"The Black Man Talking Emotions Podcast" Starring Dom L'Amour

Navigating the Spiritual Landscape: With Dom L'Amour & Taylor Pace

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Dom L'Amour speaks with old friend Tayloir Pace AKA @_tayloir_ about her faith and her understanding of spirituality

Opening quote: Elbert Green Hubbard

Opening and Closing Theme song: Produced by Dom L'Amour

Transition Music from Mad Chops Vol. 1 and Mad Chops Vol. 2 by Mad Keys


from Piano Soul Vol.1(Loop Pack) by The Modern Producers Team

Featured song: "My Funny Valentine" Preformed by Dom L'Amour & Tayloir Pace at Don't Tell Mama in NYC

Cover art by Studio Mania: Custom Art @studiomania99

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Embark on a profound journey beyond the tangible, as I, Dom L'Amour, together with my dear friend Taylor Pace, explore the enigmatic realms where spirituality and Christianity converge. Our conversation delves into the core of faith, examining the spiritual being of Jesus and the impact that neglecting this dimension can have on our mental health. There's a compelling sense of discovery as Taylor sheds light on how acknowledging the spiritual nature can lead to a more profound understanding of ourselves and the universe around us.

As we navigate through the intricacies of supernatural beliefs within the Christian context, you'll hear my personal reflections on the quest for meaning. The struggle to reconcile church teachings with the realities of miracles and the spiritual realm becomes a central theme. I share the emotional challenges posed by the anxiety of mortality and how turning to scripture offers solace and enlightenment. Our dialogue becomes a sanctuary for those seeking to break through the barriers between the tangible and the mystical, encouraging a space of respect and active engagement.

The crescendo of our discourse reaches into the realms of spoken words and their undeniable power, as revealed in an unforgettable encounter with a former warlock from the bustling streets of New York City. We unravel the spiritual consequences our words can invoke, echoing biblical wisdom about the strength of the tongue. The episode closes with a thought-provoking look at how the pursuit of a personal connection with the divine can be clouded by the dogma of church attendance and how questioning these teachings can be the key to unlocking a more authentic spiritual experience. Join us as we invite you to embrace your spiritual quest and discover the transformative power of an honest and open-hearted exploration of faith.

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Speaker 1:

What made this true, when these people were talking, like the psychics and stuff, with the faith that no one's able to explain to me what's going on here. And so this was a slow and steady walk that he revealed, a little bit at a time, but I think what he wanted and I think Christians a lot of Christians forget Jesus was a man and he's a real. The Holy Spirit is a real spirit and a lot of Christians probably don't want the man. They want the religion, they want the rules, they want to feel good, they want to fall, they want to look good in front of people, they want to sound good, but they forget about the man and the spirit of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Ladies and gentlemen, and anyone else who is here. My name is Dom Lamour and you are listening to the Black man Talking Emotions podcast. On today's episode, I speak with old friend Taylor Pace about her faith and her understanding of spirituality. Good luck. Is science not yet classified? Just ask the supernatural. Is the natural not yet understood? Taylor Pace, I appreciate you so much. You're someone I wanted on the pod earlier, like this is season two and you're just not getting on it and I feel like there's a lot of people that that will be like the situation All year. Last year I was like, oh, I love this person so much and they're like my best friend and they're this and they're my best friend and they're my best friend. Some people think I have like 18 million best friends which.

Speaker 2:

I kind of do, but you're one of my favorite people in the world. You were high on my friend list and you know that you're like a sister to me. So this is such a big deal for me because I'm excited to have you one talk to the people and two just to get to talk to you and catch up. It's been a while.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, perfect, I got you.

Speaker 2:

So? Spiritual realities that's the topic you asked me to speak about. You said God has been showing you, slowly through the years, how it all operates and how we've been struggling with many mental health issues because we're ignorant to how the spirit realm operates, we don't believe in exist or we're too afraid to consider the reality of it. So yeah, elaborate on that. What do you mean?

Speaker 1:

you say that we're all spiritual beings. You always hear this. We're spiritual beings living in this world. I think Christians forget the spiritual aspect of their own face. I never heard about that growing up, but I was really into supernatural things. Like I grew up. My favorite books were the Bailey School Kids books you know those goosebumps books. I love Halloween on Disney Channel. My favorite movie was under wraps. I don't know if you guys know that.

Speaker 2:

My favorite is Halloween Town, but who am I?

