Self Love Stories

Full Moon in Capricorn Ritual & Meditation

Jessie Anne Zayas Season 1 Episode 9

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 🪐Embrace Saturn’s Wisdom with a Full Moon in Capricorn Meditation & Insights

In this new series, we will connect with the New Moon and Full Moon energies each month to cultivate more balance, harmony, confidence, self love and purpose in our lives. Working with this powerful energy each month gifts us the invitation to reconnect with our desires, dreams and to then actualize them in this lifetime ✨ Are you in?

In today's  episode, we dive deep into the energies of the full moon in Capricorn, ruled by the disciplined and wise Saturn. Explore the profound themes of structure, discipline, responsibility, and transformation, and how they relate to the themes of its corresponding Tarot card - the Devil. I'll help you ritualize this time and how to create a sacred space calling in Saturn's energy for support. 

🍃Then, join me for a guided meditation designed to help you ground yourself, connect with your inner wisdom, and transform limitations into opportunities for growth. Experience the powerful energy of Saturn as you balance structure and freedom, embracing both the light and shadow aspects of your life.

📝To deepen your journey, I've provided three insightful journal prompts that will lead you to "aha" moments, helping you integrate these themes into your personal life. Whether you're facing challenges, seeking balance, or ready to embrace new responsibilities, this episode offers valuable tools for personal growth and transformation.

🎧Tune in to align with the full moon in Capricorn and harness the wisdom of Saturn for a more grounded and empowered life.

Time Stamps:
0-25 minutes = Themes of Capricorn Full Moon & Ritual Setup 
25 minutes = Meditation 
37 minutes = Journal Prompts 

Keywords: Full Moon in Capricorn, Saturn, Meditation, Tarot, Devil Card, Personal Growth, Structure, Discipline, Responsibility, Transformation, Journal Prompts, Spirituality, Intuition.

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Jessie Anne Zayas:

Hello and welcome. This is Jesse and Silas with self love stories. And I'm so excited to be bringing you something a little different. That is, personally I believe in so needed in this time, which is an opportunity for us to be in harmony with nature. And one of the ways that I love to be in harmony with nature, is to anchor on the full moon and new moon cycles that we have throughout the year. One of the reasons why I love to do this is it allows me to cultivate more presence in my life to really stop and check in and take stock of the things that are illuminating and the things that I want to create. And what's beautiful about syncing up with these new moon and full moon cycles is you're also working with all this beautiful cosmic energy around you as well. And if you're someone that's been looking for, maybe more harmony in your life, more harmony in your career, more harmony, in general, more balance, this could be a beautiful way to integrate this into your life, what is this, this is taking note in stock of the full moon and new moon and ritualizing it and I am going to be doing a series each month now, where I will share about these new moon and full moon cycles give you a little taste of the energy, the themes that we're working with. My suspicion is you will feel that and you will be definitely resonant towards it. I've been doing some new moon and full moon workshops these past few months. And it's been so beautiful to witness these brilliant women being so in tune with the natural rhythms of the cosmos. And so to that point, I would love to offer almost kind of like a, you know, a short brief synopsis of the energy that we're working with, and then how can you work with that energy. So what I love to do is ritualize these moments in my life, these moments of the full moon and new moon. So I'll give some tips around ritualizing these specific themes, these specific new moons and full moons. And I will also provide potentially some for example journal prompts, meditations to really help you integrate this into your life as well. So with that being said, I would love to start this first one off with this Full Moon in Capricorn. So we have a Full Moon in Capricorn coming up July 21. What's interesting about this Full Moon in Capricorn is we were actually presented with another Full Moon in Capricorn in June. And you've probably heard if you're in the sphere of this, that it's very karmic. The reason why it's karmic is because Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. And Saturn is a very karmic planet. What does that mean? So for example, somebody with a lot of Saturn placements, so, for example, Capricorn placements, they can either hold a lot of their own karma here in this world, and or when you interact with them, you then receive your karma. And as we know, the universe is the greatest accountant, right? It always balances the energies. So essentially, what it's saying is Saturn is the beautiful planet that makes sure is that the universe is that great accountant, it's always going to help us, you know, kind of rebalance the scale. And so in that theme of rebalancing the scale, this Full Moon is focused on bringing some uncomfortable truths to light. And, you know, taking a quick step back what I love about working with full moon energy, let's actually just witness and you know, visualize a full moon, a full moon is radiant, it's illuminating the sky in the darkness. And so if you think about that this Full Moon is focused on bringing uncomfortable truths to light is illuminating that in your life. And so what kind of Shadows is it probably presenting in your life, that we need to take stock of that we need to connect with that maybe we need to release potentially, it also brings us an opportunity for deeper lessons so that we can understand and finally release any repetitive disempowering cycles in which we consistently find ourselves being caught up in. And so again, taking note of your life in this current present moment, what cycles maybe disempowering cycles are being presented to you. Also, this Full Moon offer Here's an opportunity to not only recognize these deeper lessons behind the repetitive cycles and patterns, but it's also bringing to the spotlight any unprocessed past pain. That means, potentially your presence and attention. And what I also love about this full moon, especially coming in this mid year, because what it's showing me and at least what it's feeling intuitively, to me, it's this opportunity to take the richness of the past six months, and to really discern again, not from a place of judgment, but from discernment. Did I get caught up in anything? Did anything distract me from my goals, my desires, my dreams? How are my boundaries? How are my energy levels? And we might as we ask these questions, realize I'm still doing that thing. Or I still haven't created this boundary. Or I still get caught up in this distraction that limits me from creating the dream and the desire that I want to actualize. And so again, from a place of discernment, this Capricorn Full Moon is helping you bring more light into those important questions to really see, okay, is there anything here I need to shift and change? Let's add another layer to that. So Capricorn is also associated with a tarot card, the devil. And also the devil card is also associated with again, Saturn, so Saturn is connected to Capricorn, Capricorn and Saturn are connected to the devil tarot card help interesting, a lot of people kind of get a little nervous and scared with a double card. And again, with all things and again, the Tarot deck, which is so beautifully a representation of of life, if you will, is that there's an association with the energy and the message that the devil card represents, which is very