The Gymnast Nutritionist® Podcast

Episode 123: [Fueled Gymnast Fall] How to navigate the holiday sweets + treats

Season 1 Episode 123

How your gymnast consumes and behaves around the sweets and treats on the holidays is indicative of their relationship with these foods the other 364 days a year.

I know that's a big statement, but stay with me. For example, if on Halloween your gymnast ate so much candy or sweets on the holiday they made themselves sick...more than likely they feel restricted and are probably underfueled and biologically hungry most of the time.

Welcome to the second episode of our series, Fueled Gymnast Fall. I'm so excited to take the next few weeks to address a handful of specific issues that could be affecting your gymnast this point of the year. Now is the time to make changes and adjustments before competition season is upon us.  

If your gymnast tends to overdo it when they're around the holiday sweets and you're ready to tear your hair out, this is definitely the episode for you. Even if Halloween was a hot mess, there's still plenty of time to adjust your fueling and feeding strategy so that your gymnast can sail through the holidays. All while fueling herself like normal and remain consistent in how she trains for energy levels. 

Listen to today's episode to hear the next episode in our series, Fueled Gymnast Fall.  

In this episode you'll hear about: 

  • Making sure your gymnast is eating enough vs what you think is enough
  • How YOU talk about the holidays sweets in front of your gymnast is affecting them
  • Are your current feeding practices working or will they backfire down the road?

 Links & Resources 

Join our NEW Competition Season Nutrition Clinic-- Jan 5 & 6th for female level 6-10/elite gymnasts + parents!

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