Eden and Amadeus

Money vs. Comfort Conundrum, Curating a Century's Time Capsule, and Silver Screen Gems Plus Trivia Mania!

Eden Kendall and Amadeus

AI nails it again:

Would you lounge on a beach with a cool $10,000 a month, or hustle through a 60-hour workweek for a whopping $100,000? This episode teases your brain with this moral and financial quandary, exploring the trade-offs between cash and comfort. We also gaze into the future, speculating on which modern treasures to bury in a time capsule for the next century's curious eyes. From the mystique of the Stanley Cup to the potential confusion it may cause down the line, we're curating a list that's sure to tickle your fancy and fire up your imagination.

Transitioning from the philosophical to the cinematic, we dissect the latest flicks to hit the silver screen, saving you the trouble of sifting through the duds. While 'The Omen' prequel didn't quite hit the mark, 'Late Night with the Devil' managed to enchant us with its devilish blend of laughs and scares. 

Finally, we recount the raucous fun from our "Battle of the Sexes" trivia game, where knowledge of capitals and a love of all things bat-related spurred on our contestants. Meg and Nacho's battle for trivia supremacy had us all on the edge of our seats, proving that a little friendly competition can be the perfect way to kickstart your day. Stay tuned for your chance to throw your hat in the ring on weekday mornings – laughter, brain-teasers, and maybe even some fabulous prizes await you!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Eden and Amadeus the podcast. We've got some fun things to talk about today and, of course, our Battle of the Sexes recap at the end of the podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yep. So we had a lot of philosophical questions for you this week on our show and then also on our Gator Country Facebook page, so we thought we'd go over some of them, and you've seen so many movies this week. I felt like we could leave people also knowing what is good and what is maybe worth missing in the movie theater or streaming. So let's start out, though, with one of the questions we asked. This is the one that you and I really, I think, debated to the point where you were so set in what you wanted and I was so set in what I wanted, and that was the. Would you rather have somebody say to you okay, you could have $10,000 a month for doing nothing from now on, or $100,000 a month, but you're going to be working. Six, what was it? 12?

Speaker 1:

hours five days a week, 12 hour days every day, so Monday through Friday, basically 60 hours a week. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So and you are in immediately like 10,000 doing nothing.

Speaker 1:

I can't even imagine the other option because I guess I already work 60 hours a week and it's funny. When we were talking about on the air, one of the things you mentioned was your weekends would be epic. But I can tell you from living that life that your Saturdays are spent catching up with laundry and running errands and doing the things you don't get to do all week because you're at work and my weekends are not always epic.

Speaker 2:

Do you think if you made $100,000 a month, you might not just pay someone to do all those things for you? I guess, you could, I guess yeah, you could, because I think I would you would have someone doing your laundry and everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But, I don't mind doing laundry. Actually, I actually like doing laundry.

Speaker 2:

Well, I worked until pretty recently. I worked 11 hours a day, five days a week and, you know, for far less than $100,000 a month.

Speaker 1:

That's true, that's true, that's true.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know To me. I think that I'd give it a couple years of that. I would put in a little bit of time doing that.

Speaker 1:

And then what happens? You quit your job and you stop getting $100,000 a month.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I guess that's the way it has to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, give it a couple years and bank thated I guess for the rest of your life. Yeah, and you know what? I wouldn't have epic weekends, I would have epic days every single day. I know I couldn't spend $10,000 a month and I could put a little bit away each month and just really, really enjoy life.

Speaker 2:

I think long-term, yours is a better option. Maybe it just depends what kind of age you're at, Because if you think you're going to put in several years at the $100,000 a month that'd be one thing I mean, if you were 21 and you could do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're right If you could at some point quit that job and just have the money you've banked. But at my age I'm like, screw the work. Been there, done that. Give me a jet ski and open up my schedule and I'll have some fun.

Speaker 2:

I mean, $10,000 is enough to have fun with.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's plenty to have fun. I would have a fleet of Honda Elements.

Speaker 2:

Okay, one for every day of the week. Sounds amazing.

Speaker 1:

Another thing we talked about is if you could build a time capsule right now to open in 100 years, what would you put in it? That represents today?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so right now to open in 100 years. What would you put in it that represents today? Okay, I said, among other things, a Stanley Cup, just because I have this vision of people in 100 years looking back saying why on earth did they? Was there like a water shortage? Were they just was there an issue with water? Why did they need these gigantic cups? And I have one. Listen, I have one, Listen, I have one but I'm just saying I think it's an interesting phenomenon that has come about.

