Whine & Dine


September 04, 2023 Miguel G. Season 1 Episode 10
Whine & Dine
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Whine & Dine
Sep 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 10
Miguel G.

My first TikTok live experience.

Get ready to challenge your assumptions about cancel culture and its impact on the media. Joined by my recurring guest, Danny, we're about to deep-dive into the media uproar surrounding the upcoming live-action remake of Snow White. From casting disputes to the flat portrayal of Prince Charming, we dissect the situation and how the woke trend is seeping into other films like The Little Mermaid and The Lion King.

Ever pondered about remakes and media manipulation? We tackle these issues head-on. 

The discourse gets heated as we debate Elphaba’s story, her alleged deception, and how it drew varying reactions from the public.

Danny and I may not always agree, but we promise an engaging, thought-provoking conversation about celebrity culture, media representation, and public opinion. Buckle up, this is one ride you won't want to miss!

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My first TikTok live experience.

Get ready to challenge your assumptions about cancel culture and its impact on the media. Joined by my recurring guest, Danny, we're about to deep-dive into the media uproar surrounding the upcoming live-action remake of Snow White. From casting disputes to the flat portrayal of Prince Charming, we dissect the situation and how the woke trend is seeping into other films like The Little Mermaid and The Lion King.

Ever pondered about remakes and media manipulation? We tackle these issues head-on. 

The discourse gets heated as we debate Elphaba’s story, her alleged deception, and how it drew varying reactions from the public.

Danny and I may not always agree, but we promise an engaging, thought-provoking conversation about celebrity culture, media representation, and public opinion. Buckle up, this is one ride you won't want to miss!

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Speaker 1:

Fire. So this episode is going to be slightly different because what I'm going to do I'm going to talk with Danny. So Danny has been on my podcast twice already. I really like talking to him. I think he brings good insight. Everything on my podcast is based on our personal opinions, so nothing is we're not here to accuse anyone of anything. We're just expressing our views, how we feel about the world in general. So on this podcast we're going to continue to talk about cancel culture and I might touch a bit of the pride element, because that kind of I don't know why, but it grinds my gears Anyway. So we're going to do it live on Tick Tock.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, yeah, I mean we can jump straight into it. I mean it's good, but I think with us we like to free flow, which is one of my favorite things to do because we just completely go off topic.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, let's just jump into it, let's go for it. Let's go for it. We're going to talk about, we're going to talk about cancel culture. I think you were introducing your listeners and viewers to this and yeah, let's do it. Our favorite topic You've been on my podcast like twice now I know I'm like the recurring special guest.

Speaker 2:

I'm like Gail from Bob's Burgers.

Speaker 1:

I've never watched that. I've heard of it but I've never watched it. I thought you were going to say like Gail Weathers, but you said Gail from Bob's Burgers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not as cool as Gail Weathers yet.

Speaker 1:

No, so okay, so okay, let's start. Are you going to watch Snow White?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, because, with all of this media storm around it, I feel like the media are literally only using this actress to place Snow White, just to create a media storm, like kind of like they did with the Little Mermaid.

Speaker 2:

They did it because they knew that it was going to wind people up. They knew it was going to cause a controversy Although the Little Mermaid was actually quite good and Melissa McCarthy played the part well, hayley Berry played the part really well as well but they only did it just to create a media circle. And they've done the same with Snow White. They thought, okay, this created such a storm for Little Mermaid, let's do it with Snow White. But with Snow White, the girl is so I don't know. You listen to this interview. She's like well, I've never watched the original Snow White. I don't like it.

Speaker 1:

I know Rachel. Okay, can I tell you a stupid story about Snow White. Yeah, all right, here we go. So last night I was going to watch Snow White. I thought I was going to watch Snow White on Disney Plus, but then my f**kmate thought Snow White was on Prime Amazon Prime and we started to watch no, sorry, a Little Mermaid. And we started to watch Little Mermaid and, okay, an hour and a half in watching the film, it was a Little Mermaid that was released in 2012 or whenever. Have you heard of that film?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it popped up because I remember when, yeah, yeah, yeah, and isn't it something to do?

Speaker 1:

like a circus act or something. It is, yeah. And Snow White was this like she was enslaved in the circus. Yeah, that was it. Yeah. First of all, where's what's the name? Chloe, the actress for the new one, the new Little Mermaid, keep saying Snow White. Hey, oh, yeah, is it Hailey or Chloe? Which one is it? Hailey, hailey, hailey, sorry, yeah. So I thought where's Hailey and I thought, okay, she's going to be like in the film half 30 minutes in. But yeah, half an hour and an hour and a half later we thought, okay, we can't find her and this is the wrong film and I went to bed. I was really pissed off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that film didn't get too many views. I think I watched like five minutes and realized it was just a cash grab. Hey Max yeah it was a cash grab which wasn't good.

