Eden and Amadeus


June 21, 2024 Eden Kendall and Amadeus
Eden and Amadeus
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Eden and Amadeus
Jun 21, 2024
Eden Kendall and Amadeus

Can mayonnaise really belong on a hot dog? Join us for a fun-filled episode as we tackle this controversial topic and more! We reminisce about our childhood condiment choices, from the surprising delight of sour cream on hot dogs to the great coleslaw vs. sauerkraut debate. Stick around as we share insights from a fascinating Chinese study that links mental well-being and cheese consumption to a longer life, reminding us how our favorite foods can contribute to our happiness and longevity.

We also dive into the hilarity of family visits and the social awkwardness that can ensue. Ever feel like the term "normalize" is overused? We've got some thoughts on that too. Relive the excitement of our Battle of the Sexes quiz, where Amanda's cucumber knowledge earned her a win. Whether you're a local listener or tuning in online, don't miss out on the chance to challenge Amanda and join the fun. Get ready for laughs, interesting food discussions, and an all-around good time with our vibrant podcast community!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Can mayonnaise really belong on a hot dog? Join us for a fun-filled episode as we tackle this controversial topic and more! We reminisce about our childhood condiment choices, from the surprising delight of sour cream on hot dogs to the great coleslaw vs. sauerkraut debate. Stick around as we share insights from a fascinating Chinese study that links mental well-being and cheese consumption to a longer life, reminding us how our favorite foods can contribute to our happiness and longevity.

We also dive into the hilarity of family visits and the social awkwardness that can ensue. Ever feel like the term "normalize" is overused? We've got some thoughts on that too. Relive the excitement of our Battle of the Sexes quiz, where Amanda's cucumber knowledge earned her a win. Whether you're a local listener or tuning in online, don't miss out on the chance to challenge Amanda and join the fun. Get ready for laughs, interesting food discussions, and an all-around good time with our vibrant podcast community!

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Eden and Amadeus the podcast. We've got a great Battle of the Senses recap for you on the way, but first let's talk about some things we talked about on the radio this week.

Speaker 2:

Well, first of all let's go through the big Facebook exciting quick poll we did, where everybody had an opinion on mayo, on a hot dog.

Speaker 1:

This really kind of threw you when I first I first brought it up, because the headline was an alarming number of people are putting mayo on their hot dogs and that number was only 19%. And I've been putting mayo on my hot dogs since I was a kid.

Speaker 2:

I thought everyone did and I've never heard of it. I've never heard of it. It just goes to show and we'll have more on this in just a few but how different our upbringing was. Because for me, let's say, I was having a hot dog party and I was putting out all the Wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

You're having hot dog parties and I've never been invited to one.

Speaker 2:

Let's just say it's hypothetical. This is a hypothetical hot dog party. Let's say I'm having this hypothetical hot dog party and I'm putting out all of the condiments.

Speaker 1:

Is this the same as a sausage party? No, it's different Okay, different Okay.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to put out my ketchup, my mustard. I might go a little crazy and do relish.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Maybe I'll be extreme and do some chili, maybe a little sauerkraut or slaw for those who, who are into the cabbage thing, mayo, wouldn't even cross my mind to put out not even a thought I and I was thinking back.

Speaker 1:

I think we were actually on the air when it occurred to me. Maybe the reason that I've always put mayo on is because I felt like we've always had hamburgers and hot dogs together, and so that was on, you know, on the table, and maybe I was just as a kid. Maybe I just thought, okay, i'll'll put mayo on it, but I can't imagine not having it on it.

Speaker 2:

Well, do they have the mayo at the parks, like at a ballpark? I guess you get the packets.

Speaker 1:

You'd have to ask for it. Everything's in packets.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I can't imagine they just leave it out, like they do with the ketchup and the mustard, because obviously you don't know, I don't know. Well, you guys were chiming in like crazy, and a good portion of you, much more than 19% of you do put the mayo on the hot dogs.

Speaker 1:

I would say probably half. Yeah, at least half. Do put mayo on their hot dogs. When I make my hot dog at home, it's always mayo first, that's like the bed, and then the hot dog lays on the bed of mayo, a little bit of mustard and ketchup Good to go.

Speaker 2:

Now, I'm not judging, because when I was growing up we would have mayo on a bologna sandwich. So it's the same basically.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, same meat.

Speaker 2:

Same kind of meat. It's just a thing we never did. It's just not something I would think to do. So it's not me saying I'm better than you for that reason.

