The Life Right Here

Episode 61: Guided Practice_Earth my Body

Emma Waters Season 3 Episode 61

Find a quiet spot and be guided through this settling and soothing practice to connect with your place as a part of nature - not separate.


Em x
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This guided practice is inspired by the words of the great David Suzuki…

Come to sit or lay on the earth. Take whatever you need to be comfortable, warm and still. 

Support yourself.

Turn your attention to any sounds around you…let your mind move from sound to sound without any judgement…just notice…the sounds of this place…

Soften your hands, melt your shoulders…relax your belly. Create length through your spine.

And now turn your mind to your breath. Your natural, gentle, easy breath…just make it steady and smooth as you become quiet…

Gently close your eyes or soften your gaze.

Feel into the reality… that there is no separation…between YOU and the biosphere…the natural ecosystem that surrounds you…your skin does not wall you off…

Notice with each INHALATION that Air is in you…circulating through your body to keep your life force ignited…air is in you.

With each EXHALATION your breath goes into the bodies of plants and animals around you…you are in the plants and animals.

Stay with this feeling and knowing that you are not separate from the air.

(pause 5)

Water hydrates…inflates…every cell….your food body annamaya …formed from all that you consume from the Earth…water within you…

Stay with this feeling and knowing that you are not separate from the water. You ARE water.

Every movement you make releases the energy of sunlight it fuels you…sunlight within you…made of fire…. 

Stay with this feeling and knowing that you are not separate from fire. You ARE fire…warmth and light

Sense the solidity of your skin, muscle, bone…dense earth element right here…made of clay… 

Stay with this feeling and knowing that you are not separate from earth. You ARE earth…solid….heavy.

You are this planet…created of and animated by its sacred elements of earth, water, fire, wind and infinite…space… (REPEAT)

In stillness we remember our place…

Whatever we do to nature we do to ourself… 

Earth my body.

Water my blood.

Air my breath.

Fire my spirit.


WE give thanks to the Great Mother for this gift of life and Her gift of love. Bless this body, mind and heart to walk gently, love deeply and care for all.