The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

88. The viral cortisol combo with Gabrielle Carolyn

June 17, 2024 Gabrielle Carolyn
88. The viral cortisol combo with Gabrielle Carolyn
The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
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The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project
88. The viral cortisol combo with Gabrielle Carolyn
Jun 17, 2024
Gabrielle Carolyn

I have an AMAZING guest today who walks us through cortisol and the importance of having balanced cortisol levels. Listen in if you’re ready to feel lighter, less brain fog, and naturally lose weight!

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Try the products here!

FREE Masterclass here.

Follow me on IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

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Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

I have an AMAZING guest today who walks us through cortisol and the importance of having balanced cortisol levels. Listen in if you’re ready to feel lighter, less brain fog, and naturally lose weight!

‌Follow Gabi @‌

Try the products here!

FREE Masterclass here.

Follow me on IG @‌yourcashflowbff

This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, rate, and leave a review!

Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast. My name is Katie Smith and I am a Manifestation and Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual woo. Every week, I'll share uplifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin.

Speaker 1:

Hello, my cashflow queen, I have a question for you. Are you ready to be done with the money drama and get off the never ending emotional rollercoaster of money? You know the stress of not having money but then feeling a massive sense of relief once it hits your bank account. Yes, that rollercoaster. If you answered yes, then I would like to formally invite you to my free masterclass Cashflow Makeover and learn my proven wealth energetics blueprint to move you from financial stress to financial success. Discover your own financial consciousness, how to align your energy to attract money and create a steady cashflow effortlessly.

Speaker 1:

In this free masterclass, I'll be sharing the tools that sparked my transformation from $20,000 in debt to over six figures in just eight short months. If you're ready to relax with money and call it in on demand, you're going to want to be inside this free masterclass. Sign up today and step into your wealth era. Oh my gosh, I feel like we've already talked so much. I'm so excited that you are here, gabby. Thank you so much for coming. We just spent like 20 minutes just like gabbing all over the place because we have so many funny stories, I don't know, but thank you for being here. I think my audience is going to love what we have to talk about today. But first could you give us a little rundown about you, what you do and all the good stuff?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Thank you so, so much for having me, Katie. It's an honor to be here and I'm so glad that you asked me to be part of this. I'm Gabby. For those of y'all out there, I'm a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. I am a mom of three girls. They are 11, 8, and 6. And we live just outside Austin in Texas.

Speaker 1:

Love it. Oh my gosh. So where do we even start? I think we should start with how I found you and how I was like I'm shooting my shot. I'm going to see if she wants to come on my podcast. So my podcast is actually all around cashflow and manifestation. But I want to feel good in my body cashflow and manifestation, but I want to feel good in my body.

Speaker 1:

And I came across a reel of yours that spoke to my soul and it was all around leveling out your cortisol levels. And I'm a mom of a three-year-old and a 20-month-old and I've got some stubborn belly fat that I've been working my tail off trying to get. So your reels and the way you showed up, I was very attracted to it and I'm like okay, I got to give this stuff a shot. So can you explain to us like what this amazing product is and like kind of cortisol levels, like touch on how you came into it? I know I'm asking you like five questions at once, but there's so much I want to talk to you about it. So can you tell us a little bit more about the product and I will like sing till the cows come home and how amazing it's changed my life, how you discovered it and what it is and like why cortisol levels are important, of course, okay.

Speaker 2:

So where to start? Well, we'll start with like kind of cortisol cortisol levels. For, again, my background is in traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture, Like this is all my wheelhouse and I love it.

Speaker 2:

Hormone balance getting your body to a state of like homeostasis is so, so, so important to me. And cortisol there's a lot of negativity around the word cortisol. It's actually a hormone that we need, like it's our get up and go, our kind of fight or flight hormone, which has served, for evolutionary purposes, a really, really, really important role in, I guess, protecting humanity right. Like tiger's coming at you, like you want a cortisol third, so you can run away and get away from the tiger, right.

