She is Redefined

43. My Manifestation Steps to manifest anything I want

Prepare to awaken a power you didn’t know you possessed. In this enlightening episode, we get up close and personal with the world of manifestation. We explore the five-step process designed to manifest the life of your dreams with the Lucky Babe Academy - a program specifically crafted to help you unlock your hidden power. The first 10 women to sign up get a golden opportunity to receive personalized affirmations to boost their vibration and accelerate their manifestation journey. 

Lucky Babe Academy - create your “pinch me - is this real?!” dream life 

Lucky Babe Academy

Welcome to She Is Redefined, the podcast that feels like a chat with your best friend over coffee. I’m Katie Smith, and I’m here to help you break free from all those outdated societal expectations and embrace the amazing woman you’re meant to be!

Each week, we dive into real, relatable conversations about everything from self-discovery and confidence to living life on your own terms. I’ll share inspiring stories, sprinkle in some practical tips, and just have a blast exploring what it means to be unapologetically YOU.

So, if you’re ready to rewrite your story and make bold moves toward a life that feels authentically yours, you’re in the right place. Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s redefine the rules of success together—while having a blast along the way!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to your inner CEO. I'm your host, katie Smith. I'm a business mentor, wife, mom, manifesting generator Enneagram 3, scorpio and I love helping women scale their business and make more money Around. Here, I believe, you can have it all the business, the income, the schedule, the family, the freedom. Take it from me, a daydreamer who didn't think it was possible to write her own rulebook on how to reach success, but here I am creating massive impact while having fun, and my cashflow is increasing because of it. I'm here to show you it's possible for you. I believe when you mix energetics and strategy, you can have everything you desire, and quicker than you would expect. If this is your vibe, hold on, because we're about to become business besties. Let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode. Thanks for joining me over here, my little nook of the podcast world. All right, what do I want to talk to you about today? I have so many lists on my like topics I want to talk to you about for this podcast, and it's like which one should, I say today? And so I finally figured it out. I want to teach you my tried and true process, my steps on manifesting when I want to manifest something and this could be anything. This could be a car, a relationship, a baby, truly. It can be the job, the income, the life, the vacation. It could be literally anything, and so I'm really excited to give this to you.

Speaker 1:

This is also coming from my Lucky Babe Academy program, which officially launched. It is live right now and it is just so freaking like I'm geeking out about it. I'm sure you just heard the energy in my voice just go up, because it's my best work and I just could talk about this stuff all the live long day. Like truly and my goal, my mission is just to help more women empower you to like come back into your power, because you have more power than you even realize, and I know it's my job to help awaken women to remembering that you have more control than you even realize. I go into so much that in my Lucky Babe Academy. Truly how this program was created was I do a lot of this work myself, but not only that. I do all this work with my one-on-one clients and they are seeing massive results. Where I was like why am I just holding on to this knowledge that I have and it's working for these women? Why am I just holding on to this for the one-on-one clients, because not everybody can afford one-on-one, not everybody needs one-on-one. So, essentially, I took everything that I do with my one-on-one clients and I packaged it into a seven week crash course on manifestation.

Speaker 1:

And it is not just another strategy to learn. It's actually nothing that you need to like learn how to do. It's not just another course. It will literally transform your mind, to transform your results, your reality, because your reality right now, current day, like where you're sitting right now, it came from your thoughts and so if we want a different reality, we have to change our thoughts. And you can change your thoughts, like, maybe you once liked something and you no longer like it. Maybe you once believed in something and you no longer believe it. The same thing can happen around money, around relationships, around love, around so many things. You can change your mind and when you change your mind, you will change your emotions, you will change your feelings where you. Then you will change your reality, because everything around you is literally feedback from your thoughts and the way you've been operating up to this point. And I don't say that to scare you, I don't say that to like trigger you either, but it's my job to help show you and explain to you how the laws of the universe work. Law of attraction is a big one, but law vibration actually comes before attraction, and so we're vibrating either high or low, and depending on how we're vibrating and how often we are, we attract that high or low. So the negative or the positive.