Speaker 1:

But you're talking about Rachel. What's the name? Rachel Zegler? Rachel Ziegler, she's in Snow White and she complained about Prince Charming. She said Prince Charming was stalking Snow White or he was a stalker in the original film, which I'll for you was ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was just. Yeah, that was yeah. I read something about that. She said that she didn't need Prince Charming or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and she, I think I think, long story short. She wants Snow White to be the new, in my opinion, woe-key kind of film where I'm all for feminism but I don't think Hollywood should use it in the sense of it damages men. That's my honest opinion. I think Prince Charming is I don't know if he's being ridiculed or if he's ever in a film is that Prince Charming in a film? Because I think she kind of implied that there wouldn't be a Prince Charming in the new Snow White.

Speaker 2:

Yeah for this. I think they're gonna keep him as just like. He's just gonna be like oh, what's the word about two-dimensional character? He's not gonna have any sort of dimensions to him, he's just gonna be there and it's just. I was just like, okay, this is gonna be really odd.

Speaker 1:

He's the one that awakens her, it's just yeah, it is gonna be odd and I think you know this is why and I know you just said Little Mermaid was good, you liked it and I want to see Little Mermaid. In fact I tried to see it last night, but I also go. Now I go to the cinema and I think I know what. What are they gonna do? Eddie Ford's on the Elphabaugh. We're gonna get to this in a bit. Yes, we are, we are, or you are more likely, ruby, we're gonna get to this in a bit.

Speaker 2:

We're just going through some stuff.

Speaker 1:

Can't wait. But yeah, I do go to the cinema with not with an open mind open mind anymore because I just think it's gonna be another protest film and I'm like, I'm not there to be to protest, I'm there to be entertained. You know, I'm there for some escapism, that's the thing.

Speaker 2:

I think I went to see Candyman the newest version of Candyman.

Speaker 1:

I'm a horror freak.

Speaker 2:

I love horror and me and my other half got really annoyed. We're both gay men. We got really annoyed at the fact that they were pushing this gay character into the audience and it was just like I get the sort of representation, but that doesn't fit. I mean, why, pardon me, why are you? Why are you sort of pushing this agenda? It just doesn't fit it. It's really weird.

Speaker 2:

They kind of did it with Halloween kills as well and they had a 2k character that bought Michael Myers's house but, it kind of worked a little bit better, and I don't know if that's me just being biased, because I'm a huge Halloween freak. I love the franchise, but it just seems like these days they're pushing so much.

Speaker 1:

Tell me that. Yeah, tell me about that. So what happened in Candy man? So what kind of gay character are you referring to? I've never seen Candy man. I've seen Halloween a very long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Candy man was literally just an urban legend of a guy. So he was a slave back in the 1870s and 1800s. He got killed because he is slept with. This is very, very big. He slept with one of his owner's daughters. They found out, so they killed him, chopped his hand off and gave him a hook for a hand, and then the urban legend became, if you call his name, five times in the mirror.

Speaker 1:

He will come to you and he will appear. He will kill you.

Speaker 2:

So that was the original and it started off in Chicago in the project. So then it went into New Orleans. There was a third one, which was terrible, and then it got redone to 2021 or 22 and it was just they had this, this gay character, that just didn't, doesn't really fit just to fill this woke card or check this woke box.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know I feel the same way. I obviously feel the same way. And see, you've not sold the film to me at all. So now I don't want to watch that film. I want to watch the original one. We've talked about this before. I didn't. I stopped watching Bridgerton for the same reason. I want to be represented, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to be represented in an overboard kind of way, you see. But I will still watch, I think the remake sucks. There you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get what you mean, I never seen Bridgerton and I kind of reluctant to watch any shows on Netflix. I think we talked in the last part last part actually about.

Speaker 2:

Sarah Michelle Geller was heavily promoting a new TV show called Wolfpack and I was really reluctant to like she's heavily promoting this, like crazy, and she hasn't come out of the woodworks in like 20 years since Buffy, so I had a feeling this was going to be bad. And then, like I told you, I think the first few minutes, I was like they already announced in the first 10 minutes that he had asthma, he has asperger's, he had autism, he had this, he has social anxiety, he was bisexual.

Speaker 1:

I was like wow like, I mean, which is fine, which is fine, but you know you're the public, we don't have to see the film. So I believe in the power of boycott and by not going to the cinema, by not buying the products you see, so they can do whatever they want. I think we're all free to do whatever we want. I just don't see. I didn't. I didn't see Barbie, for example. I didn't see a little mermaid either. I will see both when they're on Disney plus. I believe You're going to be there. I'm just going to break your fire stick for you. We'll do it together and I'll write we need to meet.