similar to the themes of Saturn. So for example, they both carry these themes of structure and discipline. They also carry these themes of responsibility and duty of time and patience of boundaries and limits. So for example, when we bring in that devil tarot card, it's this question. So for example, here we are in the Full Moon in Capricorn, it's almost like Okay, here we got served up the devil tarot card. What is the universe trying to tell us? It's telling us potentially that what is the bondage? What is the limitations? What are the golden handcuffs, the chains of feeling trapped or restricted? What is creating that cultivating that in our life? And a lot of times, it can be us. And that is a lot of times a sobering moment. So again, that kind of brings in that full moon illumination, let's kind of bring that into the shadow parts of us and see, Is it us that's holding us back? Is it us that's put this bondage on? And if it's not, where is that coming from? And how can we free ourselves? Also the themes of materialism and access, like if we look at the devil card, and also the themes of Saturn and Capricorn, a lot of times people look at these, like, specifically Capricorn and Saturn as these, like career workhorse signs. And a lot of times we say that, in an unaligned Capricorn, it's so focused on the materialism and the access, the productivity for the more than more than more almost like the very capitalistic energy of the Capricorn sign is like almost like the shadow side side of that sign. It's almost like, you know, not using that power for good using that power, you know, disempowering. Right? And so to that point, checking in on your goals, checking in on your intentions, and are they rooted in purpose in the collective in making a un me world? Or is it rooted in a place of maybe ego of materialism of access, and again, from a place of discernment and not judgment? Just check in and how can we maybe re pivot change, evolve those goals for us? Also, the last one, I just want to share around the state theme of this devil card Capricorn and Saturn What is Shadow Work can be confrontational what is Shadow Work? Shadow Work is only again, we all have light, we all have dark, right? A lot of times we try to hide those shadow bits of us because we're, let's be honest, maybe a little ashamed of, you know, maybe have a complicated relationship with that. And so we might push down those shadow sides of us, which can potentially show us feelings and emotions of envy, jealousy, shame, anxiousness. Judgment, criticism. And again, that's okay, these feelings, these emotions are telling us something, it's a part of us that's trying to tell us something in so during this full moon, and I haven't meditation here in a second, where we can kind of connect with these parts of us. But my invitation for you is, it's okay to have those shadow bits of us. Spoiler, we're always going to have them. The goal, the intention here is how can we connect with them? How can we connect with those darker parts of us, and in beautiful ways, the cosmos allows us beautiful times throughout the year, look at this beautiful full moon coming in, to take that time to have that illumination calm, and to see those shadows to help us see those shadows in a loving, compassionate, empathetic way, and to really feel those feelings. And so again, that devil taro card is just that too. It's time to release the bondage. It's time to release fear and control, it's time to confront the shadow. And that is Oh, Kay. So, with that being said, those are kind of the themes here for us, you know, we want to have this awareness of potential limitations, you know, where we're potentially limiting ourselves, you know, or other factors are limiting us. We want to balance discipline and freedom, right? Again, Capricorn is a very diligent and very disciplined sign, it's not an overnight success, energy, it's a through discipline, I was able to create X, Y, and Z. However, again, we don't want to put those golden handcuffs on us, where now we've completely, you know, limited our freedom or expansion. So the lesson here is how can we balance both the structure and the discipline, with flexibility and freedom, it's an and in both, it does not have to be either or, also, embracing responsibility without becoming overwhelmed by it. You know, it's this whole kind of thing is like, with great one is that with great power comes great responsibility. We are all becoming more powerful beings every single day. And with that, our responsibility grows, in order for us to uphold our North Stars, our intention, our purpose of what we're trying to create in this lifetime. So to that point, embracing responsibility without becoming overwhelmed by it, which also leads us into that next theme of facing our fears. It's okay to face our fears, bring fear along, make fear your friend, it's beautiful. Bring in the shadow, confront the shadow. It's okay. And last but not least, healthy boundaries. Again, Capricorn can sometimes go a little bit too much for everyone and everything and go go go, go go. So how are we creating healthy boundaries in our life? And ensuring them that they're protecting us rather imprisoning you again, right, like let's not put the bondage back on ourselves? Let's not make boundaries that make us feel more limited. How are they actually protecting us, nourishing us and making us more expansive so now we're gonna get into the part of the ritual. So how do we work with this Full Moon energy? How can we now ritualize this and actually now see these themes within us get some clarity, get some inspiration and really tap into our intuition and our imagination, and our just very powerful inner wisdom and inner knowing. So the first thing I'm going to do is share how we