She is Redefined

97. I'm over talking about money... the irony. Let's talk about it.

Katie Smith

What do you do when the relentless pursuit of money leaves you feeling empty?  Listen in as I candidly share how shifting my focus from chasing dollars to living authentically has transformed my life. Discover the power of aligning with your highest self and how doing so can lead to true joy and fulfillment, with money simply being a natural byproduct.

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FREE GUIDE - Never Worry About Money Again


Welcome to She Is Redefined, the podcast that feels like a chat with your best friend over coffee. I’m Katie Smith, and I’m here to help you break free from all those outdated societal expectations and embrace the amazing woman you’re meant to be!

Each week, we dive into real, relatable conversations about everything from self-discovery and confidence to living life on your own terms. I’ll share inspiring stories, sprinkle in some practical tips, and just have a blast exploring what it means to be unapologetically YOU.

So, if you’re ready to rewrite your story and make bold moves toward a life that feels authentically yours, you’re in the right place. Grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let’s redefine the rules of success together—while having a blast along the way!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Cashflow and Manifestation Project Podcast. My name is Katie Smith and I am a Manifestation and Mindset Coach. I'm a mom who successfully took one of those little side hustles and built it into a six-figure business with the tools of manifestation and some spiritual woo. Every week, I'll share uplifting conversations, interviews and talks centered on unlocking your inner magic, pushing past limits and creating a reality even wilder than your dreams. If you enjoy listening to topics on money, mindset and manifesting, then you've come to the right place. I'm obsessed with helping women transform to their next level of freedom and wealth. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Now let's begin. Hello, my cashflow queen, I have a question for you. Are you ready to be done with the money drama and get off the never ending emotional rollercoaster of money? You know the stress of not having money but then feeling a massive sense of relief once it hits your bank account. Yes, that rollercoaster. If you answered yes, then I would like to formally invite you to my free masterclass Cashflow Makeover and learn my proven wealth energetics blueprint to move you from financial stress to financial success. Discover your own financial consciousness, how to align your energy to attract money and create a steady cashflow effortlessly. In this free masterclass, I'll be sharing the tools that sparked my transformation from $20,000 in debt to over six figures in just eight short months. If you're ready to relax with money and call it in on demand, you're going to want to be inside this free masterclass. Sign up today and step into your wealth era. And step into your wealth era. Okay, we're here, welcome back.

Speaker 1:

I have tried to record a podcast episode all week and I have not been feeling super motivated to do that, which is crazy, because I'm usually someone who's like I'm type A in that sense. I'm like I got an idea, I'm going to let it flow, let's go. Boom, boom, boom. I'm kind of a planner and the message that just kept coming back to me was I want to tell you that money is not everything, and that's coming from a wealth mindset coach, that's coming from the girl who's obsessed with money mindset stuff and talking about all that. But you know what's weird is, lately I've just been having this major pull to step back and slow down, like majorly, majorly slow down and just sort of reevaluate. And the craziest part times two is I'm kind of done talking about money. Yes, you heard that right the woman who is a money mindset coach and who has a podcast titled the Cashflow and Manifestation Project, is kind of tired about talking about money and it dawned on me it's because there's so much more to life than money and I know we need money Like I'm the first one who knows that I get it, I get it all but there is so much more enjoyment in life when you actually take money out of the scenario.

Speaker 1:

You will find that when you start living life on purpose, living life by your truth, and that being connected to your higher self not truth based off of victimhood from the past or like your story or narrative, but from you authentically showing up as the highest version of yourself money is just simply a byproduct of that and it's a very different energy. It's the decisive embodiment energy rather than the trying energy, because the universe does not respond to tries, the universe does not respond to hope. The universe responds to who you are and how you act. And that's why the term is act as if is such a big term, because when you start acting as if, the universe will match you, source will provide for you even more, because you are finally a match for that. And notice how none of that has to do with money, chasing dollars. Take it from me, who's always been that one, who I love a good money win, but I am so freaking tired of seeing them talking about them because it means nothing. It's actually convincing everyone and I got caught up in this trap too. So, like this is a vulnerable, honest conversation right now, I got caught up in all that shit that I need to show you how much money I'm making and all this other bullshit that doesn't even matter, because I wasn't as happy as I am. Right now. I'm barely showing up on social media. I'm barely promoting anything. I'm actually slowing way down and living and enjoying life. I've never been more excited about a container in my life than I am about one that starts.

Speaker 1:

The day this launches, the day this is released. It's my five-day coaching intensive called the Miracle Zone, where very low ticket price point, and I'm basically walking people through how to create and, first of all, how to see the miracles that are in their life, and how to create a miracle together in the five days to completely live life on purpose. To live and create more of what you want the good feelings, the peace, the relief, the joy. That is what I want to help people with and it's so funny. So, like the other day, I decided to take the boys to a local nursery called Callaway Nursery. It's in a town actually kind of far away, but there was this guy I'm going to call him out. He was amazing. His name is Saul. He was so helpful.

Speaker 1:

But I decided to take the boys there because I was like I want to plant plants on our front yard. Like why not? And my husband's like we can just pay someone to do that. I'm like absolutely not. I think it'd be a great project for the boys and I want to do it. Like I've never done anything like that before and I'm like I want to learn how to do this. And so we got so many plants. Saul was amazing. I was like look, like I don't know a damn thing. Like I'm supposed to take the plant out of the pot right before I plant it, like literally. I asked him that and, bless his heart, he was so patient with me and so sweet. And so we headed out of there with like tons of plants I'm talking like over 10 plants to plant all throughout our front yard and when we got there it was like 104. And I'm like, okay, shoot, I wanted the boys to help me and I kind of like let them see where I was going to plant them, but then they had to get in the house because it was just way too hot, and where I was going to plant them, but then they had to get in the house because it was just way too hot and it was like nap time anyways. So I knocked that entire thing out in an hour while the boys were napping, and I've never felt more proud in my life. Those plants are just thriving. I'm talking to them every day. I just freaking love it and like that was so meaningful to me.