Speaker 2:

I haven't seen Barbie as well, but I've had so many mixed reviews. I've heard he's very empowering, but I've also heard he's very fucking to men.

Speaker 1:

So it's been a patriarchy? Yeah, it is, but I will. I'm still curious because you know, sometimes when you it's not following the trend but you want to see what all all the forces about, and then you watch a film and you go like, is I it? You see, because everyone's been creating this huge marketing over the film.

Speaker 2:

And then you watch it and you disappointed yeah, there's so many films I've seen that from people have suggested and that has been a huge, huge fan, and I've been like this is terrible, like why, why, like, what are you on about?

Speaker 1:

I know, but so are you going to watch Snow White then Are you going to wait to?

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to go and pay for it. No, I'll probably if it's on my streaming providers and I'll stream it, but it's not something I'm going to go out of my way to watch, unless someone's paying me to watch it. I think the only films that I'm interested to see for the rest of this year will be the Exorcist, the Beginning and maybe the Nun too.

Speaker 1:

I didn't like the Nun, maybe, I think, to be fair this whole year has been horrors.

Speaker 2:

I've been screen six Evil Dead Rise yeah, nothing's really grabbed me.

Speaker 1:

I do like screen. I like the whole franchise. There's not one that I really dislike, apart from screen four. I think Is that the one with Emma Roberts.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, it's screen four. I hate to screen four they use that weird Kardashian filter.

Speaker 1:

That pissed me off, I know, I know. Yeah, the whole thing, the whole film was just bad, wasn't it? But people loved it.

Speaker 2:

It's a fan favourite for some strange, but I love screen three and that was terrible with Courtney Cox's bangs or fringe.

Speaker 1:

Do you know about that?

Speaker 2:

She says she saw this Ninja Turtles last week and she said that was good.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm not a big fan about remakes anymore. The Lion King remake was just.

Speaker 2:

The Lion King remakes really pissed me off because it was just basically a whole platform for Beyonce to release a new song.

Speaker 1:

I know Album. She really is a whole album.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that really pissed me off. I was just like I like that one.

Speaker 1:

I did like it.

Speaker 2:

I didn't leave anything to me. I mean, maybe I have to rewatch it, but I was just like, eh, okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh my God, lion King made me fuming, daryl said, lion King made him fuming.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't feel any kind of way. I just thought, oh, another remake that I'm going to be a bit unbothered about, you see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think there's been any decent remakes. I think Halloween was again being biased was quite good, because when they did the original ones they kind of wiped the slate clean with H2O.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember H2O with Josh Sharp back in 1937? Yeah, yeah, I do. That's my favourite Halloween film.

Speaker 2:

They wiped the slate clean and then they kind of did it again with this one, so that was kind of a remake, but not because it had the original cast, so it was good. But yeah, remakes are not. I think they're doing it with Saw again, aren't they? They're doing a prequel or a remake, prequel a reboot.

Speaker 1:

I watched it but I'm not like an avid watcher, a viewer, but I do like Scream. I like that about Scream and what I like about the new. They're not remakes, they're just continuing with the saga. I just like that. They're very nostalgic about Scream, about Billy Loomis, about the whole Scream. The first two Screams, I think, but I don't know what, how the next one is going to be like. I just think. I hope they don't just drag it out and just kill a classic merchandise.

Speaker 2:

Well, I guess the killers within the first few minutes of them being on screen. I guess, apart from one. Apart from one, I think I'm not going to give any spoilers, but from one I didn't get. I knew straight away who the killers were. I enjoyed it, but I was on the edge of my seat when Gale in that chase scene. I was like which one?

Speaker 1:

Sorry, the latest.

Speaker 2:

I was just like yeah, I'm watching Scream, blah, blah blah.

Speaker 1:

And Paul Guy was watching Scream 5,. So one of those came out before. So which one were you talking about that? You didn't want to give any spoilers. Which Scream, scream 6, the new one? Oh, the new one? Oh, did you guess the killers? Right, yeah, straight away, all of them.

Speaker 2:

Craig, who's in this chat? Craig Griffiths, who's in this chat, was watching the one before, which was Scream 5, so he was a little bit confused as to what I was saying and then he realized he was out of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah you're watching Craig, yeah, so yeah, let's just continue with our console culture. I mean, we talked about Rachel, I think there no.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say yeah. Another one that I wanted to talk about was Philips Gofield. Craig still said he needs to watch Scream 6. Can you remember the horror movie that made in media studies? Oh yes, go back to the horror. Sorry, I will go back to Philips.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

My friend, I mean Kirsty. We did media studies together. We created a horror film. Do you mean? We created a horror film? You guys all left to win up the film to smoke.

Speaker 1:

I created the horror film. I want to hear about that.

