The Omaha Bugle-Global News Network
The Omaha Bugle-Global News Network
Part Two: Interview with Chris Eddy, Candidate for Florida's 25th Congressional District
In the interest of helping to elect candidates who should not be locked up in rubber-walled rooms, Adam and Jeff continue their interview with Chris Eddy, Republican candidate for Florida's 25th Congressional district. They talk about the need to secure the southern border with Jeff pointing out that borders can be easily secured as shown by East Germany. Of course it is easier to deter would-be border crossers if you shoot them but Jeff and Adam and Chris agree that actual physical barriers coupled with economic disincentives to illegal entrants could solve the border issue very quickly. They also talk about the so-called "green theology" that seems to have infected the brains of many Washington politicians where taking economically idiotic measures such as mandating impossible efficiency standards on household appliances is the goal regardless of how many people are harmed by these policies. Chris reveals that people in his district are extremely frustrated by and distrustful of the government and its mismanagement of the economy. In particular, many voters are sick of the two-tiered system of justice in which conservatives are targeted for harassment and, in some cases, legal warfare.