Speaker 1:

Rather than me thinking about money, thinking about growing my business, doing all the things, that takes me away from the current moment, the day that I have, which is today. Why am I even planning tomorrow when I don't know if I'm going to live it? That's what I started to realize. So I'm like, hey, if I die tomorrow, I'm going to be bummed. I never planted a plant. So guess what? Yours truly just went over down to that nursery and picked up some plants, showed my sons how to do it. We got some watering cans, because I'm teaching them how to nurture and care for the things that they do and have and get. And it was beautiful, and in that moment, I wasn't thinking about money. Obviously, I was grateful for the money that I had to buy that, but money is not everything.

Speaker 1:

I think we get so caught up in chasing and chasing and trying and trying. We're trying to grow our business. We're showing up to try to grow our business, to grow our business. Well, if you stop trying to grow your business and start living how you would actually want to live and feeling the feelings that you want, you would start living a banging life, and I'm finding the codes to that myself. This is new conversation that I'm giving to you. This is new experience. I'm living where, I'm learning these codes of living a banging life. That's just what I keep wanting to call it living a banging life. I don't know. It's good times, it's ease, it's slow, it's intentional, it's purposeful.

Speaker 1:

If you follow me on social media, you'll see that I have changed my Instagram handle from your cashflow BFF to she is redefined and I am taking it and running with it. Obviously, I've had a lot of crazy different downloads come through and if you follow me on social media, I've been sharing that along with you. I'm really into playing around with miracles because I see them every day, I experience them every day and I want to help more people experience them and just also getting down to what your life is supposed to be and feel, and it's allowed to feel whatever you want. You don't have to do something that you think you do to get you to your goals. Sometimes you actually have to slow down and chill out to get to your goals faster, and I'm learning that myself.

Speaker 1:

And I see she is redefined as like a movement, like she steps into her true, authentic self unapologetically. She's confident, she's steadfast, she's so sure she glows, she's magnetic, she's a force to be reckoned with. She wears bright colors when she never used to before. She accepts her quirks when she tried to hide them in the past. She's just a force to be reckoned with. She's a fucking badass and like people gravitate towards her because she embodies that, like she's redefined.

Speaker 1:

And this came to me because I feel like I'm kind of going through another like redefining moment of this year, which is crazy and I don't even care how people take it or not. Like I got to go where I'm being led and if it bothers someone, then I'm switching my handle or whatever, and no one has said anything. But like if anybody were to be like wait a second, what is happening? I probably will never. They'll never in part of my tribe anyways, I have to always be authentic and unapologetically me, and if I can't do that to guide others to do that, then who will? So I will always be that person and show up authentically and transparently for you and I'm excited about. She Is Redefined.

Speaker 1:

I mean, this is the third time I'm redefining myself and I'm just going for it, and I've never felt happier, I've never felt more at peace. I'm slowing down, I'm enjoying life because, ultimately, I want to remember how handsome my husband is, how strong he is. I want to go on dates with him. I want to be with him. I want to be with my kids. I want to study their faces. I want to remember their labs, remember their small hands. I want to enjoy my dogs. How many of us get so distracted being so busy we don't even spend time with our animals that we got. I have a 13-year-old, almost 13-year-old, golden retriever. I'm so grateful that she's alive and I want to spend time with her and not regret anything. That's kind of where I'm at. If I don't know if I'm going to have tomorrow, then I really want to live today. I really want to go for it. I want to just be in the moment. When I say go for it, I mean like, be in the moment, be myself, accept myself, redefine who I am, because if I get one last chance to, I'm going to make it now, and so that's why I hopped on here.

Speaker 1:

To talk to you about this was the message that was coming through. You know, I like my stuff short and sweet. I don't know what this means. That's. The other thing that's really funny is, like a lot of people have been loving Like I've never had this much engagement ever Loving my stories, loving my messaging, which is obviously not an accident, because I'm getting these downloads and I'm being authentic and I'm sharing real shit and really from my heart and not focusing on anything other than sharing what I think can help.

Speaker 1:

Everyone keeps asking me okay, what's next? Like what is this? I have the Miracle Zone that I'm starting, but that's a closed container and I took applications for that, but I honestly don't know. Outside of that, I don't know where this is going. I always have my money. Programs to help people. Those things are changing people's lives. It's just not my focus on talking about and promoting at this point. I continue to offer the programs and they are available to you, but I'm excited to see kind of where this goes. I know it's going to be in the spiritual realm, so you can count on that. Of where this goes. I know it's going to be in the spiritual realm, so you can count on that, and it's always going to be to help you better your life. And I just see myself going much broader, talking about broader subjects rather than just money. Like I want to expand and so I'm really excited about it.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to stay tuned and stick around, I welcome you to and it's exciting, all right, well, thank you for listening. I welcome you to, and it's exciting, all right. Well, thank you for listening. I love you, as always, and I will talk to you soon. Bye. If you loved what you heard today, please share with me by dropping me a review below. It lets you know to keep the good stuff flowing your way and more abundance all around. And if you're not following me on socials yet, head over to Facebook and join my exclusive, free community of epic souls who are trying to manifest their dream life in 2024. I love and adore you and can't wait to catch up with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go out there and make some magic happen.

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