Eden and Amadeus


Eden Kendall and Amadeus

Imagine landing on a tropical island, not just for sun and fun, but to join an established couple as a...third wheel?  We dive into the newest reality dating show coming to Paramount Plus. 

Have you ever received money out of the blue? That's exactly what happened when I found a check from Apple, a little 'sorry' for slowing down older iPhones. It's the perfect segue into the Apple vs. Android debate that can tie even the best of us in knots. We're getting real about the frustrations and surprises of switching ecosystems, weighing the pros and cons from camera wizardry to the social intricacies of blue bubbles versus green. And don't wander off just yet – we're teasing "Origin," a blockbuster set to explode onto screens soon, and there might just be an exclusive interview with someone behind the scenes coming your way.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go back to the podcast Welcome to Eden and I'm a day is the podcast I'm, I'm a day is that would just leave me one, one option. I mean and this is the podcast you know I'm so old school. We've been doing radio for a long time and I always think back to even when this is going to make us sound so old, but going back to, like Gilligan's Island and Brady Bunch, when the when that song told the story of the story, of the story of the story of the story of the radio, and like resetting up the whole thing from the very beginning.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so in that case, if what you're saying is true. You're thinking back to where the theme song would tell the story. Do you need a theme song? Oh, just sit right back and you'll hear a tale.

Speaker 1:

I think to radio people Wait stop, stop, stop stop stop, you're interrupting the creative process.

Speaker 2:

Okay, go ahead. Who's start their morning on the radio? I'm going to be talking about the new radio.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be talking about the new radio, newer way to risqué for the radio.

Speaker 2:

So you're going to hear him today, see, I was just thinking of Eden and Navaday is the podcast kind of says at all it really does, but a theme song isn't a bad thing. Well, I think I've introduced the fact that we are going to touch on a topic today that we mentioned very early in the morning on the radio, but we have a lot of people that we don't know. Well, you know what it's our.

Speaker 1:

It's our honor and our responsibility. Yeah, for people that don't know, you and I have been part of a morning show together for a long, long time and we used to be in top 40. Now we're in country radio and we do. We are very mindful of our audience. We have, you know, we're a little edgy in real life, but can't be that on the radio. Right podcast has given us this, this platform to be a little more edgy. Because you're going to be a little more edgy, you're going to be a little more edgy. You're going to be a little more edgy.

Speaker 2:

You're going to be a little more edgy, You're going to paramount called couple to thruple. I mean talk about saying it all right in the title there. There you know, there you go. So it's very much like the whole bachelor premise where it's a.

Speaker 1:

It's a dating reality show, probably pretty scripted, but they all pretend it isn't and they send them to an island. That's a couple of years ago, you know it's a very, very true love, but they're very mad at the idea of the show there in paradise.

Speaker 1:

It looks like it may be the exact same set. I've never watched any of those shows. That's a lie. I watched the first season of. I was gonna say I feel like you watched love. I watched the first season of Love Island completely out of curiosity and to talk about on the radio, but it didn't interest me at all.

Speaker 2:

However, Couple to trouble, just like we talked about on the radio Sounds like a dumpster fire that I cannot look away from. I'm going to say what I said on the. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say that this is a show. Now, having said that, I am only human and I went down a rabbit hole one day when I realized that there's Probably many more than one couple on tick talk that shares what it is to be in a polyamorous relationship and they talk about all their rules and they talk about what it's like when.

Speaker 1:

When one cup, one member of the couple likes the third person more and then number two I Modersa no-transcript the show, I mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean I know that they do Do a whole reality dating show where it's a couple that is on the show and then they can find their third party.

Speaker 1:

I actually happened to know currently two throuples you do, and I know one of those throuples is looking for a fourth.

Speaker 2:

So we're talking Polly, polly Wait what?

Speaker 1:

What they're looking for? A fourth?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I mean these are the ones that are looking for a fourth party. I've had tongue in cheek Conversations with girlfriends talking about if I were to be in one of these kind of relationships. It would be more like a sister wives deal, where we would split all of the household responsibilities, but this is different than that so you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

It would be like if you were to explore this. It would be, like Okay, I would not.

Speaker 2:

First, of all. But if I were, but if you were, it would be like okay, you, you cook on Monday so it's like I could just have a couple different, separate bedrooms, but one bedroom. Yes, okay, okay, I mean, that's way more thought than I put into it, but yes, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So on this show, what happens? So on this show, several couples are on this island. It looks like from the promo they bring in, let's just say, eight, eight singles and then the couples go on these individual dates with the singles, which includes an overnight stay it the show. I mean it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's 2024.