Speaker 1:

Definitely not, but just different. But I also revealed to you I love sour cream on a hot dog.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I definitely hadn't heard of that. However, I will say there's not a whole lot. That isn't better after you've added a dollop.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and when I put sour cream on a hot dog, I don't add mustard and ketchup or anything else it's a whole different thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just sour cream. That doesn't sound great to me, but there are so many times where I'll put I mean even like broccoli, if I have a plate of broccoli, I'll just throw some sour cream in there, just because. You can add sour cream to anything, I mean, it's just delicious and rich and yummy Sometimes.

Speaker 1:

I dip my chocolate bars in sour cream.

Speaker 2:

Please stop.

Speaker 1:

I'm kidding, I don't do that. But I was going to go back real quick to the sauerkraut versus coleslaw. I think in the South it's a coleslaw thing. Okay, yes, I think.

Speaker 2:

Because the sauerkraut is from me being in Miami, where that's. You can count that as North.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, kind of.

Speaker 2:

The food tastes down there. For example, I didn't know about sweet tea until I got to Jacksonville from South Florida. I knew about it. Okay, yeah, you knew about it, but I didn't know about it as an entity, as a pop culture.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Or, I'm sorry, cultural, regional thing. That wasn't something, it was always you'd get tea and you'd add your.

Speaker 1:

And I didn't know about unsweet tea until we moved here. I was in fourth grade. My neighbors were from Pennsylvania and I was eating with them one day.

Speaker 2:

And I drank the tea. I'm like what the hell's up?

Speaker 3:

with this tea.

Speaker 2:

I didn't say that. But what unsweet tea. What is that? So it's just different. It's just where you grow up and so, um yeah, sauerkraut on a hot dog is something down in South Florida because you have a lot of delis and you have right um and now?

Speaker 2:

now I'm craving a hot dog, so bad craving something else in a minute, because I want to tell you this other story that we talked about had me thinking as well, and it's the one from China, where they did this study for longevity and they said the number one secret for longevity was your mental well-being.

Speaker 1:

Right. But coming in second was eating cheese At a close second too. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So what do you think about that?

Speaker 1:

I think with the mental health thing I'm in big trouble but it really gets counterbalanced with my consumption of cheese.

Speaker 2:

You think you'd make up for it? I definitely do your anxiety is overcome by your love.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Of a good cheddar.

Speaker 1:

Over the last couple of years I've been trying to change my diet a little bit because of well, Over the last couple of years I've been trying to change my diet a little bit, Obviously for health reasons, and so I find myself eating a lot more cheese. It's funny. Just this week I was cleaning out my fridge and that bottom drawer with the cheese it's full of cheese. I mean full. I eat cheese on everything now.

Speaker 2:

Which is crazy that they would say that's good for you, because from when I was a kid and my dad had high cholesterol and couldn't have cheese or butter to just the other day. I have a friend who recently had a heart attack and he said his doctor said no more pizza because of the cheese.

Speaker 3:

I mean you've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 2:

We're always hearing how bad cheese is, but yet in this Chinese longevity survey I don't want to overthink it. I don't either, because I don't want to stop eating my cheese.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm doing more often for lunch than not. I'm making what's kind of like basically a quesadilla, but with different things. I may go pepperoni, I may go turkey, whatever, but it's all cheese and wraps and cheese Deliciousness. Yeah, just put cheese in it. I put cheese on my hot dogs, with mayo, of course you do.

Speaker 2:

I mean, what don't you put on your hot dogs? The other thing that we talked about on the show well, let's stick with food for a second before we switch is the bacon how you cook your bacon.

Speaker 2:

That was big on our Facebook quick poll as well. How do you cook your bacon? Because there was an article that talked about how. If you bake it on a cookie sheet in the oven, which is what my husband always does and it's delicious, that's the best way to go. But then a lot of people said oh, your mama Deus makes it on a cast iron skillet.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then a lot of people said air fryer. A couple of them said microwave Not very many people, but mostly skillet and oven.

Speaker 1:

When you think about it, there's only so many ways to cook anything. But I was really glad we did that because I wanted to see how many people were doing that cookie sheet. Yeah, I don't cook a lot. I couldn't tell you when I cooked bacon last. It's probably been 20 years or more since I actually cooked my own bacon. But yeah, when I go home to visit, mom likes to make bacon and sausage and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

When my husband makes it, it feels like it takes forever. He'll be baking it on that cookie sheet. I'm like is it done yet? Is it done yet? No One, because he likes it crisp but also because it smells so good and it just seems like it's endless the cooking of the bacon, and I think even Sky, our dog, can tell like it's coming.

