Sharma Law - Personal Injury Attorney

Middle School Sexual Abuse Lawyer Middletown, DE

June 11, 2024 Sharma Law Season 1 Episode 1

How frequent is sexual assault in middle schools?

Unfortunately, middle school sexual abuse occurs more frequently than most people think. According to studies, 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 report having been sexually abused or assaulted by an adult. A large number of these occurrences take place in educational settings, particularly middle schools. Such incidents are common, which emphasizes how urgently awareness, prevention, and legal action are needed. In order to address this important issue, the Sharma Law Firm in Middletown, DE, is committed to offering victims and their families knowledgeable legal assistance. Our seasoned attorneys put up endless effort to hold offenders responsible and guarantee that educational institutions put in place sensible safeguards against sexual abuse of students. For sympathetic support and legal advice, get in touch with The Sharma Law Firm if you think your kid has been a victim.

What are the typical indicators of sexual assault in middle school?

Unexpected behavioral changes, such as retreating from friends and activities, feeling angry for no apparent reason, or experiencing extreme mood swings, are typical indicators of middle school sexual assault. Physical signs such as bruising, trouble sitting or walking, or ripped clothes may be noticed. Anxiety, despair, nightmares, or an abrupt drop in academic performance are examples of emotional indicators. Red flags might also include behavioral changes including avoiding specific individuals or places, acquiring new concerns, or showing awareness of inappropriate sexual behaviors for their age. It is imperative that you respond right away if you see these symptoms. The Middletown, DE-based Sharma Law Firm specializes in managing these delicate matters, offering professional legal assistance and putting you in touch with the people and resources you need to make sure your child is safe and secure.

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The Sharma Law Firm
735 Mapleton Ave #203a
Middletown, DE 19709
(302) 209-9261

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