The Cash Flow & Manifestation Project

94. Treat every day like this and you’ll be wealthy. ‌

Katie Smith

Have you ever wondered how to transform your financial reality? Tune in to my latest episode, "Treat Every Day Like This and You’ll Be Wealthy," where I uncover the daily habits and mindset shifts that pave the way to lasting wealth and abundance. 💸✨

🎧 In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Techniques to maintain a positive mindset and overcome self-doubt
  • The importance of taking inspired actions toward financial freedom
  • Creating a supportive environment that uplifts and inspires you

Ready to start treating every day with purpose and positivity? Click the links below!

FREE GUIDE - Never Worry About Money Again


This podcast helps you discover your best self and live a life full of purpose and freedom. Your host Katie Smith, mindset coach & manifestation expert will lead you on a journey to achieve time, location, and financial freedom, all while feeling amazing and staying in the flow. The podcast is all about inspiring you and show you all the amazing possibilities that are within your reach, even when they seem distant.

Katie doesn’t hold back on the tools she used to create a successful business, making 6 figures as a busy mama & enjoying a life of freedom!

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Audio production, sound editing, and post-production is handled by Hey Guys Media Group LLC. Want to start a podcast? Need help with editing? Check out our friends at Hey Guys

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast. My name is Katie Smith and I am a Manifestation and Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual woo. Every week, I'll share uplifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin.

Speaker 1:

Hello, my cashflow queen, I have a question for you. Are you ready to be done with the money drama and get off the never ending emotional rollercoaster of money? You know the stress of not having money but then feeling a massive sense of relief once it hits your bank account. Yes, that rollercoaster. If you answered yes, then I would like to formally invite you to my free masterclass Cashflow Makeover and learn my proven wealth energetics blueprint to move you from financial stress to financial success. Discover your own financial consciousness, how to align your energy to attract money and create a steady cashflow effortlessly. In this free masterclass, I'll be sharing the tools that sparked my transformation from $20,000 in debt to over six figures in just eight short months. If you're ready to relax with money and call it in on demand, you're going to want to be inside this free masterclass. Sign up today and step into your wealth era. And step into your wealth era.

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, welcome back. Oh my gosh, I'm actually buzzing right now because I feel like very pumped up to talk to you about another empowering kind of little chat riff. I don't know how long this is going to be, because I kind of just tend to get going and there's no slowing this train down, but I want you. So, first of all, back up, back on up. We are recording this in the middle of July, so we are halfway through 2024, which is crazy, and summertime can be a lull, because you're on vacation, you're enjoying time with your family, like obviously right to fully so, and you worked hard for that. But then, all of a sudden, you know, august, schools start back up and then, before you know it, we are heading into fall and it's like just crazy town, fall, halloween, football, thanksgiving, christmas, new Year's holy shit, we're talking 2025. And this time in summer is actually so crucial I've said this throughout my career that summer months are like make or break, and I say that loosely.

Speaker 1:

You can't break anything Like what's destined for you is on your heart and so it's coming. Do you want to speed that timeline up or do you want to just go? You know the slow path and if I know you, I think you want to be fast. So here's a little trick. If you're kind of feeling like it's summertime, no one's really watching my stuff, I'm not getting very many freebies. What's going on?

Speaker 1:

I want you to ask yourself if you have gotten complacent in your mindset around business and money. Now you might be like what the hell are you even talking about? No, I want money. No, I keep showing up and all doing everything in your business every single day with the mindset that there is endless possibilities and potential. Every single day. Are you treating your days like it is the beginning of your business? Because do you remember when you started your business, guns were a blazing. You had stars in your eyes. You're like I'm going to be a millionaire overnight. This is so amazing, like you know. You know, you know what I'm talking about to be a millionaire overnight. This is so amazing, like you know. You know. You know what I'm talking about Because we all are there the possibilities, like everything is going to go right. This is going to be the next, like the next best thing. I'm going to be one of those overnight successes, like we all have it and it's fucking beautiful and I love that. But have you lost that? Are you just showing up? You're like I didn't get a sale yesterday, or I didn't get as many sales yesterday. So let's see what the fuck today is going to bring. Because you got to be honest with yourself. If you're hitting any sort of complacency with your mindset around your business and money, that's because you're not approaching it like you did in the beginning, where you were just like this is going to work. I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

You went all in on yourself at the start of your business. I know you did so. Where can you find that energy again? Because, my friend, you can do the same things over and over again, even if you had a real pop-up. You can do the same thing over and over again, but if it's not the same energy behind it, it's going to flop and you're going to make a story about it. That doesn't need to be a story. It's just your energy.

Speaker 1:

Are you all in with your mindset, around your business and where you're trying to go, or are you just going through the motions? It's summer, it's lax, it's okay, it will get back to in the fall. You don't want to do that. You do not want to do that. You do not want to do that and I don't know if anybody else is talking about this I kind of have blinders up, so I like I don't really pay attention to many people and like that's been the best like life giving thing I've ever done is like having my blinders up. But like, when you hit into the fall and you want to like kick into momentum, that's gonna be very hard to do with how busy the fall is. You know that Like family visiting, kids stuff, school's got things it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

And then 2025, I always know this year after year If you really kicked up the momentum in summer and you go through fall with heavy momentum, you're going to kick off 2025 so much stronger than you would if you tried to gain momentum at the end of 2024. If you're trying to gain momentum at the end of 2024. If you're trying to gain momentum at the end of this year and kind of taking the summer off. If you will, you're going to regret it. I mean, I don't say that to be mean or to freak you out, but I've just seen it so many times and energetically, like there's a thing behind kicking the momentum up now so that it takes you through the fall, and then in 2025, you're like look what I did in 2024. Imagine what I'm going to do in 2025.

Speaker 1:

Rather than the energy of it's a new year, let's see what can happen. Yay, this is going to be my year. Don't do that to yourself. I don't know why anyone does that to themselves. Like, why, at the new year, are you trying to do something you haven't done before, when you've gained no momentum? Whether you're trying to get in shape, whether you're finding love, whether you're trying to start a family, whether you're trying to make crazy income, like you have to gain momentum. It's literally an energetic practice.

Speaker 1:

So, also not to talk about the confidence side of it, if you wait to try to gain momentum at the start of the new year, you're not going to last very long because nothing has been sustained. It's like setting yourself up for failure and it literally pains me. I see it all the time. And so, instead, get your mindset back into, like you did, the beginning that you started your business, where you were fired up, you knew it was gonna work. You didn't have any doubt, not an ounce of doubt. You weren't worried. You're like this is gonna right, find that that's the magic and approach every single day like that. Every single day is a brand new beginning. So how are you treating your days? How are you starting your days? That's it.

Speaker 1:

This was a short one because it's punchy. I want you to get it. If you've got questions about it, I'd love to know, but sometimes we just need a little kick in the pants. You know what I mean and you can always count on me to be super direct and help you with that. But I love you so much. I love that you're here.

Speaker 1:

If you got anything out of this, I would love to hear about it, and I'd love to hear, like, what your plans are for the rest of the year. What are you going to do? How are you going to make sure that you stay in the mindset of new beginnings every single day and all that goodness. I love it all and I love you, and I'll catch you here next week. Okay, bye. If you loved what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets me know, to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

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