Confessions of a Recruiter

Richard Triggs | Confessions of a Recruiter #110 SNIPPET

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Speaker 1:

And I was offered a job and I accepted the job and after I'd been there for a while, I came to a realisation I really enjoy recruitment, but I really don't like working for T&P Worldwide. I'd rather work for a smaller boutique firm. Again, nothing about them. So much just my personality style. Much just my personality style. So I thought the mistake that I made is I only saw one recruitment company. What I really need to do is I need to go and see six or seven recruitment companies and then make an informed decision about which culture or remuneration structure or whatever I preferred.

Speaker 1:

And I had this thing in my mind. If you're a wreck-to-wreck and so you're a recruiter who recruits recruiters for recruitment companies, you've got to be the best of the best. You've got to be the best because everybody would be judging you. They are the worst fucking recruiters in the world. I think rec-to-recs are absolutely and utterly appalling and I have often thought and this could be something that you and I could do and thought, and this could be something that you and I could do I could start a rec-to-rec business and within 12 months it would be the best rec-to-rec business in Australia, because I know exactly how to do it, yeah, and you are spot on. You need to build community. What do rec-rec recruiters love to do? Get on the piss. So you go, okay. Every second Friday of the month we're going to go to the Elephant and Wheelbarrow, or whatever it's called nowadays and come along and have a free drink, and it's open for all recruiters.