Speaker 1:

So what I'm going to share with you today literally comes directly from Lucky Babe Academy, and right now there's a really fun bonus If the first 10 women who sign up for it you actually going to work with me on creating affirmations. I don't know if you've tried affirmations before. I used to take so many people's affirmations and say they're in front of the mirror in the Superman pose, not in the Superman pose. I had posted it's all over my house with affirmations and nothing really came from it. And there's a reason behind that, because if an affirmation does not activate you and if it is not inserted into your day, into your life, after clearing some junk up, it's not going to do anything, it's not going to land. And maybe you've tried affirmations and you're like, yeah, they don't work. Well, it's usually. That's why. So this bonus, I'm actually working with the first 10 women getting a little bit of information about you, your business or your life, your past, what's going on currently, and I'm going to create affirmations for you based off of the knowledge you give me, and so they will work because of that. So it's really special and I really think that this is missing in this marketplace. Like people are always saying, to do affirmations, it's a lot of work to come up with that on your own, and so I'd love to hold the hands of 10 women to do this for you. It's where you can have it, an audio, where it's recorded with your voice, music the whole nine. You can listen to it every day, multiple times a day, and then you will increase your vibration to call in what you want and manifest faster. It's magic, it's so good, I'm so excited.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's get into the meat and potatoes. So let's talk about my manifestation process. So what I'm going to walk you through are six steps. Now I go into each of these steps. So so deep inside LBA, lucky Babe Academy, but you can get a lot of this right now.

Speaker 1:

So the first step is you have to get clear and honest with yourself around what you want, what are you trying to manifest, and there can be no double dealing when you are doing this. So, getting clear about what you want, say it's a 10k month, you cannot be like, well, actually, I'd be fine with eight. No, I don't need 10k, I'd be fine with eight. Shoot, I'd be fine with seven. Do you know what I mean when we play this game with ourselves? We can't do that when we're, when we're manifesting. We have to be hyper clear around what it is it's. If it's 10k, it's 10k. If it's seven k, it's seven k. We're not doing this.

Speaker 1:

This, like a dance, is back and forth double dealing. Universe doesn't know it. It will result in nothing and maybe you've tried this before and you know that it's resulted in nothing. Am I right? Am I right? I know because I've been there. So it can. You cannot double deal. You cannot have any doubt. It's like, if that's what you want, you're sticking with it, you're going with it and don't be afraid to start lower, like you got to strengthen this manifesting muscle. So start with something that you feel rock solid about, that you want.

Speaker 1:

And then step two is you must declare it with intention. This means it's changed from a wish, a hope, a prayer into a declaration. There's a different energy behind that. Whether you, when you wish something, you hope for something, you pray for something you don't believe it's going to happen, you're just hoping, wishing, praying for it. Right. Totally different energy behind it. When you declare something, you're like there's no effing way, it's not going to happen. You're declaring it, so that's again. While you're going to want to make sure your goal has no double dealing involved, it is clear, it's good and then you declare it. Step three is now.

Speaker 1:

I want you to pretend you are an attorney in the courtroom and I want you to defend why you, of all people, should have your goal. This is a part where I think a lot of people don't talk about in law of attraction and all that on social media. But you must defend your ego, why you should have it. Here are some examples. You know you're thinking, okay, why should I have it? I would think right after that thought why shouldn't I? Why not me? Who's to say I can't have it? If there was somebody who said I can't have it, I need to look at that memory, forgive that memory and I need to move on because I can have it, because I am created from the highest power. I am a child of God. I am a loving woman, wife, mom, significant other. I do good in this world. I give back, I am present with my kids. I try to have the best for my family.

Speaker 1:

You got to insert whatever defending reason as to why you should have that $10,000 month right and if there's any stickiness going on here, you need to sit with that stickiness and you need to just see where it came from and ask you know, is this really, is this really true? Like I don't come from a family that can have that, or I can't have it all because somebody will try to take it away from me, or is money really the root of all evil? Is that actually accurate? You got to sit with those as you're defending and then you can prove why you should have what you want, and you can do that by literally giving your brain examples as to why. I've talked about this a little bit in older episodes, previous episodes you might want. I don't even know which one it was. I've started talking about this for a while now, but I would reference some of the older episodes around manifestation and I touch on that a lot, but I'm actually going into it way more in detail here, so you should be good, but by all means, listen to other ones if you want to, all right.