can ritualize this some correspondences to make this super special and potent for us. And then I'm going to move into A meditation. And I'll put the minimum, the marker on the descriptor. So if you ever just want to go directly to the meditation you can. And then at the end, I will leave us with some journal prompts. And that is the end of our ritual. So it's going to be the intention and setting up, it will be the meditation to drop in and get that clarity. And then it will be the journal prompts at the end to really integrate all that luscious wisdom that you were able to access. So let's start with the correspondences. Let's start with how can we ritualize this, how can we, for example, create an altar or some kind of symbolism because that's what the importance is here is symbolism symbolism to bring in more of that energy to bring in more of that intention to make this practice deeper and richer and more potent for you. So with Capricorn, you know, like I mentioned earlier, it really has this Saturn energy to it. So anything that's connected with Saturn, any colors, any stones, any representations of Saturn, even carving the symbol of Saturn, on the candle in which you light so for example, my imitation for right before you start the meditation, is to get your altar or to get your ritual set up to create a sacred space for you. So a sacred space can be a quiet space in your home or wherever you are add, where you will not be disturbed. You can cleanse that space with plus some foam. With sage, you can say a prayer and intention. So for example, like something like to give you a little quick example of something I will do like, I will like some Palo Santo, I will say, you know, good morning, for example, I usually do a lot of rituals in the morning, Hey, good morning, angels and ancestors and spirit guides, and my highest self, thank you so much for sharing your strength, your wisdom, your power, your love with me. I declare and I commend any negative energies, entities and spirits be removed from this home for my body spiritual, physical, and be sent back to the light. And I call and I welcome everyone that is here for my highest good and the highest good of all those around me. And those again, can be anyone that you envision. So again, my personal practices, I call in my angels, my ancestors, my spirit guides, my highest self, any spirit or entity that is there for my highest good and the highest good of all those around me, because I never want to get something out of the you know, out of out of someone else, right? I don't want I don't want my good fortune to be someone's bad fortune or misfortune. So I'm always very mindful that it's the highest good for myself and all those around. So again, an example make it connect to you make it connect to your practice your beliefs, your spiritual beliefs, make it connect with you. So we're going to clear the space, we're going to cleanse the space. That's the first intention and then I want you to create the sacred space. So for example, I just shared that you know, the Saturn symbol. So when starting this ritual, lighting a candle so powerful, that represents so many of the elements, it represents. Also the element of spirit of essence, you know, when we light that candle that bigger than us a feeling and emotion that we're connected to. So on that candle, we can even imprint the Saturn symbol on it. So that's an example. Also, Capricorn, as we mentioned, has, has the, the association with the tarot card, the devil, it also has an association with the element of the earth. So something about this meditation that we're about to do is we're going to really drop into the earth and we're really going to drop into our root chakra as well. And so again, Capricorn is associated with the root and also the crown, we're actually going to be connecting with both of us. So think about that the route, the route is grounding into the earth. It is very earthy sign it is connecting us into the 3d into this real material world that we all live in. And it is also tethered again, through the crowd into this higher sense, this higher connection, this consciousness that we all know we are connected to this, there's something here bigger than us, and we are all that and we are all connected to that and that comes through the crown. So with your sacred space, make it earthy, make it grounding. Also some colors to work with black, blue, brown, gray, like a dark grey a dark Green an indigo a red of violet a white so that can be pillows that can be a blanket for your altar that could be just like a nice silk fabric on the bottom of it or some pattern fabric that you just love. Some really good herbs and plants to work with cinnamon, patchouli, carnation, carnations, honey suckle Jasmine Poppy time even. So, for example, you can either create a beautiful herbal tea and be drinking it and sipping it through your ritual you can put your intentions into that tea speak it as you're making that tea and you can drink it and literally feel the intentions running through you. You can have these things around your altar on your altar in a vase. You can also have some of these herbs through essential oils for example example so like a patchouli oil or cinnamon oil and you can adorn that oil on the candle that you are born burning or you can adorn that oil on yourself like you yourself are an altar which gets me to my favorite part which is gemstones and minerals that we can work with with this energy which is agate which is amethyst, which is bloodstone Carnelian Catseye. Another really beautiful one to work with is love peace lazuli. Such a beautiful stone to work with in terms of protection and healing and connecting with that, you know that crown chakra is really connecting with that higher sense