Speaker 1:

I was cleaning off my desk yesterday because we got some new phones for our, for our office, and I found what I thought was a Stanley cup. And I asked my coworker, angie, I'm like, is this a Stanley cup? It's not a Stanley cup, but it looks just like one, like it's the same design and everything. And I was thinking the same thing, like I think the Yeti style cups are enough water, but I was looking at this cup going who needs this much water? It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

It's so heavy. I mean we could go on and on about all of the downsides to it. I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea when I suggested that Mother's Day I wouldn't mind getting one. This was last year and immediately it started all kinds of arguments on road trips over the cup holder, because it makes it to where you can't put the other cup holder.

Speaker 1:

Right Use the other cup holder. So, anyway, that's what I what would air. But I was just thinking about this today because I'm really going to have to go like, do some serious deep diving into all the services that I pay for, the streaming services, because I kind of want to get Apple Plus. I know there's some great shows on there. There are. I think I would put my Comcast bill in a time capsule for people to go. What the hell we used to pay this much for cable.

Speaker 2:

Or they might say that's, that's all that's all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're right one way or the other any bills that you put in this would.

Speaker 2:

This would definitely be a year to put some bills in there as well what are some other things we so? We talked about, uh uh, an issue with tipping yeah, everybody's got one of those screens now at the end of your transaction where they ask you if you want to give 10, 20, or 25%. And you're thinking I wasn't going to give anything, but now I feel like I have to.

Speaker 1:

It's funny. This came up because I was at a music festival a couple of weekends ago and I bought a t-shirt and they had the screen and I put my card in and then they turned it around and there was the options and I'm thinking you just handed me a t-shirt. I'm not going to tip.

Speaker 2:

Probably three times what that T-shirt would be worth anywhere else.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I didn't tip and I felt guilty, but I'm like I'm not tipping on every damn thing I do for the rest of my life.

Speaker 2:

I saw a TikTok or a reel the other day and it was somebody walking up to someone in the military saying thank you so much for your service, and she turns around, she's in full uniform and she goes. Oh, you're welcome.

Speaker 1:

And then she pulls out an iPad with a tip screen and that's just about the way it is. And ever since you told me that I've stopped thanking people for their service? No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

So we did ask you over on our Facebook page about unusual situations where you've been asked to leave a tip and people were saying service industry people and they come out to your house. Now I've had I've certainly done like we had a glass, baker Glass come out and they did our, the guys doing the work were amazing. I gave them both tips because they are working for a bigger company coming out and doing the service. That's one thing, but they didn't ask me to. They didn't give me a screen suggesting it.

Speaker 1:

The last couple of times I've moved, I've hired movers and I paid those guys. I gave them a tip Again. They didn't ask for it, but I know it's hot, I know it's hard work and so I don't mind tipping that at all.

Speaker 2:

There were some things that people were complaining about that actually I thought merit a tip. For example, when you pick up a to-go order. When you pick up a to-go order, they were like on a to-go order. I have worked in a restaurant where I was in charge of packing up the to-go orders and it's pretty standard to get a tip for that. You're running around, you're gathering everything.

Speaker 1:

It's an addition to what you're doing as a host or what have you, I feel like anything in the food service industry. Any part of that maybe warrants some kind of tip.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think what people are saying.

Speaker 1:

Is usually somebody who's getting a minimum wage.

Speaker 2:

So they're not getting like a server's income, which is usually just pennies on the dollar, but still it's kind of considered the right thing to do to put a tip. Sometimes you even have to have the way the service staff get involved in that. So that's why.

Speaker 1:

The best part of us talking about that whole thing on Facebook, though, for me was I learned about a shrimp place in town that has 30 shrimp for $13.99 on.

Speaker 2:

Tuesdays so that, yeah, I cannot wait to try that but get ready, because they're gonna ask you for a tip.

Speaker 1:

I'm hey, you know what, 30 shrimp for $13.99?

Speaker 2:

heck, yeah, I'm tipping what if they turn out to be those little itty bitty shrimp, like the ones that they put in, like the ramen noodles?

Speaker 1:

I just won't tip a lot then, all right, another thing that we talked about it's been brought to everyone's attention that Luke Bryan is not high all the time. He just has an allergy to bass the fish.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he touches it and then if he touches his face or anything, he gets all.

Speaker 1:

Which is a weird thing I can't believe. We've known Luke Bryan this long, and he's been a fisherman for so long, and we've never known this about him.

