She is Redefined

95. Put yourself on the pedestal.

Katie Smith
Tune in for a very emotional and vulnerable episode that I felt you needed to hear.

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Welcome to She Is Redefined, the podcast that feels like a chat with your best friend over coffee. I’m Katie Smith, and I’m here to help you break free from all those outdated societal expectations and embrace the amazing woman you’re meant to be!

Each week, we dive into real, relatable conversations about everything from self-discovery and confidence to living life on your own terms. I’ll share inspiring stories, sprinkle in some practical tips, and just have a blast exploring what it means to be unapologetically YOU.

So, if you’re ready to rewrite your story and make bold moves toward a life that feels authentically yours, you’re in the right place. Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s redefine the rules of success together—while having a blast along the way!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Cashflow Manifestation Project Podcast. All right, I'm really happy to be here with you and hope you're having such a beautiful day wherever you're at. So I'm actually coming to you on a topic and a subject that I don't really talk about, but for some reason, god is telling me to talk about this, and so here I am doing my part. When I get a nudge, when I get a push or a pull and a direction from God and it feels right, I know that's what I'm supposed to do. And so here I am wanting to talk to you about something I don't normally ever talk to you about. So it's interesting. It's been over a month since I have drank alcohol and it's interesting. I want to explain why. So I don't even like have, like this might sound like a little bit of a jumbled type of episode, because I'm honestly trying to find my footing here and I'll be honest with you, I am getting pulled into a new direction and it's almost perplexing a little bit, where I'm like you really want me to start talking about this stuff. Okay, and why am I feeling these feelings to do this now? I don't know. I guess I'm trying to say is. I've been having this major pull to just cleanse a lot of stuff out and I'm going to get really vulnerable in this episode because I always, always want to be so transparent with you.

Speaker 1:

But it all came to a head of me not kind of wanting to drink in Balboa when my family we traveled out to Balboa Beach in California and we rented a beach house and it was seriously the best time. Oh my gosh, it was so much fun and I don't drink much. For those, if you say this is your first episode, sorry, I'm just sort of all over the place with my words. But I did take a whole month off last August no alcohol, no sugar, and it was the best thing ever, although it was very, very difficult for me to do that. I even talk about that in one of the episodes where, like, no drinking was really hard for me, even though I found like all the kombucha and all the stuff to drink as a replacement. But it was really, really difficult for me and the sugar part wasn't. So in June when we went to Balboa Island, it was such an amazing trip. Oh my gosh, it was just, it was perfect. Like money was flowing in like crazy while I was on vacation with my family, my favorite places. It was just so much fun.

Speaker 1:

And I remember the last day where I was drinking some wine throughout the day in my little like to go tumbler cup and I remember just having the best time. And I remember thinking like, wow, I kind of have like a little bit of a buzz, but like barely anything because I don't get out of hand. That's like the party. Katie is so like she doesn't even exist anymore. Like my husband jokes he's like you are literally a two drink maximum and I pretty much am. And I remember having a good time and I was sipping my wine and my sister-in-law was over and the kids are playing and it's just such a good time. Well, the next day, when I look back at that and there were so many good memories of that day it was just so cute with the cousins playing, like I just loved it.

Speaker 1:

When I looked back on that day that I remember it was like blurry and I did not black out Like I don't even know the last time I blacked out. But if you've ever drank in the sun, whether it be two drinks or not, you know what I'm talking about. We were kind of like, yeah, I remember, but I wasn't there. It wasn't like vibrant, like where I could go back into yesterday and it's like crystal clear. I was there, like all the things, and I got so fucking sad. I got so sad Like I can't even believe I'm being this transparent with you right now because people can misconstrue my words and be like, oh, she got blacked out. She's trying to say she like literally had two drinks, but it was in the sun and it was, and I wasn't drinking enough water and I remember everything. But I was so sad the next day that I couldn't remember that memory as crystal clear, as if I didn't drink.

Speaker 1:

And I got these thoughts in that moment where I was like why the fuck am I trying to numb my life from what is so beautiful in front of me? And I love wine, I love craft beer, I love day drinking. Like you're talking to someone who's like day drinking, I'm there, I just all the time we get we're wine club members from so many different wineries Like I can't even tell you like the idea of me not wanting to drink, it doesn't even compute, it doesn't even compute. So I kind of just brush it off and I was like whatever.