Speaker 2:

We ain't, we ain't playing around anymore. They go for it. This individual has to Choose some, a couple, that both People appeal to them so very. You know I could see in fighting within the couple saying Well, I almost reeled her in, but then you had to open your big mouth about.

Speaker 1:

I could see this too, yeah, and obviously this show is going to appeal to liberals, so, on the same level, I'm going to be watching this show.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be watching this show.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be watching this show.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be watching it, so we're going to be seeing a lot of stuff. It's an equal opportunity offender, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. So I'm going to say right here.

Speaker 2:

I will not be watching this show, not even the first episode, not out of curiosity because I feel dirty talking about the show.

Speaker 1:

I am just the opposite. I definitely will watch the first episode. I'm curious, these kind of things. I'm curious. I'm curious about the show. I'm going to be watching this show.

Speaker 2:

I was so disgusted by how many people this lady kissed and she kissed seven guys and one one hour show and I was like I don't know, I mean I don't think I'm a prude, I'm dumber for having watched the Golden Bachelor.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you watch the whole thing. So if you're interested in couple to throw up all I think it drops February 8th on.

Speaker 2:

Paramount. So there you go, or if you're so, moved to watch the show, you know, I think it's just so much fun.

Speaker 1:

I'm just so excited.

Speaker 2:

I'm really listening right now is probably like okay, you don't have to cancel, I mean, you can still watch Star Trek.

Speaker 1:

Discovery. You have kids in the house that are watching stuff on that.

Speaker 2:

I was just saying like some people, you know, parental controls baby parental controls All right, listen, I'm not trying to tell anybody what to do. There's another thing that, if I were, it would be this. If I were to tell people what to do, it would be this, it would be. It would be this, it would be this.

Speaker 1:

It's not going to be difficult it can only make it more difficult, you guys who?

Speaker 2:

think this would be better are crazy.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you're wrong there? Okay, sorry, that was my soap box. There's something else coming out that I'm so, so interested in and I love where the world of the song from the 80s, and there's a documentary coming out called.

Speaker 1:

We are the world the greatest night and pop and that looks like it's been like 40 years or however long it's been. But it will be like a video, like eight or nine minutes long, of one particular artist from that song, redoing their lines over and over and then, like you can see, you can hear the music through their headphones, but then you're hearing them sing live several different takes and then, from knowing that song so well, I can tell which take was the one that was used. But then there's like Lionel Ritchie and Quincy Jones standing there saying, oh, add this or take away that or whatever. Whenever those videos get released, like I say, every now and then they pop up. I watch it like a dozen times, so fascinated by this song as well as do they know it's Christmas? Like getting those stars in that room in one night, like it's magic.

Speaker 1:

It is, it's magical, and so I think this documentary is going to be a lot of fun for music enthusiasts. I'm really, really looking forward to it. It drops on January 29th, okay, and then something else that's coming along.

Speaker 2:

It's not nearly as far along in the production is going to be, but it will probably will also be heavily featuring everyone's favorite little baby Yoda, who's not really baby Yoda, he's his own person.

Speaker 1:

He is Grogu and we've kind of known this has been coming for a long time. They've been talking about, ultimately, the Mandoverse, which will consist of Boba Fett and Ahsoka. It's all going to wrap up in one big movie. And now they finally yesterday they finally released the actual saying yes, it's coming. John Favreau is directing, which I couldn't be any happier for, and the title is Mandalorian and Grogu, which I'm okay with. I wish it had just been called Mandalorian the movie, but it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

John Favreau, a lot of people forget like he started out, like just in movies. Then Elf came along, he directed that and it's one of the greatest films. Forget genre, it's just one of the greatest films like of all time. And then he created the MCU. I mean, if it weren't for John Favreau and Iron man, the Marvel Cinematic Universe wouldn't have happened. And now him and Dave Filoni are like mapping out the Star Wars, the future of Star Wars for Disney, and I think he's such a genius and I'm so happy and this, by the way, is the same John Favreau that played Iron Man's guy.

Speaker 2:

He's like, not assistant, but he was he was in the movies and it's like a smaller part.

Speaker 1:

I was just. I was just about to say I'm so happy, just like happy from Iron man.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, I didn't even think about that.

Speaker 1:

His name is happy in that yeah, so I'm so I'm so happy that you know happy but intended that John is at the helm of this movie and I just know it's gonna be amazing. I've been a Star Wars fan since I was 11 years old and I'm just I love where the, I love where the franchise is going. There was a time when I thought it was over, like I thought after the sequels like we're done, star Wars is done, we've got six movies to enjoy for the rest of our lives, and now it's like we're getting so much great stuff.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but if we're gonna go down this rabbit hole of the MCU, then they've got to stop with the multiverses, because I hate it. I can't keep track with Star Wars. Oh no, I said, if they're gonna keep going with it, I said if we're gonna go down the MCU, oh, the MCU, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't disagree, and I think I think Marvel has learned their lesson with did you see the Marvels yet? Nope, so, and the Marvels takes place in one universe. I think they've learned their lesson through the Spider-Verse and Dr Strange movie. I think they've lost a lot of people.