Speaker 2:

What if I still have that? No, but Philips Gofield, I think that's so like okay. So I think it's a huge media manipulation with that whole Philips thing, because they were on the warpath as soon as they cut the line for the Queen Queen's funeral, him and Holly yeah, I remember Just before, if you read any posts, it was like oh, they're Britain's sweethearts, we love them, they're the data, we love them. And suddenly the media was like we hate them. Everyone was like, yeah, we hate them. And it seems like whatever the media says the Daily Mail, the Sun, whatever people will jump on that bandwagon and before it like it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I mean, the guy was of consenting age. Do you have sex with Philips Gofield? If they did. But if you're going to do that, then why aren't you going to do it with Sheryl Cole?

Speaker 1:

And Liam, I was gonna ask you, I think I think Alton John said there was a slight homophobia in it. I don't believe that was the case, but what do you think?

Speaker 2:

I think there was a slight homophobia. I think yeah, because maybe he was gay, they kind of they. Yeah, I think there was a slight homophobia into it at all and completely sorry because, yeah, because he was gay. But they didn't do it to Alton John. I mean, look a Celine Dion, her husband was sent away. She was 12 when they met 14.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

She was 12. Liam Payne, cheryl Cole. How old was he? How old was she? No one's going as great for them. But with Phillips, go for this is it's all. It's all a distraction, because one, our gas prices are going up, our mortgage prices are completely going up, our our Sorry, I'm drinking wine and I'm burping and Rishi Sunak is Completely fucking this country over.

Speaker 1:

So you think? You think that feels cold? Fill then cases like his and our like scapegoats to the real issues in sight. Yes, gorgeous yeah, oh yeah, if you're gonna get the media.

Speaker 2:

So if you're gonna get the people talking about something else, they're gonna be distracted from what they really trying to do, and we which is luckily now we have this information where we have like.

Speaker 1:

So for me they say like Facebook and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Now we kind of are cleared up on that's. Years ago it would have worked.

Speaker 1:

It I it would have worked a bit more, but do you not think it's working, though? I?

Speaker 2:

Hate the prime minister. Um, it is working. A it is kind of you've got more people and I hate to say this word, but you've got more people woke to the situation that they're trying to disrupt us.

Speaker 1:

So that's what you guys in the chat thing. Yeah, that's the only way you use.

Speaker 2:

Use it, them woke you guys in the chat, think what are you guys doing? Do you think they'll be second lockdown? I've heard, do you think they'll be second lockdown? He's gone but he will join in a minute. But I think you're right, greg. I think Do I?

Speaker 1:

Can hear me yeah, let's, let's go. I'm just gonna say all I could hear was you saying same things over and over and over, on repeat.

Speaker 2:

I could hear that as well. Was really weird. But no, craig said a good point, said good luck putting me in lockdown again.

Speaker 1:

I know same. Let's talk about that. I love that. I love what you said. Yeah, first of all, I'm not gonna wear masks and I'm not gonna take any more vaccine. I'm not gonna take any more experimental vaccines. I'm sorry, I'm just not no.

Speaker 2:

No, there's no way. I don't think anyone's gonna be dumb enough. There will be people dumb enough to see it and there will be people like I can't believe you're coming out, save the country, love up. I can't believe you're stocking up on toilet roll. I can't believe you're doing this. There will be that person that would doppy wins having four people around your house, like I.

Speaker 1:

I agree with Chelsea. I agree with Chelsea. I don't think that there be a second. There will be a second lockdown now with vaccines. No, they won't, because people won't fall for the same trick of this bad viruses. That's how you're here to get it, to get us, and I'm like no, even the monkey pox. Only I took the first one up up. That's the last Vaccine I'll ever take. I'll trust the vaccines that I've taken when I was a kid, etc. Cuz they wore, they were like five, six years into development in until we knew they worked. The coming back saying it was an experiment I'm sorry.

Speaker 2:

That's the thing. It's crazy, it's just. There's a full vaccine Right, it being that they put upon us and it like our economy is completely fucked. Do you know what is the weirdest thing? As well as the fact that I went to the pub the other night and the other night they have a week and I was like this is not the same. It's just so weird going to a bar now like yeah, there used to be some sort of Vibe and now. It's just so weird. People are just completely different. Since lockdown.

Speaker 1:

And not just that. I think if someone coughs, everyone looks as if they're carrying a virus with them. It's just so bizarre. People are saying I've known people to have six vaccinations. Kersti says she was forced to because of her work. It's absolutely. I'm not taking any more vaccinations and I think I think something what? Okay, so this is just my personal feeling. But what do you think? Last winter, how many times you get sick? Cuz I got sick a few times and that's not normal.

