Magic
Manifesting Abundance and Connection