Eden and Amadeus

Mischief, Mascots, and Money-Saving Marvels This Month

Eden Kendall and Amadeus

Wow! AI thinks this podcast is deeper than it is...here's what it has to say about it!

Feel the rumble of controversy and chuckle at the quirks of life as we unravel a tale of passion and fury, featuring Panthers owner David Tepper's latest spectacle. His drink-throwing debacle after a stinging Panthers defeat isn't just hot gossip; it's a springboard for us to explore the impact of impulsive authority figures. But don't fret, we're not all about the drama—our chat takes a light-hearted turn, dissecting how Star Wars phrases have stealthily crept into our everyday banter. Ever been caught off-guard with a "May the force be with you"? We're serving up the ultimate witty rejoinders.

Prepare for a foray into the delightful oddities that make life richer, as we introduce the world to college football's newest, and perhaps crunchiest, addition—the Pop Tart Bowl mascot. This episode isn't just about the laughs; there's the unexpected delight in Snoop Dogg's leap from laid-back rapper to NBC's Olympic commentator. You'll even find yourself considering a 'no spend January' with our insights into the challenge's intriguing dynamics. So, as you look to refresh your spirits and wallets, let us be the ones to guide you through the pitfalls and triumphs of starting the year on a thrifty note.

Speaker 1:

the show. Welcome to eat it. And Amadeus. It is a new year, the first show of the new year, and, in case you missed it, we've got some great things to run down for you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we started out this morning on the radio anyway, talking about the big Jacksonville viral video of when the Panthers lost 26 nothing to the Jaguars this past weekend and the owner of the Panthers threw a drink evidently into the Jags crowd.

Speaker 1:

So he was in a suite and those suites basically are like on the very back of the upper seats and then I guess I don't know if the fans were giving him a hard time. We can't really tell what went on before, but he was clearly over the edge, he was over the edge. He picked up his drink, he tossed it and then he like storms off and he also threw the cup at him. After he tossed it. He stepped back for a second and then he leaves in and throws the cup.

Speaker 2:

And then he goes back to the bottom of the cup, and then he goes back to the bottom of the cup. So this guy's name is David Tepper.

Speaker 1:

He has a history of being a brat, just an absolute baby.

Speaker 2:

Although I can say douche bag on this, on this podcast, or we can even say asshole yeah, he's, he's the drama.

Speaker 1:

He's the asshole.

Speaker 2:

So he has done things like said hey, if I think a waiter sucks, I'll just buy the restaurant and fire him or he will just buy his house and destroy it, and I love that.

Speaker 1:

when you sent me the link, we had an old boss who was kind of a douche bag and you're like it kind of looks like this guy.

Speaker 2:

I was like, oh my God, I like him, he looked just like him in that one particular video. What it is, it's that angry scowl. It was a scowl, for sure, but it just you know what. There's nothing better than getting under someone's skin, but when they are in such a situation, they're like oh.

Speaker 1:

I'm just finding him doing something.

Speaker 2:

I mean there's someone who can step in, the police said, Well, we can't do anything because we would need the person who the water landed on to physically come in and right yeah, it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

It is what it is. We also talked about the fact that Star Wars lingo has now become so common that it is what?

Speaker 2:

just like one in every million words, which sounds like not very many, but it's just like oh, I'm so dizzy, these are words that come up one in every million words, you wouldn't say they're uncommon. Oh my gosh, I got so dizzy Looking at that jewel. Yeah, that's, that's a. We call that double dipping, so anyway.

Speaker 1:

Jedi is like that. Now, yeah, one in every million words is Jedi. I feel like, obviously, jedi is. You know the word, but I feel like the phrase may the force be with you is the answer?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if it's the answer. I don't know if it's the answer. I don't know if it's the answer, or whatever. People say it all, you say it more than most, so like you definitely rock the average on that, but still and we did you ever come up with what is the proper response?

Speaker 1:

If someone says May the force, am I supposed to say? And?

Speaker 2:

with you or am I? Am I enough Do?

Speaker 1:

I have to have a qualification to throw that term around? Must I have to have a proper response? And I don't think there has. Like you, say that to someone as they're departing, I don't think I mean, I'm sure there probably has been a reply, but I can't, I can't like back at you, right? No, you wouldn't say back at you. Maybe you would say I feel like it's just always the last thing with the force.

Speaker 2:

be with you, oh yes.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but anyway, I love that.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for that. I love that. That was a great question. Thank you, that's a well wish, have you said something to you there. They hope things go well for you, yeah, but I think it would be better to say it back.