of self, that inner knowing where that where basically your intuition and your imagination come from some other ones obsidian and onyx and clear quartz, even Smoky Quartz is a beautiful stone to work with. I love also working with Rose Quartz as well to kind of open up that heart chakra and really open up our heart center. And last but not least, Ruby and Sapphire. So again, you can either include these as part of your sacred space. So if you already have these crystals, maybe bring these crystals along with you. If you're into having an altar, you can put a beautiful altar up in your home. So for example, you could put like the devil card up with a Saturn candle. And then you can adorn that with cinnamon and patchouli. And then you can have some carnations in a vase with some honeysuckle and Jasmine. And then around that you can put maybe even a crystal grid of smoke courts to really bring in that protection and healing and allow you to you know, unbond yourself, remove those chains remove those limitations. And so again, it's just creating that sacred space and showing that deep intentionality that I am here, I am connected. And I am going to use this energy in my highest good and for the highest good of all those around me. And so this alter the sacred space to just make you feel so held, so nourished and so powerful to right like there, there should be a deep kind of connection that you feel held held from. From source held from Cosmos held from community held from knowing that there's so many other people doing this ritual with you around the world. So all that to say, those are the different correspondences with a sign of Capricorn that you can work with. You can also look at Saturn more specifically, you can also just do this intuitively, if something that calls to you. But this is your ritual, practice. This these are your symbols that you can work with. And please feel free to add your own symbolism. For example, I have some jewelry pieces that I've created into talismans and amulets. And I love to bring those out with me when I'm working with a different energy in different moon cycles as well. So as you continue to refine your practice, just make it personal to you. I also love creating flower essences, for example, so we can get into that in the future. But again, I just I share that because this is special for you. This can be artwork that you put on in your altar, this could be pictures that you add, again, make this special to you make the space sacred. All right. Beautiful. So now with that being sad, let's go ahead and move into a meditation for this Full Moon and Capricorn to really connect with this Saturn energy to connect with this Full Moon energy to connect with this Capricorn energy and really connect with ourselves. really embrace our shadows and to affirm and let go as well. Okay, So what I would like you to do, you can either pause the audio, but we're about to go into a meditation. So I would like you to get in a quiet and comfy space, somewhere where you will not be disturbed for the next, let's call it like five to six, seven ish minutes. And I want you to be in your quiet, sacred space, I want you to be surrounded by all this potent energy that you created all this beautiful intention you've created. And when you get into that space, I would love for you to have a journal or something to write with, available to you for after the meditation. Maybe grab a glass of water, your herbal tea that you made, get really cozy. You can find a comfortable position either seated or lying down. And you can close your eyes and begin to bring your awareness inward. Connect with your breaths, die taking a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose, exhaling through your mouth. So we'll do one together. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth releasing any tension with each exhale, let your breath settle into a beautiful, natural, relaxed river. And just keep on connecting with that breath. It's okay if your mind wants to wander. gently bring it back to the breath. And begin to notice the points of contact between your body and the surface beneath you really feel into that. Feel the weight of your body being fully supported. feel that connection to the earth to the ground. And when you're anchored on that connection to the earth to the ground, imagine strong roots extending from the base of your spine and the soles of your feet growing deep into the earth, anchoring you firmly you are connected. As you breathe in, draw upon this grounding energy of the earth through these roots. So really breathe in from your roots into your body, feeling it in your body feeling a sense of stability and strength. And as you exhale, release any tension, any fear, any restriction, letting it flow back down through your roots into the earth. The earth is here to hold it. The earth is here to take it away. So again, breathe and drawing that stable strength energy from the ground through your roots. Feel that stability, feel that strength rising through you. And as you exhale, release, give back that fear give back that restriction. Give back that tension and let it go back down into the earth beautiful and Now bring your attention to the area just above your head. That crown chakra envision a radiant sphere of light This glowing light that's radiating above your head is representing Saturn. Their light embodies the qualities of structure of discipline and responsibility imagine this light slowly descending and entering your body through the crown of your head and as this light moves down through the crown of your head through your body, it illuminates any areas of tension or fear just feel allow the light to fill those areas transforming anything that's wretched into flexibility transforming