Speaker 2:

To be fair, I never, because I never get flu boosters. I never get nothing like that. I like I'm always saying to my mom and everyone in my other half it's good for your body to pick up these illnesses to fight them. If you're gonna dose your, if you've got a little baby, you're gonna dose them up on cowpaw, if you're gonna know their music is gonna be shot. So when they grow up there, their music is not going to fight this. So I like to let my body fight him now and again I'll take a paracelm.

Speaker 2:

I've got a really bad hangover. I'm not gonna take anything for like. I'm not gonna take any antibiotics or like headache or something like that.

Speaker 1:

So you think it's, it's, it's the government controlling you. You're not the only one, clearly, but you, because I kind of feel the same way. But you think because Right before we can go to a shop, we can go anywhere, can go to a club not that I want to, we can go to a club without Having to show the proof of vaccination I thought what a stupid idea, or a stupid concept.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's the thing. I've never I've had people do that. I've never gone into a club and people have all said Vaccination. And what really annoyed me is that they said that you need proof of vaccination to go Abroad and stuff like that, and I had to get these vaccinations.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say that's the reason, reason why I took. I had them because I had to to see my, my family in Portugal. That was it, yeah, nothing else.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't that suddenly now you go there and you don't have to do that.

Speaker 1:

No, no one does.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, go ahead guys, keep tapping the live and keep sharing out to all your friends. It means the world to us. So you guys will be unrecorded live on our podcast. So this will be on Miguel's podcast wine and dine. Wine and dine podcast, which is now on Spotify so that you guys comments will be read out live.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's talk about Alphaba. What is your beef with Alphaba? Let's go. Let's go for it.

Speaker 2:

Is Ruby still here? Is Ruby still there? Let's see if she's still here. She's not. No, billy honor is still here. She's not still here. So, guys in the chat, are you familiar with who this person is? Let me see if we can get a few more comments from it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh guys, if you can share the live out, this will be amazing. So, alphaba, yeah, I think they. This is actually quite sad and quite funny at the same time. See, if I can share this live out to a few more people to get people in. Oh my, your video you're about so yeah. So, guys, if you can share the live, tap, tap, tap, that'd be great. Yeah, so Elphaba, you familiar with her, miguel.

Speaker 1:

I am, yeah, thanks to you, I mean, I've seen a girl. I think my algorithm kind of told me who she was. Okay, can you hear me?

Speaker 1:

There he is can you hear me, miguel? Peter, can you hear me? I can hear you. What happened there? Did you share it live? I was, Is that why? Is that why you can hear me? That's probably why I was sharing that link. Yeah, I've heard of her because of you, but although she had been on my life feed due to the algorithm, but not as much, and now I'm going to hear about her every day because of you. Why is it that?

Speaker 2:

she randomly popped up and it was just like what is this? This is a person that doesn't take care of their appearance, a person doesn't wash person that just can't sing. What is this? And then there was all these lies that came out and it's just like she's lying that she has autism. She's lying she has Tourette. She's lying that she was essayed, which we all know where essayed is.

Speaker 2:

And it was really odd that they were playing up to this whole role to get the people gift her so much money because of this. And we're not talking about like a hundred pounds. A hundred pounds there, when you gift on TikTok, that's actual, real money. People were gifting them like 15 to 20,000 a week, which is crazy money. And it all came out that it was a lie, they scammed people and it's just crazy. And I feel like the more she's done these lives on TikTok and I'm going to say she, because I'm going to be respectful to the pronouns that she wants to use the more that she goes on live on these TikToks, that she gets addicted to this, so she creates more lies and more drama. It's just crazy. It's like and we can kind of it's in a weird way, it's a social experiment, because there's quite a few people on here that do this. It's a social experiment I feel, like TikTok is doing with people. We're kind of watching people go through mental breaks.

Speaker 1:

It's really hard to watch Like what's the name? Alpha is former friend Chelsea Leah. Yeah, what do you think of her?

Speaker 2:

She's my best friend. She made 17,000 the other week and she says she was using it for her transition. Yeah, that's the thing she said that. Oh yeah, because she hasn't fully transitioned.

Speaker 1:

yet I've read that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she said she's not going to do that. That's the thing. Is Chelsea. That's crazy. She said so many, so many crazy things, so many racist, homophobic things. Yeah, people are still supporting it.

Speaker 1:

It's just a cult now, isn't it? It's a cult like Trump, like under the date, et cetera, but they all have their followers. Yeah, for their own reasons, but do you do? Okay, so what's your? I was going to ask you about Alphaba. Do you think Alphaba is just a compulsive liar? Do you think? What do you think should happen to her? That's why I need to ask, because we're talking about cancel culture but what do you think should happen?

Speaker 2:

I don't think she should be cancelled, I just think she needs to have a break. I think she needs to have a break from all of this and then just sort of sit back and just chill for a bit. I mean, she's got enough money.