Speaker 2:

So we asked what you're allergic to and you don't have any said allergies. I don't have any food allergies or anything like that. I think that I used to be allergic to strawberries, but you can get over allergies. I don't know if it's just something that happens when you're I mean, I was really young like a kid Like I know kids with peanut allergies, they can get over that right. I'm some. I don't know enough about that kind of. Thing to talk on that. I just know that.

Speaker 1:

I'm not. I feel like I've seen something recently about some new method or something to help kids overcome that allergy.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I don't know something weird, Maybe that sure would be great, because there was that whole story about, I mean, food allergies can be so dangerous. There was this entire story that broke this weekend about a kid getting suspended and uninvited to her prom because she brought in corn chips to school. I mean, that's a whole other thing, but allergies can be very dangerous, they can be devastating and they can affect everyone around them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is pretty serious, so we wanted to know what you were allergic to. Was there anything else before we talk about?

Speaker 1:

those movies. That was all the things that we had on our Facebook page.

Speaker 2:

So what about? Okay, so you saw a few movies. One of them was one that I'm definitely wanting to see when it starts streaming.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But let's talk about the one that was not so great.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So I saw the first Omen, which is a prequel to the Omen from the 1970s, and it starts out really good. They shot it to look like the 70s the. They shot it to look like the 70s. The costumes are great. It's got that look. It's kind of got that faded film look. So it looked really good. But man, it is long and drawn out and slow and I'm going to say it, it's boring. It's boring. It gets to this point where the last 15 minutes that's all the excitement, because it makes a connection to the first Omen movie, but other than that it is a snooze fest.

Speaker 1:

It exhausted me actually.

Speaker 2:

I was like yawn, yawn, yawn.

Speaker 1:

And then the next night I saw this movie called Late Night with the Devil and I've been seeing this trailer for a few weeks and I really wanted to see it on the first run but I was out of town for a couple of weeks and so this movie it's a horror film and it's about a late-night talk show, you know, like a Johnny Carson, and the setup for the movie takes about 15 minutes and it says what you're about to see is footage, the actual footage from this late-night talk show. It's in real time. So then it cuts to like the opening of this late-night talk show, and then it goes like real time for one hour, even like on the commercial breaks, that it goes black and white, you see, like handheld cameras. And so there's this girl that was part of this cult that is possessed by the devil, and this doctor brings the devil out live on tv and then all hell breaks loose and it's graphic and gory and and the effects are amazing and the acting is unbelievable, Like the characters are ridiculous but the actors stayed in character the whole time, like you never saw them break that, even like when they weren't on TV live, like in the commercial breaks.

Speaker 1:

It was just really fascinating. Remember Blair Witch, yeah, and that was supposed to be found footage, but then all the actors were on TV promoting it, so it kind of ruined the. For me, this movie is like that, but better, because it's not trying to be something that it's not, but it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

Well, when I saw the trailer and I didn't know all of that about the supposedly look live thing that they were doing, but even the trailer just looks delicious. And I'm not a horror movie person, but I'll watch them if they are delightful, like, for example, you know, happy Death Day and stuff like that. There's some movies that are horror movies that I absolutely love because they have such a fun and creative approach. Exactly, I'm not a ring person or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

And this movie Late Night with the Devil. It has that campy fun. Yeah, it has that stuff going on until it gets really scary. Then it gets really scary, so I highly recommend it. I don't think it's in theaters anymore, but it should be streaming soon, so keep that in your mind. And then last night I saw Civil War. Is it Kirsten or Kirsten?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Dunst Gosh, just an unbelievably great film in my opinion. There were a lot of people on my Facebook page saying I don't know what you saw. They didn't like it. I liked it. It's basically the story of it's kind of set in modern times and it's the people uprising against the government. And what I love about the movie is it doesn't take a side. You don't know if which which political side it's. There's no agenda. It's really about these journalists that are trying to make their way to dc to cover the story and it's their story.

Speaker 1:

It's not about politics, it's just about these people's lives and it's it's wartime and there's it's very, very graphic war scenes and it's alarming and it's it's unnerving oh, it's very unnerving it's very real, it's very sounds like one I'm gonna skip yeah, I don't think you would, I don't think you would like it at all, because it is it's, it's I don't like stuff that scares me for real yeah, this is a really with all that's going on in the world yeah, this is.

Speaker 2:

I don't need a dose of reality and it is.

Speaker 1:

It is very realistic.

Speaker 2:

So a couple of things that I'm watching. None of them are at the movie theater, but I just wanted to tell you because you mentioned Apple TV and we're not promoting one streaming service over another. But if you do find your way to Apple TV, I know I've been pestering you for Ted Lasso forever and I hope you'll watch that. But the other one that we just started that's on Apple is Palm Royale and that's really fun. That's a really fun watch too. That's Kristen Wiig and it's Carol Burnett is in it.