Speaker 2:

But today's society, we don't really have those short-term stressors very much anymore.

Speaker 2:

What we have now is chronic stress that just eats at us day in and day out, whether it's work or family or lack of sleep or, you know, poor nutrition, whatever is just contributing to an overall higher stress state and an ongoing stress state for the body. So what ends up happening for a lot of people is their cortisol either ends up being chronically elevated or it kind of flip-flops and goes backwards. So you want to have cortisol surge in the morning. That's what gets you up, like that's your get up and move, I'm ready for the day hormone and then at night, in the evening, your cortisol should be much lower and that helps you kind of drift off to sleep and melatonin takes over People. When they're stuck in this chronic state, their, their adrenals, their everything gets completely wacky and backwards and all off kilter basically. So it's low in the morning, it's high at night, you can't sleep, you're having struggling, struggling to wake up in the morning and it also helps create, unfortunately, that stubborn belly fat, like that kind of like what do they call it?

Speaker 1:

Like a flat tire kind of oh, yes, yes, and then it's kind of like, what do they call?

Speaker 2:

it Like a flat tire kind of yes, and then this kind of like puffy face and even some people will get like a little hump on the back of their neck and that's. Those are all kind of signs that your cortisol and your adrenals are struggling and really not where they should be. So that's kind of cortisol in a nutshell and again it can be affected by a multitude of things, like like we talked about stress of life, stress of family, work, whatever lack of sleep um, they all contribute. So when I came across this product, it had always been something that was important to me helping people feel better. Right, I love helping people feel better, it's what I went to school for, it's what I love, and these products landed on my doorstep.

Speaker 2:

I actually have known the owner of this company for the last five or six years. She's incredible. Yeah, she's a brilliant, brilliant woman who just loves people and and loves, loves helping people feel better, also loves helping people make money. Um, but she's just a really wonderful, wonderful soul. So when I had heard that she'd created these products, I was like, all right, mom and Judy made some stuff, I'm going to try it. Reluctantly, I already had something, I was doing full time, but I tried it and probably much like yourself. Much of my customers report the same within 15 minutes.

Speaker 1:

You feel it Insane, y'all.

Speaker 1:

We have to pause for a moment, okay, because what you just listed off like not being able to get up in the morning, feeling exhausted, like oh, I didn't get a lot of sleep and I know that, like there was a reel that you did If you're waking up between the hours of like one and three, it means your cortisol levels are not at the point that they should be, and I was like you are speaking to me and like the stubborn belly fat and then all of a sudden getting your second wind where you're not tired, but you've been tired all day.

Speaker 1:

But then, like you're not tired and so I'm like I got to give this stuff a try. This stuff, y'all has changed my life and I've been on it for four weeks but like I swear, it's just, it's insane. So I want to talk about why it's insane. I it has completely removed any of the brain fog that I've had and I'm a busy mom, I've got young kiddos and I've had more energy and I'm I'm technically off of coffee. Can we touch, touch on that? Well, so there's some flavors and um, but like I'm not on coffee, but I'm having caffeine and I've just never felt better.

Speaker 2:

So there's there's a lot of people who ask me about the caffeine piece, because these products are caffeinated, and a lot of people who are trying to repair their adrenals or support cortisol, are told that you can't have caffeine, and that, to me, never made a ton of sense.

Speaker 2:

To be totally honest with you, you can. You can repair the body and still have caffeine, and that's what these products are doing. They a lot of people who are in that state they're exhausted, they're burnt out, they're tired, they're are in that state they're exhausted, they're burnt out, they're tired, they're overstimulated, they're stressed out. They're just not feeling like themselves. So there are a lot of products out there, some incredible ingredients that will help to boost your adrenals, but they take friggin forever, like they take forever, and it's really difficult to convince someone who's not feeling great to take something in hopes that they might feel better in 30, 60, 90, 180 days. So what was so beautifully crafted with these products was an instant impact, like you were talking about, that instant boost. You get the mental clarity, you get the energy, you get the motivation, you get the like I can go conquer things feeling, and then you also have the ingredients in there that are stimulating your parasympathetic nervous system, which is like your rest nervous system. So you're helping to build the adrenals, support healthy cortisol levels, while at the same time giving people that boost that they so desperately are craving, and that, to me, was the true magic of the whole formula together, because you're hitting it from both sides and then we have the capsule too that goes along with it, and this thing is just like icing on the cake.