Speaker 1:

You know the number one reason I don't cook bacon at home. I feel like when you cook bacon, that grease is in the air.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel like it gets on everything in the kitchen and I don't like that. I don't like that. It seems too messy to me.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe that's because you're doing it on the stovetop and not in the oven.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe so, because it's consolidated in the oven and not in the oven. Yeah, maybe so Because it's consolidated in the oven. Yeah, that's true, you don't have that greasy, that's another great thing about that. You know what? I might try it in the oven to see if I. Or the air fryer feel less anxious that everything's so yeah, covered in grease oil.

Speaker 2:

I mean it isn't going out into the air when you're doing that or the air, the drama segment, and this was today there's an influencer that said hey, can we normalize reaching out to the other parent after a play date to ask them to reimburse us for any expenses? And she told a story about how she texted the other mom and she asked her to Venmo her $15 and she listed all the reasons. She said they used chalk, they had juice boxes, she sat on the couch, so there's wear and tear. She used the bathroom three times.

Speaker 1:

She had yeah, yogurt.

Speaker 2:

She had a yogurt and she said this way if you send me the $15, this way we can do this more often and it won't be like such a burden financial burden on whoever's hosting the most. And to me as someone who had kids and who was a kid, you just reciprocate, you just have the kid over. And if the parent that you've had their kid over isn't going to reciprocate for whatever reason, now if it's a valid reason, they're just like. We can never have your kid over because we both work all day.

Speaker 2:

And then maybe you say okay, well listen, I'm happy to always have your kid, but I might. Why don't you bring some snacks sometimes?

Speaker 1:

or something like that.

Speaker 2:

But asking for reimbursement for a play date seems crazy to me.

Speaker 1:

Almost like bringing a covered dish over when you go to like a Super Bowl party or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Bring some snacks, bring some toys or whatever If it's more than once, otherwise you have the kid back over to your house. If I'm hosting, I give the treats. If you're hosting, you give the treats. And if you can never host, then let me know how much you appreciate it by supplying the treats or saying, hey, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I don't have kids and I don't think was play date even a word when we were kids, like I don't ever remember hearing no we would say come over and play, do you want to come over and play?

Speaker 2:

And then your moms would call each other and they'd set it up, and then you'd either go home from school directly with the kid this is in my experience.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

You'd go home with a kid. A kid this is in my experience.

Speaker 1:

You go home with a kid, and then your mom later would come and get you a few hours later, I guess, because all my friends were in one neighborhood and we never went to someone else's house. We all just were outside all the time, like our parents. Would be like get out of the house and come back when the street lights come on.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, there was a lot of that too for me growing up, but there was also a lot of and maybe it's just more prevalent for girls, but there was definitely a lot of um, hey, you want to come over after school, um, tomorrow? Yeah, let me ask my mom. Okay, yeah, I can. All right, I'll, I'll come home with you. Um, I need a note to get on the bus, or I'll walk home with you, or however you do it and then my mom will pick us up at, pick me up at whatever time.

Speaker 2:

Um, there was that, and then there was also. Play dates were more when the kids are little and you have to actually arrange it for them. That's not their idea, it's you putting them together.

Speaker 1:

That's what I think of a play date. Now, that's to me a play date. That's what I think of with a yeah, exactly, I don't think we had that when I was kids At all.

Speaker 2:

I mean possibly not.

Speaker 1:

Thinking back. We had that when I was kids at all. I mean possibly not. I mean thinking back right now, like I'm thinking like before we moved to Florida I was in third grade, but all that you know my younger years.

Speaker 2:

I was a toddler, but you had cousins. It was all cousins?

Speaker 1:

It was all cousins and we got together at my grandma's.

Speaker 2:

And you ate whatever she had in the cupboard, and that was that.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So playdates although it's not a foreign word to me, I never experienced it, okay, but most kids. But going back to the call, we had the drama, the lady that said to the other mom hey, can you Venmo me some money? That seemed out of the blue to me for the mom receiving that text.

Speaker 1:

Clearly it was, and I feel like that should have been something that should have been cleared up before the playdate happened. Hey, listen, your kid's going to come over, I'm going to feed them. There's going to be this, this and this. Can you either donate some money or some snacks before that text going?

Speaker 2:

up or just assume that there's going to be a reciprocated invitation.

Speaker 1:

And if not?

Speaker 2:

then that kid's off the list.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly Not coming over anymore. Had a fun time, joey, don't come back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, or just more like oh, hey, you haven't invited us over lately, well, you haven't. My kids had a friend like that to where he'd come over. My son had this friend. He'd come over all the time. Then it got to like hey, can you pick him up from a vacation Bible school, since you're already picking up your son and I'm working, and then he can hang out with?

