Self Love Stories

Leo New Moon Themes, Ritual Tips & Integration Meditation

โ€ข Jessie Anne Zayas โ€ข Season 1 โ€ข Episode 11

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New Moon in Leo: Themes, Ritual Tips & Meditation ๐ŸŒ‘๐Ÿ”ฎ

We'll dive into the major themes and powerful energies of the Leo New Moon and take a peak into the Lion's Gate Portal! ๐ŸŒŸ

๐Ÿ”—link to RSVP for the complimentary Lion's Gate Portal Workshop

Discover how these cosmic events can amplify your manifestation and self love journey. I'll also share insights on embracing authenticity, courage, and confidence to harness these energies effectively. ๐ŸŒž

Tune in for:

  • Astrological Insights: Learn how the Leo New Moon and Lion's Gate Portal influence personal transformation.
  • Heart-Centered Practices: Explore rituals, journal prompts, and crystal recommendations to connect with your inner strength and passion.
  • Leadership and Creativity: Understand the importance of leading with love and compassion while embracing your unique gifts. ๐Ÿ’–

This episode is packed with practical tips and meditative guidance to help you align with your heart's desires and manifest your dreams. ๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿ’ซ

๐Ÿ““Journal prompts mentions in episode:

Self-Expression and Creativity:
What creative passions am I most drawn to right now, and how can I express them more fully in my daily life?

Courage and Confidence: In what areas of my life do I need to cultivate more confidence, and what bold actions can I take to step into my power?

Heart-Centered Leadership: How can I lead with more love and compassion in my relationships and professional life?

Join me as we illuminate the path to a heart-centered and empowered life under the radiant energy of the Leo New Moon! ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿฆ

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Have a question or topic request? I love answering your burning questions and discussing what you're passionate about. Think of me as your "down to talk about anything" in-house executive coach.

