Hands on Tarot
Hands on Tarot
Shadow Work with the Tarot
In this episode, we will be looking at using tarot for Shadow Work. The 'shadow' is the side of your personality that contains all the parts of yourself that you don't want to admit to having, the parts that we're insecure about, ashamed of, or frustrated with and therefore repress. Shadow work is the practice of loving what is, and setting the shame and judgements free.
*The Tarot is a great tool for self-reflection but it does not replace professional help*
Decks Used: The Penumbra Tarot
The Muses of Tarot
Practice What You Learned:
- Try out these spreads I made for the Iron Pentacle, Rust Pentacle & Guilded Pentacle
- Create emotional stacks:
1) Pick a card with the image(s) that represent your present here and now feeling as you recall a difficult situation. Now scan for a “right now” feeling that underlies yours emotion and find a card that represents that.
2) Sink down deeper, can you find another feeling hidden beneath those two? Continue if you need to add more cards
Now look at this stack and what stands out to you? Journal your responses
Download the Penumbra Tarot Playlist on Spotify
Book Recommendations:
The Witches Eight Paths of Power - Lady Sable Aradia
Tarot at a Crossroads - Kooch Daniels & Victor Daniels
The Magic of the Iron Pentacle - Jane Meredith & Fio Gede Parma
Join my FREE Tarot Circle and get in on the discussion!
I also have a video version of this podcast on Youtube
Questions or Comments:
Email: handsontarot@gmail.com
Website: www.susiegourlay.com
Instagram: @handsontarot & @woolly_witch
Thanks for tuning in. I see tarot in your future ;)