Speaker 1:

Step four is now. I want you to go on a rant about it actually being yours, and I want you to do this for 60 seconds. Now, 60 seconds might seem daunting. You're also your brain might be like what the heck am I supposed to say? Can you tell me what to say? I love you. If you're thinking that, because that's totally me I'm always like tell me what to say and I'll do it. Tell me what to say and I'll do it.

Speaker 1:

But that's actually not how manifestation works. It has to come from within. It's got to be the things that you want to say. So you know, some ideas could be like oh my gosh, it hit my account and it worked. I did it, it's here, it's mine, and like now I'm carrying on. Now I'm going to the park with the kids and I can't wait to push Slate on the swing and I can't wait to see Decker just watch him and try to get up and walk all over and his Frankenstein walk. And I can't wait to get home and celebrate with Ryan that it hit the bank account. It all worked out, everything's working. My debt is being decreased every single day, the savings account is growing, it's happened, it's here and it feels super good. I'm living in overflow. I live in abundance. That's a rant.

Speaker 1:

I want you to go on a rant for 60 seconds, and if you can do this multiple times a day, girl, even better. But if you can only do it once a day for 60 seconds, it's perfect. Just do it once a day. You can do this audibly, like out loud, voicing it, or you can do this in your head while, like I do this a lot when I'm rocking the baby, or you can journal about it. Something where you're doing it for 60 seconds. There are no rules, but it's got to be 60 seconds and the goal here is to feel that it has happened. That's what manifesting is is feeling that it, although it's already happened. So then you're opened up to it and then it finds its way to you. That's when people say you're a match for it. So you got to believe and feel that it's happened.

Speaker 1:

How would you operate if you had $10,000? What would you do? And if anything comes up at the thought of like, oh my gosh, I have to hold onto this, what do I do? Where do I spend it? What do I like you know, freak out. It's like, again, I've been there and that just shows you that there's a little bit of work you have to do. So we first want to follow these steps and then work on attracting it and then holding onto money, spending money that's a whole different game Again, everything I talk about in Lucky Baby Academy. But we first want to work these steps to manifest something and to receive what we want.

Speaker 1:

And if you have the time and you're really trying to dive into this, sit with those thoughts like, really look at, look through it. Like, why am I afraid? Okay, now that I have it, why am I afraid to hold onto it? Or what feelings are coming up? Do I feel like somebody's gonna try to take it from me? Does it mean I'm a different person? What does it say about me? Right? And then last and final step, step five. If I said six steps, I cannot read it's.

Speaker 1:

Step five is a take inspired action. So this is where I cannot tell you what this inspired action is. This is where you and your higher being, your higher self, your higher power, is going to literally download an idea to you. I can't tell you what it'll be, but I can tell you how it'll feel. It should feel like a hell, yes. It should feel like 100%. It should feel like that's a little bit scary, but I know it's a good idea Like it just feels like a lean in, a pull in, like something where it's like, yes, I gotta do this. It could be going live, and you've never gone live before, so it's a little scary. Do I really wanna go live? Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

But if it came down to you, that's your inspired action to take. Essentially, it's the higher power coming off of your rant right of 60 seconds. It's the higher power, since you're now vibrating at a higher frequency because of that 60 second rant. You are going to be given a message to do what you need to do to get what you want. This is literally how energy works. That's also a law of the universe, and so you gotta really be aware. But if I know you well enough somebody who listens to this I think your self-awareness is pretty there. If not, we have to start there, but I'm gonna assume your self-awareness is there where you're gonna be like okay, yeah, I feel like this is a good idea, I feel like I should do this, and if your ego tries to talk you out of it, that's okay, but I want you to go with the first idea you had and then take that action. And those are literally the steps that I do Every single day, multiple times a day. I try to do it as often as I can and it's mostly you have to strengthen and so, doing this, you're gonna raise your frequency, raising your vibration to be a match for what you want, and then you'll know what kind of action to take. So I don't know if you can relate to this at all, but I used to just think what do I need to do? What do I need to do to make this work?