Speaker 1:

I agree, sit back, yeah, just like don't down to something.

Speaker 2:

I think people, instead of cancelling people, I think they should be educated. I guess.

Speaker 1:

But I think sometimes when you've got money, I mean it's like kind of fuck what the other thing you know just going to live your life, you know you're not going to get any more cancelled, so you just she's going to carry on doing what she's doing, I think.

Speaker 2:

I mean she's kind of doing right, because we're sitting and doing a podcast about it Exactly so.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be in the algorithm. She's going to be mentioned even more now, thanks to us. She's good.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy. I'm surprised that none of her fans have come in here, because apparently they're quite crazy.

Speaker 1:

Can you tell me about the video that you made yesterday, which was about a message or like a threat that she received from someone and you said you didn't believe it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So they put a message up and said, oh, and they were reading out very nonchalant and it's like, if I can meet you, I'm going to, I'm going to you, or something like that. And I was like, no, I don't believe that. I think she said something that she's been called out before doing and that's creating a fake account, messaging herself on that fake account and then just creating, then doing it online, and it's just like.

Speaker 1:

That's so. I mean it's really sad because no matter what she does now, people won't believe her because of the lies that she's told.

Speaker 2:

But some people do believe it and that's great. And then people were gifting her. Because of that, I was like, oh, I'll put you like Elphaba is nearly as bad as the old guy dancing on the boat in your video. You stitched.

Speaker 1:

Is that? Someone put Elphaba is nearly as bad as the old guy, I know. But who's the guy On?

Speaker 2:

the boat. So, with no, just a random guy that just popped up on my Fyp and I stitched it and I went.

Speaker 1:

I think my favorite video in your account is the one with Tina Turner that guy dancing to Tina Turner. I've just shared it on my Facebook today. Yeah, I saw and I thought I'm laughing at your reaction. Forget him.

Speaker 2:

He started when she passed away, poor guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so was I. I was sad yeah so was I.

Speaker 2:

I think I was as well, I was captured as well, and I think like, obviously, mariah Carey and Cheryl Crowe are my favorites Like, but like for anything happened to them.

Speaker 1:

Like Tina Turner is a huge inspiration to me as well, like she's amazing Cheryl Crowe. I didn't know that about you.

Speaker 2:

I went to the whole. Um Namu Maiho Renge Kaiyo. The whole, the whole, the whole bunch of people every day. Yeah, the Buddhist thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what about Cheryl Crowe? I didn't know you liked Cheryl Crowe that much. What did I?

Speaker 2:

Cheryl Crowe, not Cheryl Crowe, not Cheryl.

Speaker 1:

Crowe no, the all I want to do singer. Yeah, my whole sleeve is Cheryl Crowe, not Cheryl Tweedy no.

Speaker 2:

My whole sleeve is Cheryl Crowe.

Speaker 1:

No way, no way Leaving Las Vegas Wildflower. Wow, where's the sun? So cup the sun.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna have to have one done soon. Yeah, I'm gonna have to have one done soon. Where I got this brand name.

Speaker 1:

Got it. You know she's retired. Now she's not. She said she was, she said she was going to. That's the thing with celebrities they always come back, no matter what. I think they're addicted to the celebrity status, the fame that they get rid of. Yes, so me and Lily went to see her.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, lily, what tour was it? It was the country tour. We went to see that in Newcastle. But no, cheryl Crowe has not retired. She said was this is her last album that she's making, because people which I believe is true these days are not making albums. She said back in my day we used to make albums and people. It was like a story that you'd listen to. People would listen to the whole album. These days, people are making albums and they're only doing two singles and the rest is just filler. They're not putting any effort into it. She doesn't want to do that. She wants to create albums that will tell the whole story of the whole way through which I get. I do. Do I listen to albums? You do listen to albums these days where people drop them and it's like, okay, you've got the least single that was on TikTok for about a month. The rest is awful.

Speaker 1:

To be honest, I don't listen to albums anymore. I only listen to whatever single they release. Honestly, I see gigs, I see concerts, I love going to concerts, but I don't listen to albums. I just don't. I think I'm too busy for that. It's really bad because I love music. I used to love music, but I just don't anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get that. I mean, I think the last album. I mean I listened to a lot of vinyl. I started re-listening to albums that flopped and then realized these albums were ahead of their time. So it was crazy. Obviously, Mariah Carey got cancelled back then and then flopped. Two albums flopped, but that was because it was.

Speaker 1:

It was management, really it was management, it was the manager her ex-husband that sabotaged her whole career. I think Memoirs is your favorite album, right?

