The Life Right Here

Episode 60_Reflections from a Silent Retreat

Emma Waters Season 3 Episode 60

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 60 of the Life Right Here podcast - it’s been nearly 6 weeks since my last episode and over a month since my silent hiking and meditation retreat which I promised a follow up chat about in my last episode but there’s good reason why I’ve not been on the mic and in your ears and I just realised I’ve only done 10 episodes this year and it’s not long until August so my apologies - I’m still here but have just needed some space.

If you’re on my mailing list you would’ve received a fairly candid email from me last week about the struggles I’ve been facing with perimenopausal symptoms but in particular anxiety that is wiping me out at certain points in my cycle so I’d also like to share a little about that today and what I plan to do about it because I always have a plan!

So this episode is a bit of a ‘behind the scenes of my life’ one with some detail about the retreat and the lessons learned that I’m still integrating, the inner shifts that are taking place and also as I said the challenges of my life of late.

Let me know your thoughts and reflections on this episode. DM on Insta @amala_yoga_shala or email me here.

Go gently, slow your pace and remember to rest.
I'll be back soon.
Em x

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