Speaker 1:

When I first started my business, I was just hustling, grinding, doing anything, thinking that I was missing a strategy, when I really wasn't listening to my intuition. I really wasn't tapping into how energy and frequency and law of attraction and law of vibration and how it all works. I did a post on this not too long ago that created a lot of fun conversations behind the scenes, where I was talking about how I have spent nearly almost $20,000, it's over $15,000 on strategies and courses, to be left very underwhelmed by the results. And then I started to look in the mirror and I was like wait a second, katie, the common denominator here is you. I'm the common denominator. So are these strategies really not working? Or is it time for me to look within? And when I started to look within, that's when everything changed.

Speaker 1:

I had to slay some inner demons, I had to forgive a lot of people, including myself, and I had to really understand what I wanted and know that it's okay to want what I want, and I feel that you need to hear this as well. It is okay to want what you want. It doesn't mean anything good or bad about you. It's not greedy to want more, and the good gets to just get better. That's how it is, I've decided. That's how it is, that's how it is in my world, that's how it is in my client's world, and it only goes up because who's to say it can't right?

Speaker 1:

And so I wanna leave you with a couple of these questions because I want you to think about them, and then I will recap the manifestation steps one more time. But I just want you to think like what if you do get to have everything that you want in life? Like what would that mean for you? How would that feel Like? Is there excitement at the thought of that? Is there like, oh, no, no, freaking way, like, yeah, right, whatever answer you get in your head, in your heart, in your stomach, in your gut, whatever, it just shows you where you need to work on. It just shows you where there may be some sticky points, where there may be some blocks, because your desires have been placed in your heart for a reason and no one on this earth is not allowed to have whatever they want. No one Like. We have to get back to just us, being a child of God, a creation of a higher power, allowed to be anything that we want, have anything that we want, do anything that we want. And you know just a quick reminder too, where it's like you know, no one is going to give us our desires and make it happen for us If we are not opening up ourselves to be worthy to receive what we want, to be worthy to get what we want the life, the love, the job, the schedule, the freedom, the choice all of it no one's going to give it to us. So we have to do this work and I want to remind you of your power, because you can change it to then get what you want. And I just want to remind you to trust and believe and feel that it's safe to want what you want, because you're worthy of it and you are more than good enough. You're more than good enough.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let me recap the manifestation steps that I just talked about. Number one get clear and honest with your goal and no double dealing with it. It's clear, it's honest. I then want you to do step two, which is declare it and don't wish for it, don't hope for it, don't pray for it. Declare it with intention. Step three defend the hell out of why you should have it.

Speaker 1:

Step four is go on a rant of how it is already yours, what it feels like, what you're doing, and do this for 60 seconds. Step five is take inspired action. Right out the heels of that rant. You're going to feel something, something's going to come through. It could seem like it's really big and daunting, or it could seem like it's so small, like why don't you write an email, why don't you reach out to this person and just connect with them? It could seem like anything, but if it seems like a hell, yes, that's your inspired action and then wash, rinse, repeat as often as you can, because when you do these steps, you are then increasing your vibration and when you increase your vibration you're going to feel something. You're at a match for what you want, and so it's just holding that vibration as much as you can, as often as you can, to collapse time around what you want. That is it.

Speaker 1:

I go into so much of this in more detail.

Speaker 1:

Like I said in Lucky Babe Academy, head over to the show notes to learn more about it.

Speaker 1:

You can look at the sales page there and also, if you just want more manifestation tips, law of attraction tips, law of vibration tips, I send emails every single week and I actually give you parts of Lucky Babe Academy in those emails of value, of like what you can do, similar to this podcast.

Speaker 1:

And so if you want to get in on the Lucky Babe Email Fam, head over to the show notes. Follow me on all the socials at with Katie Smith, and I'm just so honored that you are here. I hope you enjoyed the episode and I will see you here next week. Thank you so much for listening. It's my mission and goal to help as many women as possible. So if you love this episode, I would so appreciate you taking a screenshot and sharing it with your business bestie or on your social media or, even better, taking some time to drop me a review, on whatever platform you're listening to. Would mean the world to me for me to hear how this episode served you and, as always, you can always reach me on Instagram at with Katie Smith for any additional support. See you back here next week.

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