Speaker 2:

It helps to support healthy detox pathways, healthy inflammatory pathways, it helps to support healthy glucose levels, it helps to create a sense of calm and overall wellbeing for the body. So, like you stack that with the beverage and it's. It just hits the body from all of these different pathways and when you get them working better, everything works better, you feel better, you do better, your cravings are diminished. I mean, the list really, really, really goes on and on and on. People ask me all the time like well, what is it that they do? Like what can I expect? I'm like, honestly, like the list is too long, like so, so much.

Speaker 1:

It's so true. It is so true and like y'all, like I'm not even a part of this company Like I also want to say make sure that that is, like very clear. I just brought her on because of what this has done for me, because I am very big into subconscious work, like transforming your mindset Like that is me. I geek out on that stuff Universal laws, manifestation and sometimes, when we were in a such a state of chronic stress, like you can do all the things that you know to do, like meditate, if you have time, activations, which I'm huge on, and I record them for my, my clients and my students.

Speaker 1:

You can journal, you can try to take time for yourself, but sometimes you need an additional something to help you out even further. And that's what I found. I was, like I am so calm when you hit on the nervous system thing 1000%, even my husband's like you're just like a different person and it's a combination of quite a few things. But I know this has a huge part of it too, where, like I'm just helping my body out in a way that I didn't even know how with all the other stuff I had been doing.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I say that exactly kind of what you were saying. It's like an additional tool that people can have in their arsenal, like we know that working out helps your brain feel better, like we know that.

Speaker 2:

But the inverse is also true. So that's what I see with so many of my customers. You get their mind in a better place and suddenly they're working out, they're making healthier choices when they're eating because they're not craving all the junk, because their brain is working properly. So, like the mind-body connection, it goes both ways. Getting your mind right helps your body, getting your body right helps your mind, and this kind of hits on it from the opposite way than I think we traditionally think about Totally.

Speaker 1:

So now let's shift gears into you being this like badass boss, babe, can't wait for a second. So I found you on Instagram. You have a large following. We'll link everything in the show notes for those listening who want to check it out. And I just love your content and it, like it really speaks to me. But can we talk about how, like you're a businesswoman, you're very successful and how you found your path into being, you know, a businesswoman doing what you're doing now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't even know how far back I should go. So, as we talked about, my background is in traditional Chinese medicine. That's what I went to school for. I actually took my boards when my oldest baby who is well, she'll be turning 12 in July, which I'm not okay with, but she was seven days old and that is an eight hour exam, which I do not recommend doing, but this is seven days.

Speaker 2:

So I had gone through the last year of school pregnant with my first child, having all of these you know dreams and goals of opening my own clinic and having a huge big practice, and then I had this little tiny baby in my arms and I was like I don't want to stay with her and so I treated patients out of the house for that first year, two years and I just had like a treatment room within our house, which was great. So friends and family, people I trusted wasn't making anything super huge out of it, but for me that was great because I could stay with Giselle. We moved to Utah for a job for my husband. This is fast forward four or five years he got a job out in Utah. We had originally lived in California. Four or five years he got a job out in Utah. We had originally lived in California and when he was brought on to this position, he he's kind of a badass and he negotiated like a really nice salary higher than the CEO, and yeah, love it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he's amazing, but when the company didn't have the numbers that they wanted to have and they wanted to cut costs, he was the first to go. At this point, we're living in Utah and we don't know a soul other than the people that we moved there for. And I'm pregnant at this point with our third daughter, so I can't go out and get a job. I'm only licensed in California. I couldn't even practice acupuncture if I wanted to.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, I saw a friend of mine sharing some products online and making some money, and at that point my thought was well, I'm probably not going to solve everything, but if I can make enough money to either keep the lights on, put food in the fridge, get gas for the car payment, whatever, I can help.