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Jessie Anne Zayas 0:01
Hello and welcome. This is Jesse and Silas with self love stories. And I am thrilled to be bringing you some potent themes and ways to be working with the Leo New Moon. That will be in our sky on Sunday August for the other reason I'm really excited to talk about this Leo New Moon in particular is because we also have the Lionsgate portal, which is something that we've been working with since ancient Egyptian times. So I will share a little bit more around that I'm also doing a free upcoming workshop on the Lionsgate portal that I'm super excited about, I'll link that in the podcast. And then if you're part of the newsletter, you will definitely get an update on that and how to register for it. But the reason I'm excited about, about talking about these two potent times these two, try to think of the right words here. What was coming up intuitively is like these two very powerful cosmic events. And the reason why I'm passionate about talking about it is actually taking a quick little setback, I want to share a principle around astrology that I have. So you understand my values and what's in integrity with me in terms of astrology. I love astrology. And I love working with astrology from a sense of self discovery. I love working with astrology as another kind of like, guide if you will. And I think there's, I'm going to completely mess up the quote. But there's this quote around taro of like teros, an awful master, but a loving companion. And I think that's the same way I feel about astrology. It's a crappy master like to not let allow it to master your life. However, it's a beautiful companion. So for example, Astrology can be like, Hey, you're gonna need a raincoat tomorrow, because it's gonna rain. And we can totally ignore it, that's fine, we might get a little wet, you know, all good. And it could be like, I told you, it was going to rain tomorrow. That's why you needed the raincoat, right? So I share that because we have full autonomy, we have full agency over our lives, we are the creators, we are the manifester errs, we are in control. And what I love about life is that we have all of these companions, these support systems, these ecosystems that we can work with, to allow us to have a life of more flow, a life of more joy, a life of more empowerment, more fun, you know, just play with the energy. So I share that all because what you'll probably see in a lot of astrological settings is that there's a little bit of a loving warning that August is going to August might be August seeing me by that is I don't like to say it's not going to be easy. Like I don't want to say that like actually ignore that right like, but I share that because that's probably what you're going to see a lot in the sphere. So let's kind of let's context swap that a little bit. Or let's let's shift let's reframe that a little bit. August is going to present some beautiful challenges for us that are going to help us with our ultimate transformation. So there might be a little triggering, right? We know we're about to go into Mercury retrograde on the fifth. We also know that, that there will be some other energies, I'm actually kind of pausing to think of like how deep I go into this. But let's just say that there's going to be a lot of different planets that might be in opposition from each other. So that just causes some tension, right? So what we're kind of just trying to do here is say one we're trying to set us all of her success in August by working with these two very powerful cosmic events, one being the Leo New Moon on August 4 in the Lionsgate portal on August 8, why? Because especially in August and you know even after August we're gonna go into Eclipse Season yawn that's like a whole other thing. Let's not sleep on working with this early August energy to just set us up for the most success the most ease the most courage and the betterment for our own transformation. Like how can we make that because it's gonna happen regardless rate so how can we make it as enjoyable and as potent and as nourishing as possible? Okay, so that's my intention for today's podcast is I want to share more around the top three themes of the Leo New Moon I'll give you a little taste of the Lionsgate with just a tad because of course we're gonna have a whole workshop around this for free complimentary, so please come and join. I might record as well so I'll keep you posted if I end up linking it on my website. But that's my intention Let's share the top three themes of this Leo New Moon so that you know what you're working with. And you can call that in so as we go down this little, potentially bumpy August and October, we we've we've set ourselves up for success. And through that, not only sharing the themes, I will also do a very guided a very powerful guided meditation for us to to really connect with those energies with some journal prompts to help us integrate it into empower you to take any kind of action that feels in alignment for you to again, work with the energy because the thing about manifestation and I'm kind of jumping in here, you know, I started talking about manifestation. And if you would have told me like five years ago, like Jesse, you're talking about manifestation, I would like roll my eyes and be like, Oh, my God, like, stop, stop. I feel like it's such an overused term. I think even the time I was just like, like this is so like, there was a resistance to me, and especially in the ways it was being portrayed of just like, oh, you asked for the thing, and then you get the thing. You just have to really, really, really want it in through my own spiritual journey. And what I've realized throughout the years, and now where I landed in the terms of manifestation, like for me, again, talking about the values and the principles, the values and the principles for me, in terms of manifestation is connecting with your heart's desires. And through connecting with your heart's desires, you're gonna realize some shit comes up. What I mean by that, you're gonna realize there's some conditioning, there's some limiting beliefs, there's a voice in your head telling you you can't have the thing that isn't what you really want. Are you sure? It really challenges in questions you and this has been, you know, I think a little bit by design and also just through our cultures and through our societal conditioning of this just being way more cerebral, cerebral, am I saying that right. But being way more