Sharma Law - Personal Injury Attorney

Middle School Sexual Abuse Lawyer Milford, DE

June 19, 2024 Sharma Law Season 1 Episode 1

What are the indicators and consequences of middle school sexual abuse?

It is critical for parents and guardians to recognize the symptoms of middle school sexual abuse. Child molestation and nonconsensual sexual behavior can leave emotional scars, trauma, and psychological suffering. Victims may exhibit signs of emotional anguish, PTSD, and other mental health disorders. The signs and symptoms of middle school sexual abuse vary, but they frequently include behavioral changes such as withdrawal, anger, or sadness. Physical indications may include unexplained injuries, vaginal soreness, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Nightmares, anxiety of specific places or persons, and unexpected scholastic decline are all prevalent. Sexual knowledge above age-appropriate levels, social isolation, and changes in eating patterns may all be seen. At The Sharma Law Firm in Milford, DE, our attorneys are dedicated to fighting for victims' rights and obtaining justice for those who have been sexually abused.

What should I do if I fear my child has experienced sexual abuse?

If you fear your child has been sexually molested, your first priority should be their safety and well-being. Listen to your child with empathy and reassurance, and record any symptoms or actions that cause concern. Seek emergency medical assistance if necessary, and report any suspected abuse to local authorities and child protective agencies. At The Sharma Law Firm in Milford, DE, our professional lawyers focus in middle school sexual assault cases and are dedicated to assisting victims and their families in seeking justice and compensation. We have the knowledge and experience to handle the legal and emotional difficulties of these matters and provide the assistance you require. Contact us now to discuss your choices and safeguard your child's rights.

Will my child have to testify in court?

Many examples of middle school sexual abuse involve efforts to avoid subjecting the child to judicial testimony. The Sharma Law Firm in Milford, DE, looks at other methods of presenting evidence, including as video depositions or closed-circuit testimony, to avoid causing additional stress to the child. Our skilled attorneys put the child's well-being first and give comprehensive support and preparation if testimony is required.

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The Sharma Law Firm
686 N Dupont Blvd #100
Milford, DE 19963
(302) 248 1756

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