Speaker 2:

And I realized pretty quickly and this was back in 2018, 17. But I realized pretty quickly that you can utilize your social media to earn an income and you don't have to have this gigantic following. There's this sphere of influence that you have in your network and if you love something and use something and trust something, that they're gonna trust that too. So that's where I start in the industry, and then um went on to find this company back in june of last year, so 23. And I've been here for the last year and this has just been a completely different ballgame, because all the things we were talking about when I was looking kind of around for different avenues and different paths and different things to to like look for in a company that I wanted to align myself with, it was like how relevant is the product?

Speaker 2:

You know, yes, it's, of course, the money's awesome. Love the money, don't get me wrong. It's my full-time thing and I love it. But for me, too, it had to be something that that was going to help people, because it had to align with, like, my background make sure, making sure that it was clean and that it was healthy and that it was going to help people and have an affordable price point and then be something that people are looking for. And that's what we have found. Like I was sharing before we kind of started started actually like recording. What you're talking about here is. I started my new Instagram in December from zero, from nothing, and sharing what these products have done for me and what they've done for other people, and the response has been staggering, I mean, absolutely unbelievable, and it's because of the relevancy of the product, like so many women out there and this is for men too If you're a guy out there listening, you can use this too. It's not just for women.

Speaker 1:

It's our story. You're welcome here.

Speaker 2:

My husband loves it. It's just like you know we share our story right. My story is a story of a mom of three who's turning 40 in July and like that's who I am, so it's been just people needing this like realizing how many people out there are struggling like struggling, and just by sharing the simple things of what this product has done. It's been really, really unbelievable. I've seen success in this industry before, but nothing, nothing like what we're seeing now here.

Speaker 1:

What's so cool is I was once in the same industry. That's actually how I got my start and this podcast was actually named your inner CEO when I first started it, and it was because I wanted to empower more people. I've always been a mindset geek. I love that stuff and I've always wanted to empower people to take a chance on themselves. And now I love talking about money how to make money, how to manifest money, things like that. That's more of my niche now, but I just want to touch on it.

Speaker 1:

It's so cool because you started that account at zero in just December and it's like at over 70 something thousand. But I think it's like a large part of belief, which I talk about a lot. Like you have unwavering belief in this product. You're like I don't really care that I have to start from zero and don't let me talk for you, but I'm getting this. I was like I don't care if I have to start from zero. Like people need this Exactly and it gives me chills. I literally have chills because I love when people are there, because you're like a flying success story. It's amazing. I'm like who is this girl? I need to talk to her. And now I am convinced you're my new best friend. I agree.

Speaker 2:

I'm totally coming up to Dallas. No, it's been amazing, it's so funny. At our last regional event I had the honor of speaking on stage and giving a presentation and our CEO was like she kind of gave everyone topics and I'm like, okay, what's my topic, judy? And she goes oh no, you're picking your own, you're doing your own thing. I'm like, shoot, people got a chapter from a book to discuss.

Speaker 1:

Why do I have to wait a minute?

