A podcast by writers, for writers. Host Sheridan Sharp is on a quest to connect word wizards by featuring authors and editors on the show each week. Take part in the mission to create a community around the show and gain free advice from every episode on how to elevate YOUR manuscript.
44. Writers: STOP Fretting and Focus on What You CAN Control | Barry Lyga
The age old question: how much of getting published is just luck and how much of it is skill?
"Rebel Author" Barry Lyga joins host Sheridan Sharp to talk about his 27-novel track record (and counting). Instead of getting distraught over the timing of it all, focus on what you CAN control on this episode of Am I Write? Podcast.
About Barry
Called a "YA Rebel Author" by Kirkus, Barry Lyga has published 27 novels in a 17-year-career, running the gamut from award-winning literary novels like Bang and Boy Toy to thrillers like the New York Times bestselling I Hunt Killers to astonishing super-hero adventures such as the Flash and Thanos. His work has been translated into more than a dozen languages around the globe and he has been named a Kentucky Colonel by the Governor of Kentucky for his contribution to writing. His latest work is the duology EDITED/UNEDITED, a two-book dyad that has never been attempted before in publishing, releasing both the original unedited manuscript and the cut-down version the publisher wanted. He lives outside New York City with his wife, the novelist Morgan Baden and their children.
TikTok: @barrylyga
Twitter (if you must): @barrylyga
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