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. Yes, so into that, and I think there's a reason like we are drawn to these things because there's something true about them and it's very intriguing. But I think for so long I never heard anyone preach about the spiritual aspect or like understanding what's going on there in the Christian faith. But we talk about, you know, jesus raised from the dead and all of these things, but we just say it as a statement and we don't really consider the reality of it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's what I've been seeking for the past 10 years. I knew this supernatural stuff was real, but I needed to reconcile it with my own faith.

Speaker 2:

And when you say the supernatural stuff, just the unnatural things that happened throughout the viral world where it's like, how do you explain this? That's what you mean when you talk about that realm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Like the miracles and different things that couldn't truly be explained.

Speaker 1:

Right, I don't think people question these things, I don't think people consider and I was listening to some of your other podcasts, actually and people you know children and people seeking ask these questions and typically, what I found, at least leaders in the church just say oh, that's just how God is. There's no explanation, there's, it's just like this is that, and believe it without any understanding why.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel like that's been really detrimental, at least for me personally. I was never that person that rejected Jesus or even was very hurt or traumatized by Christian culture, because I didn't really grow up in a Christian household. I just went to church with my mom and I loved Jesus, but I just didn't know anything about it. I guess it's like oh yeah, I love God throughout college and all of that I did, but I just didn't practice. I didn't go to church, I didn't really seek him because I honestly didn't think that was even necessary, so I didn't. That's when I moved to New York.

Speaker 1:

When you're not like in school anymore, having all of these things on your plate, all these shows, all these rehearsals, all of these auditions it's like you're left alone with a. Well, what do I do now? I have all this free time. You start thinking a little bit deeper, and so the little supernatural kid in me is very interested in these supernatural realities, and so I see things like TV shows, psychic mediums on there. I start finding these books with, you know, nde's, like near-death experiences, and there's something in me I'm like this is real, this is real. So I buy this person's book from this TV show. I read and there is a lot in there. Honestly, when I read them it was exhilarating. It was exhilarating because I'm like, oh, this is how it all works, like in the books. This person described heaven and all of these things and how all this stuff works, and I'm not going to go into details because that would be a long story.

Speaker 2:

But we don't, we don't have to go long story, but I do want you to give me some details for sure.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't want you to not, I don't want it to just be kind of like uh, you just should trust me, but I want to hear what you're talking about.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I start getting so excited because I'm becoming enlightened, right. I'm like, oh, this is how the supernatural works. It makes so much sense. Then my mom tells me about this church that she Googled because I had me when it was, you know, but I still love Jesus. I'm like, great, I'm going to put these together, I'm going to go to church and it's going to be awesome. And so I did.

Speaker 1:

But let me tell you the key I was ignorant to what was actually in the Bible. Now, side note, I think most churches and I haven't obviously been to most, I'm kind of just saying this as a statement, but I feel like so many churches and Christianity in general only uses the same like five scriptures. We all know five scriptures. There's so much more in that Bible than what the majority of people who call themselves Christian know, and I think it's because they all go to school for it and they all get taught the same thing, because they've rejected this supernatural aspect of this, which is the Holy Spirit and learning from a spirit. To be honest. Okay, on that church, we do a thing called the New Testament challenge, where we're in a group and we basically take the New Testament challenge and we read the Holy Testament together. You know accountability, so we do this. This is the first time I'm seeing some things in there. It was really harsh because I'm like, whoa, honestly, I was thinking like the spiritual beliefs that I found in this book could coexist with the Bible, to be honest, because that's all I knew. And then I just started getting this, I guess spiritual conviction, a deep, deep, deep within your conviction, and unrest, because I'm like this is really ruining like what I was thinking. To be true, oh, rewind a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I actually went through a really, really, really rough summer in New York and I know now, looking back, it was because of what I had read in those books. I became a way more anxious version of myself. I didn't know which way it was up and what happened was there is a close friend of a friend who had this like freak accident and died in New York. Yeah, and it death is scary, yeah, and it made me question everything and I think that death that I, that I, a friend of a friend, experienced it shook me because I realized like I didn't have hope in the book that I had read, the books that I had read. I'm like, oh, that is making me worse. I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't know what to do with this freak accident. I didn't know what to do with death. There is a point where, like I couldn't even be by myself, like I straight up had to leave my own apartment and go to Hannah and Zach's in Harlem because I couldn't be alone.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I had no purpose, I had no desire to audition. I moved to New York to audition. I didn't know which way it was up. Honestly, long term, after reading those books, it just added a lot of confusion and unrest in my life. That's the fruit, I guess you would say, of entering all of that stuff into my psyche. It just turned me upside down. So now cut to the fall. I'm seeking, I'm searching, I'm reading Hard.