Speaker 1:

And Ricky Martin.

Speaker 2:

Ricky Martin is in it.

Speaker 1:

It's really a good. It's a really good fun watch Over a week, about a week-long period. Kelly Clarkson had all the cast on individual days so I was getting to watch different scenes and the actors and what their characters were and everything. And Kristen Wiig and Carol Burnett were on together and the reverence that Kristen gave Carol. I was literally almost in tears. She was telling Kelly Clarkson oh, the first time I met Carol Burnett, I was standing there crying and Carol was all blushing and everything. But Carol Burnett is such an icon and you think about Saturday Night Live. Without shows like Carol Burnett, saturday Night Live wouldn't exist.

Speaker 2:

Well, there's a scene when I don't want this won't really give anything away, but she's asleep. Let's just say that she's asleep and she's funny. She's just laying there, she's not moving, she's not doing anything. She's just laying there, she's not moving, she's not doing anything. But like immediately, you're like Carol Burnett is the best.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what Krista was saying about you know why she's asleep Like she was talking about doing scenes with her and just like Carol was just cracking her up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just laying there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just laying there, brilliant and.

Speaker 2:

I'm like just just it felt epic yeah, so yeah, it's fantastic. Loot is the Maya Rudolph concept. It is very, very good too. There's just a lot going on over there, but anyway.

Speaker 1:

When and if I do get Apple Plus, is it called Royal Palm?

Speaker 2:

Palm Royale, palm Royale.

Speaker 1:

That's on the top of my list. Good, ted Lasso, if I had a list of 10 things, it would probably be number 9 or 10. I can't, that's just. I mean just, I'm not a sports fan and I'm not a soccer fan. It doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't matter. It makes me want to reach out and wring your neck when you say that why. Because it's like. I mean, I feel like you're just being obstinate about it. I feel like you're just being stubborn, just to be stubborn, like you know, because so many people are telling you it's incredible you're going to dig your heels in and not watch it.

Speaker 1:

I just feel like the subject matter doesn't interest me.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't matter. The subject matter doesn't interest me. I could give two hoots about soccer.

Speaker 1:

I feel like you're just being, you're digging your heels in and making me watch it?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not. I'm actually wanting you to watch the best show that's ever been on TV.

Speaker 1:

Oh Walking Dead.

Speaker 2:

I already watched that. Watch that. I mean, it's one thing to be like okay, I'm not into zombies, because I love zombies, but I'm not into like that kind of gruesome. But but this, everything you're going to need to know about soccer, you're going to learn and it's not even going to matter.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, I gotcha.

Speaker 2:

Okay, anyway, so there's that. So that's okay. You can cheat yourself out of this amazing, amazing opportunity to watch a show. That that's okay. You can cheat yourself out of this amazing, amazing opportunity to watch a show that's fantastic. It will make you feel great. It's on my list. It's just too low on your list in my opinion. All right, let's get into the Battle of the Sexes. It was a really big week back and forth-wise, and there's no better way to let you know what happened than to let you hear it yourself.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Monday morning Battle of the Sexes. Back for his day, number three from Green Cove Springs, it's Chris.

Speaker 2:

And representing Neptune Beach. Please welcome Stephanie.

Speaker 1:

Guys, today is Titanic Remembrance Day, so we're going to remember the movie Titanic with a little movie trivia. First question goes to our returning champion, Chris.

Speaker 2:

Chris, who played Rose in the movie Titanic, kate Winslet, yeah.

Speaker 1:

One for you, stephanie, who played Jack in Titanic.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Oh, too much time we were looking for Leonardo DiCaprio. Oh, my goodness, no score for you yet.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Chris, the character of Jack was trying to get home to this, the Badger State.

Speaker 1:

Wisconsin Yep. Two for you. You got to get this one right to stay in the game. Stephanie the older Rose called the Titanic the ship of what? No Too much time, stephanie, we were looking for the ship of dreams, with a score of 2-0.

Speaker 3:

Chris, you're coming back tomorrow. This is A Battle of the Sexes Replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Tuesday morning Battle of the Sexes. Back for his day, number 4, the pride of Green Coast Springs. Let's welcome in Chris.

Speaker 2:

And welcome in from Middleburg. It's Viviana.

Speaker 1:

And Viviana. Just for playing today, you've got a pair of tickets to see Luke Bryan Thursday, june 13th at ViStar Veterans Memorial Arena. Awesome, thank you. Speaking of Luke Bryan, today it's a Luke Bryan quiz. All the answers are either going to be Luke or Bryan. They're famous people with that first name. First question goes to our returning champion, chris.