Speaker 2:

Loki is where they lost me.

Speaker 1:

Loki that the last several years a lot of people have been like I just can't follow it. I think we're gonna see them steering back towards now that we're getting into this next phase, where it's gonna be fantastic for and all these these new characters being brought into the MCU, I think that it's gonna get a little more easier to digest. I think I hope, because I don't mind the multiverse, but I'm with you it's a lot easier to just go in and eat some popcorn and not think too hard.

Speaker 2:

That's a good speed dating question. So where do you stand on the multiverse? That really is a good question, if there is ever like nerd night at the speed dating games yeah okay, let's wrap up with this.

Speaker 2:

I opened my mail yesterday and I got a check for $92 that I didn't have any idea was coming my way. It is very likely that I registered to get this $92, but the reason I wanted to share this is, if you're like me and you sometimes register for things, when you see news stories about class action lawsuits and they say, click this link if you are one of the people that should be getting $2, I always just click it. What the heck? One time I even got a four pack of Red Bull delivered. I was like what did this? Where did this come from?

Speaker 2:

And I must have clicked a link that said click this link if you drink Red Bull. I don't know, but anyway. So I wanted to do some research to make sure that it was legit. And sure enough, it was on the news this morning that people who were Apple iPhone users six and seven and again I don't remember if I signed up for this or not a lot of us are getting $92 because they admitted that when they went from the iPhone 6 to the iPhone 7, they purposely slowed down the iPhone 6 to force you into wanting to get the iPhone 7, which is pretty crappy, so For my troubles I got 92 bucks.

Speaker 1:

So you're happy about the $92, which I would be too. I'm surprised that people stay with a company that admit doing something like that, but you're still like Apple. You're bleeding Apple, aren't you?

Speaker 2:

because every time I try to switch, I I just can't. It's like going from left-handed to right-handed For me. I just can't do it.

Speaker 1:

It probably would be the same for me to go to. Apple, yeah, to go to Apple, but yeah, so good, good for you what they say once you go Apple you got that 92 dollars. I don't know how much your phone cost you, but now you've got, you know.

Speaker 2:

Towards my next one when they start sending out the messages to slow this one.

Speaker 1:

Do you? Are you one of these that have to get a new Apple?

Speaker 2:

every time they come out. That's good at least two or three since the one I have.

Speaker 1:

I have a friend, I believe he pays an extra hundred dollars a month to always have the latest, always have the latest, and I just I'm like I can't do it. What the hell are you thinking? The phone I have right now is an old Samsung. Look at that. Look at how cracked.

Speaker 2:

But yours takes amazing video and pictures amazing video, the only reason. I ever upgraded in the first place on mine was because of the camera and I and I've got mine.

Speaker 1:

I believe it was four years ago and I paid cash for it rather than yeah, then paying, you know, for four years, or there being like some kind of interest charge or something, and I love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your phone is great, your pictures are great, it's. It's annoying for people with Apple to have group threads where you can't name the thread or somebody's in green or you have To download the pictures that I have to download a link. Hit, go to a link to get your pictures. But I I say that jokingly, just as I like oh, android boo, but in reality your phone is Every bit as good as mine, because all I care about, like I said, is the quality of the video.

Speaker 1:

If not better, because I don't have to download anything to look at your pictures. I don't have to do any extra steps, I just get your pictures right you know, right, that's true, you're right.

Speaker 2:

You're right about that. Anyway, this episode has been brought to you by the Samsung.

Speaker 1:

Before we go, I want to tease something. I'm gonna I'm gonna really work hard at getting an interview. I saw a movie this week called origin. That comes out January 19th one of the most Amazing films I've ever sat through in my life and I've sat through a mini, mini film but I really want to put it on people's radar because it comes out January 19th and it's a movie that I think people should see. So just putting that out there right now, put that on your radar.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right. It's on my radar and we hope that we stay on your radar. We would appreciate anything you could do to support us, which includes sharing with a friend, it includes liking, it includes Stars and over on our Instagram, we've got a major giveaway that's about to happen, so make sure you're following us on all the socials as well. At 999 Gator country Dot-com. That's our day job and this is our podcast, and we appreciate you listening to it.

Speaker 1:
