She is Redefined

96. What is your purpose?

Katie Smith

In today’s episode, I break down what our purpose on earth is all about.

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Welcome to She Is Redefined, the podcast that feels like a chat with your best friend over coffee. I’m Katie Smith, and I’m here to help you break free from all those outdated societal expectations and embrace the amazing woman you’re meant to be!

Each week, we dive into real, relatable conversations about everything from self-discovery and confidence to living life on your own terms. I’ll share inspiring stories, sprinkle in some practical tips, and just have a blast exploring what it means to be unapologetically YOU.

So, if you’re ready to rewrite your story and make bold moves toward a life that feels authentically yours, you’re in the right place. Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s redefine the rules of success together—while having a blast along the way!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast. My name is Katie Smith and I am a Manifestation and Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual woo. Every week, I'll share uplifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin. Hello, my cashflow queen, I have a question for you. Are you ready to be done with the money drama and get off the never ending emotional rollercoaster of money? You know the stress of not having money but then feeling a massive sense of relief once it hits your bank account. Yes, that rollercoaster. If you answered yes, then I would like to formally invite you to my free masterclass Cashflow Makeover and learn my proven wealth energetics blueprint to move you from financial stress to financial success. Discover your own financial consciousness, how to align your energy to attract money and create a steady cashflow effortlessly. In this free masterclass, I'll be sharing the tools that sparked my transformation from $20,000 in debt to over six figures in just eight short months. If you're ready to relax with money and call it in on demand, you're going to want to be inside this free masterclass. Sign up today and step into your wealth era.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode of the Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast. I'm so happy you're here. Thanks for coming back after my emotional, vulnerable chat last week. I'm so grateful for all the listeners and I really feel a very supportive and a very loyal community building. I've been so grateful for the community I've had, but it just feels stronger right now, and I'm just so grateful for every single one of you. Whether you're new to my world, whether you've been here since the beginning, regardless, I'm so happy you're here. Maybe this is your first episode ever. Welcome. I hope you fall in love. No, I just hope I help in any way, shape or form, and that's really what I'm here to do, and it really. I love coaching, I love mentoring and all that. So, really, today I want to talk to you about getting out of your head and into your heart and really living life the way that it's truly meant to be lived.

Speaker 1:

Last week I talked a lot about I'm going in a new direction. I say that like loosely. I'm still under the spiritual realm, manifestation, creation kind of realm. I can help you manifest a boatload of money if that's what you want, but I can also show you that money is actually not as important as we have been led on to believe, and you can step into your power and never worry about money again. That's kind of where I'm going now, where money is not everything. You know and I thought it was. I thought like the money wins and like how much money can I brag about that? I made a 10k day, another 10k day. Well, I had my biggest month ever. Like who freaking cares if you are not living life because you can't take the money with you. Okay, let's remember that we cannot take the money with us. And so I wanna help you get out of your head when it comes to living life and more into your heart, which is the beauty of what life is.

Speaker 1:

So the other day I was driving home from riding my horse. Tongue twister there not really, but you get it. And every time I'm riding my horse. Tongue twister there Not really, but you get it, and every time I'm riding my horse I absolutely love it because you have to be in the moment with horses.

Speaker 1:

And I never even knew that as I was into horses. I just have always loved them. I thought they were very majestic. And the funny story goes when I was 18 months old and my parents sat me on a horse at a family reunion in Grants Pass, oregon, and I was obsessed. They're like something switched, like stars were in my eyes. I was a different little girl, even at just 18 months, and I have loved horses for as long as I can remember. It's in my blood like crazy. And the funniest part is I never owned a horse growing up.

Speaker 1:

My dad is allergic. Yes, that's a thing, apparently. No, he really is. He's mainly allergic to alfalfa, but even the horse hair does something to him. It's really interesting and I always said I'd own a horse the second I could, and I did that not knowing how actually expensive they are, but more so the time responsibility. They take a lot of time. You are their owner and you are responsible for checking on them, getting them out of their stall, their pasture, caring for them. There are their owner and you are responsible for checking on them, getting them out of their stall their past year caring for them. There are places that have full board, which I've always had, that where they feed them, they pick up their poop. I don't have to do any of that and so that part's taken care of, but it is your responsibility to check on them. So the time commitment, I would say, is even more than the financial commitment, and really all that we have on earth is time.