Speaker 1:

It's hard, honestly it's very, very hard to receive these things. There's a fork in the road. I can no longer believe these two things. Because I'm reading like, oh, I literally can't. I have to choose. Yeah, and I had just gone, I had just experienced like the worst season of my entire life. And so I'm like open to the truth of the Bible, even though it was harsh. And all of this is in my own inside. I'm not really telling anyone about these things because these are private matters, right, Like I Googled, I'm like how could this and this be true in the Bible and in whatever I was reading?

Speaker 1:

I was like trying to understand, like what to think. Then I like got this book on apologetics. It's called the case for face, which is what I need to read. I'm like I need to understand what's going on. Then, cut to that Christmas Eve I'd fly to Texas. I'm the most overweight I'd ever been. I'm the most probably anxious and depressed I'd ever been. Like I didn't know what was true. I remember just crying to my mom Like I was just so ashamed with myself I didn't know what to do that Christmas Eve night. The preacher guy it was like a super. It wasn't like a church I had ever been to. It was just one dude with the cowboy hat on. It was in Texas.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

With a guitar, speaking and then singing is on, and then speaking and then singing is on. It's like flowing for Christmas Eve, really kind of small, intimate space and he's not calling anyone out. This is not like what he does. And I'm like in my head thinking like I can't even like fully believe, like in Jesus. And at this point I really wanted to be like back where I was as a kid, you know. I wanted to have faith, I wanted to believe in him, but I couldn't because I had read all of these books, learned all of the spiritual truth, quote unquote, and it just opened the door to all this chaos in my mind.

Speaker 1:

And my body. The fruit was bad. This is supernatural, like I can't impress upon anyone what this experience was like. But he called me out. He said young lady, what is your name? And I told him I'm like that's like crazy. Okay, I told him. And then he he said, like for God's soul, love Taylor. That he gave his one and only son, that she would not perish but have eternal life, which is John 3, 16. He made it personal for me.

Speaker 1:

But this was not just words I can't explain. It was a spiritual experience where you know people say they have a dark cloud over them, that kind of vibe. I felt like that got lifted like off and all of a sudden there was like I guess you could say like supernatural belief on me. In that moment I knew that, I knew that, I knew that Jesus was God and I was crying because it wasn't just a thought Like this was a spiritual experience. It overtook me is how I could explain it. It was like a blanket of peace and a blanket of knowing, and this I can't explain it. But he answered my prayer and I think it was because I was seeking him and I wanted to believe.

Speaker 1:

That was 2015.

Speaker 1:

From there I have been walking slowly for myself, trying to figure out what made this true, when these people were talking like the psychics and stuff, with the faith that no one's able to explain to me what's going on here.

Speaker 1:

And so this was a slow and steady walk that he revealed, a little bit at a time, but I think what he wanted and I think Christians, a lot of Christians forget Jesus was a man and he's a real. The Holy Spirit is a real spirit and a lot of Christians probably don't want the man. They want the religion, they want the rules, they want to feel good, they want to fall, they want to look good in front of people, they want to sound good, but they forget about the man and the spirit, jesus. And so Jesus the whole time, he wanted me to want him, not just the revelations he could give me. So he slowly, as I sought him through the scriptures wherever my curiosity brought me. He then later unveiled how these things could all work together and what actually was happening, and that's now something I'm passionate about, because you don't hear about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I, everything you said I can understand. Just to jump on something, you said, the five scriptures. I grew up in a different world because, you know, I grew up in a Baptist home where my grandmother was always reading the Bible and pushing stuff out. So I got a lot of different scriptures. It was never just the five, it was always everything. I went to three churches out of all more than any others. My best friend, chris's church would be the one I would go with them. My great-grandmother had her church down. I only went to a couple of times, but I would go when she would make me, and then my grandma when she would go to church. I would go to her church and I went to that one maybe the most. And because I had my great-grandmother and my grandmother in my life, I was very versed in a lot of the stories and different things. So I was able to take a little knowledge out of all of it, and that's usually what the book does for me.