Speaker 1:

your son all day.

Speaker 2:

And then it got to the point where can you get the brother too?

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2:

And then after a while, we're like you have never been invited over this kid's house. We're done.

Speaker 1:

We're done.

Speaker 2:

We're done, and then you feel bad because it's more a mom thing than it is the kid's idea Cause he loved having him come over. I'm like no, no, we're done, that's enough. So I just I thought, that was pretty dramatic, though Just say look, can we normalize this?

Speaker 1:

Can we just talk about that for a second? Can we normalize, not using the word normalize?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we don't have to normalize everything. If something feels weird, it's weird.

Speaker 1:

That's one of my least favorite words in the last five years.

Speaker 2:

I hate it, you do when someone says can we normalize?

Speaker 1:

I instantly go stop.

Speaker 2:

No, we can't, Because if it's not normal. It shouldn't be normal. Yeah, don't normalize, I don't know, I disagree with you on that in some ways, because there are some things I'd like to see normalized.

Speaker 1:

Like I wouldn't like of my head what those things are, but I, I, but it is such a buzzword and it's certainly overused. I'm sure whatever you're thinking those things are, I agree with you, but I'm not gonna say normalize it yeah, I just say can we get used to this, or let's stop calling attention to this?

Speaker 2:

yeah, exactly ah, we don't like new things. We normalizeize using the old words.

Speaker 1:

I can't stand when there's new words. Can we just normalize the old words?

Speaker 2:

So we agree. Let's go into the Battle of the Sexes recap for the week, because I always credit the question writer on this when it flips back and forth so much. And boy did we get whiplash this week.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every single day we had a new champion for the entire week, not one repeat champion.

Speaker 2:

Listen how it went.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Monday morning Battle of the Sexes. Back for us, day number five and possibly $100. Let's welcome in from Mandarin. It's Lonely.

Speaker 2:

And hopefully to put a stop to Lonely. It is Kim from Callahan.

Speaker 1:

All right, guys. Today is Eat your Vegetables Day, so we're going to do a little fruits and vegetables quiz. First question goes to our returning champion, lonely.

Speaker 2:

Lonely Fuji, gala and Jonathan are all types of what Apples Sure.

Speaker 1:

One for you, All right, Kim. Acorn, butternut and spaghetti are all types of what Squash. Sure, One to one. Lonely Witch pea is the primary ingredient of hummus. Chickpea yeah, Two to one. All right, Kim. This bean is the primary ingredient of tofu. Soy yeah, soybean. Absolutely Two to two.

Speaker 2:

Lonely. What type of lettuce is used to make a Caesar salad?

Speaker 1:

Iceberg. No, romaine, that's a break for you, kim. If you get this one right, the game's over and you're taking that money from Lonely. Here we go, kim, what root vegetable gives borscht soup its red color Beets? Oh my gosh, history repeats itself. Kim, you're our champion.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Tuesday morning Battle of the Sexes.

Speaker 2:

Please welcome our returning champion from Callahan. It's Kim.

Speaker 1:

And here to take Kim down from Green Cove Springs, it's Andrew. All right guys. Yesterday was eat your vegetables day. Today it's Kim. And here to take Kim down from Green Cove Springs, it's Andrew. All right guys, Yesterday was Eat your Vegetables Day. Today it's Go Fishing Day. So we're going to do a deep dive into ocean life. See what I did there. A deep dive, I like it. Eden looks like a deer in headlights.

Speaker 2:

I get it.

Speaker 1:

All right. First question goes to our returning champion, kim Kim. These are just questions about all kinds of sea life. Which family do most goldfish belong to? Carp or koi Koi? No, they're actually carp. No score yet.

Speaker 2:

Andrew the male? Of which sea creature carries the fertilized eggs? Is it the seahorse or the lionfish?

Speaker 1:

The seahorse.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's correct.

Speaker 1:

Right Zero to one. All right, Kim, you can tie it up with this one. Kim, most lipsticks contain what part of a fish Blubber? No scales is what we were looking for. Andrew, if you get this one right, you're today's winner.

Speaker 2:

Andrew, what organs do fish use to diffuse oxygen?

Speaker 1:

Uh, their gills, yeah, and we got a manly man champion.

Speaker 3:

This is a battle of the sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Wednesday morning battle of the sexes. Back for his day. Number two from green Cove Springs let's welcome in Andrew.