Speaker 2:

I guess I'll take that as a vote of confidence and just roll with it, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

But what I ended up sharing on was consistency and positivity. So I think that the mindset piece is so incredibly important. I even went so far as to say you know, you can have two people out there creating the exact same social media content, hitting submit at the exact same time with the exact same sounds, exact same words. One person's going to hit, the other person's not. And I was like it's the energy that you're putting behind the button. When you hit submit, the person who proceeds is like, oh, this is the one, here we go. And the one who doesn't is like, oh, another reel that I have to do today because I have to do it. It's like another reel that I have to do today because I have to do it Exactly. It matters. It matters in such a big way. So true, I love that we're talking about this now.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I could talk about it until the cows come home. It's like it's so true where it's like your mindset is anything. I said my token thing is like mindset is where wealth starts. You know, like that's literally how you approach anything. You're going to see the results from it. And so it's like, yeah, you're treating content like, oh, I have to post this thing again, it's probably not going to get any views and it's whatever. And I tell my clients like, stop talking like that. Do you want to manifest that? Stop it. Yeah, you know it's, it's a yeah, it's, it's just self-image work, self-concept work or whatever, and learning to have fun with it. And that's what I got. The vibe from you, too, is you had fun with it too, which drew me in, because I actually thanks to the good old algorithm where I'm talking about how two people can do the same exact thing.

Speaker 1:

There was another gal who came across I actually just saw it first through her I won't name her name, just you know, obviously and then I saw yours and then like that drew me in and kind of the same thing. But she had a. She has a very large account too. But it's just you know, different people buy with different people and at the end of the day, everyone is selling something and everyone's selling a lot of the same things. So the old, the whole oversaturated excuse or I miss my time Like literally manifestation coach, are saying the same things, all of them. It's just a different flavor. It's just like you and I can make the same meal and mine might be saltier than yours or whatever. It's like you just got to do it and like see what happens. So tell me kind of, like your goals, like what? Do you have any kind of goals with your business, with the products? Are you trying to reach a certain amount of people? Let's touch on, like some of that fun stuff I need to revamp my goals honestly and I it's.

Speaker 2:

it actually feels surreal to say this last month for me.

Speaker 1:

We love to hear it. Bring it all in If you feel comfortable.

Speaker 2:

Functional on this part. Last month was like the big kind of culmination goal for me, because I've been in this industry for almost seven years now and I've done, like I said, very well, it's been my full-time thing for the last four years, making a very nice income, more than I probably would have made as an acupuncturist. But last month my team had a very big goal which ended up bringing in me a $50,000 bonus attached to it. Up bringing in me a $50,000 bonus attached to it, like I've always had that vision, like that manifestation, that idea of being on stage with one of those stupid big checks, and like I have one now. So and it's, and I attribute it all to that.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to my husband about it before I went to our last regional event and he's like this is your moment, this is what you've been talking about for years, being up on that stage Cause I'd been on the stage before to former company and just didn't feel as super aligned there. And he's like and I know that didn't go or feel the way that you imagined it, feeling he's like this is the one, like this is the one where it's your time, it's, it's your vision, it's happening, and like he was so right. And then, a few days later, we hit that big goal as a team and we're just we're, we're there. So what I, what I take from it, is like now it's time to dream bigger.

Speaker 1:

Right, I love it. Well, yeah, and I always talk about the being like blissfully satisfied but still wanting to desire more. And we're human and and we're always going to want to do that. My program, the Wealth Code Academy, talks deeply about that. Congratulations, that's absolutely incredible. To like hold the vision and belief and keep going. You know, like, starting to count from zero is not easy. When you're like and I've done that myself when you're like, okay, no one is literally watching, what's the point? Right, we can go down that path. Or you could stay focused with the unwavering relief and keep going and showing up, even when it feels like no one's watching. And then it's like, look what happens. And it's like, and I'm sure it happened like the way you least expected it to. To like like who knew it would happen in May, or whatever. It's just, it's amazing. That's been the whole thing.

Speaker 2:

Like, like you were talking about that unwavering belief and just knowing that it was going to happen, was I super angry and really, really mad that I had to start a new instagram. Uh, yes, like I joke, I was like stomping my feet like a child having a tantrum, going to like, oh, here we go start a new account, like totally. But then I had that that check, because I believe in mindset manifesting and just putting out the energy that you want was so much. I just believe it so deeply in my soul that I was like if I start this with this anger, it's going to be trash.