Speaker 2:

The book usually gives me wisdom. That's the best way to describe it. There's a lot of stuff that contradicts itself because it is written by men. So when it comes to the scripture, it's hard for me to take everything literally, and I knew a lot of people who did take everything in it literally and I'm like that's not the way it should be interpreted, because you got to remind yourself, like you said with Jesus, the people who wrote this were men, and men are flawed.

Speaker 2:

But with that being said, the energy when you say spiritual, I think energy, and that's how I usually interpret most of that from people in general the things I can't describe. It's just an energy about it. I don't know what it is, but when I get myself into position or I notice something's going on, if I see someone across the room, tommy and LA, I remember there was this girl that came to our pool party once and I'll never forget it was just random. He knew all the stuff this girl was going through. He knew all the stuff that she was fighting. He understood what her story was because he actually spoke to her body. But I came in, there was 20 people there and out of the 20 people, she's the one I went up to and gave a big hug.

Speaker 1:

And I was just like. I feel like you just needed a hug.

Speaker 2:

I could tell she was like I did and she vomited all of the stuff that was going on. And then later that night Tommy just looked at me and he was just like I just don't. I never understood it, but every time Dominique could just come in the room and he just usually just knows and it's weird. And I'm like yeah it's that energy, it's that supernatural, like you're saying that.

Speaker 2:

I feel like, no matter what's going on around me, there is some type of energy out there that is helping me on my path, that is pushing me into a certain area and, like I said with the scripture, I will always take words out. Right behind me I have the letter that you wrote me and you gave me Romans 12 to two in there. I really took that and in that moment it was the energy of opening the letter being like this is what I need, it right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes, that was a Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it happens Like. I don't know where this came from. I don't know why this happened this time, but you gave me that letter, came through you to me, and I read it and I was like I needed that and I keep it up there. If I'm feeling a certain way, I can look up there and have that wisdom for me. How do you feel your journey has affected your personal life with friends, family, because a lot of people they cringe up when they start talking religious. They cringe up when they talk spiritual, it's true, and how do you feel that's affected you? Because I feel like, out of all the friends, most people know your get down, they know they know what you're about to talk about or they know what you're going through. They see your songs, they see your videos. How do you feel that's affected the people around you?

Speaker 1:

I have learned. If I'm going to share what has brought me healing but I'm not going to necessarily share it with you I'm going to share it with you Every time I see a person make it about that here. We're talking about it because you're like what do you want to talk about? Like you invited this, so I'm like this is what I'm passionate about, so I'm gonna talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but I think it's so important to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit I think what you're saying is the universe, those instincts, because you know when it's the right time to talk and when it's not. You know I don't get cringe, cringes at all because I, I don't push it, I Share yeah.

Speaker 1:

Jesus. He was who he was. He was love embodied. He was the physical embodiment of love and sometimes it's harsh, but he is love and he's doing it from a loving place for our own good. If only we would consider a deeper understanding and seek why he's saying what. He's saying all that to say certain on the mount, he Fits on the mountain and people come to him because they're drawn to him, because they're drawn to that energy, like you said, that light, that love. They want to be love and that's who he spoke to. I want to be like him, that's how I want to do things.

Speaker 1:

But I've also been experiencing such spiritual freedom, just in my own journaling, as I've been learning to hear God's voice for myself, like Spiritual, not like audible, but like learning. In similar ways. People say I'll be universe, that universe, this you know. Similar to that, I'm learning the spiritual ways through which God speaks to me and most of it it's all filtered through scriptures so I can recognize, okay, what's God and what's not, because that's the other side of this. There are spirits out there that are not God, but there are spirits. This is why I need to read the Bible, because I can then discern, because I know what he's like. This is what Jesus did, this is how Jesus spoke. This is what Jesus values.

Speaker 1:

So I share because I felt and heard from God, shared all this stuff. I'm giving you share of this freedom. Right, that's the point. The reason I'm sharing is because it's it's been so great for me. So here's this. It's an offering. You know, if you want to listen and take it, totally take it. If you don't, that is on you. You do your thing. But here it is now used to not always be like this. You know, this has been like over time. I've learned this is how I live, because the subjects did it. Because of that I don't get much cringe, because I've learned how to read a room and I've learned how to understand when Holy Spirit is like kind of Opening the opportunities when people actually want to seek God, that I will respond to that. But in the same way, if people don't even know the hope that is available, there's no conversation that gets started. So I'm basically here's a conversation starter. You want to hear cool, if not cool, you know.

