Just Live Podcast with Dan & Suzie

Just Live Podcast 63 - How does AWE look in your LIFE?

Season 1 Episode 63

Just Live Podcast 63 - How does AWE look in your LIFE?
by Dan and Suzie Potter

We are surrounded by that which is wonderful, majestic, and magnificent. But often we do not notice.  We were created to behold the transcendent, though we would never fully understand.

We call this very important emotion - AWE!

It is our belief that if we are to live fully alive we must regularly experience the power of AWE. It lets us remember what is truly great and small, as well as our connection to the Divine.

This week we will take you deep inside of Zion National Park and talk about AWE!

Thank you for taking time to think about AWE.

To watch this Just Live Podcast on video go to the DUZIE POTTER YouTube channel

To find out more LIVING FULLY ALIVE schedule a free online "Life Discovery Call" with us, please contact  us at DUZIE.com or by email: connect@duzie.com


Dan & Suzie Potter