Speaker 1:

It's not, that's good. Yeah, that's really good to touch on.

Speaker 2:

Well, I figured it kind of aligned with what you're doing here and I think it's so, so, so important. Again, along the lines of what you were saying, I encourage my, my team of people that I work with, to go get trainings from other people, because exactly what you were saying. I can say something until I'm blue in the face. Someone else can say the exact same thing with like a slightly different twist, and suddenly you're like, oh, I'm like bring in all the energy and all the positivity, if you can. If someone has the success in the life that you want, like go listen to them. You know, totally, totally.

Speaker 2:

But so I checked myself when I started that Instagram and for about four and a half months, I was very consistent with it, kept going and going and going. I think I had like 1300 followers or so after about four months, which I was very, very proud of, Cause I also agree and totally just, I'm on the same page. You have to live in gratitude for what you have. You can still want more, but, at the same time, be grateful for what you have right now. And I was very grateful for that, because I'm like that was 1300 eyeballs that I didn't have in December, and so I was very excited about that. But I was like, all right, that's like keep going keep going.

Speaker 2:

And then I had two or three, even reels go mega viral. I'm talking like three, 4 million views even reels go mega viral. I'm talking like three, 4 million views.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was like what's happening.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what's going on. There's another 20,000 views, like in five. It was nuts, but that kind of just jumpstarted the whole thing and now I think it's at like it's over 80,000 total. Oh my gosh, that's amazing, but it's. It's been such a breath of fresh air, like we were talking about. It's my other, my former account, which had 30,000 followers, which is why I was so pissed that I couldn't use it. But it was kind of a mishmash. It was like some relationship stuff, some business stuff, some product stuff, some kids stuff, and it was kind of all over the map. So I would have, you know, maybe some follower follow me for something funny, and then I'm posting about like my kids and they're like what's this nonsense? I didn't come here for that. So there's been so much freedom and it's been very liberating to to have such a one dimensional account.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes in my life do I want to post this thing that, like I have the strong opinion about? Yeah, I have that, want a lot, but I know that that's not the place for it anymore.

Speaker 1:

I can go do that on the other platform.

Speaker 2:

It's just about the products, about helping people balance their, their cortisol, about helping people feel better in their skin and in their mind and anything that relates to that fair game. That all goes there and it's and I've heard people say this again what we're talking about hearing people say something but not having it hit until you hear it in a different way. And do you know how many times I've heard content creators say you've got to get niched down with your content? Yeah, literally hundreds of thousands probably, and I was like ew, that's stupid, I'm not doing it.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to be controlled like that. This is my account, I'm going to do what I want. So this time I was like fine, I'll try. Your stupid niche thing and look at it. So maybe they know what they're talking about. I don't know, but it's also, like I said, liberating and it makes content creation so much easier, because I'm not sitting Totally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally, totally. I couldn't. I could not agree more. So, circling back to the products again, can you talk about, like, the ingredients in it? So, yes, it's got caffeine. There's like a coffee flavor. That's actually what I use and I also use the, the pills that have, like I'm like not inflamed. It's crazy. I feel like my inflammation has gone down. Lots of the like the brain fog, what we're talking about. But what is exactly in it for people who, like, maybe, are savvy and more holistic, which I actually feel like a lot of my audience is, because I used to be in health and wellness as well Can you touch on that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we can also link, like the ingredient glossary Also. People just want to go about it. I was. I had the honor of helping to put this together, so I'm pretty proud of this page. It's yeah, they, they, they like to utilize my my knowledge and my background sometimes, and I'm like I'm here for it. Rising tide rises, raises all ships.

Speaker 1:

Like 100%.