Speaker 1:

Then the 4th of July happens and we go to my sister's place in Tennessee and it's beautiful and we were on the lake, and it was the 4th and I'm on their boat with my cute little family. We were like reapplying sunscreen and I had been drinking that morning and I was probably on my third drink, because you know it's a holiday like having fun, but I don't ever go more than that because hello responsibility, having fun, but I don't ever go more than that because hello responsibility. And I remember standing on that boat and I can actually put myself back into this moment like it was yesterday and it was like God and everything was like are you done numbing yet? Literally, that was the question that dropped down into my head in that moment. Are you done numbing yet? Because I was looking around. I was like everyone is having so much fun, this is so beautiful. We are in this beautiful lake, I'm on a boat, I'm with my family and my sister and her family, I'm meeting friends, the sun is out, life is so fucking good.

Speaker 1:

Why am I trying to numb myself from remembering this, whether it's a drink or two drinks or three drinks? And I'm literally getting chills right now telling you this because I think this is my message to share with y'all. Of like, at that moment, I was like I don't think I want to drink anymore, and I haven't since. And guess what? I haven't even missed it and I think I know why. I think I finally put life back on the pedestal. Instead of alcohol being on the pedestal Now, this has nothing to do with me telling you to drink or not.

Speaker 1:

This has nothing to do with you know, never drinking alcohol again. This has nothing to do with, like, substance abuse or anything. This is literally my truth and I know I'm kind of feeling like I have to defend myself. So I just know that the last time I went sober or alcohol free for 30 days, I got a lot of comments, I got a lot of questions, and so I'm feeling the need to sort of defend myself, which I know I don't have to do. But I just want to also clear the air.

Speaker 1:

But I think, with the message that I'm trying to say and what I feel my higher power and God is trying to direct me to say is like life is so precious and remembering that life should be on the pedestal. You should be on the pedestal and soak up every second. Now, wine and drinks and alcohol is so fun and all of that, and I'm not saying don't do that if it doesn't feel right. I just finally got to this point where I'm like I don't need it, I don't want it. I have two amazing little boys and I want to remember their childhood and I want to be there and I want it to be bright and vibrant. I have remembered other memories with them while I've been drinking, you know, casually, with friends or with my husband, and it's fine. But for me, in this phase of where I am right now and getting more into alignment with where I think I need to go, I want it to be as vibrant as possible.

Speaker 1:

And this also came into my, into my field, my creator field, into my. What is that? Like perception, I guess is the word. While I started learning that other people I used to work with in corporate they just that Like perception, I guess, is the word. While I started learning that other people I used to work with in corporate they just ended their first year no alcohol, like completely alcohol free for the whole year, and how life improved in so many ways. And I've been hearing these stories and I've kind of gone down this rabbit hole and I just think it's so fucking cool. I'm just like that is so badass Like, and I found that I've been wanting to do that and I've been wanting to do that recently, just in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Why I went alcohol free for 30 days in August, I could not tell you. I knew that there was a download, like God was telling me, my angels were telling me like, stop this for right now, and beautiful things came from it. It's just weird that it's kind of led up to this point and to where I don't want to have a sip of alcohol. I don't know what that means. I'm literally taking it day by day, but I can tell you now I haven't even thought about it. There are so many fun drinks that I, my husband and I've been making and he's been still drinking, and it's totally fine.

Speaker 1:

But there's so many different options out there where I like feel like I still have a little treat at the end of the day without it being alcohol and it's it's honestly been great, and I can't even believe like they have non alcohol wine now and all these things. So I'm here to tell you that for some reason, god wants me to share that with you, and a higher power wants me to share that with you. And then this pull of where it's taking me next is so scary, but I'm going to share it with you because I feel the need to do that, and so I think this is all building up and leading to where I need to go and where God is taking me, because I don't want to numb out life in any way, shape or form, and I've really been focusing on the small beautiful moments of every day. I've been calling them many miracles, where money is fun and all, and that's what I'm all about. Literally, this podcast is titled the Cashflow and Manifestation Project, because I love talking about money and helping people break through that and become completely financially abundant and wealthy. But I'm just feeling called to talk about more things like miracles, like the little beautiful moments throughout every single day that literally happen every day that we either don't see, don't think is good enough, and I'm really been leaning into those little moments a lot, and so I'm playing around with some things that I might help small cohorts to help people tap back in and see the many miracles that happen throughout their days. So if you're not following me on social media. Definitely follow me over there because you can stay tuned for that, where I wanna help people see that to live life vibrantly and like all in on life. Do you know what I mean? Like we can all get chasing the dollars and get caught up in that and I'm the first person who has done that and will tell you who's done that and then you start to see life in a different lens. We're just like, holy shit, the money means nothing.