Speaker 2:

This episode is a little different than most episodes on the pot. I don't speak as much as I usually do on it, and that wasn't on accident. I really wanted to hear from Taylor about what she believes. I really wanted to hear her explain the way she sees the world. I didn't want to debate, I just wanted to listen. That's something I feel like I'm doing more and more these days. You can learn a lot about what people are going through and why they move in the world the way they do when you hear their story. I Wanted people to hear from Taylor. I wanted her to have a safe place to speak and I wanted to learn more about my friend this year. I want to continue to grow as an interviewer and I want my podcast to be a place that people can come and express themselves. I Want to have conversations instead of back-and-forth arguments. Only good vibes here. So thank you to Taylor for being honest and open and Hopefully people can hear this in open, more conversations within their circles. That's really what it's all about.

Speaker 2:

You had a moment like this in New York where you said you kind of lost faith and didn't understand what was going on around you and weren't sure what to believe, what not to believe. And for me that happened in a different way. It happened very weirdly because I binge watched Rick and Morty episodes and Morty episodes. Rick is very I'm God like he that's the way he talks on that show and he's very against everything Spiritual and he like I'm not gonna go into depth about Rick and Morty, if you know the show, you know the show folks.

Speaker 2:

But for me I just started second-guessing everything and questioning everything and of course my energy thing just always takes me back to. But there's something out there. Energy is keeping me on path. I understand that and I take the words that I have and I take most things with a grain of salt because my struggle in life and I will always say this is that people will be people. And when I say that it's a matter of, there's this quote in men and black and I think I don't know why this always comes back to me. But Tommy Lee Jones is asked by Will Smith. Will Smith was like well, why don't you tell people about these aliens?

Speaker 2:

people are smart, they'll do this and he was like the person is smart, people are Idiots and you know it. That's like what he said and I I think of that and I'm like every day I find myself in the scenario where I'm questioning people, not the person, people, the idea that we're dealing with all of this stuff politically with the Trumps and the Bightons and all that well, mostly the Trumps but all the stuff that's happening with all of these corrupt congressmen and all of these people who are stealing money and they're taking Stuff from welfare now and they're trying to make it look as if Everything's fine. But we know everything is crazy and you see everything going on in Ukraine. You see everything going on in Israel, which I don't even kind of want to talk about that, because that is Absolutely crazy. What's going on there? You see people being people, people as a unit. We can have a big group of people saying, no, this is wrong, but no matter what, it's still happening. And it's hard to be able to see that and be like we're doing right because the right people are talking, maybe saying this is wrong over this and that, but nothing's changing and Things continue to grow and get crazy and crazy and crazy.

Speaker 2:

Reason why I put that image out there is because, like I said, when I had that moment watching Rick and Morty, which is the crazy time to have this realization of where am I at but it was me and Suzanne Burke shout out to Suzanne was binge watching this show for like a week and I just got to this place where I was just like, yeah, I don't understand why people Looked at this other than they want to try to, like you said, feel like they're on the team, feel like that they're representing their aspect of Christianity correctly and instead of Looking at the super natural and actually looking within themselves and taking the energy and going with the energy, they take words from other people written and use that against people. And that makes it even more difficult because it's like that isn't okay to use that scripture Against people, because now it makes that scripture look like it's void, it looks like it doesn't have the wisdom within it 100% so the reason why I bring all that up is how do you go through this?

Speaker 2:

How are you so on board with everything, knowing all of the like? I said, knowing people will be people, and a lot of the words came from a person. I know that we have a lot of stuff in the Bible that was said to be from Jesus directly, but how do we know that? Because a person wrote it. We had a king literally create his own religious version of Christianity so that he can get a divorce. We see people take advantage of stuff so much and use it and flip it and change it so that it makes sense for them instead of for others, and they use it against others to give them a step above. How do you see all this stuff and just, you're okay with it. I know that's a loaded question. You see where my mentality goes with all of it. Growing up in the church with my grandmother, I just I'm just curious to see how you think about that.