Speaker 2:

And all we need is that first name. So it's basically 50-50. Chris, he was a founding member of the Beach Boys. Is he Luke or is he Brian Brian? He is Brian Brian Wilson.

Speaker 1:

All right one for you, Viviana, this 80s rocker saying Summer of 69, and everything I do, I do it for you.

Speaker 3:

Um Luke.

Speaker 1:

No, Bryan Adams was that one. All right, that's a break for you. You can pull ahead with this one, Chris.

Speaker 2:

Chris, he played Dylan on Beverly Hills 90210 and also Archie's dad on Riverdale. Is he a Luke or is he a Bryan? Luke, he's Luke Perry. Yes.

Speaker 1:

All right, viviana, you got to get this one right to stay in the game. This actor played Emmett on Legally Blonde and Cameron Diaz's boyfriend in Charlie's Angels. Is it Luke or Brian?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, it's Luke Wilson, once again with a score of 2-0. Chris, you're coming back tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Wednesday morning Battle of the Sexes. Back for his day number five for Green Coast Springs. Let's welcome in our champion, chris.

Speaker 2:

And from the north side, taking him on today is Claire.

Speaker 1:

Guys, today is Bat Appreciation Day, so all of the answers are going to have B-A-T, in that order in the answer. First question goes to our returning champion, chris.

Speaker 2:

Chris, a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra.

Speaker 1:

Baton. Yeah, one for you, claire. A formal discussion between political candidates where opposing arguments are made. Debate yes, one to one.

Speaker 2:

Chris, this Australian marsupial resembles a small bear with short legs.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, two to one. Claire, a circus entertainer that performs spectacular gymnastic feats Acrobat Yep. Two to two.

Speaker 2:

Chris a large body of troops ready for combat.

Speaker 1:

Battalion Three to two. You've got to give this one right to stay in the game. Claire, an enclosed apparatus for care and protection of premature babies. I don't know we're doing too much time. We're looking for incubator and with that, Chris, you got $100.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes.

Speaker 1:

replay here we go Thursday morning Battle of the Sexes.

Speaker 2:

From the west side. Please welcome, Jenny.

Speaker 1:

And here to take Jenny on from Mayport, it's Nacho.

Speaker 3:

Since we have two new players.

Speaker 1:

We're just doing a general trivia quiz. These questions are kind of all over the map. First questions for ladies. Jenny, in what decade did the Berlin Wall fall? Oh Lord, I don't Too much time. We were looking for the 1980s, 1989 to be exact. No score yet All right Nacho.

Speaker 2:

In what decade did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? 1940s, yeah, 1940s.

Speaker 1:

All right, it's zero to one, but you can tie it up with this one, jenny, what element does the symbol N stand for? Too much time, we were looking for nitrogen, which means nacho. If you get this one, right, the game's over already nacho.

Speaker 2:

What element does the symbol c stand for?

Speaker 1:

carbon. Yes, sir, just like that, we have a champion.

Speaker 3:

This is a battle of the sexes.

Speaker 1:

Replay here we go. Friday morning battle of the sexes back for his. We go Friday morning Battle of the Sexes Back for his. Day number two. Let's welcome in from Mayport. It's Nacho.

Speaker 2:

And to take him on from Middleburg. It's Meg.

Speaker 1:

Guys, on Fridays it's Leftovers Day. That means these are questions that didn't quite make it from past Battle of the Sexes. First one goes to our returning champion, nacho.

Speaker 2:

Nacho. Nairobi is the capital city of what African country?

Speaker 1:

Trinidad no.

Speaker 2:

Kenya is what we're looking for there.

Speaker 1:

No score yet, Meg. New Delhi is the capital of what Asian country?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, one for you.

Speaker 2:

Nacho, this is from our Bat Appreciation Day. That means all of the answers had B-A-T somewhere in them, a small basin where a blue jay can clean himself.

Speaker 1:

Too much time. Nacho Bird bath. We're looking for a bird bath. That's a break for you, Meg. If you get this one right, you're today's champion. Meg, also from our bat appreciation day, which means B-A-T will be in the answer. Meg, the pourable substance used to make cakes and other baked goods Batter. Yes, oh, my gosh, we got a womanly woman champion.

Speaker 2:

There you go, the Battle of the Sexes, which you can catch weekday mornings at 730. If you're local to us, you can, of course, play for some fabulous prizes. Have a great week, everyone. Bye.