Speaker 2:

And to take on Andrew today. She's got four kiddos with her right now as a cheering section from McClunney. It's Jean.

Speaker 1:

Guys, today is the anniversary of the creation of the Green Berets back in 1952. So to honor that, we're going to do a green quiz. Just questions about things that are green. First question goes to our returning champion, Andrew.

Speaker 2:

Andrew, what is the name of the always annoyed Green Muppet, kermit? No, no, oscar the Grouch is the Green Muppet that's always annoyed.

Speaker 1:

No score yet, Jean, which Muppet famously sings it ain't easy being green.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's Kermit right there. All right, a score of zero to one.

Speaker 2:

Andrew, what sport are you playing if you're awarded a green jacket?

Speaker 1:

Golf. Yep One for you, jean. What farm equipment manufacturer is famous for their green tractors? John Deere, john Deere Green. Sorry, I had to do that.

Speaker 2:

All right, andrew, the capital city in the Wizard of Oz's name. For what shade of green?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, it's the.

Speaker 1:

Emerald City.

Speaker 2:

Emerald City with a score of 2-1.

Speaker 1:

Gene, you're today's champion.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Thursday morning Battle of the Sexes. Please welcome our returning Thursday morning Battle of the.

Speaker 2:

Sexes. Please welcome our returning champion. Thankfully we got her back on the line from McClunney. It's Jean.

Speaker 1:

And here to take Jean on from Green Coast Springs, it's Jacob Guys. Today is officially summer, so, in honor of the word summer, all the answers are going to have a double M in them, two Ms back to back in all the answers. First question goes to our returning champion, jean. The award given for excellence in television is what? Grammy? No, that's music. We're looking for an Emmy for television. Good guess, though no score yet.

Speaker 2:

All right, wrapped remains of ancient Egyptian kings.

Speaker 1:

Mummy. Yeah, jean, this word describes something easily set on fire. Jean, are you still there? Yes, too much time we were looking for flammable. Still no score for you, jacob. If you get this one right, you're today's champion.

Speaker 2:

Jacob, a store located on a military base or in a prison.

Speaker 1:

Commissary, yes, nice work. We got a brand-new champion.

Speaker 3:

This is a Battle of the Sexes replay.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. Friday morning Battle of the Sexes. Back for his day, number two from Green Cove Springs, let's welcome in Jacob.

Speaker 2:

And to take on Jacob today from St Augustine. Hi, amanda, hi.

Speaker 1:

Guys, on Fridays we do leftovers. These are questions from past battles that didn't quite make it on the air. First question goes to our returning champion, Jacob.

Speaker 2:

Jacob, this is from our summer quiz. It's the one where you had two Ms in. Whatever the answer is, back to back A pneumatic drill used to bust up concrete.

Speaker 1:

Jackhammer. Yeah, one for you, amanda, also from our summer quiz. The answer is going to have two Ms back to back. A divine rule like the ones brought forth by Moses. Amanda, are you still there? I'm here. We were looking for a commandment. That's the divine rule brought forth by Moses. One to nothing.

Speaker 2:

All right, jacob from our green quiz. Mr Green is a character from what classic board game? Hmm? Too much time. It was Clue, yeah, but the buzzer got you. I'm sorry, just beat you.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's a break for you, amanda. You can tie it up with this one. Amanda, also from our green quiz, the green-eyed monster is a nickname for which of the seven deadly sins, amanda, are you there?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, it's jealousy or envy.

Speaker 2:

All right, Jacob. This question is from Ocean Life. The world's largest fish is this species of massive shark.

Speaker 1:

Neclodon. It's a whale shark. Whale shark, which means you can tie it up with this one, amanda. Also from our Sea Life. This much feared predatory fish from South America hunts as a large group.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is piranha One to one.

Speaker 2:

All right, we're at a tie right now. The first of you to shout out the answer wins. You won't be able to hear each other. This is from our fruits and veggies quiz. What common vegetable is used to make pickles? Cucumbers. She got you. It's cucumbers. That is correct, Amanda. You're coming back for a second chance.

Speaker 1:

There you go. That's how it went.

Speaker 2:

Back and forth, and back and forth. So what's it going to be next?

Speaker 1:

week. So Amanda is our champion. If you live in the Jacksonville area and want to take her on guys on Monday, please do so. We've got Alan Jackson tickets to give away. It's his final tour. It's his last call.

Speaker 2:

If you live outside the area but you want to tune in at 99.9gatorcountrycom. Of course we do stream and thanks so much for being a part of our podcast. Talk to you later.

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