Hands on Tarot
Hands on Tarot
Suits, Elements and Numerology Within the Minor Arcana
Hi!! Welcome to the first podcast of Hands on Tarot. There may be some kinks to work out as I go so I apologize in advance it if feels a bit choppy. It will just get better as I go along and learn by doing.
In this episode, I am going to cover the 4 suits and their elements along with the numerology of the cards Ace through 10. To follow along, seperate your cards into the 4 suits (swords, Wands, Cups & Pentacles) and from Ace to 10.
Deck Used: Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle
Practice What You Learned: 3 card spreads
Focus for the day / Unexpected twist / Guidance from the universe
Where you stand now / What you aspire to / How to get there
What worked well / What didn't work well / Key learnings
Book Recommendations:
The New Tarot Handbook by Rachel Pollack
The Key to Tarot by Sarah Bartlett
Intentional Tarot by Denise Hesselroth
Understanding Tarot by Liz Dean
I also have a video version of this podcast on YouTube
Questions or Comments:
Email: handsontarot@gmail.com
Website: www.susiegourlay.com
Instagram: @handsontarot & @woolly_witch
Thanks for tuning in. I see tarot in your future ;)