Speaker 2:

Charm bracelet is my favorite album, but Memoirs is second, wait a way, what Charm bracelet. Charm bracelet. It was just so raw and personal. It was just such an amazing album by Mariah Carey Memoirs as well. When I listened to it the other day again, I was like this is so 2010's vibe. I remember when Neo first came out and stuff like that I was like wow, this is.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, they've got a song together. Right, They've got a song together, Neo and Mariah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Angels Cry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is like the room. Yeah, I remember You're now going to see Alphaba in a social circle anytime soon, right, Danny?

Speaker 2:

I hope not. She's in what I've seen, she's in Blackpool. So that's the thing as well. She doesn't have anywhere to live, she just goes from place to place. That's a sad thing as well. She's been living with this guy called Jay, which is quite sad. Thank you guys for the likes and the love and the shares. She's been traveling, traveling, traveling. She's been living with this weird guy called Jay this lovely guy called Jay, sorry, and she's got him kicked out of his house.

Speaker 2:

So he's been kicked out, is now homeless and she's just gone, left him and on her life she said that's not my problem.

Speaker 1:

But did she even have to say why?

Speaker 2:

No, she does it quite a lot, though. She's done it about three or four times, and it's just like you, poor guys.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I think Chelsea's saying the person I was struck that passed away was Shinayoka. Yeah, we need to talk about Shinayoka on there, but let me just say one more thing about Alphaba. I need to ask you something. Yeah, so forget Alphaba. Let's say anyone, anyone who's had that history in the public eye. Would you be able today to celebrate it like them? Forget Alphaba. I'm not talking about Alphaba. It could be anyone With all that baggage.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I could. I don't know. They've been notoriously lying and stuff like that. No, I don't think I could.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be able to employ someone like that either, right, yeah, that's what I was going to ask you, even after they had therapy, because that's what we think she needs, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, therapy, yeah. And I don't think, yeah, I think therapy, definitely therapy is needed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely, I think she does it on purpose. I think she does it on purpose, you know.

Speaker 2:

So do I. I think it's all on purpose, I think it's all for the camera, which is quite sad. But you've got the evil queen lady that does the same thing. You've got the sobriety jack that calls himself sobriety jack and then drinks every night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but we're the one, we I mean, I'm not talking about you and I, but we're the ones to blame because we're the ones who gift them with money, etc. But yeah. I know, we in general, not me, I'm never look at those.

Speaker 2:

We've got 1.1 gay likes. Thank you guys so much. Let's give this one more big share to everyone in your list. Keep tapping that screen, guys. You guys are awesome. If you can, guys, give a big share, make sure that we get up here. I'm gonna share to as many people as I possibly can. Keep tapping that screen. The more taps, the more people's feed that we get into. This will be great. I love you all and the honor like the life up. So mainly are now I going to hustle in new market in a couple of weeks and it's an R&B and R&B and hip hop throwback event.

Speaker 2:

Me and Leanna have been out properly for about. I mean, we have in the last one, probably when I was a funeral, but before that was like 10 years ago, so I don't know how it's gonna be this time round who did you go with?

Speaker 1:

who did you go with? Who did you go with to Kings Cross, to this bar where they had a happy hour? Remember you asked me to drink my friend who's I think she's left the chat.

Speaker 2:

Now she's gone.

Speaker 1:

My friend who's, so she's originally from where I'm so we went there and they hit this Simmons bar they have a Nintendo, I guess it was the one.

Speaker 2:

2 pound 50 a drink.

Speaker 1:

I would have got there. That's a two chicken town. Yeah, I'd say I'd would be rasa Nintendo, but I lost four times to use. We'll see about that. I'm not that competitive anyway.

Speaker 1:

Can we talk about one more more person? I think he's huge on TikTok. I think I'm gonna pronounce a surname wrong, but Max Bolledge, you know who is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because he had an interesting video not that interesting, but he was in the underground. He was on YouTube in London I think it's from somewhere in the northwest and then he was mocking these, these two girls no one of them was proposing to the other one on a tube and he was mocking them because of that and the Twitter guys went crazy on Twitter. I know you don't have Twitter, but I'm telling you every single post was about him and about how awful he was, and I thought it was. It was a dick move. I thought he was a bit of a dick, but I don't think he should do. You think every time you post something, there's always hate about him, no matter what you post.

Speaker 2:

People are crazy, like I mean, you make one mistake. I think you should educate people before you try to cancel people. Yeah, people are rude and disgusting and stuff like that, but I think it's best to educate people before sending hate because I think sometimes, even when you send hate and send horrible messages, it's gonna spur people on more to send more hate and it says a lot more about you, not him, because I don't think he cares that much yeah, that's the thing I think he enjoys people giving him hate.