Speaker 1:

May the force be with you too. I don't know either way. I'm just happy to be two places at once.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, the force is everywhere at once.

Speaker 1:

It is everywhere at once, as a matter of fact, now that you mentioned that saying.

Speaker 2:

May the force be with you is stupid because it is with you.

Speaker 1:

You know it's just a matter of time. You know you're not going to be scared off.

Speaker 2:

I will not be doing that. All right, let's move on to this amazingly funny mascot story. So the pop tart bowl was one of the many bowls this college football season and they told us in advance that they were going to be doing the world's first edible mascot.

Speaker 1:

So they roll out this toaster.

Speaker 2:

This guy dressed like a pop tart comes out of it and then rolls out, and then rolls out and he's got a big Mass got. Then gets back in the toaster holding a sign that says dreams really do come true. Jumps into the other slot and comes out at the bottom of the toaster as a baked giant pop tart, which is obviously not the same guy, but it's just something that rolls out and the way it's not the same. It's a giant. It looks like it's him cooked and these players start eating him. It's horrific.

Speaker 1:

And you know what's funny and delicious? That same face as the mascot that goes into the toaster comes out with one I closed. Like a winky face, winky face and then they dig in.

Speaker 2:

It was a great mascot. It even had the little parts. You know how, like if you push on the icing it crackles. Yeah, it even had like that finger parent print on it. Absolutely, it was a massive pop tart but people were responding very funny, like some people were saying like okay, I'm traumatized, I just watched you guys eat the mascot. And then other people were saying this is absolute cringe. This is disgusting. I hope we do it every year.

Speaker 1:

It was the way it was meant to be.

Speaker 2:

He was a massive pop tart. He was great. It was a. It was fantastic. I some people did say that it was like the worst you know most horrific traumatizing thing ever.

Speaker 1:

Are you hearing what I mean? I mean, it was really funny.

Speaker 2:

I just like I didn't even know there was still such a thing as that kind of thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was really funny but I also loved. I think it was the next day Cheetos had a or cheese. It had their mascot with a big sign.

Speaker 2:

This is not edible, not edible. Don't even try it, folks.

Speaker 1:

There were a couple things we didn't get to that I wanted to run by you. Snoop Dogg will be joining NBC's Universal Olympic.

Speaker 2:

Games for prime time coverage this year. I love it.

Speaker 1:

No it's going to be doing special reports and commentary, I just like. I think it's going to be really fun, I mean. I mean this is just a great place to do this. You know it's like the LA who just started out as this humble rapper. I mean what, how cool is this? He's become just this like face for like youth sports. I mean my pop and my mom.

Speaker 2:

Love Snoop Dogg because he's friends with Martha Stewart. Yeah, I just love Steve's dog.

Speaker 1:

He's just relevant, over and over again.

Speaker 2:

In fact, was it a couple of months ago where he said that he no longer will smoke.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it was really really cool. I just think I think the him joining NBC is a cool thing and it's gonna make me wanna watch his commentary and his special reports. Okay, there's the other thing, and we may wanna do this on the radio. Did you see this list of things that are legal but make you look like a psychopath if you do them?

Speaker 2:

I did see that list.

Speaker 1:

My favorite one was digging a hole at night.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, digging a hole at night. If I came across somebody digging a hole at night, I would run the other way and call 911.

Speaker 1:

It's not illegal, but it does make you look like a psychopath. It makes you look really creepy.

Speaker 2:

Also, things like getting in an elevator. We just want other person.

Speaker 1:

is it kind of suspect thing to do and the other thing is to get in an elevator and not face the door, not turn around.

Speaker 2:

Oh, turn around, just stare at everyone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like a crowded elevator, you just walk on it. There's no rule.

Speaker 2:

Nobody has posted that as a rule Like psycho Weird, that is funny, those are things you could do to just really freak someone out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I'm gonna take a good look at that list. I may even add it to my phone and then just start knocking them off. I might just go out and dig a hole one night, do all those things, just see what happens.

Speaker 2:

We also discussed the idea of, instead of a dry January, that some people are doing, people are doing no spend January. And I would like to regularly update that on this podcast, because you and I both wanna try this. Obviously, there are some things you have to spend on. You could go out and do all your grocery shopping for the month now, but you're still gonna need gas.

Speaker 1:

Right, and if you eat a lot of fresh vegetables? You can't get that for the month, not really.