Speaker 1:

I saw this reel. I'm kind of getting off on a little side rail here, but it was fascinating. I loved it. It said imagine if you woke up with $84,000 in your bank account. It was like a little bit over $84,000. And he goes on to say you have $84,000. You can spend it all in today. There's no gaining interest, you don't get to save it and use it tomorrow. That's all you have today. How would you spend it? You would probably spend every single dollar because you could, right. And he's like there's actually 84,000 and something number of seconds in the day that you have to live. He used it as like trading money for seconds. Seconds for money, and how would you use it? And damn, that thing made me have chills.

Speaker 1:

I absolutely loved that audio. It might be trending, I can't even tell you, but when I heard it I was like whew, that is so, so true, and that's kind of the message of what I want to talk about today, of getting you out of your head and into your heart and actually living life the way you're supposed to. So, okay, where was I? Okay, talking about me riding my horse and then on my way home. So look at me, I'm all over the place. Hopefully you're staying with me.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I'm riding my horse, I have to be very in the moment, because they are prey animals and you're on their back and they can spook and like they can be skittish, and so you have to be very in the moment. You can't be talking about anything, thinking about anything else, because then anything can happen. So whenever I'm riding my horse, I always have the best ideas, the best downloads come in, because I'm actually not thinking about anything else other than being on my horse out in nature. I'm looking at the footing, I'm looking at the trees. I'm constantly in the moment, but like kind of scanning and being in the moment with my horse and this thought came through, where we are called human beings and like I don't know why I've never thought about this before, but Our title as a species of human beings is literally called human beings, and I was like holy shit, we're literally here to be human. So you came into this world, onto planet Earth, and you were put into a human form, a human body, and your whole job is to be human. So what does it mean to be human? We're emotional beings. We have five senses. We're meant to experience the five senses. We're meant to experience emotions. We're meant to live life, which is literally the moment that you are listening to this.

Speaker 1:

So many of us live life thinking about what happened yesterday, what happened an hour ago, what happened whatever ago, or we're thinking about what our next move is, what our next thing is. We have to get in the car, we have to get the kids to school, from school, we have to go here. We're always thinking about that stuff. We have been taught and conditioned and programmed to plan things, to prepare for things and truly to expect the worst, like how many things are doomsday related? Right, we have to plan.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not knocking any of that, I'm just trying to help you. You can plan and you can prepare for things, but I want you to try to move into what's happening in this present moment as many times as you can and getting as many reps in doing that as possible, because if you can actually just silence your brain for a second to just look and be like what is happening right now and feel it in your body and in your heart rather than thinking about anything, you will start to live a magical life, a miraculous life, in fact, because you're actually then finally living it. I want you to hear that when you move out of your head about thinking about anything else other than where your feet are and you just feel in your body what you're feeling in that moment and just study the present moment as if you're never going to get it again, you will begin to live a miraculous life because you finally are starting to live. You're not walking around rushing to the next thing and you wonder where did my year go, where did my day go, where did that month go? No, you're actually going to start living in the moment and then you're never going to be worried about time again because you actually actually are living in the moment.

Speaker 1:

You're feeling things in your body, you're feeling the emotion and you're just letting life and the emotions and the entire human experience move through you, which is exactly why you're here. That's exactly what we're supposed to be doing. We're not supposed to be afraid to cry, afraid to show any emotion. That's not positive. That's part of being a human. Instead of letting that control us and freak us out and us try to stuff all these things down because we don't want to appear weak or that we don't have our shit together, instead, just feel the freaking emotions and let it move through you. Stop letting that thing have a hold on you and you have a hold on it and cut yourself some slack and let yourself know like I am supposed to feel emotions. That's part of the whole gig here. And so what emotions do I like to feel? Can I tap more into those emotions? And if you do that walking around, tapping into more of the emotions that you like to feel, and not getting caught up in the next moment, the glory days of the past you will live a banging life Like holy moly. If you're walking around trying to find more ways to feel peace, joy, freedom, ease, relief, if you do that every single day, as many times you can, you are going to live a banging, incredible life, but nobody wants to do that.