Speaker 1:

Like, for example, the other day, my oldest son, slate, and I. He wanted to go on a walk with me and I was like, okay, this is fun. I was pushing him in his blue car and we walked to the front of our neighborhood, which is like a mile and a half away, and there's a pond up there, so we're throwing rocks in the pond. And as I was walking back, I was like let's skip. I've been skipping Like I can't even tell you the last time I've been. I've ever skipped, but I've been doing a lot of walks because I've been feeling it's been very meditative for me and sometimes I will skip literally. And Slate's like I want to see you skip, mommy. And so I was like sure I'll skip and I'm skipping as I'm pushing his car and we are laughing, we are having a fucking ball, literally.

Speaker 1:

This couple because this is a Saturday were in their front lawn doing some gardening work and the man goes wow, y'all look like you're having a lot of fun. And in that moment I was so embarrassed I was like, holy shit, I mean, I can't imagine what I look like skipping, if I'm being totally honest with you. But I said back to him in that moment I was like I am, we really are. My son Slate was laughing so hard, the smile on his face. I can go back there into that moment right now and it can make me even emotional. How beautiful and simple and fun it was to be outside, the sun is shining, I'm with my oldest son, we're skipping and laughing, with no distractions, nothing. And then even for someone to comment on that, and as I kept walking, we're almost home and I remember thinking that moment.

Speaker 1:

I wonder how much money it would cost for me to go back to that moment. All right, I'm not going to lie, I had to pause the episode because I was getting emotional, because this is life, like this is what we're supposed to feel and live and do. It's not all the money that we think is going to make us feel a certain way or anything. I was just having a blast with my toddler and I couldn't even tell you the dollar amount that I could get to live that feeling again, and it was free. And so I want to help people live life fully, see the miracles that happen every single day and live them and know that you actually don't need anything. You think you do, but it's actually just stuff that you can have right now and feel right now. And I've never gotten emotional on an episode before. I've kind of prided myself on that, but maybe this is God like hey, here we go. I've kind of prided myself on that, but maybe this is God like hey, here we go.

Speaker 1:

And so my message to you is it's not always chasing the dollars. It's about living life moment by moment and feeling free and joy in the moments that you do, you know, and not being distracted and not overlooking it because you're chasing the next thing and you're talking to someone who was constantly chasing my husband and I talk about that all the time. Now that we're in Texas and we're here, we finally feel settled and grounded and like we're not looking for the next thing, we're just so grateful in every part of life. Now I'm not saying I'm overly positive and we're overly positive and we don't have problems or anything. I'm not saying that at all. But appreciation is one thing and I want to help people tap back into appreciation that can fill their every day because it's there. I want to help you see it again, open your eyes to it, open your mind to attract more of it.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is obviously content I don't talk a lot about, and I still have amazing programs. Now, clearly, my content up until this point has been all around money and how to step into your wealth era, and that I know like the back of my hand, like those programs can literally change your life. But right now I'm feeling unmotivated to talk about money. I'm feeling unmotivated to talk about any of the wealth stuff and I'm feeling unmotivated to talk about money. I'm feeling unmotivated to talk about any of the wealth stuff and I'm feeling more pulled and motivated and guided to talk about appreciation, many miracles that happen throughout your day, and bigger. I'm wanting to talk about broader, more, just more things rather than just manifesting money, and so I was called to share that with you and to let you know, like, buckle up, let's see where this goes. You're welcome to come along with me in this adventure and we'll see what comes from it.

Speaker 1:

And if you want more information on, like the little cohorts that I'm looking to do together, like I'm talking a very low price point, because, like this is pretty new territory for me when I'm talking about helping people open their eyes to more appreciation and miracles, like brand new territory, I mean, like I know how to like manifest money, but me talking about like things throughout your day, it's like whoa, okay. So it's like going to be starting off very small price points. I'm talking like $25 a week off very small price points. I'm talking like $25 a week maybe to work together for five days in a group setting and kind of see where it goes. I might have one day type of thing where if you want to work with me for a day, work with me for five days. I don't know, but I'm really excited about this. This is where God is guiding me.

Speaker 1:

Again, if you need help in the wealth department, the money department, I have got you. You got to check out how much success people are having, but I'm excited to go even broader and deeper with people, to where I can help you tap into infinite abundance in all areas of life, so that you feel overjoyed about life and just content and like you don't need anything. It's just. It's a beautiful, beautiful place to be. So keep an eye out for that.

Speaker 1:

Be sure to follow me on the socials, because I always talk about everything there and always DM me honestly for anything. That's what I'm here for. But, yeah, this is a different podcast episode than I normally do, but I felt the need to share it and inspire you in some way, shape or form, and also fill you in on life and me and what's really going on, because it's important for me to do that and I'm honored that you're here and excited to see what happens next. All right, that's it for this week. I am so thankful that you're here and I will catch you here on the next one. Have a beautiful day. Bye.

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