Speaker 1:

It's a journey. Yeah, it wasn't like oh yeah, I believe all of this. It's like no, you ask, why should I believe this? You see, and he says like seek and you will find what I feel like these days we're not wired to do that because we have all these technology now and it's very difficult for us to be patient enough to seek for ourselves. The world is a busy place, but I think because of the spiritual hell I went through, it kind of forced me to seek because I was like trying to claw to the truth.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, over time I've learned and I'm saying this blank as a man, but from what I see, you know, like you say, a lot of people use the word against people. I think there's prayerlessness and a lack of even being able to hear God for themselves, let alone believe God can even talk to them, even like spiritually. So there's a lot of repeating what they were taught in seminary school. There's a lot of this version of the Bible is okay, this one's not. And because people don't have the self-control to do this for themselves, to seek for themselves, and also the courage to seek for themselves, what will you find when you actually look into these things? We put a college degree on it and say, oh, I went to seminary school, I'm good. Now I don't need to seek because I know Well, you need a question, it's healthy, god can handle your questions.

Speaker 1:

So it was a process for me to trust the Bible, to understand you know all of these things, how to deal with, like you said, the contradictions. So what I found personally is the Bible was not written in English, it was not written by white American people. It was written a long time ago, actually, over many, many, many years and generations, also supernaturally. Yes, it was written also by men and compiled by men. A lot of the contradictions, a lot of them, are in the translation from the original language to English. And so what I found in my seeking, in my own seeking, because and let me preface this because I experienced something, I experienced God personally. I had a supernatural encounter with God, so that was my great foundation. I'm like, okay, then how can this word mean this and this and that and this? And then how do I deal with all of that? There's actually a great app called the Blue Letter Bible app and you can compare the contradictions of the Bible and look up the original language it was written in and then define what that actually means. Sometimes the original intention was not properly translated into English and so, again, we go to seminary school. I learned from this person, that person I have a degree. No, that's not enough. We need to do this. We need to seek for ourselves into the original language, and this is also a prayerful activity.

Speaker 1:

All along, too, I'm learning how to hear spiritually God and the other thing that really has guided me in my walk, because I was believing these other spiritual things that really, really hurt me, the spiritual sense of me, and then it manifested physically. I found I was praying. Prayer is actually a thing. You can pray it. You can pray to God and say God, I need the answer. Can you show me and then you'll? You might get an idea in your head that might answer that prayer, and it might be God, but it also might not. One thing that was huge for me was because I prayed for God. Now I'm open for an answer because I know when I asked him so I was praying I was terrified being deceived again.

Speaker 1:

So I'm listening to these teachers. I'm like who can I believe? What should I do? And he brought me to the scripture, matthew 12.

Speaker 1:

How to discern a false prophet? You can discern them by the fruit that they bear. He compares people to trees. You can't talk from the outside, but if a tree is rotten inside, the fruit that they bear is going to be rotten. If a tree on the inside is good, it's going to bear good fruit. And then Jesus compares fruit to words. If someone is saying bad things, they're putting people down. They're using the scripture to manipulate people. Well, that's not good through, and I think people might not even know they're doing this because they don't seek for themselves. Honestly, like I think the issues that I struggled with, that made me cling in claw, to seek the Lord for myself out of like a necessity has actually been a gift because it's made me not lazy. You know, I've actually done these things, and so the words people say should be lifting burdens off of people and not putting them on.

Speaker 1:

And what I do is I ask God to help me interpret the scripture and to not assume things. We a lot of times assume we know what it means, but if we're understanding, we're open to consider if God is love. 1 Corinthians 13 explains all the attributes of love and it says to God is love. So God is all of this. If God, according to the Bible, if God is patient, god is kind, you know, god is all of those amazing things. If God is those things, how am I going to interpret all of this in in the Bible? Through that, you know, humble myself to be open to understand. And then I'm not going to use it against someone. I'm going to be open and see what this is.

Speaker 1:

With the fruit idea, all I can say is I cling to the Bible more and more because I read it and I've seen what's in it. I actually do it. I try to put it into practice. I'm not perfect, but I try, and I don't just read it and then try to teach someone else it. I read it and I'm convicted and I'm like, oh, I need to be better and I try to do those things. And then over time, you know what happens in my life. The fruit is good. It starts on the inside. My anxiety has left. It expels the hell out of you when you take in heaven. Now the fruit is not only good inside, but it's good outside. I trust it because I've tried it for real and it's blessed my life inside and out.

Speaker 3:

You say, as if you knew me in all my darkness. And then you looked right through me as if I wasn't there and you just kept on singing, singing clear and strong, strong in my hand with your finger, singing my life with your word, killing me softly with your song, killing me softly with your song, telling my whole life with your words, killing me softly with your song.