in your head, than being in your body, and then being in your heart. And the reason I bring this up is because again, going back to this Leo New Moon going back to this Lionsgate portal going back to setting us up for success for the rest of the year, because again, the rest of the year might be a little bumpy all but again, it's for our best good we are transitioning into this Aquarius age, which is all about shifting from a you versus me world and going into a you and me world. And through that process, we have been these micro cosmic events because the Aquarius age is going to literally be forced at first centuries, right? Like we were in the Piscean age now we're in the Aquarius age. So we're feeling that shift. I think all of us are feeling that shift of going from this you versus me world to you and me world because that Aquarius energy goes, Hey, it's time to bring that humanitarian heart out. It's time to be more into your humanitarian leadership. And so going back to this man manifestation and why find it so important to connect with your heart, it's like your heart can't be conditioned like the mind can. And that was the aha moment for me with manifestation and why some people are able to quote unquote drop in there and quote unquote, receive the things that they manifest it because it's their true hearts desires, and all that to say we all got our own stuff around connecting with our heart's desire. So the reason that I'm realizing that I love talking about manifestation now in specially every new moon cycle is because it's honestly more of a reminder for me and my community to connect with our hearts. Okay, that's the first most important thing connect with our hearts. What is our heart telling us what is our heart desire, and that's a whole frickin job within itself, y'all like I promise you like you might not hear heart for a while, you might still Again, be very in your head, it's hard to connect with your body. So I lovingly invite you just practice in really use these new moon recordings, these new moon podcasts, these new moon materials as a way to practice connecting with your heart each month. And I promise you each month when you connect with it, it will get easier and easier and easier. The second reason why I'm bringing this up in terms of manifestation and kind of my new relationship with it and why I'm passionate about bringing it into the ether is because it's all about frequency. And again, when you told me five years about frequency I'd be like I don't know what the frick you're talking about. Like what do you mean frequency? We all are energy. Everything around us is energy. I'm energy, your energy. You know the furniture in your rooms energy. I mean, everything is energy. Everything is made up of energy. We know that from science, or practical science classes. And the reason I share this as it was another aha moment with me in terms of manifestation and just trying to understand it more was, since we're all energy and everything around us is energy, we have to tune into the frequency of ourselves and what we desire. Like if it's almost like a radio, like if we were on, we're like a radio dial. It's like, you could be like, Oh, I really want you know, this new career. And I really want this and if it's really not what you want, like, again, going back to that heart desire, it's like all staticky. It's all creaky. And then it's not really tuning into that thing that you really want. And then all sudden, you get something else. Like, that's not what I wanted. Because you're not attuned, you're not at the frequency of really, what is that heart desire? And then what is the thing that you really want and then they almost attuned together and you're able to like, literally, like, that's the connection point. That's the calling it in. That's the bringing it in a moment. For that, I guess, for lack of a better expression for that manifestation process and why I think a lot of people get frustrated with manifestation. Because they're going like, well, this is what I really want. And it's like, okay, I hear you, but do you then also believe it, okay? Because then that's the next extra step. It's okay. My heart is telling me it. But there's still a lot of freaking fear. And when I'm calling it in the fear zone in there. And the fear, again, adds a little static. And I'm not saying like, again, we have to always be fear less, right? But that's the practice the practice is making fear your friend, and then really cultivating that strength and courage and ownership to say, No, that is what my frickin heart wants, and I'm gonna sit with it. I'm gonna imagine it, I'm gonna get better at it every single day to really call it in and really feel like almost make a relationship with it. Because you're also still wondering like, is it like, again, is this mine? Is this what I really want. So some of us might have a complete download and be like, super clear day one. Some of us hand like my hands up right now have to sit with it every day and kind of see if the picture changes, the ones change listening to my heart listening to my body sensing the different reactions, the body reactions that I have around it. So I felt it was so important to share this because I want to in a way, I want to demystify Manama manifestation. And I want to bring in another flavor to it to say, manifestation is just a process and a practice of deconditioning your mind and connecting with your heart and your heart's desires. And then a process of then really being intentional with your heart's desires, and calling them in. Right, really thinking about them feeling them. And we think about this from a neuroscience perspective, right? We've seen research studies, we're literally just imagining the outcome of imagining the outcome calls in the outcome without practice. Uh, we've, there's a neuroscience study out there that you can look it up around free throws basketball, free throws in the control group, that just imagine them making every single shot did better than the group that practice every single day. Okay? So that's what it is, is that we spend so much time and movement so much time in our heads, that we're not really living the life that we really want. And so I think manifestation ends up getting a bad rap because then it's like, I don't know about you, but all the pump culture around it is very, very capitalistic, very sometimes feels very ego driven, and also feels a little like purists like, oh, I guess you weren't pure enough or you know, spiritual enough to get the thing and I'm just like Bumble that that's, that's not it whatsoever. What it is, is that we just have to feel safe in our bodies and safe with that heart desire. And that's just going to be a practice. So our nervous systems a lot of times are in this go state. So we're trying to get into this flow state, so we can truly connect with our hearts. And so this is a long winded way of me getting now back to the Leo New Moon, this is there. Trust me, this was important. Because Leo oversees the heart. Leo is connected to the heart chakra. So now here we are having a conversation about hey, August is gonna be a little bumpy this, this, this rest of the half of the year might be a little bit bumpy in there. So a lot of us that wants to cultivate and create the life that we really want to live. And so what I'm saying and what I'm trying to convey to everyone here is let's work with these two powerful Leo energy in the beginning of frickin August so we can really connect with our hearts desires. Use that courage you use that strain to create the life we want to live. Which that's all manifestation is is you, you're the master creator. You are the manifest Esther, you are calling that in. It's not anything else we can work with, again, all this beautiful energy around us. But it's you. And so to that point, let's go ahead and transition to the Leo New Moon. So again, the reason why I'm really passionate about these two themes around manifestation and Leo is because the heart cannot be conditioned, like the mind can. And in order for manifestation to be powerful and potent for you, it has to connect to your heart's desires, and there needs to be like an aligned frequency that that is truly what you want. And then you can call that in, in Leo oversees the heart oversees hearts desires. So Leo is helping us out here, okay, that's what I'm getting at Leo is giving us an extra, extra love, extra support, extra connection to what it is in our heart and what it is that we truly desire. Okay, and it's calling that in, it's saying, hey, step into your power, but not an ego power, a heart centered power, that's the potent power. That's the aligned power. That's the power that will support the manifestation that's the power that will support the creation, because they are your true desires, they are in alignment with you your frequency, and ultimately, what is needed for humanity because we're all here to live out our own sole purposes. for the greater good in sometimes some of our sole purposes seem like oh, it is about me and figuring me out in some of us have a more internal mission. But through you living your internal mission, you are in essence showing us a new path, a new way, a new a new way of being in some of us have a more collective purpose, we just feel like we're here to serve others and support others or serve a larger mission. And that's also important too. So I also want to also honor that some of our soul missions are going to feel look differently from one another. Okay, so let's dive into let's dive into this Leo, new moon. Let's dive into the top three themes. So theme number one of the Leo New Moon is self expression and creativity, right? So the Leo New Moon invites us to explore our creative passions, to express our true selves without fear, it's a time to shine, it's a time to share our unique gifts with the world. And if you've realized through, you know, kind of looking back at you know, the spring and summer season, and you might feel man, I've really disconnected with my creative passions, or I still feel like I'm not being my authentic self, or there's still a lot of fear around being my authentic self. This is again, a perfect opportunity, an invitation to tap into that expressive and creative energy that Leo is providing us. So it's like if you feel like you don't have it within you, or it's, it's, you know, like an ember, right. It's just a little spark, allow that Leo, fire to come and ignite or reignite your creative passions, reignite again, like I almost see like this fire in your heart to say, Listen, you can be yourself, you can be your true self, maybe you're not in the spaces and places that are allowing you to be your true self. But you can be at how can we find it? And how can we uplift it. And it's again, that time for you to not only share your unique gifts and shine those unique gifts, but you might be like, I don't even frickin know what those are. That's totally okay. Wherever you are on the journey. So let's say if you're on the journey of like, I don't even know what my unique gifts are. Use this time to connect with that energy to say, what is it and a lot of times people don't know their uniqueness or feel like they don't know their unique gifts because they seem so easy to them. Like it just seems so simple, that they don't even realize it's like unique. So I want to offer that the the things that might seem the simplest to you, which I mean again, for a lot of us hand up was even hard for me to figure out because it was so simple, was it ends up being the things that people reflect about you a lot of times and another thing I'm just going to put in there and this might be my own projection, but I always feel we're always marrying one another. So I'm going to share it which is a lot of times your unique gifts are just part of your being. What do I mean by that? Has nothing to do what you can give out others provide others do for others. It's not a it's not a it's not an output. It's literally your being you as a person, how you are, when you walk into a room, how you make people feel, again, not doing anything just being ends up being enough for people. And I've had that reflected to me multiple times. And it just finally kind of clicked one day for me that I was judging it so much, because I just felt like I wasn't doing that much for others. And I saw other people doing things and I'm like, well, they're really providing value like there. And I had to realize, like, again, that's their special kept, that's their unique purpose in mind might look and feel a little different. And what I'm realizing mine is more of an energetic being, being a more of a connective thing. You know, I even had, you know, some amazing girlfriends reflect or like, it's just like your aura, like, I don't know, how else to explain it. It's just your aura is just magnetic and just makes us feel so good. And it makes us feel safe and disarmed. And so I share that because our unique gifts are just that they're unique to us, and their gifts for the world. And please try not to judge them or feel like they're not enough or compare them with anybody else's. Because I promise you, they're so potent. For others. It's like if we were all, for example, if we all just felt like, oh, I needed to get so much better at finance, I need to get so much better at accounting, we all need to be great accountants, no, we don't know, we don't, not all of us do that, again, some people love that. And that is like their jam, and they get such a high off of helping people save money, you know, get their things organized, so on and so forth. That's not all of us. And that's what I just want to invite it might look and feel different. So let me go ahead and move off this topic because I can talk about self expression and creativity all day every day. Actually, sorry, no, there's gonna be one thing and no, I'm not. So there's gonna be one thing I want to say around this, and specifically around creativity and exploring your creative passions. It is hard to be creative if your nervous system is in a constant go state. It's like, it's almost like I have a picture of like somebody yelling behind a graphic designer and artists being like, be creative. Do like create something and create something genius to do do it like you can't force yourself, especially if your nervous system is in a Go State free state like any state that is not in that flow state to be creative. And so Leo New Moon reminds us how disconnected have we been from our hearts, and most importantly, how unregulated is our nervous system? Because How the heck can we be creative if our nervous system is not regulated and doesn't feel like they can be in a state of flow, which means to be in a state of rest. And a lot of times we're all addicted to the ghosting hashtag capitalism hashtag patriarchy. Hashtag colonization, we can keep on going. So the reason I mentioned those oppressive systems is because I want you to remember this isn't all on you. I promise you. It's by design that we feel like we just need to go go go go and not be in rest, not be grounded and not be connected with our hearts and not be connected with our creativity. And so I just want to share that because again, if you haven't cultivated a practice to connect with your creativity to connect with your imagination, which might look like moments of rest moments of space, creating boundaries around work or creating boundaries around distraction, allowing yourself to be in a calm, neutral state. This might be an invitation for you to start learning with that practices and to start cultivating that practice in your life so that you can truly connect with your creativity so you can truly connect with your imagination. And if we bring it full circle to the Aquarius New Age, y'all we're going to need some more innovative solutions. And I'm really going to need y'all to start using your imagination and then handle myself included. In a lot of times we keep on repeating the same patterns, centuries, centuries, generations, generations, decades, decades, because we're just in go solution fix BS versus let's take a step back. And let's even reimagine what this can even be what this can even look like versus using the same things to build something that ultimately is the same. It's like the whole lipstick on a pig scenario. So It's really calling us, especially in this moment to say, how are you connecting to your creativity? How are you connecting to your imagination, which ultimately, is connecting with your intuition. And again, it is very challenging to connect to your intuition. If you are experiencing a lot of mental chatter, a lot of limiting beliefs, a lot of anxiousness, a lot of fear. So please be taking care of your nervous system. During this time. We're also going into election election season, y'all. Please start thinking about if you haven't already, what is your self care toolkit? What is your self care practice? How are you supporting your nervous system? And how are you connecting with your creativity every single day because that is so important for our souls and for our hearts, especially during this potentially bumpy and heightened time. Okay. Secondly, the second theme around the Leo New Moon is courage and confidence. So, Leo's energy really encourages us to step into our power and embrace our inner strength. You know, I really think about this new moon as a perfect time to cultivate self confidence to cultivate with us just to really cultivate self confidence and to take bold steps towards our goals. And I think that's a really important word bold, it's gonna feel bold, it's gonna feel courageous, it's gonna feel like I got, I gotta cultivate my confidence. And if we remember, and I believe, I want to say I first heard this in a Brene, brown, but I know that it's been talked about in so many different spaces and places, has been confidence, and vulnerability are just either sides of the coin. There is no example where confidence didn't have some vulnerability, a part of it. And so when we talk about courage and confidence, I just also want to honor that is a heart centered confidence. And that is a vulnerable competence, because through vulnerability is how we grow our competence and how we actually have we actually have an armor that is more energetic than an armor, and that is more ego, if that makes sense. So what I mean by that is, I don't know about y'all, but I feel like it's better for me to cultivate competence and be confident when it's something that I'm genuinely passionate about. And it's a heart center thing. But if it's something that's more egocentric, if it's something more like I'm trying to like, have like a fake confidence, if you will, maybe that's kind of like I'm almost like it's like a fake armor. It's a thin armor, it's a glass armor. It's, it's just not going to work. It's not and it's gonna it's going to be easily broken. And so what we're talking about here in terms of courage and confidence, and especially with this Leo, new moon, and then the Lionsgate portal on AAA is Leo saying, don't do that fake confidence. Give me the real. And if we know anything about an unaligned Leo, because I know sometimes Leo's get bad rap. So in terms of competence, if that's what they're talking about, that's an unaligned Leo, when it's fake confidence when it's like confidence, because they're really, they're really insecure. They're really fearful. They're people pleasers, they want people to like them, they want people to adorn them. And then that confidence feels even like, Oh, my God, like, look, look this person, right? Like, you can just feel it. It's different level of competence versus almost that quiet, grounding confidence. And its comes from more of a inner knowing, a connection to their authenticity, a connection to their heart, their passion, their dharma. Like that kind of confidence. It's like a true inner knowing a true grounding. Not that fake glass house confidence. Okay. The third and last theme of the Leo New Moon is heart centered leadership. So Leo rules the heart and we talked about that, right? It's all about the heart chakra It rules the heart. So to that point, it's talking about we think about the lion energy right? Like I mean, ruler, right, like I mean leader of the pack. Around the heart, for the heart, by the heart with the heart. So this new moon makes an ideal time Until lead with love and compassion. And quite honestly ask ourselves how we're leading with love and compassion. And I'll, I'll share a quick little antidote on that. I was experiencing one of the worst I accepted a CMO position about over a year ago and I was experiencing, I was negotiating the exit with him. And he always awful they were being so freaking awful, so awful. And without getting into the details, I remember what you know, sitting with my girlfriend, I went to the park one day, you know, during this whole experience, I mean, it was just again, it was just so freakin draining and they were just being such ego driven, where we go ego driven. There I could sense a lot of fear, a lot of insecurity on that end, and so they were almost just like, just sending daggers, daggers, daggers, daggers, unnecessary daggers. And I was sitting with my girlfriend and she's like, girl. Like, I just don't get it. I just I don't know how we got here. I'm a little loss at what to do. You know, half of me wants this half of me wants this and she just looked me straight into my soul straight into my heart. And she's like, I think the only question you need to ask yourself, because I know you and I know when you're looking back in this situation is how are you leading with love? And I was like, like, again, half of me was like, I'm like, I need to hear that. The other half of me was like f you know my girlfriend, but those people like fuck them seriously? Like how do I don't want to give them any damn love. And as I sat with that, and as I heard her and even heard my own inner truth in that because it did connect it did resonate it connected with my heart that other half ME THE FU part was that that was that was ego pride bar, right? Oh, was she's right. Because at the end of the day, it's like, I'm still in my sovereignty and I'm still in my power and that can absolutely be led by love. A lot of times I think we misconstrue love, kindness, compassion, sometimes with weakness. And I think it comes from this capitalistic patriarchal world where we've emphasized some of these very unhealed, masculine traits of like dominance and authority. But it hasn't been a heart centered authority and power. It's been. It's been ego driven. And it's been a, I believe it comes from a sense of scarcity, time, scarcity, money scarcity, personal scarcity, like you know, your own personal value. For example, there can be all of us, it can only be a few of us like those kinds of things. So I share that all because I think again, going back to this macro theme of the Aquarius New Age where we're stepping into more of this human humanitarian energy. I'm also just very present to the role of women in all of this. And I'm really it's interesting, I've been having a lot of visions about like this lioness energy. And then here we are in Leo season and going into the Lionsgate portal. And I just personally want to share this because I think a lot of women have been spearheading heart centered leadership. And I think, I think in a way, we not we, but I think, I guess I said, I'll say we, I think sometimes we forget that heart center leadership. Because sometimes I feel like we qualify it with feminine leadership traits that feminine is not a gender feminine is an energy. Feminine is a frequency. All of us can be heart centered, no matter what gender we are, no matter what profession we have. And I think there's a calling for us to really be in our hearts and to also for us to lead from our hearts because that's what humanity needs right now. And I think I think we'll all agree to that is a lot of leaders have not been leading with our hearts, a lot of leaders have been leading with their pockets, with money through power through resources. And so it's really reminding us align our actions with our hearts, true desires, and to lead by example, like everyone else, that's not doing it. You do it anyways. Like Be the change you want to see in the world. And I think it's kind of that little kick in our butt to say, Stop waiting for somebody else to do it. It's time for you to do it. And it's saying it was so much love though y'all like it's like, Come on y'all. Like, I know you're waiting for somebody like you say it. And you say it from your heart and you say it from your inner truth. So all that to say I'm looking at time. All right, we're 30 minutes and I think the last thing I will leave you with is some journal prompts to really work with this Leo New Moon so If we want to kind of take that theme of self expression and creativity, the first journal prompt that I will give you is, what creative passions? Am I most drawn to right now? And how can I express them more fully? In my daily life? Second question around courage and competence. And feel free to pause and take a moment, of course respond to this. I'll also try to clip these into the show notes too. So you have them is courage and confidence. So in what areas of my life? Do I need to cultivate more confidence? And what bold actions can I take to step into my power? And then last, but not least, around heart centered leadership? How can I lead with more love and compassion? How can I lead with more love and compassion? And then how can I lead with more love and compassion? Maybe in the areas of relationships? You and professional life? All right, I will go ahead and end this I was thinking about doing a meditation. But instead of doing a meditation, how about this, let me leave you some with some potent things that you can work with. For the Leo New Moon. So as you know, I love a good ritual here. I love ritualizing new moons and full moons. And so a way that you