any Fear into Courage and any limitations into opportunities for growth build up light fully illuminate your body shift your focus now to your heart center feeling the warm glowing light of your inner wisdom of your intuition bring to mind a current challenge or limitation you are facing visualize this challenge or limitation as a dark shape in your heart center as you breathe in, brings Saturn's light to this dark shape. Breathing in that illuminating light and without light illuminates it with clarity and understanding acknowledge the fear or the restriction this challenge represents It's okay. Thank you for showing yourself. Thank you for sharing and as you exhale, release any negative energy associated with that transforming it Alka maizing it as we do naturally with every inhale and exhale. Exhale this negative energy and transform it into lessons into strength repeat silently or out loud you I embrace the lessons of Saturn I transform arm limitations into opportunities. I balance discipline with freedom I am grounded, responsible and open to growth. Feel these words resonating through your entire being into integrating the energy of Saturn and the Full Moon in Capricorn. Allow the sense of clarity of strength and responsibility to fill you completely and when you're ready in your own time, gently bring your awareness back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and toes slowly. Open your eyes take a moment to look at the space and surroundings. Allow the messages and the wisdom to settle through. Take a moment to sit quietly appreciating the grounding and transformational energy you have cultivated. Beautiful well as we close up this special series, the first verse of the series is full moon New Moon Ritual series, I'm going to end us with some journal prompts to continue the integration throughout the month. So as a reminder, these new moons and full moons come roughly every 2029 30 days. So they happen at least kind of once a month, we get a new moon and between them a full moon or a full moon in between the new moon so we kind of have a breakup in that, you know, essentially 30 day cycle. So you'll be hearing from me shortly, I believe off the top of mind, we have a new moon and Leo coming up. I'm gonna say August 4. If I'm incorrect in that, I will definitely update the notes on the podcast. So you'll be hearing from me soon for the new moon and Leo. But before I love and leave you, I always want to offer an integration piece. So again, take this energy with you for the next 30 days, take it to the next full moon, we'll have a new moon in the middle to maybe potentially set some new intentions to maybe manifest some things. But before that, and here are the journal prompts I would love you to work with if you're not a journal journal or don't feel like you needed journalists out. Even thinking about them reflecting on them. Again, if we want to make this more potent, you know, go outside sit on the earth on the ground. Read these out loud and just see what comes up naturally without even thinking just Voice Note it even if you would like so, the intention here the invitation is here is to really take note and take stock of these journal prompts to continue the integration process for this Full Moon and Capricorn. So if we remember the first kind of theme around this, which is exploring these limitations, and also transformations, the prompt I want to invite you to reflect on and to answer in your own time is reflect on a current limitation. So reflect on a current limitation or challenge in your life. How has this limitation affected your personal growth and development? And what steps can you take to transform this challenge into a beautiful opportunity for learning and grow? And so just as a reminder, this is to help us identify and understand the impact of personal limitations and to find ways to turn them to alchemize them for positive change. So it's okay if there is you know, if there's these challenges, it's okay if there's limitations. It's welcome those add and how can we transform them into positive change in our lives, empowering change in our life. So the second question is around the theme of balancing structure and freedom. So the prompt I would offer heroes examine areas in your life where you feel maybe overly rigid or controlled. So how can you introduce more flexibility and freedom, while still maintaining a sense of responsibility and discipline? What changes can you make to create a healthier balance? So again, the goal here is to really evaluate the balance between structure and freedom in your life, and to find ways to harmonize these aspects for a more fulfilling, rich, joyful life. And lastly, around the theme of embracing responsibility and inner strength. The journal prompt I have for you here is, think about a time when you took a significant responsibility. How did this experience shape your sense of self? So how did this experience shape your sense of self and your inner strength? And on the other side of the coin, what responsibilities are you currently avoiding? And how can facing them, embracing them? Enhance your personal growth. So again, here the goal is to help us recognize the importance of responsibility and building inner strength and to inspire us to face current responsibilities with confidence, and resilience. All right, well, I am sending you so much love so many blessings, for this Full Moon in Capricorn. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I'm excited to be doing the series with you all each month. Like I said, I'll be coming in again during the new moon. But until then, have fun. nourish yourself. Drink plenty of water or rest and find some play and pleasure during this time. Sending so much love many blessings. Goodbye for now.