Speaker 2:

I really wanted to promo my girl Taylor today on the pod. She has a fantastic voice and she's always been one of my favorite people to perform with, ever since college. She has music on YouTube and Instagram. I'll give you that information at the end of it, but, of course, this is a clip of us singing at my Johnny Mathis Cabaret wonderful, wonderful, and this is the one we did in New York City back in 2016. And don't tell mama with that, you can listen to all my music on streaming platforms. You can check me out for more information at Dom LaMourecom, where you can get anything and everything. I'm Dom LaMoure.

Speaker 3:

Killing me softly with your song. Killing me softly with your song. Killing me softly with your song. Taylor, taylor, everybody.

Speaker 2:

Tell me about how the spiritual realm works.

Speaker 1:

This is going to sound job and it's going to sound too easy, too simple, but it's a different perspective on something that is very simple. I ask whoever is listening, open your mind to consider the simplicity of this. Spiritually, we have a soul. Whatever enters our soul comes in through. We're going to think of our senses as gates and if I see a thing, I can't unsee that thing, if I hear a thing, depending on whatever that is, it's going to open my ear gate, you could say, to peace, feeling great, or it could open up my soul to something else like discomfort. It's that simple. If we're going to talk the top layer of this what I speak, I hear and I reinforce that. So I am in control of what I see, what I hear, who I talk to. That's going to all inform how I feel in my soul. People say the universe seems to just happen. I believe that's God you can discern by knowing who he is through his character, observing his character in the Bible for yourself, not what seminary people say, not what your church says. Are you seeking God to know what he sounds like? His voice is not condemning or shameful. If he says a corrective word, it's for your benefit.

Speaker 1:

I've learned from someone who was an ex warlock in New York City. He walked into my chick-fil-a when I worked there. I had already seen some YouTube videos on him. It was kind of scary. The person I watch on YouTube is this scary ex warlock tall man. We end up having this great conversation again. This giddiness, this joy, because the energy was joyful, knowing how the spirit realm works. He also had a God encounter. I had a God encounter, an experience.

Speaker 1:

He has been filled and has this great energy we're geeking out. He ends up coming back the next day giving me these books, talking about the spirit realm and how they used to operate, how we used to operate as a witch, as a warlock a high-ranking warlock in New York City. I've read the book. It's kind of scary to hear, but, again, I tested these things out for myself. This is how I believe I found peace. You don't have to believe me, I'm just throwing it out there for anyone who wants to try this. Words, though, are like spiritual legalities. Humans have a lot of authority. If we're going to give a Bible reference, that's Genesis. God said to Adam and Eve I've given you all authority now to do the earth here rain well, treat it good here. This authority has been given to you to do that. I'm totally fair of raising, not exactly First. I was there.

Speaker 1:

And then later in the garden, the serpent can be used, as then, to eat the apple. Now their authority has been removed because they sinned. They're not perfect. So Jesus comes back, lives, a perfect life, raises from the dead. What does he say here? I give you all the authority to rain. So, humans, we have this authority we are not aware of.

Speaker 1:

And words, what we say, are basically legal rights. When I say a thing about myself, now, in the spirit, whatever spirit there is right has a legal right to enforce that curse. If I say something about myself, or if I say something good about myself, then heaven, they have a right to enforce the blessing. So what I call in spirits, negative spirits, whatever, they enforce the curse Again, anyone. If you're a Christian and this is sounding weird to you read James 3. James 3 is all about the power of the tongue. It says if a man could tame his mouth and his words, he can control every other part of his whole life. So I found, putting this spiritual reality into practice, that I've learned both from Scripture and from a person who knows how to manipulate words, curse people and ignorant people who don't understand the spiritual stuff. They will receive the curse, they will start to vocalize the curse and that reinforces it over their life. So if I use my tongue knowing, then I'm not going to disvoice my failures.

Speaker 2:

The way that I usually go about, that if you speak it into existence, you can't be upset. If it actually happens, if I say, hey, I think I'm going to have a bad show tonight and you have a bad show tonight, you told yourself you were going to have a bad show and you said it out loud. Why would you have a good show if you put it in? And that's like I said. It goes back to the energy thing. For me, if you put the negative energy out there, the negative energy usually finds its way back to you. So I hear that. I hear that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is what people get into manifesting.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Do you want to know what they do? What psychic mediums and tarot cards? What's actually happening there in the spirit?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay. So what happens is these people learn the language of the spirit realm by spirit guides. You know, they say yeah, but they don't know the source, anything about the guides they're talking to. They're assuming that they're good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And sometimes they do produce kind of okay fruit at first, just like when I read those books, but over time it's like a manipulative relationship. It exists that you would come back for more and sometimes, a lot of times, it will reveal something bad in your future. That would then open your soul up from your ear gates or whatever, or your eye gates, whatever you want to say. It will open your soul up to fear, just like manipulation, that I need to come back, hey, this person. So that doesn't happen to me. And so, in effect, a lot of times it's just like any other addiction. It's manipulative and it's causing you to want more. And unfortunately, some I'm not going to say all for sure, not all, but some Christian leaders who don't seek God and they don't love God, they're falling under this exact same spirit. They're operating under a manipulative spirit because they want more people at their church and titers, you know. So they give people just what they need, but they don't actually see them. The truth, which is you can hear from God for yourself and church isn't to make, I guess, parishioners ignorant. This is a generational thing. People were meant to have their own relationship with God, be able to hear God for themselves. And then the church was meant to come together to build each other up, to encourage each other and to confirm. You know what God's saying. We all kind of need confirmation, you know, as to what we're hearing. Is this right? Yeah, sometimes just no one's enough just by themselves. We are a body, but I think it's become over time. It's kind of led into this manipulation where we all become so lazy because it's easier for us to trust our preacher when we're not actually doing that. And again, sometimes the preacher likes the power, they like the money. They don't even seek God, they don't hear the Holy Spirit, they're not doing his will.

Speaker 1:

Jesus in the Bible, if you look, he came against the religious Pharisees and he called them son of the devil. You hypocrites to the religious leaders not all of them, but the ones who are operating in this manipulative spirit. The whole thing is, if the source at the root, if a spirit at the root, is secretive, manipulative leading, like giving you just enough that you need to come back for more, that's rooted to the devil, that's evil, right. If it's life giving, it's all the first Corinthians 13, love, even if it stings at the beginning, right? Some of the evil stuff feels good at the beginning and then it has bad fruit. Sometimes things that are good for us hurts at first, but if I humble myself to consider, like how to deal with this, knowing that at the root God is love and he wants my healing, the fruit will be good fruit. That's what I found in my own life.

Speaker 2:

All right, I appreciate you being on the show so much. This has been a really great conversation. What I always do at the end of the episode is we've gone through everything we need to talk about. All I need to know now is how do you feel?

Speaker 1:

I think that's a loaded question, but it's a good one, right. In general I feel good, feel better than I have in a long time. I will say it's dependent upon me thinking about God and seeking God, because I'll wake up and probably won't feel okay or I'll feel tired or stressed or still physically healing and I do feel sometimes like the loneliness that happens whenever you're 34 and single and all your friends are either married or have kids. I do feel that. But I now, because of all this time like we talked about I've had getting my life correct, spiritually and emotionally and even physically with my health. I have over time learned how to hear God's voice and I've spent a lot of time taking in this scripture. That has helped me.

Speaker 1:

I experience peace that flows over me when I do these activities now, but it's because I've kind of gained momentum in those things as I have. My belief has grown in that. My belief in my innocence has grown in that that's what scripture says. It's hard to believe it at first. Over this time I can quickly in the morning have quiet time, alone time like seeking God and praying and singing to him, like singing my prayers. I don't know if you guys ever sing your prayers. But that's amazing.

Speaker 1:

I'm able to go through every day knowing that. I know how to find God and I know how to find peace and I know how to hear his voice now and I know how to discern all of that and I know how to like, not believe, lies. I know how the spiritual realm works, so I know what's happening if I start to be overcome with a thought that's not a fruitful thought. I know how to operate in the spirit realm. So I'm good as long as I keep doing that and being with God. That's the whole thing. It's closeness, closeness to Jesus. There's a spiritual connection with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

I want to thank you for listening to the black man talking emotions podcast. The opening quote credit goes to Albert Green, herbert and shout out to Taylor for being on the pod. Follow Tay at underscore T a Y L O I R underscore on Instagram and when you go there, there's a link in her bio that will take you to her YouTube to a lot of her music that she's putting out. Check her out. Support, always a good time. Please subscribe to the podcast, share the podcast and give us a good rating. Five stars, please, and thank you. You can support the show by clicking the link at the bottom of the episode description. Also, tell me your stories about these subjects at D O M L. Underscore a M O U R on Instagram or at Dom LaMourecom. I'm Dom LaMoure, much love.

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