can work with this is definitely using symbols and colors. So the reason why we love to kind of bring in a little ritual with these is again, it just it connects, it draws in that energy, it kind of shows you like, I mean, I mean, actually, I mean visits, like we're really, really doing this. So it just adds another layer. Also, I would just want to share, pick one, pick one thing, you don't have to get full ritual like like me, right or like others. Maybe there's one thing that calls you and maybe that's as simple as calling in that one thing and then sitting with that thing. And as I'm talking this out loud, I'm absolutely going to do a five minute meditation at the end. So let me do a five minute meditation at the end. But before we do this, let me go ahead and give you some ritual slash things that you can work with your altar for the new moon. So first, for symbols and colors. Line figures are images that represent Leo's strength, their courage, that regal energy, any sun symbol, so Leo is ruled by the sun. Right and again, it connects with that heart chakra. But the Sun is symbolizing vitality and lifeforce, any sun imagery can really help amplify this imagery. And then last around symbols and colors, gold and yellow items, right like that's like that regal energy, these colors resonate with the Leos warmth, its radiance, it's enhancing the feelings of joy and abundance, which is all about that Leo energy too. And then in terms of herbs and flowers, I love working with sunflowers Marigold, rosemary, Bailey's sunflowers in particular, because again, it's that big power, warm positivity really helps reflecting Leo Sunny, Sunny feeling. And the marigold is also associated with the sun. And these flowers love to enhance that courage and creativity that we keep talking about. Rosemary is so great for mental clarity and protection. So not only will it protect us as we're doing ritual, but it will also kind of help us with that mental clarity and kind of maybe removing some of those limiting beliefs or those conditioned beliefs and really aligning with the Leos true leadership qualities. And then last but not least, the Bailey's that we talked about use these are so great for wishes and intentions and perfect for setting like New Moon goals. Just Bailey's just kind of brings in a little bit of that magic, if you will. In terms of crystals, I love Citrine it's known as like the success stone it promotes confidence, abundance and creativity. We also love working with Tiger's eye during this time and enhances courage, strength and personal power. It really aligns with Leo's qualities. And then I also like Carnelian because it's a very and actually have to be careful with Carnelian a little bit because it's a lot of for me a lot of fiery energy so I love putting this actually in my workspace but like I can't keep it in on like my personal body or I can't wear it it just it kind of kind of fires me up a little bit. But all that to say I love keeping it in my workspace because it boosts motivation. It boosts creativity and it really boosts self expression. Also, Sunstone is so great because it reflects the energy of the sun. It's bringing joy ate and also, again connects us with that personal power. Okay, so have fun working with these herbs and flowers, have fun working with them symbols, maybe even those crystals. And the last thing I'll leave you with is have fun with all this. You know, I think sometimes we get into this especially and again, this might be a little bit projection, but I feel like again, we're all this collective we might be feeling this. I think sometimes we get so caught in, especially in healing work, self discovery work, spiritual work that we get. So I don't wanna say serious, but so kind of like tunnel vision with it that we kind of remove the joy, the magic and the fun with it. So don't feel like there's a right and wrong way of doing this. Don't feel like you're late. Like if you hear this on Monday or Tuesday versus Sunday, like don't feel like oh, I screwed it up. Like no, no, no, no. Let's remove all that to the side. This energy will be with you every day. We have, you know, up until a Lionsgate and even after that, like, let's be honest, you can still work with it. It's okay. I don't want anybody coming from a time scarcity or feeling like there's a right and wrong way to work with these energies. And don't let anybody tell you there's a right and wrong way. That's you know, that's my own personal mission and goal is to rebuild your sovereignty and rebuild your personal power and connect with your intuition and in what is this telling you to do. So even everything that I shared, if it didn't land with you, please take what did and please leave what did it and I want to leave you with one last thing which will be a meditation. So yeah, let's dive into that all right, find a comfortable seat. Place to clear and connect with yourself. Make sure that there's nothing distracting around you put away any devices or you know, set your phone on Do Not Disturb. And let's start off with a few deep inhales and exhales so in through the nose through the mouth just do that for six rounds in through the nose out because I'm out three more in your time. Beautiful and as you're connecting with that last breath or last few breaths. Keep on connecting with that breath and start imagining some roots growing down from your seat, or any part of your body that's connected to the ground, the floor, mat, the bed wherever you the seat. Wherever you are doing this meditation, just imagine roots from your body's starting to ground down into the earth and as you connect to the earth, I want those words to contain you to go all the way down until you feel the fire of the core of the Earth. That beautiful fire energy, molten energy that's at the core of our Earth. Everything around it is so grounded, maybe peaceful. But as our roots connect to that core, we feel that passion we feel that fire and we're also safe there. were welcomed there are grounded there. And as you continue to stay grounded in that area in the heart To the Earth, the center of the earth. The next breath that you take in. Powerful, passionate energy, that fire energy from your feet, into your calves into your thigh. Into that root center, your pelvic floor, into your glutes, into your lower guts into that solar plexus, that belly button into a tummy into that chest into that back into that heart into that throat. Keep having that fire, beautiful energy as you're breathing in, move