Speaker 2:

So if you set aside whatever you're gonna spend on that, but then you spend not one dime more. I tried this for one week once, and I actually was invited out for wine with some of my friends.

Speaker 1:

And you said no.

Speaker 2:

I told them what I was doing and they were like we got you, we're gonna treat you and.

Speaker 1:

I was like, oh, that feels so weird. But yeah, I don't know if it's still the same then.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? It's not the same cause then yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna do no spend to January. What I wanna do, I'm gonna keep all my receipts for the month and really see, like, did I need this? Maybe I'll do a no spend in February or just modify the rest of the year because, let's face it, I mean things are tough. It's tough out there. Things are tough, I mean, thank goodness gas is going down, but like everything else is going up, except for our pay rate it ain't going up. If it stays the same and everything goes up, it's like you're losing money.

Speaker 2:

Right, and there are so many things that I buy. You asked me this. When I said I wanted to do it, you said well, like, what do you buy? That's not food or gas. What are you buying? That is such an excellent question and I'm glad you asked, because I don't know, but I'm doing it.

Speaker 1:

I do find myself because I work on my computer. I'm in them because of the business we're in. If a new album comes out and I get like, if I get a thing on Facebook, oh, here's the new single, I go to Amazon right then and purchased, like pre-purchased, the album.

Speaker 2:

I don't think twice about it, right.

Speaker 1:

And then it shows up three weeks, four weeks or one hour long Like, oh yeah, I forgot I bought that and so I'm really, really bad about that. I might try to not do that for the month of January.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just trying to sit on it. Just, even if you just write it down and then re and consult the list at the end of the month and if there's something on that list, then you don't have to feel like you've deprived yourself, you're just putting it off, you're not saying no, you write it on a list.

Speaker 1:

And say do I really need this?

Speaker 2:

Do I really need this? And then at the end of the month, if you're like you know what, I have this really good idea that I invite right then because I don't even need this anymore.

Speaker 1:

You know what? At the end of the year, it could also be a really good Christmas list for your family or friends. Yes, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

It could be that, or it could be like you say OK, look how much I saved by not buying these things. I'm going to go do this. Oh yeah, or that. And then the other thing we talked about this morning and I'd love to one day spend the morning on this, on a podcast is missed connections.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I did not realize that this is still a thing on Craig's list. But there are still people who are seeing people in public, not taking an opportunity to meet them and then going to Craig's list under missed connections.

Speaker 1:

You didn't realize this was still a thing on Craig's list and I didn't realize Craig's list was still a thing. I had no idea. I had no idea it was still operating.

Speaker 2:

And let me explain what that means. It would be like if I saw you at Publix on a shopping trip and I said parking lot, Publix, Eagle Harbor, you were wearing this, I was wearing that, I helped you with your cart. I'm kicking myself that I didn't ask you your name, just something like that. I can't imagine that there are two people that could ever connect that way, because it would require both of you knowing that this exists.

Speaker 1:

Right, exactly, and I didn't know it existed. You didn't know it existed.

Speaker 2:

No, I think you'd have better luck on Facebook you know.

Speaker 1:

what we should do one day is ask people on the air have you ever?

Speaker 2:

Have you ever done?

Speaker 1:

this Made a connection on missed connections, because I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

Because wouldn't you think Now, granted, all of the connections we've read on the radio today were all people that said older, so maybe they're not realizing that the better way to do this would be on social media. But either way, it's very entertaining. It is entertaining Especially for the one lady who said I'm looking for this guy or someone similar.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that's desperate. It's pretty desperate.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, thank you guys for tuning in to Eden and Namadeus. In case you missed it, that's what you would have missed today on the show, and then some, and then also, of course, at the end of the week we'll play back for you all of our Battle of the Sexes trivia contests for the week, so you can get your trivia on as well. You can always find us at 999gatercountrycom or locally in Jacksonville at 999.9 on your radio dial. What are you excited about for the new year?

Speaker 1:

So I'm seeing Madonna in April and you remember she was sick last year. I'm really super excited about that show and I forgot. I'm seeing Boy George in Mulan Rouge on Broadway in February.

Speaker 2:

So you have some things already on the calendar.

Speaker 1:

Got some things on the calendar, yeah, so I'm looking forward to a couple of getaway trips.

Speaker 2:

I've had a couple of things I was looking forward to this year that aren't going to happen after all. So no, it's OK, it's good. I've got to read just to rethink my list, but in the meantime, you think about what you're excited about in 2024. And we love you and thank you for tuning in. Bye, so here we go again, on號.