Speaker 1:

We want to hold on to our past. What the stories are, the trauma, the triggers, what our parents did, what they didn't do, what happened in high school when those girls are the trauma, the triggers, what our parents did, what they didn't do, what happened in high school when those girls made fun of me, when that guy broke up with me, what happened last week on the weekend or whatever. We want to attach things and hold on to that junk when that's simply a choice. Everyone has their own things and I've gotten very close with a lot of friends here and we know each other's story but we're both on an agreement with but our story doesn't define us Like I don't need to hold on to that stuff anymore. It doesn't even feel good.

Speaker 1:

We actually go deep into this in the Wealth Code Academy in module three, where it's like your job is not to heal, your job is not to understand why you are the way you are. You know your story around finances, your story around life. That's not your job. And to be like, yeah, I'm this way because of my parents or I'm this way because I was like the last out of my siblings or number three. I was middle child.

Speaker 1:

Whatever, our job is to just focus on what we want and live in the moment that we have right now in front of us, which is you listening to this and being okay, sitting in silence from time to time, being okay, just like looking outside, seeing the sun, seeing the clouds, hearing the birds chirp. That's okay to do. We don't need to constantly fill our brains with something to consume. Sometimes we need to actually take a break. Take a break from all the things and just be, and the trick to doing that is getting out of your head and into your heart, into your body. What are you feeling when you don't think about anything? What do you feel? I've become really passionate about talking about this and how to get out of your head and into your heart and really walk you through this so that you can begin to start living a completely magical and miraculous life where you literally are operating as the identity of somebody who has made it, who has it all. You're at peace, you're at relief.

Speaker 1:

A small group of people where I'm working with at a very, very low price in the middle of August, whenever this airs, so that I can help teach people how to actually do this, and this goes deeper than any of the work that I've ever done. I've never done this with anyone before, because this is the work that I've always done. The Wealth Code Academy is only geared towards money, but a lot of it is similar, but it's more geared towards just money and wealth. This is more deeper, kind of like purpose-driven stuff and overall ease and peace in life, and so I'm really jazzed up about this, because I never even thought that I should talk about this, but I keep getting all these pushes and all these nudges to like people need this, katie, and you are pretty good at doing that, so, like, just do it. So if you have any interest to work closely with me over the course of five days, you want to check the show notes and apply right away. We're going to be getting started on the 19th of August and so anyone can join in even if we start.

Speaker 1:

But it's like, get in the room if you want any more magic and miracles in your life on a day-to-day basis and know how to tap into that at any moment and how to get out of your head and stop the overwhelm and just start living. That's the place you're going to want to be. I would love to help you do that, and it's just my way of helping more people outside of money live a life of peace and freedom. That is literally what life should be, and nothing is stopping anyone from doing that or feeling that, but we don't really know how to feel it. We don't know how to do it. I barely scratched the surface on this podcast. I didn't even really give you the how to do that, and that's what this little cohort is all about. So if you're interested in that, again head over the show. Notes apply right away and I'd love to get you in the room.

Speaker 1:

But I just want you to think of catching yourself when you have certain thoughts. Is that really you in the moment, right now, doing the dishes or driving your car, or hanging out with your kids, or sitting on the couch? What story is going on there, and is it the story you want? Is it thoughts that are helping you get to where you want to go, or is it more so it's feeding into? I don't really like this. I keep thinking this and I don't really like it.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I should just stop thinking it, because it comes down to two things. You're either in the frequency of what you want or you're not. It's very simple. It's not this huge thing. It's actually the most simplest thing I could ever talk to you about, and I'm so excited to help people understand it all and take your power back and just start living, because we only have now. I know you know that, but when you really think about it, we only have now.

Speaker 1:

So if you got anything out of this, or if you think someone else needs to hear this, who's maybe getting caught up in things that do not matter, they might be finding themselves always complaining about time. They don't have enough time and things just aren't always, aren't ever, working out for them. They're always getting the short end of the stick. Send this over to them. This might help them awaken to what life could be like, and I just always believe in, like you know, sharing, good karma, share and then it comes back to you and all that.

Speaker 1:

So I really appreciate any and everyone who supports me on the podcast here and please leave a review so you can let me know exactly what you're getting out of this, and I'm just so grateful. All right, I'll catch you here next week. Bye, if you loved what you heard today. Please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets you know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode In you, and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

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