from your throat into the back of your skull, your face, you third eye into your crown. And as you release our next breath when you're exhaling. Exhale that powerful energy out of your crown into the cosmos. Keep on going up, go to the roof of your house go to the roof of the sky blast out of the earth into that next visual you have ground yourself in the cosmos, it can be the Milky Way can be a star it can be a constellation it can be the moon, just where are you in the cosmos, your open mind is connected to it and just anchor anchor yourself there for a moment and as you anchor yourself in the cosmos, maybe on a star on a constellation, a milky way continue to bring up that lifeforce powerful fire energy from the feet all the way through your body, and then pour it out through the top of your head, open crown and put that fire back into the cosmos. And as you inhale, taken all of that beautiful rich energy from the cosmos back in through the crown of your head, and you're pushing it back down into your body, and you're allowing that to go back into your feet back into the earth. So you're essentially just taking that fire energy through the bottoms of your body, and then you're taking it out through the top of your mind into the cosmos. And then the cosmos is giving you regenerating that energy and you can to bring that back into your mind back into your heart back into your personal power that solar plexus and move right back down into your just do that for a few rounds a breath visualizing taking in that fire energy that creative lifeforce energy from the center of the Earth, into your body, out through your open crown into the cosmos. And then as the cosmos is regenerating that energy synthesizing it for you, it's giving you some downloads, and allow that to come back down into your ground and back in through your body back into your heart back into your root back into the earth. So just do that for a few more rounds on your own time your comrade. Beautiful and now I would like you to visualize your heart center. Feel that connect with that connect with your heart center as you connect with your heart center, I want you to start envisioning a beautiful emerald green light. A beautiful green light radiating from that heart center. This is the Leo energy. This is your creative life force. This is the connection to your personal power. Allow that green light to grow in your heart, allow it to ignite your heart's desires. Allow it to grow out of your heart, into your body. You're fully radiating this beautiful green light. And now I want you to start taking that green light and expanding it out of you know, almost like a sphere, you're encapsulated into the sphere, this beautiful, radiant green light. And as you connect with that beautiful sphere of green light that you are now encapsulated in, I want you to move that green, beautiful aura of yours, that beautiful green light coming from your heart center. I would love I want you to radiate it into your whole room into the whole building house structure you are in. I want you to radiate it all in that street, that block you're on. And then now I want you to take it in and encapsulate the whole city or in the whole town and then start moving it into the state the country that you're still coming from that your heart, but that that glow is starting to glow around that whole city. And now it's glowing around the whole world. Look at it. Look out from the cosmos onto the earth. Look at your green light, completely wrapped around the earth you are filled with courage. You are filled with confidence. You are filled with the heart center knowing you are filled with your heart's desires. And as you continue to connect with that green light, that green energy you look into the cosmos and you see a sparkling Green Star starts coming closer and closer. That green light starts growing out in front of you in the cosmos with your green light still riding around the whole world. And as that green light gets closer and closer, it's almost like both of your green auras are about to connect with each other. And as they start connecting and getting closer you start making out a figure. It's this beautiful lion. It might be a lioness, it might be a lion, but it's beautiful regal lion and it has a message here for you. Sit with it, connect with it feel its green light, feel your green lights starting to merge together and sit with its message. Hear it hear it in your heart. Hear it in your body. And it has one last message to tell you around your courage around your confidence. A beautiful reminder it does not want you to forget what do they want to tell you and as you say thank you and say your last goodbyes. It once Give you a gift, open up your hands and allow them to gracefully give you this gift. Look into your hands and see the gift. You know in your soul exactly why they have given this to you. It's a reminder, it's a momento of your personal power of your powerful heart. And what all you can create in this world with it. Lovingly accept this gap, lovingly put it into your heart, almost like a lock and key, open the heart and put that gift right into the heart, close it up. And as you start separating, they remind you, they are always here with you. They are sent back with that green star, that green light you are left there and the beautiful darkness of the cosmos still looking down at the Earth with your beautiful green aura completely embracing it. And you slowly start being called back home, called back into the air, called back into the country you're in. called back into the city, the town, the location, the home, the house, the structure you are in, back into your body, back into the here and now. Different, more powerful, more connected, and never alone. Give yourself things. give any messages you received things. start feeling into your body at your own time. Maybe wiggle your toes, maybe a few slow neck circles. And while it's still fresh on your mind, please write down anything that came to you. Maybe something around your hearts desires, any potent messages around the gift you received. How you're feeling maybe you've got a creative download. Or maybe you're just loved hear in silence and peace and stillness in that is beautiful as well. All right, Happy New Moon and Leo y'all and I hope to see you at the Lionsgate portal workshop on August 8 I will put details in the notes. And until then have a magical new moon and Leo. Goodbye for now.

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