Speaker 2:

Let's do this all together. So the blend is really, really amazing. It has everything from polyphenols to amino acids to other I always hesitate to use the word stimulant because I know it has a negative connotation. But the ingredients that help you kind of get up and go within the formulas, like some ginseng it's got. I'm going over the whole list right now so I don't leave anything out. It's got green tea extract, guarana, sinifrin, huperzine, which I love and have taken on his own for several years. So those are kind of the more instant impact. Feel them now get up and move type ingredients. And then it has other things in there, like theanine and tyrosine and gaba and also ginseng, which I mentioned. But ginseng kind of goes both ways. It's a very like homeostasis type herb. Also ginseng, which I mentioned, but ginseng kind of goes both ways. It's a very like homeostasis type herb. It's good for, but also it can be calming and adrenal supporting at the same time. It's very, very special. That's why it's used in so many Chinese formulas. But then you have those other ingredients, like I just mentioned, the GABA, the tyrosine and the theanine, which when you have them in combination with the kind of get up and go ingredients what it ends up doing for people.

Speaker 2:

I have so many customers who tell me like, oh, I'm caffeine sensitive. I can't really do anything like that. It impacts me badly. I get jitters, I get anxious, I get all these things and I'm like all right, here's what we're going to do. You're going to try it and you're going to try just one quarter. I always start everyone on one third of a scoop anyway, or one third of a serving, because it is very high impact and that is all you need. But for my people that are self-proclaimed more sensitive, I start them very, very low and then I have them sip on it for, like you know, an hour, have it slowly, let it enter your system slowly, and all of them literally all of them come back to me and they're like what, oh my gosh, I feel so good. I'm like not jittery but I can think straight, like I have energy and motivation. But it provides like this sense of kind of calm, centered collectedness over the motivation and the energy that goes with it. So it really kind of hits from both, from both angles, totally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I, I can agree with the exact description that you just said. It's like this calm, energy, but focus. It's so funny. I love caffeine, all this other stuff. I can do a full scoop. But I took your word for it and I said don't, like you don't freaking know. So I started off small and then I slowly moved to half and then I'm like I can do a full scoop. Nope, no, I can't. I was running around the house Like what can I do next? What can I do next? And I was like, okay, I only need a half and I feel great and it's literally amazing. I just I can't say enough about it.

Speaker 1:

And now it's like so funny when I think of people or I hear conversations and I'm like it's probably your cortisol levels, it's probably your adrenals, they're, they're shot. You need this stuff. But I'm like how do I get them in contact with you? So that's literally why I was like she needs to come onto the show and I'm always like a huge advocate. I'm so transparent. That's what I.

Speaker 1:

I pride myself on my integrity and things like that, and so like if something's working for me and it's only helping my mind, which is the most powerful thing that we have to create the reality, like I'm going to freaking talk about it, and so that's why I'm just so honored that you came on to talk about this, because this can literally help a lot of people if they're looking to lose that stubborn fat and you're doing all the things. I know your testimonial yourself was like wild and they all have to start following you because you'll see and learn her whole story there. But then, like you know the lack of brain fog and just feeling like you again. Honestly, where you're just like is this am I supposed to feel this way? Like am I supposed to just be tired forever Because I call?

Speaker 2:

bullshit. Yes, exactly. No, it's not normal, it's common but it is certainly not normal and we should not be feeling that way.

Speaker 1:

Well, is there anything else you want to share with my audience? As they're listening, we will link everything here, but I just wanted to see if there's anything else you want to touch on before we can wrap things up.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so. I think we covered it all. It was such an honor to be on. I don't think so. I think we covered it all. It was such an honor to be on, thank you. Thank you so much, katie, for having me, and I'm excited that I have a new best friend.

Speaker 1:

I know. Thank you for being on. Oh my gosh, it's so fun. Thank you Like. Thank you internet. Thank you Instagram for like bringing amazing people into my life. This just happens too many times. I like love it. Okay, everyone, check out the show notes, get access, learn about the product, follow Gabby and report back, because it'll change your life. All right, bye. If you loved what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets you know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast
The Power of Consistency and Positivity
Achieving Goals and Growth Through Persistence
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