Speaker 2:

If you educate them a bit more, I think they'd be that they'd take it a bit more. But the hate is like yeah, I'm doing something right, like all right, danny, what I'm gonna do, I'm going to wait we had a. We had a thing we were gonna talk about, but I can't remember what it was you wanted to talk about those two women who killed someone there was that, yes, but then we were gonna talk about something before you but you brought something up, you know, I remember.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she had a corner that was it so he brought up Chelsea? Chelsea said she made a corner.

Speaker 1:

Let me just find which, by the way, I found a treatment, the media treatment again appalling, because everyone used to mock her, everyone used to not even paying attention to Chanel, kind of, and now she's.

Speaker 2:

She was like oh, such bush, by the way, they're right so when she came out, obviously she, she, she suffered badly with bipolar and I think, yeah, she was. She was suffered. But I think because she had bipolar and because she was so different to how poplices would make their artists behave. She didn't like that she, she wanted to be real. She was like say to her poplices no, no, no, I'm not gonna give off this fake aura of who I am. She would tell it how it is and I think people from that didn't like that. They were so used to seeing a groomed, prissy, happy person with her she. I mean, she went on what was it? Saturday night live and she ripped up a picture of the Pope and said fight the real enemy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't know it was on SNL, but still yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think it was something like SNL, yeah. And then what? Ten years later, that came out to be true, there was, so she was right, but people still didn't say sorry for that to her. She talked openly about bipolar struggles and people didn't really care, yeah. Then suddenly, when she died, everyone is like, yeah, we need to really talk about mental health like Caroline flag. I was like where were you guys ten years ago when she was?

Speaker 1:

yeah, do you remember? Do you remember when she went missing two, three years ago, I think, and people were feeling?

Speaker 2:

for her life in a motel.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, and that was the last I heard about her till recently, when she died yeah, that was.

Speaker 2:

That was a. That was a really, really hard video to watch. Did you watch it? The? There were a few where she was when she went to the motel, when she was she was.

Speaker 1:

I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

I don't think so that was a yeah, that was a heart. She was like crying her eyes out. She had obviously a bipolar break and it was just. It was hard to watch, but is that what you?

Speaker 1:

asked no, there's another video of her crying and saying she she'd lost hope in life because her son had died, killed himself, and that was really heartbreaking yeah, that means that, yeah, that I think that was the same sort of no, no, this was before that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because her son died a year literally before she did which is weird because it was the same with Ann and Nicole Smith yeah, yeah, that's another one.

Speaker 1:

Ann and Nicole Smith's son died a year just before she. She's another perfect example. Do you remember Ann and Nicole Smith's treatment by the media?

Speaker 2:

it's the same as Britney Spears like it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I fear for her, but what's up with Britney?

Speaker 2:

I love Britney and I love Britney, but she's not the Britney that we knew and it's quite sad she's. I think the ex-husband is exploited her, to be fair. But yeah, she does need help and I know this sounds really, really weird. I know that she was in that conservatorship with Ann and stuff like that. Do you think she needs it? I think now, looking back, yeah, he had some weird point. Yes, yeah, he should have let the rains go a little bit, but he kind of was like, okay, my daughter is ill.

Speaker 2:

My daughter is like she's got bipolar. She needs help.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think I think, yes, you're right, and I also think I don't know what to make about. About her husband, though I don't think he was in the wrong. I'm not sure. I've heard this is what the media is saying that he's asked for alimony, is asking her to pay for his divorce lawyers, and I'm not too sure why that is.

Speaker 2:

That's the media. I don't believe that.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't either, because I think it was kind of her driving force when she got out of the conservatorship. But I think her dad had a point. It's so weird.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that she was married to that guy for real.

Speaker 1:

I think that guy was just something for media, but I don't know what to believe anymore, because now Rumor has it that he's blackmailing her with some revelation, secrets and revelations that he has about her.

Speaker 2:

Whatever he has against her, I don't think anyone's going to care, because she's Britney Spears and he's nobody.

Speaker 1:

He's just a hot fitness guy, anyway Is that what he is. I don't know. I think he's a personal trainer. Yeah, I don't know, but anyway, yeah, so what I'm going to do? I'm going to wrap up my podcast. It's been a pleasure again talking to you and I'm going to join you very soon. And thanks for listening everyone. Make sure you all go follow Miguel.

Speaker 2:

You have all been live on our podcast or his podcast.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, so your questions have been answered, so thank you so much and just to clarify, the podcast is called Wine, as in W-H-I-N-E to Wine, about Something, wine and Dying. So it's to play with words and thanks for listening you.

Exploring Cancel Culture and Media Representation
Opinions on Remakes and Media Manipulation
Discussion on Alphaba and Controversies
Music, Celebrities, and Personal Opinions
Discussion on Celebrities and Media Treatment
Britney Spears and Rumored Blackmailer